2017-02-07 22:33:23 +01:00
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package discovery
import (
2017-04-07 11:49:53 +01:00
2017-02-07 22:33:23 +01:00
// UnstructuredObjectTyper provides a runtime.ObjectTyper implmentation for
// runtime.Unstructured object based on discovery information.
type UnstructuredObjectTyper struct {
registered map [ unversioned . GroupVersionKind ] bool
// NewUnstructuredObjectTyper returns a runtime.ObjectTyper for
// unstructred objects based on discovery information.
func NewUnstructuredObjectTyper ( groupResources [ ] * APIGroupResources ) * UnstructuredObjectTyper {
dot := & UnstructuredObjectTyper { registered : make ( map [ unversioned . GroupVersionKind ] bool ) }
for _ , group := range groupResources {
for _ , discoveryVersion := range group . Group . Versions {
resources , ok := group . VersionedResources [ discoveryVersion . Version ]
if ! ok {
gv := unversioned . GroupVersion { Group : group . Group . Name , Version : discoveryVersion . Version }
for _ , resource := range resources {
dot . registered [ gv . WithKind ( resource . Kind ) ] = true
return dot
// ObjectKind returns the group,version,kind of the provided object, or an error
// if the object in not *runtime.Unstructured or has no group,version,kind
// information.
func ( d * UnstructuredObjectTyper ) ObjectKind ( obj runtime . Object ) ( unversioned . GroupVersionKind , error ) {
if _ , ok := obj . ( * runtime . Unstructured ) ; ! ok {
return unversioned . GroupVersionKind { } , fmt . Errorf ( "type %T is invalid for dynamic object typer" , obj )
return obj . GetObjectKind ( ) . GroupVersionKind ( ) , nil
// ObjectKinds returns a slice of one element with the group,version,kind of the
// provided object, or an error if the object is not *runtime.Unstructured or
// has no group,version,kind information. unversionedType will always be false
// because runtime.Unstructured object should always have group,version,kind
// information set.
func ( d * UnstructuredObjectTyper ) ObjectKinds ( obj runtime . Object ) ( gvks [ ] unversioned . GroupVersionKind , unversionedType bool , err error ) {
gvk , err := d . ObjectKind ( obj )
if err != nil {
return nil , false , err
return [ ] unversioned . GroupVersionKind { gvk } , false , nil
// Recognizes returns true if the provided group,version,kind was in the
// discovery information.
func ( d * UnstructuredObjectTyper ) Recognizes ( gvk unversioned . GroupVersionKind ) bool {
return d . registered [ gvk ]
// IsUnversioned returns false always because *runtime.Unstructured objects
// should always have group,version,kind information set. ok will be true if the
// object's group,version,kind is registered.
func ( d * UnstructuredObjectTyper ) IsUnversioned ( obj runtime . Object ) ( unversioned bool , ok bool ) {
gvk , err := d . ObjectKind ( obj )
if err != nil {
return false , false
return false , d . registered [ gvk ]
var _ runtime . ObjectTyper = & UnstructuredObjectTyper { }