2023-02-03 15:24:05 +01:00
module github . com / traefik / traefik / v3
2019-08-03 03:58:23 +02:00
2024-08-28 15:00:06 +02:00
go 1.23 . 0
2019-08-03 03:58:23 +02:00
require (
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / BurntSushi / toml v1 . 4.0
2023-01-23 09:34:04 +01:00
github . com / Masterminds / sprig / v3 v3 . 2.3
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
github . com / abbot / go - http - auth v0 . 0.0 - 00010101000000 - 000000000000 / / No tag on the repo .
2023-11-29 12:20:57 +01:00
github . com / andybalholm / brotli v1 . 0.6
2023-10-27 09:14:05 +02:00
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go v1 . 44.327
2024-06-04 11:04:04 +03:00
github . com / cenkalti / backoff / v4 v4 . 3.0
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / containous / alice v0 . 0.0 - 20181107144136 - d83ebdd94cbd / / No tag on the repo .
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
github . com / coreos / go - systemd v0 . 0.0 - 20190321100706 - 95778 dfbb74e / / No tag on the repo .
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / coreos / go - systemd / v22 v22 . 5.0
2024-07-31 16:20:04 +02:00
github . com / docker / cli v27 . 1.1 + incompatible
github . com / docker / docker v27 . 1.1 + incompatible
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
github . com / docker / go - connections v0 . 5.0
2019-08-03 03:58:23 +02:00
github . com / fatih / structs v1 . 1.0
2024-01-02 20:58:06 +01:00
github . com / fsnotify / fsnotify v1 . 7.0
2024-09-02 15:42:05 +02:00
github . com / go - acme / lego / v4 v4 . 18.0
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / go - kit / kit v0 . 13.0
github . com / go - kit / log v0 . 2.1
2024-06-04 11:04:04 +03:00
github . com / golang / protobuf v1 . 5.4
2019-12-12 17:48:05 +01:00
github . com / google / go - github / v28 v28 . 1.1
2024-07-31 16:20:04 +02:00
github . com / gorilla / mux v1 . 8.1
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
github . com / gorilla / websocket v1 . 5.1
2023-11-09 16:58:06 +01:00
github . com / hashicorp / consul / api v1 . 26.1
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - hclog v1 . 6.3
2021-07-15 17:32:11 +05:30
github . com / hashicorp / go - multierror v1 . 1.1
2024-06-13 10:22:18 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - retryablehttp v0 . 7.7
2022-10-04 12:36:09 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - version v1 . 6.0
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / nomad / api v0 . 0.0 - 20240122103822 - 8 a4bd61caf74 / / No tag on the repo .
2024-02-27 14:22:04 +01:00
github . com / http - wasm / http - wasm - host - go v0 . 6.0
2022-02-09 17:32:12 +03:00
github . com / influxdata / influxdb - client - go / v2 v2 . 7.0
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / influxdata / influxdb1 - client v0 . 0.0 - 20200827194710 - b269163b24ab / / No tag on the repo .
2024-09-30 11:56:04 +02:00
github . com / klauspost / compress v1 . 17.11 - 0.20240927175842 - 8 e14b1b5a913 / / Required to have the content - type fix : https : / / github . com / klauspost / compress / pull / 1011
2022-10-13 15:34:09 +02:00
github . com / kvtools / consul v1 . 0.2
github . com / kvtools / etcdv3 v1 . 0.2
2024-01-02 16:16:05 +01:00
github . com / kvtools / redis v1 . 1.0
2022-09-12 17:40:09 +02:00
github . com / kvtools / valkeyrie v1 . 0.0
2022-10-13 15:34:09 +02:00
github . com / kvtools / zookeeper v1 . 0.2
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / mailgun / ttlmap v0 . 0.0 - 20170619185759 - c1c17f74874f / / No tag on the repo .
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / miekg / dns v1 . 1.59
2022-11-29 15:34:05 +01:00
github . com / mitchellh / copystructure v1 . 2.0
2019-08-03 03:58:23 +02:00
github . com / mitchellh / hashstructure v1 . 0.0
2022-10-04 12:36:09 +02:00
github . com / mitchellh / mapstructure v1 . 5.0
2019-08-03 03:58:23 +02:00
github . com / patrickmn / go - cache v2 . 1.0 + incompatible
2021-10-04 17:54:10 +02:00
github . com / pires / go - proxyproto v0 . 6.1
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / pmezard / go - difflib v1 . 0.1 - 0.20181226105442 - 5 d4384ee4fb2 / / No tag on the repo .
2024-07-02 10:48:04 +02:00
github . com / prometheus / client_golang v1 . 19.1
2024-01-09 10:28:05 +01:00
github . com / prometheus / client_model v0 . 5.0
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
github . com / quic - go / quic - go v0 . 47.0
2024-01-08 10:10:06 +02:00
github . com / rs / zerolog v1 . 29.0
2023-08-08 14:48:05 +02:00
github . com / sirupsen / logrus v1 . 9.3
2022-10-14 17:16:08 +02:00
github . com / spiffe / go - spiffe / v2 v2 . 1.1
2024-06-25 09:58:04 +02:00
github . com / stealthrocket / wasi - go v0 . 8.0
github . com / stealthrocket / wazergo v0 . 19.1
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
github . com / stretchr / testify v1 . 9.0
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / stvp / go - udp - testing v0 . 0.0 - 20191102171040 - 06 b61409b154 / / No tag on the repo .
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
github . com / tailscale / tscert v0 . 0.0 - 20230806124524 - 28 a91b69a046 / / No tag on the repo .
github . com / testcontainers / testcontainers - go v0 . 32.0
github . com / testcontainers / testcontainers - go / modules / k3s v0 . 32.0
2024-06-25 09:58:04 +02:00
github . com / tetratelabs / wazero v1 . 7.2
2024-01-08 10:10:06 +02:00
github . com / tidwall / gjson v1 . 17.0
2023-08-08 14:48:05 +02:00
github . com / traefik / grpc - web v0 . 16.0
2024-08-29 10:54:05 +02:00
github . com / traefik / paerser v0 . 2.1
2024-04-03 18:46:03 +02:00
github . com / traefik / yaegi v0 . 16.1
2020-02-24 16:06:05 +01:00
github . com / unrolled / render v1 . 0.2
2021-06-21 21:16:13 +08:00
github . com / unrolled / secure v1 . 0.9
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / vulcand / oxy / v2 v2 . 0.0
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / vulcand / predicate v1 . 2.0
2024-06-27 14:14:03 +02:00
go . opentelemetry . io / collector / pdata v1 . 10.0
2024-07-04 23:28:05 +09:00
go . opentelemetry . io / contrib / propagators / autoprop v0 . 53.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / exporters / otlp / otlpmetric / otlpmetricgrpc v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / exporters / otlp / otlpmetric / otlpmetrichttp v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / exporters / otlp / otlptrace v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / exporters / otlp / otlptrace / otlptracegrpc v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / exporters / otlp / otlptrace / otlptracehttp v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / metric v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / sdk v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / sdk / metric v1 . 28.0
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / trace v1 . 28.0
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
golang . org / x / exp v0 . 0.0 - 20240909161429 - 701 f63a606c0 / / No tag on the repo .
golang . org / x / mod v0 . 21.0
golang . org / x / net v0 . 29.0
2024-09-19 14:08:30 +02:00
golang . org / x / sys v0 . 25.0
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
golang . org / x / text v0 . 18.0
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
golang . org / x / time v0 . 5.0
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
golang . org / x / tools v0 . 25.0
2024-07-26 09:30:04 +02:00
google . golang . org / grpc v1 . 64.1
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
gopkg . in / natefinch / lumberjack . v2 v2 . 2.1
2022-07-04 15:50:09 +02:00
gopkg . in / yaml . v3 v3 . 0.1
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
k8s . io / api v0 . 30.0
k8s . io / apiextensions - apiserver v0 . 30.0
k8s . io / apimachinery v0 . 30.0
k8s . io / client - go v0 . 30.0
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
k8s . io / utils v0 . 0.0 - 20240423183400 - 0849 a56e8f22 / / No tag on the repo .
2023-09-26 08:28:25 +02:00
mvdan . cc / xurls / v2 v2 . 5.0
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
sigs . k8s . io / controller - runtime v0 . 18.0
sigs . k8s . io / gateway - api v1 . 1.0
2024-06-26 16:30:05 +02:00
sigs . k8s . io / yaml v1 . 4.0
2019-08-03 03:58:23 +02:00
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
require (
2024-06-04 11:04:04 +03:00
cloud . google . com / go / compute / metadata v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
dario . cat / mergo v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2023-07-20 14:36:07 +02:00
github . com / AdamSLevy / jsonrpc2 / v14 v14 . 1.0 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / azure - sdk - for - go v68 . 0.0 + incompatible / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / Azure / azure - sdk - for - go / sdk / azcore v1 . 12.0 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / azure - sdk - for - go / sdk / azidentity v1 . 6.0 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / azure - sdk - for - go / sdk / internal v1 . 9.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / Azure / azure - sdk - for - go / sdk / resourcemanager / dns / armdns v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / azure - sdk - for - go / sdk / resourcemanager / privatedns / armprivatedns v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / azure - sdk - for - go / sdk / resourcemanager / resourcegraph / armresourcegraph v0 . 9.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / Azure / go - ansiterm v0 . 0.0 - 20210617225240 - d185dfc1b5a1 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / go - autorest v14 . 2.0 + incompatible / / indirect
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / Azure / go - autorest / autorest v0 . 11.29 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / go - autorest / autorest / adal v0 . 9.22 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / Azure / go - autorest / autorest / azure / auth v0 . 5.13 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / go - autorest / autorest / azure / cli v0 . 4.6 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / Azure / go - autorest / autorest / date v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / go - autorest / autorest / to v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / go - autorest / logger v0 . 2.1 / / indirect
github . com / Azure / go - autorest / tracing v0 . 6.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / AzureAD / microsoft - authentication - library - for - go v1 . 2.2 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / HdrHistogram / hdrhistogram - go v1 . 1.2 / / indirect
github . com / Masterminds / goutils v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
2024-01-05 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / Masterminds / semver / v3 v3 . 2.1 / / indirect
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
github . com / Microsoft / go - winio v0 . 6.2 / / indirect
2024-07-31 16:20:04 +02:00
github . com / Microsoft / hcsshim v0 . 11.7 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / OpenDNS / vegadns2client v0 . 0.0 - 20180418235048 - a3fa4a771d87 / / indirect
github . com / VividCortex / gohistogram v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2023-07-20 14:36:07 +02:00
github . com / akamai / AkamaiOPEN - edgegrid - golang v1 . 2.2 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / aliyun / alibaba - cloud - sdk - go v1 . 62.712 / / indirect
2023-10-27 09:14:05 +02:00
github . com / armon / go - metrics v0 . 4.1 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 v1 . 27.2 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / config v1 . 27.18 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / credentials v1 . 17.18 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / feature / ec2 / imds v1 . 16.5 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / internal / configsources v1 . 3.9 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / internal / endpoints / v2 v2 . 6.9 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / internal / ini v1 . 8.0 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / service / internal / accept - encoding v1 . 11.2 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / service / internal / presigned - url v1 . 11.11 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / service / lightsail v1 . 38.3 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / service / route53 v1 . 40.10 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / service / sso v1 . 20.11 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / service / ssooidc v1 . 24.5 / / indirect
github . com / aws / aws - sdk - go - v2 / service / sts v1 . 28.12 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / aws / smithy - go v1 . 20.2 / / indirect
github . com / benbjohnson / clock v1 . 3.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / beorn7 / perks v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
github . com / boombuler / barcode v1 . 0.1 - 0.20190219062509 - 6 c824513bacc / / indirect
2024-01-10 10:47:44 +01:00
github . com / bytedance / sonic v1 . 10.0 / / indirect
2023-05-03 10:20:05 +02:00
github . com / cespare / xxhash / v2 v2 . 2.0 / / indirect
2022-10-04 12:36:09 +02:00
github . com / civo / civogo v0 . 3.11 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / cloudflare / cloudflare - go v0 . 97.0 / / indirect
2024-07-31 16:20:04 +02:00
github . com / containerd / containerd v1 . 7.20 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
github . com / containerd / log v0 . 1.0 / / indirect
2024-07-31 16:20:04 +02:00
github . com / containerd / platforms v0 . 2.1 / / indirect
2024-01-09 10:28:05 +01:00
github . com / coreos / go - semver v0 . 3.1 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / cpu / goacmedns v0 . 1.1 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
github . com / cpuguy83 / dockercfg v0 . 3.1 / / indirect
2024-07-19 14:52:04 +02:00
github . com / davecgh / go - spew v1 . 1.2 - 0.20180830191138 - d8f796af33cc / / indirect
2022-10-04 12:36:09 +02:00
github . com / deepmap / oapi - codegen v1 . 9.1 / / indirect
2022-10-27 17:34:06 +02:00
github . com / desertbit / timer v0 . 0.0 - 20180107155436 - c41aec40b27f / / indirect
2022-08-11 15:42:07 +02:00
github . com / dgryski / go - rendezvous v0 . 0.0 - 20200823014737 - 9 f7001d12a5f / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / dimchansky / utfbom v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
github . com / distribution / reference v0 . 6.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / dnsimple / dnsimple - go v1 . 7.0 / / indirect
2024-01-05 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / docker / go - units v0 . 5.0 / / indirect
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
github . com / emicklei / go - restful / v3 v3 . 12.0 / / indirect
2024-01-09 10:28:05 +01:00
github . com / evanphx / json - patch v5 . 7.0 + incompatible / / indirect
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
github . com / evanphx / json - patch / v5 v5 . 9.0 / / indirect
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / exoscale / egoscale v0 . 102.3 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / fatih / color v1 . 16.0 / / indirect
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
github . com / felixge / httpsnoop v1 . 0.4 / / indirect
2022-10-04 12:36:09 +02:00
github . com / ghodss / yaml v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2024-01-10 10:47:44 +01:00
github . com / gin - gonic / gin v1 . 9.1 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / go - errors / errors v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / go - jose / go - jose / v4 v4 . 0.2 / / indirect
2022-07-07 18:00:09 +02:00
github . com / go - logfmt / logfmt v0 . 5.1 / / indirect
2024-06-27 14:14:03 +02:00
github . com / go - logr / logr v1 . 4.2 / / indirect
2022-11-29 15:34:05 +01:00
github . com / go - logr / stdr v1 . 2.2 / / indirect
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
github . com / go - logr / zapr v1 . 3.0 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
github . com / go - ole / go - ole v1 . 2.6 / / indirect
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
github . com / go - openapi / jsonpointer v0 . 21.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / jsonreference v0 . 21.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / swag v0 . 23.0 / / indirect
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / go - resty / resty / v2 v2 . 11.0 / / indirect
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
github . com / go - task / slim - sprig / v3 v3 . 0.0 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / go - viper / mapstructure / v2 v2 . 0.0 / / indirect
2022-09-12 17:40:09 +02:00
github . com / go - zookeeper / zk v1 . 0.3 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / goccy / go - json v0 . 10.3 / / indirect
2024-07-31 16:20:04 +02:00
github . com / gofrs / flock v0 . 12.0 / / indirect
2024-01-10 10:47:44 +01:00
github . com / gofrs / uuid v4 . 4.0 + incompatible / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / gogo / protobuf v1 . 3.2 / / indirect
2023-07-20 14:36:07 +02:00
github . com / golang - jwt / jwt / v4 v4 . 5.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / golang - jwt / jwt / v5 v5 . 2.1 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / golang / groupcache v0 . 0.0 - 20210331224755 - 41 bb18bfe9da / / indirect
2024-01-09 10:28:05 +01:00
github . com / google / gnostic - models v0 . 6.8 / / indirect
2024-01-08 10:10:06 +02:00
github . com / google / go - cmp v0 . 6.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / google / go - querystring v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
github . com / google / gofuzz v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
github . com / google / pprof v0 . 0.0 - 20240910150728 - a0b0bb1d4134 / / indirect
2024-02-26 15:22:04 +01:00
github . com / google / s2a - go v0 . 1.7 / / indirect
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
github . com / google / uuid v1 . 6.0 / / indirect
2024-02-26 15:22:04 +01:00
github . com / googleapis / enterprise - certificate - proxy v0 . 3.2 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / googleapis / gax - go / v2 v2 . 12.3 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / gophercloud / gophercloud v1 . 12.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / gophercloud / utils v0 . 0.0 - 20231010081019 - 80377 eca5d56 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / gravitational / trace v1 . 1.16 - 0.20220114165159 - 14 a9a7dd6aaf / / indirect
2024-06-04 11:04:04 +03:00
github . com / grpc - ecosystem / grpc - gateway / v2 v2 . 20.0 / / indirect
2024-01-12 14:22:05 +01:00
github . com / hashicorp / cronexpr v1 . 1.2 / / indirect
2022-06-16 17:54:08 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / errwrap v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
2022-06-10 11:32:08 -05:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - cleanhttp v0 . 5.2 / / indirect
2022-06-16 17:54:08 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - immutable - radix v1 . 3.1 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - rootcerts v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / go - uuid v1 . 0.3 / / indirect
2023-10-27 09:14:05 +02:00
github . com / hashicorp / golang - lru v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
github . com / hashicorp / serf v0 . 10.1 / / indirect
2024-08-29 10:54:05 +02:00
github . com / huandu / xstrings v1 . 5.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / iij / doapi v0 . 0.0 - 20190504054126 - 0 bbf12d6d7df / / indirect
2024-01-09 10:28:05 +01:00
github . com / imdario / mergo v0 . 3.16 / / indirect
2022-05-24 17:29:22 +02:00
github . com / influxdata / line - protocol v0 . 0.0 - 20200327222509 - 2487 e7298839 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / infobloxopen / infoblox - go - client v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
github . com / jmespath / go - jmespath v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
2024-01-05 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / jonboulle / clockwork v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
2022-06-16 17:54:08 +02:00
github . com / josharian / intern v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2022-06-02 13:00:08 +02:00
github . com / json - iterator / go v1 . 1.12 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / k0kubun / go - ansi v0 . 0.0 - 20180517002512 - 3 bf9e2903213 / / indirect
2024-01-10 10:47:44 +01:00
github . com / klauspost / cpuid / v2 v2 . 2.5 / / indirect
2023-07-20 14:36:07 +02:00
github . com / kolo / xmlrpc v0 . 0.0 - 20220921171641 - a4b6fa1dd06b / / indirect
github . com / kylelemons / godebug v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / labbsr0x / bindman - dns - webhook v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
github . com / labbsr0x / goh v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / linode / linodego v1 . 28.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / liquidweb / liquidweb - cli v0 . 6.9 / / indirect
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / liquidweb / liquidweb - go v1 . 6.4 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
github . com / lufia / plan9stats v0 . 0.0 - 20211012122336 - 39 d0f177ccd0 / / indirect
github . com / magiconair / properties v1 . 8.7 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / mailgun / minheap v0 . 0.0 - 20170619185613 - 3 dbe6c6bf55f / / indirect
2022-05-11 09:12:08 +02:00
github . com / mailgun / multibuf v0 . 1.2 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / mailgun / timetools v0 . 0.0 - 20141028012446 - 7 e6055773c51 / / indirect
2022-06-16 17:54:08 +02:00
github . com / mailru / easyjson v0 . 7.7 / / indirect
2023-10-27 09:14:05 +02:00
github . com / mattn / go - colorable v0 . 1.13 / / indirect
github . com / mattn / go - isatty v0 . 0.20 / / indirect
2023-07-20 14:36:07 +02:00
github . com / mimuret / golang - iij - dpf v0 . 9.1 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / mitchellh / go - homedir v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
2022-09-30 15:20:08 +02:00
github . com / mitchellh / go - ps v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2022-11-29 15:34:05 +01:00
github . com / mitchellh / reflectwalk v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
2024-07-22 09:34:51 +02:00
github . com / moby / docker - image - spec v1 . 3.1 / / indirect
2024-01-05 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / moby / patternmatcher v0 . 6.0 / / indirect
2024-01-22 15:30:05 +01:00
github . com / moby / spdystream v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
2024-01-05 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / moby / sys / sequential v0 . 5.0 / / indirect
2024-07-31 16:20:04 +02:00
github . com / moby / sys / user v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
2024-01-05 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / moby / term v0 . 5.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / modern - go / concurrent v0 . 0.0 - 20180306012644 - bacd9c7ef1dd / / indirect
2022-06-02 13:00:08 +02:00
github . com / modern - go / reflect2 v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / morikuni / aec v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2022-11-29 15:34:05 +01:00
github . com / munnerz / goautoneg v0 . 0.0 - 20191010083416 - a7dc8b61c822 / / indirect
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
github . com / mxk / go - flowrate v0 . 0.0 - 20140419014527 - cca7078d478f / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / namedotcom / go v0 . 0.0 - 20180403034216 - 08470 befbe04 / / indirect
2022-10-04 12:36:09 +02:00
github . com / nrdcg / auroradns v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / nrdcg / bunny - go v0 . 0.0 - 20240207213615 - dde5bf4577a3 / / indirect
github . com / nrdcg / desec v0 . 8.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / nrdcg / dnspod - go v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
github . com / nrdcg / freemyip v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / nrdcg / goinwx v0 . 10.0 / / indirect
2024-03-11 09:18:03 +01:00
github . com / nrdcg / mailinabox v0 . 2.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / nrdcg / namesilo v0 . 2.1 / / indirect
2023-05-03 10:20:05 +02:00
github . com / nrdcg / nodion v0 . 1.0 / / indirect
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / nrdcg / porkbun v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
2023-07-20 14:36:07 +02:00
github . com / nzdjb / go - metaname v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2024-01-02 16:16:05 +01:00
github . com / onsi / ginkgo v1 . 16.5 / / indirect
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
github . com / onsi / ginkgo / v2 v2 . 20.2 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / opencontainers / go - digest v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
github . com / opencontainers / image - spec v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
2024-06-04 23:58:38 +02:00
github . com / opentracing / opentracing - go v1 . 2.1 - 0.20220228012449 - 10 b1cf09e00b / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / oracle / oci - go - sdk / v65 v65 . 63.1 / / indirect
github . com / ovh / go - ovh v1 . 5.1 / / indirect
2024-01-10 10:47:44 +01:00
github . com / pelletier / go - toml / v2 v2 . 0.9 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / pkg / browser v0 . 0.0 - 20240102092130 - 5 ac0b6a4141c / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / pkg / errors v0 . 9.1 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
github . com / power - devops / perfstat v0 . 0.0 - 20210106213030 - 5 aafc221ea8c / / indirect
2023-07-20 14:36:07 +02:00
github . com / pquerna / otp v1 . 4.0 / / indirect
2024-07-02 10:48:04 +02:00
github . com / prometheus / common v0 . 48.0 / / indirect
2024-07-31 16:20:04 +02:00
github . com / prometheus / procfs v0 . 15.1 / / indirect
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
github . com / quic - go / qpack v0 . 5.1 / / indirect
2024-01-02 16:16:05 +01:00
github . com / redis / go - redis / v9 v9 . 2.1 / / indirect
2022-10-27 17:34:06 +02:00
github . com / rs / cors v1 . 7.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / sacloud / api - client - go v0 . 2.10 / / indirect
github . com / sacloud / go - http v0 . 1.8 / / indirect
github . com / sacloud / iaas - api - go v1 . 12.0 / / indirect
github . com / sacloud / packages - go v0 . 0.10 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / scaleway / scaleway - sdk - go v1 . 0.0 - beta . 27 / / indirect
github . com / selectel / domains - go v1 . 1.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / selectel / go - selvpcclient / v3 v3 . 1.1 / / indirect
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
github . com / shirou / gopsutil / v3 v3 . 23.12 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
github . com / shoenig / go - m1cpu v0 . 1.6 / / indirect
2024-08-29 10:54:05 +02:00
github . com / shopspring / decimal v1 . 4.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / smartystreets / go - aws - auth v0 . 0.0 - 20180515143844 - 0 c1422d1fdb9 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
github . com / softlayer / softlayer - go v1 . 1.5 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / softlayer / xmlrpc v0 . 0.0 - 20200409220501 - 5 f089df7cb7e / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / sony / gobreaker v0 . 5.0 / / indirect
2024-08-29 10:54:05 +02:00
github . com / spf13 / cast v1 . 7.0 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / spf13 / pflag v1 . 0.5 / / indirect
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
github . com / stretchr / objx v0 . 5.2 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / tencentcloud / tencentcloud - sdk - go / tencentcloud / common v1 . 0.898 / / indirect
github . com / tencentcloud / tencentcloud - sdk - go / tencentcloud / dnspod v1 . 0.898 / / indirect
2024-01-08 10:10:06 +02:00
github . com / tidwall / match v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
2024-01-10 10:47:44 +01:00
github . com / tidwall / pretty v1 . 2.1 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
github . com / tklauser / go - sysconf v0 . 3.12 / / indirect
github . com / tklauser / numcpus v0 . 6.1 / / indirect
2024-01-29 15:10:05 +01:00
github . com / transip / gotransip / v6 v6 . 23.0 / / indirect
github . com / ultradns / ultradns - go - sdk v1 . 6.1 - 20231103022937 - 8589 b6a / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
github . com / vinyldns / go - vinyldns v0 . 9.16 / / indirect
2024-09-02 15:42:05 +02:00
github . com / vultr / govultr / v3 v3 . 9.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
github . com / yandex - cloud / go - genproto v0 . 0.0 - 20240318083951 - 4 fe6125f286e / / indirect
github . com / yandex - cloud / go - sdk v0 . 0.0 - 20240318084659 - dfa50323a0b4 / / indirect
2024-01-09 17:00:07 +01:00
github . com / yusufpapurcu / wmi v1 . 2.3 / / indirect
2022-10-14 17:16:08 +02:00
github . com / zeebo / errs v1 . 2.2 / / indirect
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
go . etcd . io / etcd / api / v3 v3 . 5.10 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / pkg / v3 v3 . 5.10 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / v3 v3 . 5.10 / / indirect
2023-05-03 10:20:05 +02:00
go . opencensus . io v0 . 24.0 / / indirect
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
go . opentelemetry . io / contrib / instrumentation / net / http / otelhttp v0 . 49.0 / / indirect
2024-07-04 23:28:05 +09:00
go . opentelemetry . io / contrib / propagators / aws v1 . 28.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / contrib / propagators / b3 v1 . 28.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / contrib / propagators / jaeger v1 . 28.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / contrib / propagators / ot v1 . 28.0 / / indirect
2024-06-27 14:14:03 +02:00
go . opentelemetry . io / proto / otlp v1 . 3.1 / / indirect
2023-10-27 09:14:05 +02:00
go . uber . org / atomic v1 . 11.0 / / indirect
2024-04-05 15:14:04 +02:00
go . uber . org / mock v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
2024-01-09 10:28:05 +01:00
go . uber . org / multierr v1 . 11.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
go . uber . org / ratelimit v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
2024-01-09 10:28:05 +01:00
go . uber . org / zap v1 . 26.0 / / indirect
2024-01-10 10:47:44 +01:00
golang . org / x / arch v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
golang . org / x / crypto v0 . 27.0 / / indirect
2024-06-12 09:08:03 +02:00
golang . org / x / oauth2 v0 . 21.0 / / indirect
2024-08-29 10:54:05 +02:00
golang . org / x / sync v0 . 8.0 / / indirect
2024-09-19 11:36:04 +02:00
golang . org / x / term v0 . 24.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
google . golang . org / api v0 . 172.0 / / indirect
google . golang . org / genproto v0 . 0.0 - 20240227224415 - 6 ceb2ff114de / / indirect
2024-07-04 23:28:05 +09:00
google . golang . org / genproto / googleapis / api v0 . 0.0 - 20240701130421 - f6361c86f094 / / indirect
google . golang . org / genproto / googleapis / rpc v0 . 0.0 - 20240701130421 - f6361c86f094 / / indirect
2024-06-27 14:14:03 +02:00
google . golang . org / protobuf v1 . 34.2 / / indirect
2024-01-08 10:10:06 +02:00
gopkg . in / h2non / gock . v1 v1 . 0.16 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
gopkg . in / inf . v0 v0 . 9.1 / / indirect
2023-07-20 14:36:07 +02:00
gopkg . in / ini . v1 v1 . 67.0 / / indirect
2024-05-29 09:16:07 +02:00
gopkg . in / ns1 / ns1 - go . v2 v2 . 9.1 / / indirect
2023-02-15 11:29:28 +01:00
gopkg . in / square / go - jose . v2 v2 . 5.1 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
gopkg . in / yaml . v2 v2 . 4.0 / / indirect
2024-06-22 05:46:03 +02:00
k8s . io / klog / v2 v2 . 120.1 / / indirect
k8s . io / kube - openapi v0 . 0.0 - 20240423202451 - 8948 a665c108 / / indirect
2022-11-03 16:30:08 +01:00
nhooyr . io / websocket v1 . 8.7 / / indirect
2024-01-09 10:28:05 +01:00
sigs . k8s . io / json v0 . 0.0 - 20221116044647 - bc3834ca7abd / / indirect
2024-04-17 15:22:04 +02:00
sigs . k8s . io / structured - merge - diff / v4 v4 . 4.1 / / indirect
2022-05-10 09:36:08 +02:00
2019-08-03 03:58:23 +02:00
// Containous forks
replace (
2020-03-25 14:28:04 +01:00
github . com / abbot / go - http - auth = > github . com / containous / go - http - auth v0 . 4.1 - 0.20200324110947 - a37a7636d23e
2022-06-27 15:16:08 +02:00
github . com / gorilla / mux = > github . com / containous / mux v0 . 0.0 - 20220627093034 - b2dd784e613f
2019-08-03 03:58:23 +02:00
github . com / mailgun / minheap = > github . com / containous / minheap v0 . 0.0 - 20190809180810 - 6 e71eb837595
2021-11-25 10:10:06 +00:00
2022-01-20 09:38:07 +01:00
// ambiguous import: found package github.com/tencentcloud/tencentcloud-sdk-go/tencentcloud/common/http in multiple modules
// tencentcloud uses monorepo with multimodule but the go.mod files are incomplete.
exclude github . com / tencentcloud / tencentcloud - sdk - go v3 . 0.83 + incompatible
2024-01-05 15:10:05 +01:00
2024-09-16 11:12:04 +02:00
// Replace to handle new wasmexport in official go and wazergo for http calls.
2024-06-25 09:58:04 +02:00
replace github . com / http - wasm / http - wasm - host - go = > github . com / traefik / http - wasm - host - go v0 . 0.0 - 20240618100324 - 3 c53dcaa1a70