diff --git a/configuration/configuration.go b/configuration/configuration.go
index 7dfb43e01..77be95986 100644
--- a/configuration/configuration.go
+++ b/configuration/configuration.go
@@ -58,19 +58,19 @@ const (
 // GlobalConfiguration holds global configuration (with providers, etc.).
 // It's populated from the traefik configuration file passed as an argument to the binary.
 type GlobalConfiguration struct {
-	LifeCycle                 *LifeCycle              `description:"Timeouts influencing the server life cycle" export:"true"`
-	GraceTimeOut              flaeg.Duration          `short:"g" description:"(Deprecated) Duration to give active requests a chance to finish before Traefik stops" export:"true"` // Deprecated
-	Debug                     bool                    `short:"d" description:"Enable debug mode" export:"true"`
-	CheckNewVersion           bool                    `description:"Periodically check if a new version has been released" export:"true"`
-	SendAnonymousUsage        bool                    `description:"send periodically anonymous usage statistics" export:"true"`
-	AccessLogsFile            string                  `description:"(Deprecated) Access logs file" export:"true"` // Deprecated
-	AccessLog                 *types.AccessLog        `description:"Access log settings" export:"true"`
-	TraefikLogsFile           string                  `description:"(Deprecated) Traefik logs file. Stdout is used when omitted or empty" export:"true"` // Deprecated
-	TraefikLog                *types.TraefikLog       `description:"Traefik log settings" export:"true"`
-	Tracing                   *tracing.Tracing        `description:"OpenTracing configuration" export:"true"`
-	LogLevel                  string                  `short:"l" description:"Log level" export:"true"`
-	EntryPoints               EntryPoints             `description:"Entrypoints definition using format: --entryPoints='Name:http Address::8000 Redirect.EntryPoint:https' --entryPoints='Name:https Address::4442 TLS:tests/traefik.crt,tests/traefik.key;prod/traefik.crt,prod/traefik.key'" export:"true"`
-	Cluster                   *types.Cluster          `description:"Enable clustering" export:"true"`
+	LifeCycle                 *LifeCycle        `description:"Timeouts influencing the server life cycle" export:"true"`
+	GraceTimeOut              flaeg.Duration    `short:"g" description:"(Deprecated) Duration to give active requests a chance to finish before Traefik stops" export:"true"` // Deprecated
+	Debug                     bool              `short:"d" description:"Enable debug mode" export:"true"`
+	CheckNewVersion           bool              `description:"Periodically check if a new version has been released" export:"true"`
+	SendAnonymousUsage        bool              `description:"send periodically anonymous usage statistics" export:"true"`
+	AccessLogsFile            string            `description:"(Deprecated) Access logs file" export:"true"` // Deprecated
+	AccessLog                 *types.AccessLog  `description:"Access log settings" export:"true"`
+	TraefikLogsFile           string            `description:"(Deprecated) Traefik logs file. Stdout is used when omitted or empty" export:"true"` // Deprecated
+	TraefikLog                *types.TraefikLog `description:"Traefik log settings" export:"true"`
+	Tracing                   *tracing.Tracing  `description:"OpenTracing configuration" export:"true"`
+	LogLevel                  string            `short:"l" description:"Log level" export:"true"`
+	EntryPoints               EntryPoints       `description:"Entrypoints definition using format: --entryPoints='Name:http Address::8000 Redirect.EntryPoint:https' --entryPoints='Name:https Address::4442 TLS:tests/traefik.crt,tests/traefik.key;prod/traefik.crt,prod/traefik.key'" export:"true"`
+	Cluster                   *types.Cluster
 	Constraints               types.Constraints       `description:"Filter services by constraint, matching with service tags" export:"true"`
 	ACME                      *acme.ACME              `description:"Enable ACME (Let's Encrypt): automatic SSL" export:"true"`
 	DefaultEntryPoints        DefaultEntryPoints      `description:"Entrypoints to be used by frontends that do not specify any entrypoint" export:"true"`