diff --git a/docs/content/getting-started/configuration-overview.md b/docs/content/getting-started/configuration-overview.md
index 6d674b770..a44c9a396 100644
--- a/docs/content/getting-started/configuration-overview.md
+++ b/docs/content/getting-started/configuration-overview.md
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Once positioned, this option sets (and resets) all the default values of the sub
 ### Configuration File
-At startup, Traefik searches for a file named `traefik.yml` (or `traefik.yaml` or `traefik.toml`) in:
+At startup, Traefik searches for static configuration in a file named `traefik.yml` (or `traefik.yaml` or `traefik.toml`) in:
 - `/etc/traefik/`
diff --git a/docs/content/https/tls.md b/docs/content/https/tls.md
index cff442cab..612bd78bd 100644
--- a/docs/content/https/tls.md
+++ b/docs/content/https/tls.md
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ The TLS options allow one to configure some parameters of the TLS connection.
     you must specify the provider namespace, for example:  
-!!! important "TLSOptions in Kubernetes"
+!!! important "TLSOption in Kubernetes"
-    When using the TLSOptions-CRD in Kubernetes, one might setup a default set of options that,
+    When using the [TLSOption resource](../../routing/providers/kubernetes-crd#kind-tlsoption) in Kubernetes, one might setup a default set of options that,
     if not explicitly overwritten, should apply to all ingresses.  
-    To achieve that, you'll have to create a TLSOptions CR with the name `default`.
+    To achieve that, you'll have to create a TLSOption resource with the name `default`.
     There may exist only one TLSOption with the name `default` (across all namespaces) - otherwise they will be dropped.  
     To explicitly use a different TLSOption (and using the Kubernetes Ingress resources)
     you'll have to add an annotation to the Ingress in the following form:
diff --git a/docs/content/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd.md b/docs/content/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd.md
index 75fdee127..0eb1552b7 100644
--- a/docs/content/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd.md
+++ b/docs/content/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd.md
@@ -1485,39 +1485,40 @@ or referencing TLS options in the [`IngressRoute`](#kind-ingressroute) / [`Ingre
     apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
     kind: TLSOption
-      name: mytlsoption
+      name: mytlsoption                             # [1]
       namespace: default
-      minVersion: VersionTLS12                      # [1]
-      maxVersion: VersionTLS13                      # [1]
-      curvePreferences:                             # [3]
+      minVersion: VersionTLS12                      # [2]
+      maxVersion: VersionTLS13                      # [3]
+      curvePreferences:                             # [4]
         - CurveP521
         - CurveP384
-      cipherSuites:                                 # [4]
+      cipherSuites:                                 # [5]
         - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
         - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
-      clientAuth:                                   # [5]
-        secretNames:                                # [6]
+      clientAuth:                                   # [6]
+        secretNames:                                # [7]
           - secret-ca1
           - secret-ca2
-        clientAuthType: VerifyClientCertIfGiven     # [7]
-      sniStrict: true                               # [8]
-      alpnProtocols:                                # [9]
+        clientAuthType: VerifyClientCertIfGiven     # [8]
+      sniStrict: true                               # [9]
+      alpnProtocols:                                # [10]
         - foobar
-| Ref | Attribute                   | Purpose                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| [1] | `minVersion`                | Defines the [minimum TLS version](../../https/tls.md#minimum-tls-version) that is acceptable                                                                                                                               |
-| [2] | `maxVersion`                | Defines the [maximum TLS version](../../https/tls.md#maximum-tls-version) that is acceptable                                                                                                                               |
-| [3] | `cipherSuites`              | list of supported [cipher suites](../../https/tls.md#cipher-suites) for TLS versions up to TLS 1.2                                                                                                                         |
-| [4] | `curvePreferences`          | List of the [elliptic curves references](../../https/tls.md#curve-preferences) that will be used in an ECDHE handshake, in preference order                                                                                |
-| [5] | `clientAuth`                | determines the server's policy for TLS [Client Authentication](../../https/tls.md#client-authentication-mtls)                                                                                                              |
-| [6] | `clientAuth.secretNames`    | list of names of the referenced Kubernetes [Secrets](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/) (in TLSOption namespace). The secret must contain a certificate under either a `tls.ca` or a `ca.crt` key. |
-| [7] | `clientAuth.clientAuthType` | defines the client authentication type to apply. The available values are: `NoClientCert`, `RequestClientCert`, `VerifyClientCertIfGiven` and `RequireAndVerifyClientCert`                                                 |
-| [8] | `sniStrict`                 | if `true`, Traefik won't allow connections from clients connections that do not specify a server_name extension                                                                                                            |
-| [9] | `alpnProtocols`             | List of supported [application level protocols](../../https/tls.md#alpn-protocols) for the TLS handshake, in order of preference.                                                                                          |
+| Ref  | Attribute                   | Purpose                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| [1]  | `name`                      | Defines the name of the TLSOption resource. One can use `default` as name to redefine the [default TLSOption](../../https/tls.md#tls-options).                                                                             |
+| [2]  | `minVersion`                | Defines the [minimum TLS version](../../https/tls.md#minimum-tls-version) that is acceptable.                                                                                                                              |
+| [3]  | `maxVersion`                | Defines the [maximum TLS version](../../https/tls.md#maximum-tls-version) that is acceptable.                                                                                                                              |
+| [4]  | `cipherSuites`              | list of supported [cipher suites](../../https/tls.md#cipher-suites) for TLS versions up to TLS 1.2.                                                                                                                        |
+| [5]  | `curvePreferences`          | List of the [elliptic curves references](../../https/tls.md#curve-preferences) that will be used in an ECDHE handshake, in preference order.                                                                               |
+| [6]  | `clientAuth`                | determines the server's policy for TLS [Client Authentication](../../https/tls.md#client-authentication-mtls).                                                                                                             |
+| [7]  | `clientAuth.secretNames`    | list of names of the referenced Kubernetes [Secrets](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/) (in TLSOption namespace). The secret must contain a certificate under either a `tls.ca` or a `ca.crt` key. |
+| [8]  | `clientAuth.clientAuthType` | defines the client authentication type to apply. The available values are: `NoClientCert`, `RequestClientCert`, `VerifyClientCertIfGiven` and `RequireAndVerifyClientCert`.                                                |
+| [9]  | `sniStrict`                 | if `true`, Traefik won't allow connections from clients connections that do not specify a server_name extension.                                                                                                           |
+| [10] | `alpnProtocols`             | List of supported [application level protocols](../../https/tls.md#alpn-protocols) for the TLS handshake, in order of preference.                                                                                          |
 !!! info "CA Secret"