mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 05:47:13 +03:00
Improve Prometheus metrics removal
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,25 +36,18 @@ const (
backendServerUpName = metricNamePrefix + "backend_server_up"
const (
// generationAgeForever indicates that a metric never gets outdated.
generationAgeForever = 0
// generationAgeDefault is the default age of three generations.
generationAgeDefault = 3
// promState holds all metric state internally and acts as the only Collector we register for Prometheus.
// This enables control to remove metrics that belong to outdated configuration.
// As an example why this is required, consider Traefik learns about a new service.
// It populates the 'traefik_server_backend_up' metric for it with a value of 1 (alive).
// When the backend is undeployed now the metric is still there in the client library
// and will be until Traefik would be restarted.
// and will be returned on the metrics endpoint until Traefik would be restarted.
// To solve this problem promState keeps track of configuration generations.
// Every time a new configuration is loaded, the generation is increased by one.
// Metrics that "belong" to a dynamic configuration part of Traefik (e.g. backend, entrypoint)
// are removed, given they were tracked more than 3 generations ago.
// To solve this problem promState keeps track of Traefik's dynamic configuration.
// Metrics that "belong" to a dynamic configuration part like backends or entrypoints
// are removed after they were scraped at least once when the corresponding object
// doesn't exist anymore.
var promState = newPrometheusState()
// PrometheusHandler exposes Prometheus routes.
@ -163,40 +156,66 @@ func RegisterPrometheus(config *types.Prometheus) Registry {
// OnConfigurationUpdate increases the current generation of the prometheus state.
func OnConfigurationUpdate() {
// OnConfigurationUpdate receives the current configuration from Traefik.
// It then converts the configuration to the optimized package internal format
// and sets it to the promState.
func OnConfigurationUpdate(configurations types.Configurations) {
dynamicConfig := newDynamicConfig()
for _, config := range configurations {
for _, frontend := range config.Frontends {
for _, entrypointName := range frontend.EntryPoints {
dynamicConfig.entrypoints[entrypointName] = true
for backendName, backend := range config.Backends {
dynamicConfig.backends[backendName] = make(map[string]bool)
for _, server := range backend.Servers {
dynamicConfig.backends[backendName][server.URL] = true
func newPrometheusState() *prometheusState {
collectors := make(chan *collector)
state := make(map[string]*collector)
return &prometheusState{
collectors: collectors,
state: state,
collectors: make(chan *collector),
dynamicConfig: newDynamicConfig(),
state: make(map[string]*collector),
type prometheusState struct {
currentGeneration int
collectors chan *collector
describers []func(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc)
collectors chan *collector
describers []func(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc)
mtx sync.Mutex
state map[string]*collector
mtx sync.Mutex
dynamicConfig *dynamicConfig
state map[string]*collector
func (ps *prometheusState) IncGeneration() {
// reset is a utility method for unit testing. It should be called after each
// test run that changes promState internally in order to avoid dependencies
// between unit tests.
func (ps *prometheusState) reset() {
ps.collectors = make(chan *collector)
ps.describers = []func(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc){}
ps.dynamicConfig = newDynamicConfig()
ps.state = make(map[string]*collector)
func (ps *prometheusState) SetDynamicConfig(dynamicConfig *dynamicConfig) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
ps.dynamicConfig = dynamicConfig
func (ps *prometheusState) ListenValueUpdates() {
for collector := range ps.collectors {
collector.lastTrackedGeneration = ps.currentGeneration
ps.state[collector.id] = collector
@ -212,42 +231,89 @@ func (ps *prometheusState) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) {
// Collect implements prometheus.Collector. It calls the Collect
// method of all metrics it received on the collectors channel.
// It's also responsible to remove metrics that were tracked
// at least three generations ago. Those metrics are cleaned up
// after the Collect of them were called.
// It's also responsible to remove metrics that belong to an outdated configuration.
// The removal happens only after their Collect method was called to ensure that
// also those metrics will be exported on the current scrape.
func (ps *prometheusState) Collect(ch chan<- stdprometheus.Metric) {
defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
outdatedKeys := []string{}
var outdatedKeys []string
for key, cs := range ps.state {
if cs.maxAge == generationAgeForever {
if ps.currentGeneration-cs.lastTrackedGeneration >= cs.maxAge {
if ps.isOutdated(cs) {
outdatedKeys = append(outdatedKeys, key)
for _, key := range outdatedKeys {
delete(ps.state, key)
func newCollector(metricName string, lnvs labelNamesValues, c stdprometheus.Collector) *collector {
maxAge := generationAgeDefault
// isOutdated checks whether the passed collector has labels that mark
// it as belonging to an outdated configuration of Traefik.
func (ps *prometheusState) isOutdated(collector *collector) bool {
labels := collector.labels
// metrics without labels should never become outdated
if len(lnvs) == 0 {
maxAge = generationAgeForever
if entrypointName, ok := labels["entrypoint"]; ok && !ps.dynamicConfig.hasEntrypoint(entrypointName) {
return true
if backendName, ok := labels["backend"]; ok {
if !ps.dynamicConfig.hasBackend(backendName) {
return true
if url, ok := labels["url"]; ok && !ps.dynamicConfig.hasServerURL(backendName, url) {
return true
return false
func newDynamicConfig() *dynamicConfig {
return &dynamicConfig{
entrypoints: make(map[string]bool),
backends: make(map[string]map[string]bool),
// dynamicConfig holds the current configuration for entrypoints, backends,
// and server URLs in an optimized way to check for existence. This provides
// a performant way to check whether the collected metrics belong to the
// current configuration or to an outdated one.
type dynamicConfig struct {
entrypoints map[string]bool
backends map[string]map[string]bool
func (d *dynamicConfig) hasEntrypoint(entrypointName string) bool {
_, ok := d.entrypoints[entrypointName]
return ok
func (d *dynamicConfig) hasBackend(backendName string) bool {
_, ok := d.backends[backendName]
return ok
func (d *dynamicConfig) hasServerURL(backendName, serverURL string) bool {
if backend, hasBackend := d.backends[backendName]; hasBackend {
_, ok := backend[serverURL]
return ok
return false
func newCollector(metricName string, labels stdprometheus.Labels, c stdprometheus.Collector, delete func()) *collector {
return &collector{
id: buildMetricID(metricName, lnvs),
maxAge: maxAge,
id: buildMetricID(metricName, labels),
labels: labels,
collector: c,
delete: delete,
@ -255,16 +321,19 @@ func newCollector(metricName string, lnvs labelNamesValues, c stdprometheus.Coll
// It adds information on how many generations this metric should be present
// in the /metrics output, relatived to the time it was last tracked.
type collector struct {
id string
collector stdprometheus.Collector
lastTrackedGeneration int
maxAge int
id string
labels stdprometheus.Labels
collector stdprometheus.Collector
delete func()
func buildMetricID(metricName string, lnvs labelNamesValues) string {
newLnvs := append([]string{}, lnvs...)
return metricName + ":" + strings.Join(newLnvs, "|")
func buildMetricID(metricName string, labels stdprometheus.Labels) string {
var labelNamesValues []string
for name, value := range labels {
labelNamesValues = append(labelNamesValues, name, value)
return metricName + ":" + strings.Join(labelNamesValues, "|")
func newCounterFrom(collectors chan<- *collector, opts stdprometheus.CounterOpts, labelNames []string) *counter {
@ -297,9 +366,12 @@ func (c *counter) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Counter {
func (c *counter) Add(delta float64) {
collector := c.cv.With(c.labelNamesValues.ToLabels())
labels := c.labelNamesValues.ToLabels()
collector := c.cv.With(labels)
c.collectors <- newCollector(c.name, c.labelNamesValues, collector)
c.collectors <- newCollector(c.name, labels, collector, func() {
func (c *counter) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) {
@ -336,15 +408,21 @@ func (g *gauge) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Gauge {
func (g *gauge) Add(delta float64) {
collector := g.gv.With(g.labelNamesValues.ToLabels())
labels := g.labelNamesValues.ToLabels()
collector := g.gv.With(labels)
g.collectors <- newCollector(g.name, g.labelNamesValues, collector)
g.collectors <- newCollector(g.name, labels, collector, func() {
func (g *gauge) Set(value float64) {
collector := g.gv.With(g.labelNamesValues.ToLabels())
labels := g.labelNamesValues.ToLabels()
collector := g.gv.With(labels)
g.collectors <- newCollector(g.name, g.labelNamesValues, collector)
g.collectors <- newCollector(g.name, labels, collector, func() {
func (g *gauge) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) {
@ -377,9 +455,12 @@ func (h *histogram) With(labelValues ...string) metrics.Histogram {
func (h *histogram) Observe(value float64) {
collector := h.hv.With(h.labelNamesValues.ToLabels())
labels := h.labelNamesValues.ToLabels()
collector := h.hv.With(labels)
h.collectors <- newCollector(h.name, h.labelNamesValues, collector)
h.collectors <- newCollector(h.name, labels, collector, func() {
func (h *histogram) Describe(ch chan<- *stdprometheus.Desc) {
@ -7,12 +7,16 @@ import (
th "github.com/containous/traefik/testhelpers"
dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go"
func TestPrometheus(t *testing.T) {
// Reset state of global promState.
defer promState.reset()
prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(&types.Prometheus{})
defer prometheus.Unregister(promState)
@ -177,56 +181,94 @@ func TestPrometheus(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrometheusGenerationLogicForMetricWithLabel(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrometheusMetricRemoval(t *testing.T) {
// Reset state of global promState.
defer promState.reset()
prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(&types.Prometheus{})
defer prometheus.Unregister(promState)
// Metrics with labels belonging to a specific configuration in Traefik
// should be removed when the generationMaxAge is exceeded. As example
// we use the traefik_backend_requests_total metric.
configurations := make(types.Configurations)
configurations["providerName"] = th.BuildConfiguration(
th.WithFrontend("backend1", th.WithEntryPoints("entrypoint1")),
th.WithBackendNew("backend1", th.WithServersNew(th.WithServerNew("http://localhost:9000"))),
// Register some metrics manually that are not part of the active configuration.
// Those metrics should be part of the /metrics output on the first scrape but
// should be removed after that scrape.
With("entrypoint", "entrypoint2", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http").
With("backend", "backend1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http").
With("backend", "backend2", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http").
With("backend", "backend1", "url", "http://localhost:9999").
assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entrypointReqsTotalName, backendReqsTotalName, backendServerUpName)
assertMetricsAbsent(t, mustScrape(), entrypointReqsTotalName, backendReqsTotalName, backendServerUpName)
// To verify that metrics belonging to active configurations are not removed
// here the counter examples.
With("entrypoint", "entrypoint1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http").
assertMetricExists(t, backendReqsTotalName, mustScrape())
// Increase the config generation one more than the max age of a metric.
for i := 0; i < generationAgeDefault+1; i++ {
// On the next scrape the metric still exists and will be removed
// after the scrape completed.
assertMetricExists(t, backendReqsTotalName, mustScrape())
// Now the metric should be absent.
assertMetricAbsent(t, backendReqsTotalName, mustScrape())
assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entrypointReqsTotalName)
assertMetricsExist(t, mustScrape(), entrypointReqsTotalName)
func TestPrometheusGenerationLogicForMetricWithoutLabel(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrometheusRemovedMetricsReset(t *testing.T) {
// Reset state of global promState.
defer promState.reset()
prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(&types.Prometheus{})
defer prometheus.Unregister(promState)
// Metrics without labels like traefik_config_reloads_total should live forever
// and never get removed.
labelNamesValues := []string{
"backend", "backend",
"code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK),
"method", http.MethodGet,
"protocol", "http",
assertMetricExists(t, configReloadsTotalName, mustScrape())
metricsFamilies := mustScrape()
assertCounterValue(t, 3, findMetricFamily(backendReqsTotalName, metricsFamilies), labelNamesValues...)
// Increase the config generation one more than the max age of a metric.
for i := 0; i < generationAgeDefault+100; i++ {
// There is no dynamic configuration and so this metric will be deleted
// after the first scrape.
assertMetricsAbsent(t, mustScrape(), backendReqsTotalName)
// Scrape two times in order to verify, that it is not removed after the
// first scrape completed.
assertMetricExists(t, configReloadsTotalName, mustScrape())
assertMetricExists(t, configReloadsTotalName, mustScrape())
metricsFamilies = mustScrape()
assertCounterValue(t, 1, findMetricFamily(backendReqsTotalName, metricsFamilies), labelNamesValues...)
// Tracking and gathering the metrics happens concurrently.
@ -247,17 +289,23 @@ func mustScrape() []*dto.MetricFamily {
return families
func assertMetricExists(t *testing.T, name string, families []*dto.MetricFamily) {
func assertMetricsExist(t *testing.T, families []*dto.MetricFamily, metricNames ...string) {
if findMetricFamily(name, families) == nil {
t.Errorf("gathered metrics do not contain %q", name)
for _, metricName := range metricNames {
if findMetricFamily(metricName, families) == nil {
t.Errorf("gathered metrics should contain %q", metricName)
func assertMetricAbsent(t *testing.T, name string, families []*dto.MetricFamily) {
func assertMetricsAbsent(t *testing.T, families []*dto.MetricFamily, metricNames ...string) {
if findMetricFamily(name, families) != nil {
t.Errorf("gathered metrics contain %q, but should not", name)
for _, metricName := range metricNames {
if findMetricFamily(metricName, families) != nil {
t.Errorf("gathered metrics should not contain %q", metricName)
@ -270,6 +318,58 @@ func findMetricFamily(name string, families []*dto.MetricFamily) *dto.MetricFami
return nil
func findMetricByLabelNamesValues(family *dto.MetricFamily, labelNamesValues ...string) *dto.Metric {
if family == nil {
return nil
for _, metric := range family.Metric {
if hasMetricAllLabelPairs(metric, labelNamesValues...) {
return metric
return nil
func hasMetricAllLabelPairs(metric *dto.Metric, labelNamesValues ...string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(labelNamesValues); i += 2 {
name, val := labelNamesValues[i], labelNamesValues[i+1]
if !hasMetricLabelPair(metric, name, val) {
return false
return true
func hasMetricLabelPair(metric *dto.Metric, labelName, labelValue string) bool {
for _, labelPair := range metric.Label {
if labelPair.GetName() == labelName && labelPair.GetValue() == labelValue {
return true
return false
func assertCounterValue(t *testing.T, want float64, family *dto.MetricFamily, labelNamesValues ...string) {
metric := findMetricByLabelNamesValues(family, labelNamesValues...)
if metric == nil {
t.Error("metric must not be nil")
if metric.Counter == nil {
t.Errorf("metric %s must be a counter", family.GetName())
if cv := metric.Counter.GetValue(); cv != want {
t.Errorf("metric %s has value %v, want %v", family.GetName(), cv, want)
func buildCounterAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedValue int) func(family *dto.MetricFamily) {
return func(family *dto.MetricFamily) {
if cv := int(family.Metric[0].Counter.GetValue()); cv != expectedValue {
@ -535,7 +535,10 @@ func (s *serverEntryPoint) getCertificate(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tl
func (s *Server) postLoadConfiguration() {
if s.metricsRegistry.IsEnabled() {
activeConfig := s.currentConfigurations.Get().(types.Configurations)
if s.globalConfiguration.ACME == nil || s.leadership == nil || !s.leadership.IsLeader() {
@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ import (
th "github.com/containous/traefik/testhelpers"
@ -211,9 +210,9 @@ func TestListenProvidersSkipsSameConfigurationForProvider(t *testing.T) {
config := buildDynamicConfig(
withFrontend("frontend", buildFrontend()),
withBackend("backend", buildBackend()),
config := th.BuildConfiguration(
// provide a configuration
@ -252,9 +251,9 @@ func TestListenProvidersPublishesConfigForEachProvider(t *testing.T) {
config := buildDynamicConfig(
withFrontend("frontend", buildFrontend()),
withBackend("backend", buildBackend()),
config := th.BuildConfiguration(
server.configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{ProviderName: "kubernetes", Configuration: config}
server.configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{ProviderName: "marathon", Configuration: config}
@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ func TestServerMultipleFrontendRules(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Error while building route for %s: %+v", expression, err)
request := testhelpers.MustNewRequest(http.MethodGet, test.requestURL, nil)
request := th.MustNewRequest(http.MethodGet, test.requestURL, nil)
routeMatch := routeResult.Match(request, &mux.RouteMatch{Route: routeResult})
if !routeMatch {
@ -491,7 +490,7 @@ func TestServerLoadConfigHealthCheckOptions(t *testing.T) {
if healthCheck != nil {
wantNumHealthCheckBackends = 1
gotNumHealthCheckBackends := len(healthcheck.GetHealthCheck(testhelpers.NewCollectingHealthCheckMetrics()).Backends)
gotNumHealthCheckBackends := len(healthcheck.GetHealthCheck(th.NewCollectingHealthCheckMetrics()).Backends)
if gotNumHealthCheckBackends != wantNumHealthCheckBackends {
t.Errorf("got %d health check backends, want %d", gotNumHealthCheckBackends, wantNumHealthCheckBackends)
@ -859,62 +858,88 @@ func TestServerResponseEmptyBackend(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
dynamicConfig func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration
config func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration
wantStatusCode int
desc: "Ok",
dynamicConfig: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return buildDynamicConfig(
withFrontend("frontend", buildFrontend(withRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
withBackend("backend", buildBackend(withServer("testServer", testServerURL))),
config: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return th.BuildConfiguration(
th.WithRoutes(th.WithRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
wantStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
desc: "No Frontend",
dynamicConfig: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return buildDynamicConfig()
config: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return th.BuildConfiguration()
wantStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
desc: "Empty Backend LB-Drr",
dynamicConfig: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return buildDynamicConfig(
withFrontend("frontend", buildFrontend(withRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
withBackend("backend", buildBackend(withLoadBalancer("Drr", false))),
config: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return th.BuildConfiguration(
th.WithRoutes(th.WithRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
wantStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
desc: "Empty Backend LB-Drr Sticky",
dynamicConfig: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return buildDynamicConfig(
withFrontend("frontend", buildFrontend(withRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
withBackend("backend", buildBackend(withLoadBalancer("Drr", true))),
config: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return th.BuildConfiguration(
th.WithRoutes(th.WithRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
th.WithLBMethod("drr"), th.WithLBSticky("test")),
wantStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
desc: "Empty Backend LB-Wrr",
dynamicConfig: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return buildDynamicConfig(
withFrontend("frontend", buildFrontend(withRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
withBackend("backend", buildBackend(withLoadBalancer("Wrr", false))),
config: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return th.BuildConfiguration(
th.WithRoutes(th.WithRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
wantStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
desc: "Empty Backend LB-Wrr Sticky",
dynamicConfig: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return buildDynamicConfig(
withFrontend("frontend", buildFrontend(withRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
withBackend("backend", buildBackend(withLoadBalancer("Wrr", true))),
config: func(testServerURL string) *types.Configuration {
return th.BuildConfiguration(
th.WithRoutes(th.WithRoute(requestPath, routeRule))),
th.WithLBMethod("wrr"), th.WithLBSticky("test")),
wantStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
@ -937,7 +962,7 @@ func TestServerResponseEmptyBackend(t *testing.T) {
"http": &configuration.EntryPoint{ForwardedHeaders: &configuration.ForwardedHeaders{Insecure: true}},
dynamicConfigs := types.Configurations{"config": test.dynamicConfig(testServer.URL)}
dynamicConfigs := types.Configurations{"config": test.config(testServer.URL)}
srv := NewServer(globalConfig, nil)
entryPoints, err := srv.loadConfig(dynamicConfigs, globalConfig)
@ -1036,7 +1061,7 @@ func TestBuildRedirectHandler(t *testing.T) {
rewrite, err := srv.buildRedirectHandler(test.srcEntryPointName, test.redirect)
require.NoError(t, err)
req := testhelpers.MustNewRequest(http.MethodGet, test.url, nil)
req := th.MustNewRequest(http.MethodGet, test.url, nil)
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
rewrite.ServeHTTP(recorder, req, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -1166,71 +1191,3 @@ func TestNewServerWithResponseModifiers(t *testing.T) {
func buildDynamicConfig(dynamicConfigBuilders ...func(*types.Configuration)) *types.Configuration {
config := &types.Configuration{
Frontends: make(map[string]*types.Frontend),
Backends: make(map[string]*types.Backend),
for _, build := range dynamicConfigBuilders {
return config
func withFrontend(frontendName string, frontend *types.Frontend) func(*types.Configuration) {
return func(config *types.Configuration) {
config.Frontends[frontendName] = frontend
func withBackend(backendName string, backend *types.Backend) func(*types.Configuration) {
return func(config *types.Configuration) {
config.Backends[backendName] = backend
func buildFrontend(frontendBuilders ...func(*types.Frontend)) *types.Frontend {
fe := &types.Frontend{
EntryPoints: []string{"http"},
Backend: "backend",
Routes: make(map[string]types.Route),
for _, build := range frontendBuilders {
return fe
func withRoute(routeName, rule string) func(*types.Frontend) {
return func(fe *types.Frontend) {
fe.Routes[routeName] = types.Route{Rule: rule}
func buildBackend(backendBuilders ...func(*types.Backend)) *types.Backend {
be := &types.Backend{
Servers: make(map[string]types.Server),
LoadBalancer: &types.LoadBalancer{Method: "Wrr"},
for _, build := range backendBuilders {
return be
func withServer(name, url string) func(backend *types.Backend) {
return func(be *types.Backend) {
be.Servers[name] = types.Server{URL: url, Weight: label.DefaultWeight}
func withLoadBalancer(method string, sticky bool) func(*types.Backend) {
return func(be *types.Backend) {
if sticky {
be.LoadBalancer = &types.LoadBalancer{Method: method, Stickiness: &types.Stickiness{CookieName: "test"}}
} else {
be.LoadBalancer = &types.LoadBalancer{Method: method}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package testhelpers
import (
// BuildConfiguration is a helper to create a configuration.
func BuildConfiguration(dynamicConfigBuilders ...func(*types.Configuration)) *types.Configuration {
config := &types.Configuration{}
for _, build := range dynamicConfigBuilders {
return config
// -- Backend
// WithBackends is a helper to create a configuration
func WithBackends(opts ...func(*types.Backend) string) func(*types.Configuration) {
return func(c *types.Configuration) {
c.Backends = make(map[string]*types.Backend)
for _, opt := range opts {
b := &types.Backend{}
name := opt(b)
c.Backends[name] = b
// WithBackendNew is a helper to create a configuration
func WithBackendNew(name string, opts ...func(*types.Backend)) func(*types.Backend) string {
return func(b *types.Backend) string {
for _, opt := range opts {
return name
// WithServersNew is a helper to create a configuration
func WithServersNew(opts ...func(*types.Server) string) func(*types.Backend) {
return func(b *types.Backend) {
b.Servers = make(map[string]types.Server)
for _, opt := range opts {
s := &types.Server{Weight: 1}
name := opt(s)
b.Servers[name] = *s
// WithServerNew is a helper to create a configuration
func WithServerNew(url string, opts ...func(*types.Server)) func(*types.Server) string {
return func(s *types.Server) string {
for _, opt := range opts {
s.URL = url
return provider.Normalize(url)
// WithLBMethod is a helper to create a configuration
func WithLBMethod(method string) func(*types.Backend) {
return func(b *types.Backend) {
if b.LoadBalancer == nil {
b.LoadBalancer = &types.LoadBalancer{}
b.LoadBalancer.Method = method
// -- Frontend
// WithFrontends is a helper to create a configuration
func WithFrontends(opts ...func(*types.Frontend) string) func(*types.Configuration) {
return func(c *types.Configuration) {
c.Frontends = make(map[string]*types.Frontend)
for _, opt := range opts {
f := &types.Frontend{}
name := opt(f)
c.Frontends[name] = f
// WithFrontend is a helper to create a configuration
func WithFrontend(backend string, opts ...func(*types.Frontend)) func(*types.Frontend) string {
return func(f *types.Frontend) string {
for _, opt := range opts {
f.Backend = backend
return backend
// WithEntryPoints is a helper to create a configuration
func WithEntryPoints(eps ...string) func(*types.Frontend) {
return func(f *types.Frontend) {
f.EntryPoints = eps
// WithRoutes is a helper to create a configuration
func WithRoutes(opts ...func(*types.Route) string) func(*types.Frontend) {
return func(f *types.Frontend) {
f.Routes = make(map[string]types.Route)
for _, opt := range opts {
s := &types.Route{}
name := opt(s)
f.Routes[name] = *s
// WithRoute is a helper to create a configuration
func WithRoute(name string, rule string) func(*types.Route) string {
return func(r *types.Route) string {
r.Rule = rule
return name
// WithLBSticky is a helper to create a configuration
func WithLBSticky(cookieName string) func(*types.Backend) {
return func(b *types.Backend) {
if b.LoadBalancer == nil {
b.LoadBalancer = &types.LoadBalancer{}
b.LoadBalancer.Stickiness = &types.Stickiness{CookieName: cookieName}
@ -7,16 +7,6 @@ import (
// Intp returns a pointer to the given integer value.
func Intp(i int) *int {
return &i
// Stringp returns a pointer to the given string value.
func Stringp(s string) *string {
return &s
// MustNewRequest creates a new http get request or panics if it can't
func MustNewRequest(method, urlStr string, body io.Reader) *http.Request {
request, err := http.NewRequest(method, urlStr, body)
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ type CollectingHealthCheckMetrics struct {
Gauge *CollectingGauge
// NewCollectingHealthCheckMetrics creates a new CollectingHealthCheckMetrics instance.
func NewCollectingHealthCheckMetrics() *CollectingHealthCheckMetrics {
return &CollectingHealthCheckMetrics{&CollectingGauge{}}
// BackendServerUpGauge is there to satisfy the healthcheck.metricsRegistry interface.
func (m *CollectingHealthCheckMetrics) BackendServerUpGauge() metrics.Gauge {
return m.Gauge
// NewCollectingHealthCheckMetrics creates a new CollectingHealthCheckMetrics instance.
func NewCollectingHealthCheckMetrics() *CollectingHealthCheckMetrics {
return &CollectingHealthCheckMetrics{&CollectingGauge{}}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user