mirror of https://github.com/containous/traefik.git synced 2025-03-12 20:58:23 +03:00

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package gateway
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
ktypes "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
gatev1 "sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1"
gatev1alpha2 "sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1alpha2"
gatev1alpha3 "sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1alpha3"
func (p *Provider) loadHTTPRoutes(ctx context.Context, gatewayListeners []gatewayListener, conf *dynamic.Configuration) {
routes, err := p.client.ListHTTPRoutes()
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to list HTTPRoutes")
for _, route := range routes {
logger := log.Ctx(ctx).With().
Str("http_route", route.Name).
Str("namespace", route.Namespace).
routeListeners := matchingGatewayListeners(gatewayListeners, route.Namespace, route.Spec.ParentRefs)
if len(routeListeners) == 0 {
var parentStatuses []gatev1.RouteParentStatus
for _, parentRef := range route.Spec.ParentRefs {
parentStatus := &gatev1.RouteParentStatus{
ParentRef: parentRef,
ControllerName: controllerName,
Conditions: []metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionAccepted),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonNoMatchingParent),
for _, listener := range routeListeners {
accepted := matchListener(listener, parentRef)
if accepted && !allowRoute(listener, route.Namespace, kindHTTPRoute) {
parentStatus.Conditions = updateRouteConditionAccepted(parentStatus.Conditions, string(gatev1.RouteReasonNotAllowedByListeners))
accepted = false
hostnames, ok := findMatchingHostnames(listener.Hostname, route.Spec.Hostnames)
if accepted && !ok {
parentStatus.Conditions = updateRouteConditionAccepted(parentStatus.Conditions, string(gatev1.RouteReasonNoMatchingListenerHostname))
accepted = false
if accepted {
// Gateway listener should have AttachedRoutes set even when Gateway has unresolved refs.
// Only consider the route attached if the listener is in an "attached" state.
if listener.Attached {
parentStatus.Conditions = updateRouteConditionAccepted(parentStatus.Conditions, string(gatev1.RouteReasonAccepted))
routeConf, resolveRefCondition := p.loadHTTPRoute(logger.WithContext(ctx), listener, route, hostnames)
if accepted && listener.Attached {
mergeHTTPConfiguration(routeConf, conf)
parentStatus.Conditions = upsertRouteConditionResolvedRefs(parentStatus.Conditions, resolveRefCondition)
parentStatuses = append(parentStatuses, *parentStatus)
status := gatev1.HTTPRouteStatus{
RouteStatus: gatev1.RouteStatus{
Parents: parentStatuses,
if err := p.client.UpdateHTTPRouteStatus(ctx, ktypes.NamespacedName{Namespace: route.Namespace, Name: route.Name}, status); err != nil {
Msg("Unable to update HTTPRoute status")
func (p *Provider) loadHTTPRoute(ctx context.Context, listener gatewayListener, route *gatev1.HTTPRoute, hostnames []gatev1.Hostname) (*dynamic.Configuration, metav1.Condition) {
conf := &dynamic.Configuration{
HTTP: &dynamic.HTTPConfiguration{
Routers: make(map[string]*dynamic.Router),
Middlewares: make(map[string]*dynamic.Middleware),
Services: make(map[string]*dynamic.Service),
ServersTransports: make(map[string]*dynamic.ServersTransport),
condition := metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionTrue,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
for ri, routeRule := range route.Spec.Rules {
// Adding the gateway desc and the entryPoint desc prevents overlapping of routers build from the same routes.
routeKey := provider.Normalize(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-gw-%s-%s-ep-%s-%d", strings.ToLower(kindHTTPRoute), route.Namespace, route.Name, listener.GWNamespace, listener.GWName, listener.EPName, ri))
for _, match := range routeRule.Matches {
rule, priority := buildMatchRule(hostnames, match)
router := dynamic.Router{
RuleSyntax: "v3",
Rule: rule,
Priority: priority + len(route.Spec.Rules) - ri,
EntryPoints: []string{listener.EPName},
if listener.Protocol == gatev1.HTTPSProtocolType {
router.TLS = &dynamic.RouterTLSConfig{}
var err error
routerName := makeRouterName(rule, routeKey)
router.Middlewares, err = p.loadMiddlewares(conf, route.Namespace, routerName, routeRule.Filters, match.Path)
switch {
case err != nil:
log.Ctx(ctx).Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to load HTTPRoute filters")
errWrrName := routerName + "-err-wrr"
conf.HTTP.Services[errWrrName] = &dynamic.Service{
Weighted: &dynamic.WeightedRoundRobin{
Services: []dynamic.WRRService{
Name: "invalid-httproute-filter",
Status: ptr.To(500),
Weight: ptr.To(1),
router.Service = errWrrName
case len(routeRule.BackendRefs) == 1 && isInternalService(routeRule.BackendRefs[0].BackendRef):
router.Service = string(routeRule.BackendRefs[0].Name)
var serviceCondition *metav1.Condition
router.Service, serviceCondition = p.loadWRRService(ctx, listener, conf, routerName, routeRule, route)
if serviceCondition != nil {
condition = *serviceCondition
p.applyRouterTransform(ctx, &router, route)
conf.HTTP.Routers[routerName] = &router
return conf, condition
func (p *Provider) loadWRRService(ctx context.Context, listener gatewayListener, conf *dynamic.Configuration, routeKey string, routeRule gatev1.HTTPRouteRule, route *gatev1.HTTPRoute) (string, *metav1.Condition) {
name := routeKey + "-wrr"
if _, ok := conf.HTTP.Services[name]; ok {
return name, nil
var wrr dynamic.WeightedRoundRobin
var condition *metav1.Condition
for _, backendRef := range routeRule.BackendRefs {
svcName, errCondition := p.loadService(ctx, listener, conf, route, backendRef)
weight := ptr.To(int(ptr.Deref(backendRef.Weight, 1)))
if errCondition != nil {
condition = errCondition
wrr.Services = append(wrr.Services, dynamic.WRRService{
Name: svcName,
Status: ptr.To(500),
Weight: weight,
wrr.Services = append(wrr.Services, dynamic.WRRService{
Name: svcName,
Weight: weight,
conf.HTTP.Services[name] = &dynamic.Service{Weighted: &wrr}
return name, condition
// loadService returns a dynamic.Service config corresponding to the given gatev1.HTTPBackendRef.
// Note that the returned dynamic.Service config can be nil (for cross-provider, internal services, and backendFunc).
func (p *Provider) loadService(ctx context.Context, listener gatewayListener, conf *dynamic.Configuration, route *gatev1.HTTPRoute, backendRef gatev1.HTTPBackendRef) (string, *metav1.Condition) {
kind := ptr.Deref(backendRef.Kind, kindService)
group := groupCore
if backendRef.Group != nil && *backendRef.Group != "" {
group = string(*backendRef.Group)
namespace := route.Namespace
if backendRef.Namespace != nil && *backendRef.Namespace != "" {
namespace = string(*backendRef.Namespace)
serviceName := provider.Normalize(namespace + "-" + string(backendRef.Name) + "-http")
if err := p.isReferenceGranted(kindHTTPRoute, route.Namespace, group, string(kind), string(backendRef.Name), namespace); err != nil {
return serviceName, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonRefNotPermitted),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load HTTPBackendRef %s/%s/%s/%s: %s", group, kind, namespace, backendRef.Name, err),
if group != groupCore || kind != kindService {
name, service, err := p.loadHTTPBackendRef(namespace, backendRef)
if err != nil {
return serviceName, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonInvalidKind),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load HTTPBackendRef %s/%s/%s/%s: %s", group, kind, namespace, backendRef.Name, err),
if service != nil {
conf.HTTP.Services[name] = service
return name, nil
port := ptr.Deref(backendRef.Port, gatev1.PortNumber(0))
if port == 0 {
return serviceName, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonUnsupportedProtocol),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load HTTPBackendRef %s/%s/%s/%s: port is required", group, kind, namespace, backendRef.Name),
portStr := strconv.FormatInt(int64(port), 10)
serviceName = provider.Normalize(serviceName + "-" + portStr)
lb, svcPort, errCondition := p.loadHTTPServers(namespace, route, backendRef)
if errCondition != nil {
return serviceName, errCondition
if !p.ExperimentalChannel {
conf.HTTP.Services[serviceName] = &dynamic.Service{LoadBalancer: lb}
return serviceName, nil
servicePolicies, err := p.client.ListBackendTLSPoliciesForService(namespace, string(backendRef.Name))
if err != nil {
return serviceName, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonRefNotPermitted),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot list BackendTLSPolicies for Service %s/%s: %s", namespace, string(backendRef.Name), err),
var matchedPolicy *gatev1alpha3.BackendTLSPolicy
for _, policy := range servicePolicies {
matched := false
for _, targetRef := range policy.Spec.TargetRefs {
if targetRef.SectionName == nil || svcPort.Name == string(*targetRef.SectionName) {
matchedPolicy = policy
matched = true
// If the policy targets the service, but doesn't match any port.
if !matched {
// update policy status
status := gatev1alpha2.PolicyStatus{
Ancestors: []gatev1alpha2.PolicyAncestorStatus{{
AncestorRef: gatev1alpha2.ParentReference{
Group: ptr.To(gatev1.Group(groupGateway)),
Kind: ptr.To(gatev1.Kind(kindGateway)),
Namespace: ptr.To(gatev1.Namespace(namespace)),
Name: gatev1.ObjectName(listener.GWName),
SectionName: ptr.To(gatev1.SectionName(listener.Name)),
ControllerName: controllerName,
Conditions: []metav1.Condition{{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonBackendNotFound),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("BackendTLSPolicy has no valid TargetRef for Service %s/%s", namespace, string(backendRef.Name)),
if err := p.client.UpdateBackendTLSPolicyStatus(ctx, ktypes.NamespacedName{Namespace: policy.Namespace, Name: policy.Name}, status); err != nil {
logger := log.Ctx(ctx).With().
Str("http_route", route.Name).
Str("namespace", route.Namespace).Logger()
Msg("Unable to update TLSRoute status")
if matchedPolicy != nil {
st, err := p.loadServersTransport(namespace, *matchedPolicy)
if err != nil {
return serviceName, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonRefNotPermitted),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot apply BackendTLSPolicy for Service %s/%s: %s", namespace, string(backendRef.Name), err),
if st != nil {
lb.ServersTransport = serviceName
conf.HTTP.ServersTransports[serviceName] = st
conf.HTTP.Services[serviceName] = &dynamic.Service{LoadBalancer: lb}
return serviceName, nil
func (p *Provider) loadHTTPBackendRef(namespace string, backendRef gatev1.HTTPBackendRef) (string, *dynamic.Service, error) {
// Support for cross-provider references (e.g: api@internal).
// This provides the same behavior as for IngressRoutes.
if *backendRef.Kind == "TraefikService" && strings.Contains(string(backendRef.Name), "@") {
return string(backendRef.Name), nil, nil
backendFunc, ok := p.groupKindBackendFuncs[string(*backendRef.Group)][string(*backendRef.Kind)]
if !ok {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported HTTPBackendRef %s/%s/%s", *backendRef.Group, *backendRef.Kind, backendRef.Name)
if backendFunc == nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined backendFunc for HTTPBackendRef %s/%s/%s", *backendRef.Group, *backendRef.Kind, backendRef.Name)
return backendFunc(string(backendRef.Name), namespace)
func (p *Provider) loadMiddlewares(conf *dynamic.Configuration, namespace, routerName string, filters []gatev1.HTTPRouteFilter, pathMatch *gatev1.HTTPPathMatch) ([]string, error) {
type namedMiddleware struct {
Name string
Config *dynamic.Middleware
pm := ptr.Deref(pathMatch, gatev1.HTTPPathMatch{
Type: ptr.To(gatev1.PathMatchPathPrefix),
Value: ptr.To("/"),
var middlewares []namedMiddleware
for i, filter := range filters {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", routerName, strings.ToLower(string(filter.Type)), i)
switch filter.Type {
case gatev1.HTTPRouteFilterRequestRedirect:
middlewares = append(middlewares, namedMiddleware{
createRequestRedirect(filter.RequestRedirect, pm),
case gatev1.HTTPRouteFilterRequestHeaderModifier:
middlewares = append(middlewares, namedMiddleware{
case gatev1.HTTPRouteFilterResponseHeaderModifier:
middlewares = append(middlewares, namedMiddleware{
case gatev1.HTTPRouteFilterExtensionRef:
name, middleware, err := p.loadHTTPRouteFilterExtensionRef(namespace, filter.ExtensionRef)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading ExtensionRef filter %s: %w", filter.Type, err)
middlewares = append(middlewares, namedMiddleware{
case gatev1.HTTPRouteFilterURLRewrite:
middleware, err := createURLRewrite(filter.URLRewrite, pm)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid filter %s: %w", filter.Type, err)
middlewares = append(middlewares, namedMiddleware{
// As per the spec: https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/api-types/httproute/#filters-optional
// In all cases where incompatible or unsupported filters are
// specified, implementations MUST add a warning condition to
// status.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported filter %s", filter.Type)
var middlewareNames []string
for _, m := range middlewares {
if m.Config != nil {
conf.HTTP.Middlewares[m.Name] = m.Config
middlewareNames = append(middlewareNames, m.Name)
return middlewareNames, nil
func (p *Provider) loadHTTPRouteFilterExtensionRef(namespace string, extensionRef *gatev1.LocalObjectReference) (string, *dynamic.Middleware, error) {
if extensionRef == nil {
return "", nil, errors.New("filter extension ref undefined")
filterFunc, ok := p.groupKindFilterFuncs[string(extensionRef.Group)][string(extensionRef.Kind)]
if !ok {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported filter extension ref %s/%s/%s", extensionRef.Group, extensionRef.Kind, extensionRef.Name)
if filterFunc == nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined filterFunc for filter extension ref %s/%s/%s", extensionRef.Group, extensionRef.Kind, extensionRef.Name)
return filterFunc(string(extensionRef.Name), namespace)
func (p *Provider) loadHTTPServers(namespace string, route *gatev1.HTTPRoute, backendRef gatev1.HTTPBackendRef) (*dynamic.ServersLoadBalancer, corev1.ServicePort, *metav1.Condition) {
backendAddresses, svcPort, err := p.getBackendAddresses(namespace, backendRef.BackendRef)
if err != nil {
return nil, corev1.ServicePort{}, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonBackendNotFound),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load HTTPBackendRef %s/%s: %s", namespace, backendRef.Name, err),
protocol, err := getHTTPServiceProtocol(svcPort)
if err != nil {
return nil, corev1.ServicePort{}, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonUnsupportedProtocol),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load HTTPBackendRef %s/%s: %s", namespace, backendRef.Name, err),
lb := &dynamic.ServersLoadBalancer{}
for _, ba := range backendAddresses {
lb.Servers = append(lb.Servers, dynamic.Server{
URL: fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", protocol, net.JoinHostPort(ba.IP, strconv.Itoa(int(ba.Port)))),
return lb, svcPort, nil
func (p *Provider) loadServersTransport(namespace string, policy gatev1alpha3.BackendTLSPolicy) (*dynamic.ServersTransport, error) {
st := &dynamic.ServersTransport{
ServerName: string(policy.Spec.Validation.Hostname),
if policy.Spec.Validation.WellKnownCACertificates != nil {
return st, nil
for _, caCertRef := range policy.Spec.Validation.CACertificateRefs {
if (caCertRef.Group != "" && caCertRef.Group != groupCore) || caCertRef.Kind != "ConfigMap" {
configMap, exists, err := p.client.GetConfigMap(namespace, string(caCertRef.Name))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting configmap: %w", err)
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("configmap %s/%s not found", namespace, string(caCertRef.Name))
caCRT, ok := configMap.Data["ca.crt"]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("configmap %s/%s does not have ca.crt", namespace, string(caCertRef.Name))
st.RootCAs = append(st.RootCAs, types.FileOrContent(caCRT))
return st, nil
func buildHostRule(hostnames []gatev1.Hostname) (string, int) {
var rules []string
var priority int
for _, hostname := range hostnames {
host := string(hostname)
if priority < len(host) {
priority = len(host)
wildcard := strings.Count(host, "*")
if wildcard == 0 {
rules = append(rules, fmt.Sprintf("Host(`%s`)", host))
host = strings.Replace(regexp.QuoteMeta(host), `\*\.`, `[a-z0-9-\.]+\.`, 1)
rules = append(rules, fmt.Sprintf("HostRegexp(`^%s$`)", host))
switch len(rules) {
case 0:
return "", 0
case 1:
return rules[0], priority
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", strings.Join(rules, " || ")), priority
// buildMatchRule builds the route rule and computes its priority.
// The current priority computing is rather naive but aims to fulfill Conformance tests suite requirement.
// The priority is computed to match the following precedence order:
// * "Exact" path match (+100000).
// * "Prefix" path match with largest number of characters (+10000 + nb_characters*100).
// * Method match (+1000).
// * Largest number of header matches (+100 each).
// * Largest number of query param matches (+10 each).
// In case of multiple matches for a route, the maximum priority among all matches is retain.
func buildMatchRule(hostnames []gatev1.Hostname, match gatev1.HTTPRouteMatch) (string, int) {
path := ptr.Deref(match.Path, gatev1.HTTPPathMatch{
Type: ptr.To(gatev1.PathMatchPathPrefix),
Value: ptr.To("/"),
var priority int
var matchRules []string
pathRule, pathPriority := buildPathRule(path)
matchRules = append(matchRules, pathRule)
priority += pathPriority
if match.Method != nil {
matchRules = append(matchRules, fmt.Sprintf("Method(`%s`)", *match.Method))
priority += 1000
headerRules, headersPriority := buildHeaderRules(match.Headers)
matchRules = append(matchRules, headerRules...)
priority += headersPriority
queryParamRules, queryParamsPriority := buildQueryParamRules(match.QueryParams)
matchRules = append(matchRules, queryParamRules...)
priority += queryParamsPriority
matchRulesStr := strings.Join(matchRules, " && ")
hostRule, hostPriority := buildHostRule(hostnames)
if hostRule == "" {
return matchRulesStr, priority
// A route with a host should match over the same route with no host.
priority += hostPriority
return hostRule + " && " + matchRulesStr, priority
func buildPathRule(pathMatch gatev1.HTTPPathMatch) (string, int) {
pathType := ptr.Deref(pathMatch.Type, gatev1.PathMatchPathPrefix)
pathValue := ptr.Deref(pathMatch.Value, "/")
switch pathType {
case gatev1.PathMatchExact:
return fmt.Sprintf("Path(`%s`)", pathValue), 100000
case gatev1.PathMatchPathPrefix:
// PathPrefix(`/`) rule is a catch-all,
// here we ensure it would be evaluated last.
if pathValue == "/" {
return "PathPrefix(`/`)", 1
pv := strings.TrimSuffix(pathValue, "/")
return fmt.Sprintf("(Path(`%[1]s`) || PathPrefix(`%[1]s/`))", pv), 10000 + len(pathValue)*100
case gatev1.PathMatchRegularExpression:
return fmt.Sprintf("PathRegexp(`%s`)", pathValue), 10000 + len(pathValue)*100
return "PathPrefix(`/`)", 1
func buildHeaderRules(headers []gatev1.HTTPHeaderMatch) ([]string, int) {
var (
rules []string
priority int
for _, header := range headers {
typ := ptr.Deref(header.Type, gatev1.HeaderMatchExact)
switch typ {
case gatev1.HeaderMatchExact:
rules = append(rules, fmt.Sprintf("Header(`%s`,`%s`)", header.Name, header.Value))
case gatev1.HeaderMatchRegularExpression:
rules = append(rules, fmt.Sprintf("HeaderRegexp(`%s`,`%s`)", header.Name, header.Value))
priority += 100
return rules, priority
func buildQueryParamRules(queryParams []gatev1.HTTPQueryParamMatch) ([]string, int) {
var (
rules []string
priority int
for _, qp := range queryParams {
typ := ptr.Deref(qp.Type, gatev1.QueryParamMatchExact)
switch typ {
case gatev1.QueryParamMatchExact:
rules = append(rules, fmt.Sprintf("Query(`%s`,`%s`)", qp.Name, qp.Value))
case gatev1.QueryParamMatchRegularExpression:
rules = append(rules, fmt.Sprintf("QueryRegexp(`%s`,`%s`)", qp.Name, qp.Value))
priority += 10
return rules, priority
// createRequestHeaderModifier does not enforce/check the configuration,
// as the spec indicates that either the webhook or CEL (since v1.0 GA Release) should enforce that.
func createRequestHeaderModifier(filter *gatev1.HTTPHeaderFilter) *dynamic.Middleware {
sets := map[string]string{}
for _, header := range filter.Set {
sets[string(header.Name)] = header.Value
adds := map[string]string{}
for _, header := range filter.Add {
adds[string(header.Name)] = header.Value
return &dynamic.Middleware{
RequestHeaderModifier: &dynamic.HeaderModifier{
Set: sets,
Add: adds,
Remove: filter.Remove,
// createResponseHeaderModifier does not enforce/check the configuration,
// as the spec indicates that either the webhook or CEL (since v1.0 GA Release) should enforce that.
func createResponseHeaderModifier(filter *gatev1.HTTPHeaderFilter) *dynamic.Middleware {
sets := map[string]string{}
for _, header := range filter.Set {
sets[string(header.Name)] = header.Value
adds := map[string]string{}
for _, header := range filter.Add {
adds[string(header.Name)] = header.Value
return &dynamic.Middleware{
ResponseHeaderModifier: &dynamic.HeaderModifier{
Set: sets,
Add: adds,
Remove: filter.Remove,
func createRequestRedirect(filter *gatev1.HTTPRequestRedirectFilter, pathMatch gatev1.HTTPPathMatch) *dynamic.Middleware {
var hostname *string
if filter.Hostname != nil {
hostname = ptr.To(string(*filter.Hostname))
var port *string
filterScheme := ptr.Deref(filter.Scheme, "")
if filterScheme == schemeHTTP || filterScheme == schemeHTTPS {
port = ptr.To("")
if filter.Port != nil {
port = ptr.To(fmt.Sprintf("%d", *filter.Port))
var path *string
var pathPrefix *string
if filter.Path != nil {
switch filter.Path.Type {
case gatev1.FullPathHTTPPathModifier:
path = filter.Path.ReplaceFullPath
case gatev1.PrefixMatchHTTPPathModifier:
path = filter.Path.ReplacePrefixMatch
pathPrefix = pathMatch.Value
return &dynamic.Middleware{
RequestRedirect: &dynamic.RequestRedirect{
Scheme: filter.Scheme,
Hostname: hostname,
Port: port,
Path: path,
PathPrefix: pathPrefix,
StatusCode: ptr.Deref(filter.StatusCode, http.StatusFound),
func createURLRewrite(filter *gatev1.HTTPURLRewriteFilter, pathMatch gatev1.HTTPPathMatch) (*dynamic.Middleware, error) {
if filter.Path == nil && filter.Hostname == nil {
return nil, errors.New("empty configuration")
var host *string
if filter.Hostname != nil {
host = ptr.To(string(*filter.Hostname))
var path *string
var pathPrefix *string
if filter.Path != nil {
switch filter.Path.Type {
case gatev1.FullPathHTTPPathModifier:
path = filter.Path.ReplaceFullPath
case gatev1.PrefixMatchHTTPPathModifier:
path = filter.Path.ReplacePrefixMatch
pathPrefix = pathMatch.Value
return &dynamic.Middleware{
URLRewrite: &dynamic.URLRewrite{
Hostname: host,
Path: path,
PathPrefix: pathPrefix,
}, nil
func getHTTPServiceProtocol(portSpec corev1.ServicePort) (string, error) {
if portSpec.Protocol != corev1.ProtocolTCP {
return "", errors.New("only TCP protocol is supported")
if portSpec.AppProtocol == nil {
protocol := schemeHTTP
if portSpec.Port == 443 || strings.HasPrefix(portSpec.Name, schemeHTTPS) {
protocol = schemeHTTPS
return protocol, nil
switch ap := *portSpec.AppProtocol; ap {
case appProtocolH2C:
return schemeH2C, nil
case appProtocolHTTP, appProtocolWS:
return schemeHTTP, nil
case appProtocolHTTPS, appProtocolWSS:
return schemeHTTPS, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported application protocol %s", ap)
func mergeHTTPConfiguration(from, to *dynamic.Configuration) {
if from == nil || from.HTTP == nil || to == nil {
if to.HTTP == nil {
to.HTTP = from.HTTP
if to.HTTP.Routers == nil {
to.HTTP.Routers = map[string]*dynamic.Router{}
for routerName, router := range from.HTTP.Routers {
to.HTTP.Routers[routerName] = router
if to.HTTP.Middlewares == nil {
to.HTTP.Middlewares = map[string]*dynamic.Middleware{}
for middlewareName, middleware := range from.HTTP.Middlewares {
to.HTTP.Middlewares[middlewareName] = middleware
if to.HTTP.Services == nil {
to.HTTP.Services = map[string]*dynamic.Service{}
for serviceName, service := range from.HTTP.Services {
to.HTTP.Services[serviceName] = service
if to.HTTP.ServersTransports == nil {
to.HTTP.ServersTransports = map[string]*dynamic.ServersTransport{}
for name, serversTransport := range from.HTTP.ServersTransports {
to.HTTP.ServersTransports[name] = serversTransport