mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 18:50:12 +03:00
Merge pull request #1474 from containous/marathon-check-port-label-overwrite-earlier
Check for explicitly defined Marathon port first.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package marathon
import (
@ -22,6 +23,11 @@ import (
const (
labelPort = "traefik.port"
labelPortIndex = "traefik.portIndex"
var _ provider.Provider = (*Provider)(nil)
// Provider holds configuration of the provider.
@ -194,67 +200,55 @@ func (p *Provider) loadMarathonConfig() *types.Configuration {
func (p *Provider) taskFilter(task marathon.Task, applications *marathon.Applications, exposedByDefaultFlag bool) bool {
application, err := getApplication(task, applications.Apps)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to get marathon application from task %s", task.AppID)
log.Errorf("Unable to get Marathon application %s for task %s", task.AppID, task.ID)
return false
ports := processPorts(application, task)
if len(ports) == 0 {
log.Debug("Filtering marathon task without port %s", task.AppID)
if _, err = processPorts(application, task); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Filtering Marathon task %s from application %s without port: %s", task.ID, application.ID, err)
return false
// Filter illegal port label specification.
_, hasPortIndexLabel := p.getLabel(application, labelPortIndex)
_, hasPortLabel := p.getLabel(application, labelPort)
if hasPortIndexLabel && hasPortLabel {
log.Debugf("Filtering Marathon task %s from application %s specifying both traefik.portIndex and traefik.port labels", task.ID, application.ID)
return false
// Filter by constraints.
label, _ := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.tags")
constraintTags := strings.Split(label, ",")
if p.MarathonLBCompatibility {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "HAPROXY_GROUP"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "HAPROXY_GROUP"); ok {
constraintTags = append(constraintTags, label)
if ok, failingConstraint := p.MatchConstraints(constraintTags); !ok {
if failingConstraint != nil {
log.Debugf("Application %v pruned by '%v' constraint", application.ID, failingConstraint.String())
log.Debugf("Filtering Marathon task %s from application %s pruned by '%v' constraint", task.ID, application.ID, failingConstraint.String())
return false
// Filter disabled application.
if !isApplicationEnabled(application, exposedByDefaultFlag) {
log.Debugf("Filtering disabled marathon task %s", task.AppID)
log.Debugf("Filtering disabled Marathon task %s from application %s", task.ID, application.ID)
return false
//filter indeterminable task port
portIndexLabel := (*application.Labels)["traefik.portIndex"]
portValueLabel := (*application.Labels)["traefik.port"]
if portIndexLabel != "" && portValueLabel != "" {
log.Debugf("Filtering marathon task %s specifying both traefik.portIndex and traefik.port labels", task.AppID)
return false
if portIndexLabel != "" {
index, err := strconv.Atoi((*application.Labels)["traefik.portIndex"])
if err != nil || index < 0 || index > len(ports)-1 {
log.Debugf("Filtering marathon task %s with unexpected value for traefik.portIndex label", task.AppID)
return false
if portValueLabel != "" {
_, err := strconv.Atoi((*application.Labels)["traefik.port"])
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Filtering marathon task %s with unexpected value for traefik.port label", task.AppID)
return false
//filter healthchecks
// Filter task with existing, bad health check results.
if application.HasHealthChecks() {
if task.HasHealthCheckResults() {
for _, healthcheck := range task.HealthCheckResults {
// found one bad healthcheck, return false
if !healthcheck.Alive {
log.Debugf("Filtering marathon task %s with bad healthcheck", task.AppID)
log.Debugf("Filtering Marathon task %s from application %s with bad health check", task.ID, application.ID)
return false
return true
@ -262,7 +256,7 @@ func (p *Provider) applicationFilter(app marathon.Application, filteredTasks []m
label, _ := p.getLabel(app, "traefik.tags")
constraintTags := strings.Split(label, ",")
if p.MarathonLBCompatibility {
if label, err := p.getLabel(app, "HAPROXY_GROUP"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(app, "HAPROXY_GROUP"); ok {
constraintTags = append(constraintTags, label)
@ -291,35 +285,28 @@ func isApplicationEnabled(application marathon.Application, exposedByDefault boo
return exposedByDefault && (*application.Labels)["traefik.enable"] != "false" || (*application.Labels)["traefik.enable"] == "true"
func (p *Provider) getLabel(application marathon.Application, label string) (string, error) {
func (p *Provider) getLabel(application marathon.Application, label string) (string, bool) {
for key, value := range *application.Labels {
if key == label {
return value, nil
return value, true
return "", errors.New("Label not found:" + label)
return "", false
func (p *Provider) getPort(task marathon.Task, applications []marathon.Application) string {
application, err := getApplication(task, applications)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to get marathon application from task %s", task.AppID)
log.Errorf("Unable to get Marathon application %s for task %s", application.ID, task.ID)
return ""
ports := processPorts(application, task)
if portIndexLabel, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.portIndex"); err == nil {
if index, err := strconv.Atoi(portIndexLabel); err == nil {
return strconv.Itoa(ports[index])
if portValueLabel, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.port"); err == nil {
return portValueLabel
port, err := processPorts(application, task)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to process ports for Marathon application %s and task %s: %s", application.ID, task.ID, err)
return ""
for _, port := range ports {
return strconv.Itoa(port)
return ""
return strconv.Itoa(port)
func (p *Provider) getWeight(task marathon.Task, applications []marathon.Application) string {
@ -328,14 +315,14 @@ func (p *Provider) getWeight(task marathon.Task, applications []marathon.Applica
log.Errorf("Unable to get marathon application from task %s", task.AppID)
return "0"
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.weight"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.weight"); ok {
return label
return "0"
func (p *Provider) getDomain(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.domain"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.domain"); ok {
return label
return p.Domain
@ -347,35 +334,35 @@ func (p *Provider) getProtocol(task marathon.Task, applications []marathon.Appli
log.Errorf("Unable to get marathon application from task %s", task.AppID)
return "http"
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.protocol"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.protocol"); ok {
return label
return "http"
func (p *Provider) getSticky(application marathon.Application) string {
if sticky, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.loadbalancer.sticky"); err == nil {
if sticky, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.loadbalancer.sticky"); ok {
return sticky
return "false"
func (p *Provider) getPassHostHeader(application marathon.Application) string {
if passHostHeader, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.frontend.passHostHeader"); err == nil {
if passHostHeader, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.frontend.passHostHeader"); ok {
return passHostHeader
return "true"
func (p *Provider) getPriority(application marathon.Application) string {
if priority, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.frontend.priority"); err == nil {
if priority, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.frontend.priority"); ok {
return priority
return "0"
func (p *Provider) getEntryPoints(application marathon.Application) []string {
if entryPoints, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.frontend.entryPoints"); err == nil {
if entryPoints, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.frontend.entryPoints"); ok {
return strings.Split(entryPoints, ",")
return []string{}
@ -384,11 +371,11 @@ func (p *Provider) getEntryPoints(application marathon.Application) []string {
// getFrontendRule returns the frontend rule for the specified application, using
// it's label. It returns a default one (Host) if the label is not present.
func (p *Provider) getFrontendRule(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.frontend.rule"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.frontend.rule"); ok {
return label
if p.MarathonLBCompatibility {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "HAPROXY_0_VHOST"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "HAPROXY_0_VHOST"); ok {
return "Host:" + label
@ -405,7 +392,7 @@ func (p *Provider) getBackend(task marathon.Task, applications []marathon.Applic
func (p *Provider) getFrontendBackend(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend"); ok {
return label
return provider.Replace("/", "-", application.ID)
@ -422,33 +409,26 @@ func (p *Provider) getSubDomain(name string) string {
func (p *Provider) hasCircuitBreakerLabels(application marathon.Application) bool {
if _, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.circuitbreaker.expression"); err != nil {
return false
return true
_, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.circuitbreaker.expression")
return ok
func (p *Provider) hasLoadBalancerLabels(application marathon.Application) bool {
_, errMethod := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.loadbalancer.method")
_, errSticky := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.loadbalancer.sticky")
if errMethod != nil && errSticky != nil {
return false
return true
return errMethod || errSticky
func (p *Provider) hasMaxConnLabels(application marathon.Application) bool {
if _, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.maxconn.amount"); err != nil {
if _, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.maxconn.amount"); !ok {
return false
if _, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.maxconn.extractorfunc"); err != nil {
return false
return true
_, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.maxconn.extractorfunc")
return ok
func (p *Provider) getMaxConnAmount(application marathon.Application) int64 {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.maxconn.amount"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.maxconn.amount"); ok {
i, errConv := strconv.ParseInt(label, 10, 64)
if errConv != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to parse traefik.backend.maxconn.amount %s", label)
@ -460,28 +440,59 @@ func (p *Provider) getMaxConnAmount(application marathon.Application) int64 {
func (p *Provider) getMaxConnExtractorFunc(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.maxconn.extractorfunc"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.maxconn.extractorfunc"); ok {
return label
return "request.host"
func (p *Provider) getLoadBalancerMethod(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.loadbalancer.method"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.loadbalancer.method"); ok {
return label
return "wrr"
func (p *Provider) getCircuitBreakerExpression(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.circuitbreaker.expression"); err == nil {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.backend.circuitbreaker.expression"); ok {
return label
return "NetworkErrorRatio() > 1"
func processPorts(application marathon.Application, task marathon.Task) []int {
func processPorts(application marathon.Application, task marathon.Task) (int, error) {
if portLabel, ok := (*application.Labels)[labelPort]; ok {
port, err := strconv.Atoi(portLabel)
switch {
case err != nil:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port label: %s", err)
case port <= 0:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("explicitly specified port %d must be larger than zero", port)
return port, nil
ports := retrieveAvailablePorts(application, task)
if len(ports) == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("no port found")
portIndex := 0
portIndexLabel, ok := (*application.Labels)[labelPortIndex]
if ok {
var err error
portIndex, err = strconv.Atoi(portIndexLabel)
switch {
case err != nil:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port index label: %s", err)
case portIndex < 0, portIndex > len(ports)-1:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("port index %d must be within port range (0, %d)", portIndex, len(ports)-1)
return ports[portIndex], nil
func retrieveAvailablePorts(application marathon.Application, task marathon.Task) []int {
// Using default port configuration
if task.Ports != nil && len(task.Ports) > 0 {
return task.Ports
@ -520,8 +531,8 @@ func (p *Provider) getBackendServer(task marathon.Task, applications []marathon.
} else if len(task.IPAddresses) == 1 {
return task.IPAddresses[0].IPAddress
} else {
ipAddressIdxStr, err := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.ipAddressIdx")
if err != nil {
ipAddressIdxStr, ok := p.getLabel(application, "traefik.ipAddressIdx")
if !ok {
log.Errorf("Unable to get marathon IPAddress from task %s", task.AppID)
return ""
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -400,39 +401,30 @@ func TestMarathonTaskFilter(t *testing.T) {
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "multiple-ports",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
AppID: "missing-port",
Ports: []int{},
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "multiple-ports",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
ID: "missing-port",
Labels: &map[string]string{},
expected: true,
expected: false,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "ipAddressOnePort",
AppID: "existing-port",
Ports: []int{80},
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "ipAddressOnePort",
IPAddressPerTask: &marathon.IPAddressPerTask{
Discovery: &marathon.Discovery{
Ports: &[]marathon.Port{
Number: 8880,
Name: "p1",
ID: "existing-port",
Ports: []int{80},
Labels: &map[string]string{},
@ -440,64 +432,6 @@ func TestMarathonTaskFilter(t *testing.T) {
expected: true,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "ipAddressTwoPortsUseFirst",
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "ipAddressTwoPortsUseFirst",
IPAddressPerTask: &marathon.IPAddressPerTask{
Discovery: &marathon.Discovery{
Ports: &[]marathon.Port{
Number: 8898,
Name: "p1",
}, {
Number: 9999,
Name: "p1",
Labels: &map[string]string{},
expected: true,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "ipAddressValidTwoPorts",
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "ipAddressValidTwoPorts",
IPAddressPerTask: &marathon.IPAddressPerTask{
Discovery: &marathon.Discovery{
Ports: &[]marathon.Port{
Number: 8898,
Name: "p1",
}, {
Number: 9999,
Name: "p2",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.portIndex": "0",
expected: true,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
Ports: []int{80},
@ -516,62 +450,6 @@ func TestMarathonTaskFilter(t *testing.T) {
expected: false,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "specify-port-number",
Ports: []int{80},
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "specify-port-number",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.port": "8080",
expected: true,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "specify-port-index",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "specify-port-index",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.portIndex": "0",
expected: true,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "specify-out-of-range-port-index",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "specify-out-of-range-port-index",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.portIndex": "2",
expected: false,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "specify-both-port-index-and-number",
@ -594,13 +472,13 @@ func TestMarathonTaskFilter(t *testing.T) {
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "foo",
AppID: "healthcheck-available",
Ports: []int{80},
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "foo",
ID: "healthcheck-available",
Ports: []int{80},
Labels: &map[string]string{},
HealthChecks: &[]marathon.HealthCheck{
@ -639,7 +517,7 @@ func TestMarathonTaskFilter(t *testing.T) {
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "foo",
AppID: "healthcheck-mixed-results",
Ports: []int{80},
HealthCheckResults: []*marathon.HealthCheckResult{
@ -653,7 +531,7 @@ func TestMarathonTaskFilter(t *testing.T) {
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "foo",
ID: "healthcheck-mixed-results",
Ports: []int{80},
Labels: &map[string]string{},
HealthChecks: &[]marathon.HealthCheck{
@ -665,23 +543,6 @@ func TestMarathonTaskFilter(t *testing.T) {
expected: false,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "single-port",
Ports: []int{80},
applications: &marathon.Applications{
Apps: []marathon.Application{
ID: "single-port",
Ports: []int{80},
Labels: &map[string]string{},
expected: true,
exposedByDefault: true,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "healthcheck-alive",
@ -981,16 +842,22 @@ func TestMarathonGetPort(t *testing.T) {
provider := &Provider{}
cases := []struct {
desc string
applications []marathon.Application
task marathon.Task
expected string
desc: "no applications",
applications: []marathon.Application{},
task: marathon.Task{},
expected: "",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80},
expected: "",
desc: "application mismatch",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "test1",
@ -999,74 +866,240 @@ func TestMarathonGetPort(t *testing.T) {
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "test2",
Ports: []int{80},
expected: "",
desc: "port missing",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "test1",
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{},
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "test1",
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{},
expected: "",
desc: "explicit port taken",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.port": "80",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{},
expected: "80",
desc: "illegal explicit port specified",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.port": "foobar",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80},
expected: "",
desc: "illegal explicit port integer specified",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.port": "-1",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80},
expected: "",
desc: "task port available",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{},
PortDefinitions: &[]marathon.PortDefinition{
Port: testhelpers.Intp(443),
IPAddressPerTask: &marathon.IPAddressPerTask{
Discovery: &marathon.Discovery{
Ports: &[]marathon.Port{
Number: 8000,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80},
expected: "80",
desc: "port mapping port available",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "multiple-ports-take-first",
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{},
PortDefinitions: &[]marathon.PortDefinition{
Port: testhelpers.Intp(443),
IPAddressPerTask: &marathon.IPAddressPerTask{
Discovery: &marathon.Discovery{
Ports: &[]marathon.Port{
Number: 8000,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{},
expected: "443",
desc: "IP-per-task port available",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{},
IPAddressPerTask: &marathon.IPAddressPerTask{
Discovery: &marathon.Discovery{
Ports: &[]marathon.Port{
Number: 8000,
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{},
expected: "8000",
desc: "first port taken from multiple ports",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{},
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "multiple-ports-take-first",
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
expected: "80",
desc: "indexed port taken",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "specify-port-number",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.port": "443",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "specify-port-number",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
expected: "443",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "specify-port-index",
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.portIndex": "1",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "specify-port-index",
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
expected: "443",
}, {
desc: "illegal port index specified",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "application-with-port",
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.portIndex": "foobar",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80},
expected: "",
desc: "sub-zero port index specified",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.portIndex": "-1",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80},
expected: "",
desc: "too high port index specified",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Labels: &map[string]string{
"traefik.portIndex": "42",
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{80, 443},
expected: "",
desc: "task port preferred over application port",
applications: []marathon.Application{
ID: "app",
Ports: []int{9999},
Labels: &map[string]string{},
task: marathon.Task{
AppID: "application-with-port",
AppID: "app",
Ports: []int{7777},
expected: "7777",
@ -1074,14 +1107,18 @@ func TestMarathonGetPort(t *testing.T) {
for _, c := range cases {
actual := provider.getPort(c.task, c.applications)
if actual != c.expected {
t.Fatalf("expected %q, got %q", c.expected, actual)
c := c
t.Run(c.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
actual := provider.getPort(c.task, c.applications)
if actual != c.expected {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", c.expected, actual)
func TestMarathonGetWeigh(t *testing.T) {
func TestMarathonGetWeight(t *testing.T) {
provider := &Provider{}
applications := []struct {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package testhelpers
// Intp returns a pointer to the given integer value.
func Intp(i int) *int {
return &i
Reference in New Issue
Block a user