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package crd
import (
traefikv1alpha1 "github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/provider/kubernetes/crd/traefikio/v1alpha1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
func (p *Provider) loadIngressRouteTCPConfiguration(ctx context.Context, client Client, tlsConfigs map[string]*tls.CertAndStores) *dynamic.TCPConfiguration {
conf := &dynamic.TCPConfiguration{
Routers: map[string]*dynamic.TCPRouter{},
Middlewares: map[string]*dynamic.TCPMiddleware{},
Services: map[string]*dynamic.TCPService{},
for _, ingressRouteTCP := range client.GetIngressRouteTCPs() {
logger := log.FromContext(log.With(ctx, log.Str("ingress", ingressRouteTCP.Name), log.Str("namespace", ingressRouteTCP.Namespace)))
if !shouldProcessIngress(p.IngressClass, ingressRouteTCP.Annotations[annotationKubernetesIngressClass]) {
if ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS != nil && !ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Passthrough {
err := getTLSTCP(ctx, ingressRouteTCP, client, tlsConfigs)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error configuring TLS: %v", err)
ingressName := ingressRouteTCP.Name
if len(ingressName) == 0 {
ingressName = ingressRouteTCP.GenerateName
for _, route := range ingressRouteTCP.Spec.Routes {
if len(route.Match) == 0 {
logger.Errorf("Empty match rule")
key, err := makeServiceKey(route.Match, ingressName)
if err != nil {
mds, err := p.makeMiddlewareTCPKeys(ctx, ingressRouteTCP.Namespace, route.Middlewares)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Failed to create middleware keys: %v", err)
serviceName := makeID(ingressRouteTCP.Namespace, key)
for _, service := range route.Services {
balancerServerTCP, err := p.createLoadBalancerServerTCP(client, ingressRouteTCP.Namespace, service)
if err != nil {
WithField("serviceName", service.Name).
WithField("servicePort", service.Port).
Errorf("Cannot create service: %v", err)
// If there is only one service defined, we skip the creation of the load balancer of services,
// i.e. the service on top is directly a load balancer of servers.
if len(route.Services) == 1 {
conf.Services[serviceName] = balancerServerTCP
serviceKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", serviceName, service.Name, &service.Port)
conf.Services[serviceKey] = balancerServerTCP
srv := dynamic.TCPWRRService{Name: serviceKey}
if service.Weight != nil {
srv.Weight = service.Weight
if conf.Services[serviceName] == nil {
conf.Services[serviceName] = &dynamic.TCPService{Weighted: &dynamic.TCPWeightedRoundRobin{}}
conf.Services[serviceName].Weighted.Services = append(conf.Services[serviceName].Weighted.Services, srv)
r := &dynamic.TCPRouter{
EntryPoints: ingressRouteTCP.Spec.EntryPoints,
Middlewares: mds,
Rule: route.Match,
Priority: route.Priority,
Service: serviceName,
if ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS != nil {
r.TLS = &dynamic.RouterTCPTLSConfig{
Passthrough: ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Passthrough,
CertResolver: ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.CertResolver,
Domains: ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Domains,
if ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Options != nil && len(ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Options.Name) > 0 {
tlsOptionsName := ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Options.Name
// Is a Kubernetes CRD reference (i.e. not a cross-provider reference)
ns := ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Options.Namespace
if !strings.Contains(tlsOptionsName, providerNamespaceSeparator) {
if len(ns) == 0 {
ns = ingressRouteTCP.Namespace
tlsOptionsName = makeID(ns, tlsOptionsName)
} else if len(ns) > 0 {
WithField("TLSOption", ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Options.Name).
Warnf("Namespace %q is ignored in cross-provider context", ns)
if !isNamespaceAllowed(p.AllowCrossNamespace, ingressRouteTCP.Namespace, ns) {
logger.Errorf("TLSOption %s/%s is not in the IngressRouteTCP namespace %s",
ns, ingressRouteTCP.Spec.TLS.Options.Name, ingressRouteTCP.Namespace)
r.TLS.Options = tlsOptionsName
conf.Routers[serviceName] = r
return conf
func (p *Provider) makeMiddlewareTCPKeys(ctx context.Context, ingRouteTCPNamespace string, middlewares []traefikv1alpha1.ObjectReference) ([]string, error) {
var mds []string
for _, mi := range middlewares {
if strings.Contains(mi.Name, providerNamespaceSeparator) {
if len(mi.Namespace) > 0 {
WithField(log.MiddlewareName, mi.Name).
Warnf("namespace %q is ignored in cross-provider context", mi.Namespace)
mds = append(mds, mi.Name)
ns := ingRouteTCPNamespace
if len(mi.Namespace) > 0 {
if !isNamespaceAllowed(p.AllowCrossNamespace, ingRouteTCPNamespace, mi.Namespace) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("middleware %s/%s is not in the IngressRouteTCP namespace %s", mi.Namespace, mi.Name, ingRouteTCPNamespace)
ns = mi.Namespace
mds = append(mds, provider.Normalize(makeID(ns, mi.Name)))
return mds, nil
func (p *Provider) createLoadBalancerServerTCP(client Client, parentNamespace string, service traefikv1alpha1.ServiceTCP) (*dynamic.TCPService, error) {
ns := parentNamespace
if len(service.Namespace) > 0 {
if !isNamespaceAllowed(p.AllowCrossNamespace, parentNamespace, service.Namespace) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tcp service %s/%s is not in the parent resource namespace %s", service.Namespace, service.Name, parentNamespace)
ns = service.Namespace
servers, err := p.loadTCPServers(client, ns, service)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tcpService := &dynamic.TCPService{
LoadBalancer: &dynamic.TCPServersLoadBalancer{
Servers: servers,
if service.ProxyProtocol != nil {
tcpService.LoadBalancer.ProxyProtocol = &dynamic.ProxyProtocol{}
if service.ProxyProtocol.Version != 0 {
tcpService.LoadBalancer.ProxyProtocol.Version = service.ProxyProtocol.Version
if service.TerminationDelay != nil {
tcpService.LoadBalancer.TerminationDelay = service.TerminationDelay
return tcpService, nil
func (p *Provider) loadTCPServers(client Client, namespace string, svc traefikv1alpha1.ServiceTCP) ([]dynamic.TCPServer, error) {
service, exists, err := client.GetService(namespace, svc.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !exists {
return nil, errors.New("service not found")
if service.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName && !p.AllowExternalNameServices {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("externalName services not allowed: %s/%s", namespace, svc.Name)
svcPort, err := getServicePort(service, svc.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if svc.NativeLB {
address, err := getNativeServiceAddress(*service, *svcPort)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting native Kubernetes Service address: %w", err)
return []dynamic.TCPServer{{Address: address}}, nil
var servers []dynamic.TCPServer
if service.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName {
servers = append(servers, dynamic.TCPServer{
Address: net.JoinHostPort(service.Spec.ExternalName, strconv.Itoa(int(svcPort.Port))),
} else {
endpoints, endpointsExists, endpointsErr := client.GetEndpoints(namespace, svc.Name)
if endpointsErr != nil {
return nil, endpointsErr
if !endpointsExists {
return nil, errors.New("endpoints not found")
if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 && !p.AllowEmptyServices {
return nil, errors.New("subset not found")
var port int32
for _, subset := range endpoints.Subsets {
for _, p := range subset.Ports {
if svcPort.Name == p.Name {
port = p.Port
if port == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("cannot define a port")
for _, addr := range subset.Addresses {
servers = append(servers, dynamic.TCPServer{
Address: net.JoinHostPort(addr.IP, strconv.Itoa(int(port))),
return servers, nil
// getTLSTCP mutates tlsConfigs.
func getTLSTCP(ctx context.Context, ingressRoute *traefikv1alpha1.IngressRouteTCP, k8sClient Client, tlsConfigs map[string]*tls.CertAndStores) error {
if ingressRoute.Spec.TLS == nil {
return nil
if ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.SecretName == "" {
log.FromContext(ctx).Debugf("No secret name provided")
return nil
configKey := ingressRoute.Namespace + "/" + ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.SecretName
if _, tlsExists := tlsConfigs[configKey]; !tlsExists {
tlsConf, err := getTLS(k8sClient, ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.SecretName, ingressRoute.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
tlsConfigs[configKey] = tlsConf
return nil