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package crd
import (
traefikv1alpha1 "github.com/traefik/traefik/v3/pkg/provider/kubernetes/crd/traefikio/v1alpha1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
const (
roundRobinStrategy = "RoundRobin"
httpsProtocol = "https"
httpProtocol = "http"
func (p *Provider) loadIngressRouteConfiguration(ctx context.Context, client Client, tlsConfigs map[string]*tls.CertAndStores) *dynamic.HTTPConfiguration {
conf := &dynamic.HTTPConfiguration{
Routers: map[string]*dynamic.Router{},
Middlewares: map[string]*dynamic.Middleware{},
Services: map[string]*dynamic.Service{},
ServersTransports: map[string]*dynamic.ServersTransport{},
for _, ingressRoute := range client.GetIngressRoutes() {
logger := log.Ctx(ctx).With().Str("ingress", ingressRoute.Name).Str("namespace", ingressRoute.Namespace).Logger()
// TODO keep the name ingressClass?
if !shouldProcessIngress(p.IngressClass, ingressRoute.Annotations[annotationKubernetesIngressClass]) {
err := getTLSHTTP(ctx, ingressRoute, client, tlsConfigs)
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error configuring TLS")
ingressName := ingressRoute.Name
if len(ingressName) == 0 {
ingressName = ingressRoute.GenerateName
cb := configBuilder{
client: client,
allowCrossNamespace: p.AllowCrossNamespace,
allowExternalNameServices: p.AllowExternalNameServices,
allowEmptyServices: p.AllowEmptyServices,
nativeLBByDefault: p.NativeLBByDefault,
disableClusterScopeResources: p.DisableClusterScopeResources,
for _, route := range ingressRoute.Spec.Routes {
if len(route.Kind) > 0 && route.Kind != "Rule" {
logger.Error().Msgf("Unsupported match kind: %s. Only \"Rule\" is supported for now.", route.Kind)
if len(route.Match) == 0 {
logger.Error().Msg("Empty match rule")
serviceKey, err := makeServiceKey(route.Match, ingressName)
if err != nil {
mds, err := p.makeMiddlewareKeys(ctx, ingressRoute.Namespace, route.Middlewares)
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to create middleware keys")
normalized := provider.Normalize(makeID(ingressRoute.Namespace, serviceKey))
serviceName := normalized
if len(route.Services) > 1 {
spec := traefikv1alpha1.TraefikServiceSpec{
Weighted: &traefikv1alpha1.WeightedRoundRobin{
Services: route.Services,
errBuild := cb.buildServicesLB(ctx, ingressRoute.Namespace, spec, serviceName, conf.Services)
if errBuild != nil {
} else if len(route.Services) == 1 {
fullName, serversLB, err := cb.nameAndService(ctx, ingressRoute.Namespace, route.Services[0].LoadBalancerSpec)
if err != nil {
if serversLB != nil {
conf.Services[serviceName] = serversLB
} else {
serviceName = fullName
r := &dynamic.Router{
Middlewares: mds,
Priority: route.Priority,
RuleSyntax: route.Syntax,
EntryPoints: ingressRoute.Spec.EntryPoints,
Rule: route.Match,
Service: serviceName,
Observability: route.Observability,
if ingressRoute.Spec.TLS != nil {
r.TLS = &dynamic.RouterTLSConfig{
CertResolver: ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.CertResolver,
Domains: ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.Domains,
if ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.Options != nil && len(ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.Options.Name) > 0 {
tlsOptionsName := ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.Options.Name
// Is a Kubernetes CRD reference, (i.e. not a cross-provider reference)
ns := ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.Options.Namespace
if !strings.Contains(tlsOptionsName, providerNamespaceSeparator) {
if len(ns) == 0 {
ns = ingressRoute.Namespace
tlsOptionsName = makeID(ns, tlsOptionsName)
} else if len(ns) > 0 {
Warn().Str("TLSOption", ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.Options.Name).
Msgf("Namespace %q is ignored in cross-provider context", ns)
if !isNamespaceAllowed(p.AllowCrossNamespace, ingressRoute.Namespace, ns) {
logger.Error().Msgf("TLSOption %s/%s is not in the IngressRoute namespace %s",
ns, ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.Options.Name, ingressRoute.Namespace)
r.TLS.Options = tlsOptionsName
p.applyRouterTransform(ctx, r, ingressRoute)
conf.Routers[normalized] = r
return conf
func (p *Provider) makeMiddlewareKeys(ctx context.Context, ingRouteNamespace string, middlewares []traefikv1alpha1.MiddlewareRef) ([]string, error) {
var mds []string
for _, mi := range middlewares {
name := mi.Name
if !p.AllowCrossNamespace && strings.HasSuffix(mi.Name, providerNamespaceSeparator+providerName) {
// Since we are not able to know if another namespace is in the name (namespace-name@kubernetescrd),
// if the provider namespace kubernetescrd is used,
// we don't allow this format to avoid cross namespace references.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid reference to middleware %s: with crossnamespace disallowed, the namespace field needs to be explicitly specified", mi.Name)
if strings.Contains(name, providerNamespaceSeparator) {
if len(mi.Namespace) > 0 {
Warn().Str(logs.MiddlewareName, mi.Name).
Msgf("namespace %q is ignored in cross-provider context", mi.Namespace)
mds = append(mds, name)
ns := ingRouteNamespace
if len(mi.Namespace) > 0 {
if !isNamespaceAllowed(p.AllowCrossNamespace, ingRouteNamespace, mi.Namespace) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("middleware %s/%s is not in the IngressRoute namespace %s", mi.Namespace, mi.Name, ingRouteNamespace)
ns = mi.Namespace
mds = append(mds, provider.Normalize(makeID(ns, name)))
return mds, nil
type configBuilder struct {
client Client
allowCrossNamespace bool
allowExternalNameServices bool
allowEmptyServices bool
nativeLBByDefault bool
disableClusterScopeResources bool
// buildTraefikService creates the configuration for the traefik service defined in tService,
// and adds it to the given conf map.
func (c configBuilder) buildTraefikService(ctx context.Context, tService *traefikv1alpha1.TraefikService, conf map[string]*dynamic.Service) error {
id := provider.Normalize(makeID(tService.Namespace, tService.Name))
if tService.Spec.Weighted != nil {
return c.buildServicesLB(ctx, tService.Namespace, tService.Spec, id, conf)
} else if tService.Spec.Mirroring != nil {
return c.buildMirroring(ctx, tService, id, conf)
return errors.New("unspecified service type")
// buildServicesLB creates the configuration for the load-balancer of services named id, and defined in tService.
// It adds it to the given conf map.
func (c configBuilder) buildServicesLB(ctx context.Context, namespace string, tService traefikv1alpha1.TraefikServiceSpec, id string, conf map[string]*dynamic.Service) error {
var wrrServices []dynamic.WRRService
for _, service := range tService.Weighted.Services {
fullName, k8sService, err := c.nameAndService(ctx, namespace, service.LoadBalancerSpec)
if err != nil {
return err
if k8sService != nil {
conf[fullName] = k8sService
weight := service.Weight
if weight == nil {
weight = func(i int) *int { return &i }(1)
wrrServices = append(wrrServices, dynamic.WRRService{
Name: fullName,
Weight: weight,
var sticky *dynamic.Sticky
if tService.Weighted.Sticky != nil && tService.Weighted.Sticky.Cookie != nil {
sticky = &dynamic.Sticky{
Cookie: &dynamic.Cookie{
Name: tService.Weighted.Sticky.Cookie.Name,
Secure: tService.Weighted.Sticky.Cookie.Secure,
HTTPOnly: tService.Weighted.Sticky.Cookie.HTTPOnly,
SameSite: tService.Weighted.Sticky.Cookie.SameSite,
MaxAge: tService.Weighted.Sticky.Cookie.MaxAge,
if tService.Weighted.Sticky.Cookie.Path != nil {
sticky.Cookie.Path = tService.Weighted.Sticky.Cookie.Path
conf[id] = &dynamic.Service{
Weighted: &dynamic.WeightedRoundRobin{
Services: wrrServices,
Sticky: sticky,
return nil
// buildMirroring creates the configuration for the mirroring service named id, and defined by tService.
// It adds it to the given conf map.
func (c configBuilder) buildMirroring(ctx context.Context, tService *traefikv1alpha1.TraefikService, id string, conf map[string]*dynamic.Service) error {
fullNameMain, k8sService, err := c.nameAndService(ctx, tService.Namespace, tService.Spec.Mirroring.LoadBalancerSpec)
if err != nil {
return err
if k8sService != nil {
conf[fullNameMain] = k8sService
var mirrorServices []dynamic.MirrorService
for _, mirror := range tService.Spec.Mirroring.Mirrors {
mirroredName, k8sService, err := c.nameAndService(ctx, tService.Namespace, mirror.LoadBalancerSpec)
if err != nil {
return err
if k8sService != nil {
conf[mirroredName] = k8sService
mirrorServices = append(mirrorServices, dynamic.MirrorService{
Name: mirroredName,
Percent: mirror.Percent,
conf[id] = &dynamic.Service{
Mirroring: &dynamic.Mirroring{
Service: fullNameMain,
Mirrors: mirrorServices,
MirrorBody: tService.Spec.Mirroring.MirrorBody,
MaxBodySize: tService.Spec.Mirroring.MaxBodySize,
return nil
// buildServersLB creates the configuration for the load-balancer of servers defined by svc.
func (c configBuilder) buildServersLB(namespace string, svc traefikv1alpha1.LoadBalancerSpec) (*dynamic.Service, error) {
servers, err := c.loadServers(namespace, svc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lb := &dynamic.ServersLoadBalancer{}
lb.Servers = servers
if svc.HealthCheck != nil {
lb.HealthCheck = &dynamic.ServerHealthCheck{
Scheme: svc.HealthCheck.Scheme,
Path: svc.HealthCheck.Path,
Method: svc.HealthCheck.Method,
Status: svc.HealthCheck.Status,
Port: svc.HealthCheck.Port,
Hostname: svc.HealthCheck.Hostname,
Headers: svc.HealthCheck.Headers,
if svc.HealthCheck.FollowRedirects != nil {
lb.HealthCheck.FollowRedirects = svc.HealthCheck.FollowRedirects
if svc.HealthCheck.Mode != "http" {
lb.HealthCheck.Mode = svc.HealthCheck.Mode
if svc.HealthCheck.Interval != nil {
if err := lb.HealthCheck.Interval.Set(svc.HealthCheck.Interval.String()); err != nil {
return nil, err
if svc.HealthCheck.Timeout != nil {
if err := lb.HealthCheck.Timeout.Set(svc.HealthCheck.Timeout.String()); err != nil {
return nil, err
conf := svc
lb.PassHostHeader = conf.PassHostHeader
if lb.PassHostHeader == nil {
passHostHeader := true
lb.PassHostHeader = &passHostHeader
if conf.ResponseForwarding != nil && conf.ResponseForwarding.FlushInterval != "" {
err := lb.ResponseForwarding.FlushInterval.Set(conf.ResponseForwarding.FlushInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse flushInterval: %w", err)
if svc.Sticky != nil && svc.Sticky.Cookie != nil {
lb.Sticky = &dynamic.Sticky{
Cookie: &dynamic.Cookie{
Name: svc.Sticky.Cookie.Name,
Secure: svc.Sticky.Cookie.Secure,
HTTPOnly: svc.Sticky.Cookie.HTTPOnly,
SameSite: svc.Sticky.Cookie.SameSite,
MaxAge: svc.Sticky.Cookie.MaxAge,
if svc.Sticky.Cookie.Path != nil {
lb.Sticky.Cookie.Path = svc.Sticky.Cookie.Path
lb.ServersTransport, err = c.makeServersTransportKey(namespace, svc.ServersTransport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &dynamic.Service{LoadBalancer: lb}, nil
func (c configBuilder) makeServersTransportKey(parentNamespace string, serversTransportName string) (string, error) {
if serversTransportName == "" {
return "", nil
if !c.allowCrossNamespace && strings.HasSuffix(serversTransportName, providerNamespaceSeparator+providerName) {
// Since we are not able to know if another namespace is in the name (namespace-name@kubernetescrd),
// if the provider namespace kubernetescrd is used,
// we don't allow this format to avoid cross namespace references.
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid reference to serversTransport %s: namespace-name@kubernetescrd format is not allowed when crossnamespace is disallowed", serversTransportName)
if strings.Contains(serversTransportName, providerNamespaceSeparator) {
return serversTransportName, nil
return provider.Normalize(makeID(parentNamespace, serversTransportName)), nil
func (c configBuilder) loadServers(parentNamespace string, svc traefikv1alpha1.LoadBalancerSpec) ([]dynamic.Server, error) {
strategy := svc.Strategy
if strategy == "" {
strategy = roundRobinStrategy
if strategy != roundRobinStrategy {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("load balancing strategy %s is not supported", strategy)
namespace := namespaceOrFallback(svc, parentNamespace)
if !isNamespaceAllowed(c.allowCrossNamespace, parentNamespace, namespace) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("load balancer service %s/%s is not in the parent resource namespace %s", svc.Namespace, svc.Name, parentNamespace)
// If the service uses explicitly the provider suffix
sanitizedName := strings.TrimSuffix(svc.Name, providerNamespaceSeparator+providerName)
service, exists, err := c.client.GetService(namespace, sanitizedName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("kubernetes service not found: %s/%s", namespace, sanitizedName)
svcPort, err := getServicePort(service, svc.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if service.Spec.Type != corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName && svc.HealthCheck != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("healthCheck allowed only for ExternalName services: %s/%s", namespace, sanitizedName)
if service.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName {
if !c.allowExternalNameServices {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("externalName services not allowed: %s/%s", namespace, sanitizedName)
protocol, err := parseServiceProtocol(svc.Scheme, svcPort.Name, svcPort.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hostPort := net.JoinHostPort(service.Spec.ExternalName, strconv.Itoa(int(svcPort.Port)))
return []dynamic.Server{{URL: fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", protocol, hostPort)}}, nil
nativeLB := c.nativeLBByDefault
if svc.NativeLB != nil {
nativeLB = *svc.NativeLB
if nativeLB {
address, err := getNativeServiceAddress(*service, *svcPort)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting native Kubernetes Service address: %w", err)
protocol, err := parseServiceProtocol(svc.Scheme, svcPort.Name, svcPort.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []dynamic.Server{{URL: fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", protocol, address)}}, nil
var servers []dynamic.Server
if service.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeNodePort && svc.NodePortLB {
if c.disableClusterScopeResources {
return nil, errors.New("nodes lookup is disabled")
nodes, nodesExists, nodesErr := c.client.GetNodes()
if nodesErr != nil {
return nil, nodesErr
if !nodesExists || len(nodes) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nodes not found for NodePort service %s/%s", namespace, sanitizedName)
protocol, err := parseServiceProtocol(svc.Scheme, svcPort.Name, svcPort.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, node := range nodes {
for _, addr := range node.Status.Addresses {
if addr.Type == corev1.NodeInternalIP {
hostPort := net.JoinHostPort(addr.Address, strconv.Itoa(int(svcPort.NodePort)))
servers = append(servers, dynamic.Server{
URL: fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", protocol, hostPort),
if len(servers) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no servers were generated for service %s in namespace", sanitizedName)
return servers, nil
endpointSlices, err := c.client.GetEndpointSlicesForService(namespace, sanitizedName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting endpointslices: %w", err)
addresses := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, endpointSlice := range endpointSlices {
var port int32
for _, p := range endpointSlice.Ports {
if svcPort.Name == *p.Name {
port = *p.Port
if port == 0 {
protocol, err := parseServiceProtocol(svc.Scheme, svcPort.Name, svcPort.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, endpoint := range endpointSlice.Endpoints {
if !k8s.EndpointServing(endpoint) {
for _, address := range endpoint.Addresses {
if _, ok := addresses[address]; ok {
addresses[address] = struct{}{}
servers = append(servers, dynamic.Server{
URL: fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", protocol, net.JoinHostPort(address, strconv.Itoa(int(port)))),
Fenced: ptr.Deref(endpoint.Conditions.Terminating, false) && ptr.Deref(endpoint.Conditions.Serving, false),
if len(servers) == 0 && !c.allowEmptyServices {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no servers found for %s/%s", namespace, sanitizedName)
return servers, nil
// nameAndService returns the name that should be used for the svc service in the generated config.
// In addition, if the service is a Kubernetes one,
// it generates and returns the configuration part for such a service,
// so that the caller can add it to the global config map.
func (c configBuilder) nameAndService(ctx context.Context, parentNamespace string, service traefikv1alpha1.LoadBalancerSpec) (string, *dynamic.Service, error) {
svcCtx := log.Ctx(ctx).With().Str(logs.ServiceName, service.Name).Logger().WithContext(ctx)
namespace := namespaceOrFallback(service, parentNamespace)
if !isNamespaceAllowed(c.allowCrossNamespace, parentNamespace, namespace) {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("service %s/%s not in the parent resource namespace %s", service.Namespace, service.Name, parentNamespace)
switch {
case service.Kind == "" || service.Kind == "Service":
serversLB, err := c.buildServersLB(namespace, service)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
fullName := fullServiceName(svcCtx, namespace, service, service.Port)
return fullName, serversLB, nil
case service.Kind == "TraefikService":
return fullServiceName(svcCtx, namespace, service, intstr.FromInt(0)), nil, nil
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported service kind %s", service.Kind)
func splitSvcNameProvider(name string) (string, string) {
parts := strings.Split(name, providerNamespaceSeparator)
svc := strings.Join(parts[:len(parts)-1], providerNamespaceSeparator)
pvd := parts[len(parts)-1]
return svc, pvd
func fullServiceName(ctx context.Context, namespace string, service traefikv1alpha1.LoadBalancerSpec, port intstr.IntOrString) string {
if (port.Type == intstr.Int && port.IntVal != 0) || (port.Type == intstr.String && port.StrVal != "") {
return provider.Normalize(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", namespace, service.Name, &port))
if !strings.Contains(service.Name, providerNamespaceSeparator) {
return provider.Normalize(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", namespace, service.Name))
name, pName := splitSvcNameProvider(service.Name)
if pName == providerName {
return provider.Normalize(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", namespace, name))
if service.Namespace != "" {
log.Ctx(ctx).Warn().Msgf("namespace %q is ignored in cross-provider context", service.Namespace)
return provider.Normalize(name) + providerNamespaceSeparator + pName
func namespaceOrFallback(lb traefikv1alpha1.LoadBalancerSpec, fallback string) string {
if lb.Namespace != "" {
return lb.Namespace
return fallback
// getTLSHTTP mutates tlsConfigs.
func getTLSHTTP(ctx context.Context, ingressRoute *traefikv1alpha1.IngressRoute, k8sClient Client, tlsConfigs map[string]*tls.CertAndStores) error {
if ingressRoute.Spec.TLS == nil {
return nil
if ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.SecretName == "" {
log.Ctx(ctx).Debug().Msg("No secret name provided")
return nil
configKey := ingressRoute.Namespace + "/" + ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.SecretName
if _, tlsExists := tlsConfigs[configKey]; !tlsExists {
tlsConf, err := getTLS(k8sClient, ingressRoute.Spec.TLS.SecretName, ingressRoute.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
tlsConfigs[configKey] = tlsConf
return nil
// parseServiceProtocol parses the scheme, port name, and number to determine the correct protocol.
// an error is returned if the scheme provided is invalid.
func parseServiceProtocol(providedScheme, portName string, portNumber int32) (string, error) {
switch providedScheme {
case httpProtocol, httpsProtocol, "h2c":
return providedScheme, nil
case "":
if portNumber == 443 || strings.HasPrefix(portName, httpsProtocol) {
return httpsProtocol, nil
return httpProtocol, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid scheme %q specified", providedScheme)