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synced 2025-02-28 01:58:04 +03:00
If the ECS cluster has > 100 tasks, passing them to ecs.DescribeTasksRequest() will result in the AWS API returning errors. This patch breaks them into chunks of at most 100, and calls DescribeTasks for each chunk. We also return early in case ListTasks returns no values; this prevents DescribeTasks from throwing HTTP errors.
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package provider
import (
var _ Provider = (*ECS)(nil)
// ECS holds configurations of the ECS provider.
type ECS struct {
BaseProvider `mapstructure:",squash"`
Domain string `description:"Default domain used"`
ExposedByDefault bool `description:"Expose containers by default"`
RefreshSeconds int `description:"Polling interval (in seconds)"`
// ECS lookup parameters
Cluster string `description:"ECS Cluster Name"`
Region string `description:"The AWS region to use for requests"`
AccessKeyID string `description:"The AWS credentials access key to use for making requests"`
SecretAccessKey string `description:"The AWS credentials access key to use for making requests"`
type ecsInstance struct {
Name string
ID string
task *ecs.Task
taskDefinition *ecs.TaskDefinition
container *ecs.Container
containerDefinition *ecs.ContainerDefinition
machine *ec2.Instance
type awsClient struct {
ecs *ecs.ECS
ec2 *ec2.EC2
func (provider *ECS) createClient() (*awsClient, error) {
sess := session.New()
ec2meta := ec2metadata.New(sess)
if provider.Region == "" {
log.Infoln("No EC2 region provided, querying instance metadata endpoint...")
identity, err := ec2meta.GetInstanceIdentityDocument()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
provider.Region = identity.Region
cfg := &aws.Config{
Region: &provider.Region,
Credentials: credentials.NewChainCredentials(
Value: credentials.Value{
AccessKeyID: provider.AccessKeyID,
SecretAccessKey: provider.SecretAccessKey,
defaults.RemoteCredProvider(*(defaults.Config()), defaults.Handlers()),
return &awsClient{
ecs.New(sess, cfg),
ec2.New(sess, cfg),
}, nil
// Provide allows the provider to provide configurations to traefik
// using the given configuration channel.
func (provider *ECS) Provide(configurationChan chan<- types.ConfigMessage, pool *safe.Pool, constraints types.Constraints) error {
provider.Constraints = append(provider.Constraints, constraints...)
handleCanceled := func(ctx context.Context, err error) error {
if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled || err == context.Canceled {
return nil
return err
pool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
select {
case <-stop:
operation := func() error {
aws, err := provider.createClient()
if err != nil {
return err
configuration, err := provider.loadECSConfig(ctx, aws)
if err != nil {
return handleCanceled(ctx, err)
configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{
ProviderName: "ecs",
Configuration: configuration,
if provider.Watch {
reload := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(provider.RefreshSeconds))
defer reload.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-reload.C:
configuration, err := provider.loadECSConfig(ctx, aws)
if err != nil {
return handleCanceled(ctx, err)
configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{
ProviderName: "ecs",
Configuration: configuration,
case <-ctx.Done():
return handleCanceled(ctx, ctx.Err())
return nil
notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) {
log.Errorf("ECS connection error %+v, retrying in %s", err, time)
err := backoff.RetryNotify(safe.OperationWithRecover(operation), job.NewBackOff(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()), notify)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot connect to ECS api %+v", err)
return nil
func wrapAws(ctx context.Context, req *request.Request) error {
req.HTTPRequest = req.HTTPRequest.WithContext(ctx)
return req.Send()
func (provider *ECS) loadECSConfig(ctx context.Context, client *awsClient) (*types.Configuration, error) {
var ecsFuncMap = template.FuncMap{
"filterFrontends": provider.filterFrontends,
"getFrontendRule": provider.getFrontendRule,
instances, err := provider.listInstances(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
instances = fun.Filter(provider.filterInstance, instances).([]ecsInstance)
return provider.getConfiguration("templates/ecs.tmpl", ecsFuncMap, struct {
Instances []ecsInstance
// Find all running ECS tasks in a cluster, also collect the task definitions (for docker labels)
// and the EC2 instance data
func (provider *ECS) listInstances(ctx context.Context, client *awsClient) ([]ecsInstance, error) {
var taskArns []*string
req, _ := client.ecs.ListTasksRequest(&ecs.ListTasksInput{
Cluster: &provider.Cluster,
DesiredStatus: aws.String(ecs.DesiredStatusRunning),
for ; req != nil; req = req.NextPage() {
if err := wrapAws(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
taskArns = append(taskArns, req.Data.(*ecs.ListTasksOutput).TaskArns...)
// Early return: if we can't list tasks we have nothing to
// describe below - likely empty cluster/permissions are bad. This
// stops the AWS API from returning a 401 when you DescribeTasks
// with no input.
if len(taskArns) == 0 {
return []ecsInstance{}, nil
chunkedTaskArns := provider.chunkedTaskArns(taskArns)
var tasks []*ecs.Task
for _, arns := range chunkedTaskArns {
req, taskResp := client.ecs.DescribeTasksRequest(&ecs.DescribeTasksInput{
Tasks: arns,
Cluster: &provider.Cluster,
if err := wrapAws(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
tasks = append(tasks, taskResp.Tasks...)
containerInstanceArns := make([]*string, 0)
byContainerInstance := make(map[string]int)
taskDefinitionArns := make([]*string, 0)
byTaskDefinition := make(map[string]int)
for _, task := range tasks {
if _, found := byContainerInstance[*task.ContainerInstanceArn]; !found {
byContainerInstance[*task.ContainerInstanceArn] = len(containerInstanceArns)
containerInstanceArns = append(containerInstanceArns, task.ContainerInstanceArn)
if _, found := byTaskDefinition[*task.TaskDefinitionArn]; !found {
byTaskDefinition[*task.TaskDefinitionArn] = len(taskDefinitionArns)
taskDefinitionArns = append(taskDefinitionArns, task.TaskDefinitionArn)
machines, err := provider.lookupEc2Instances(ctx, client, containerInstanceArns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
taskDefinitions, err := provider.lookupTaskDefinitions(ctx, client, taskDefinitionArns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var instances []ecsInstance
for _, task := range tasks {
machineIdx := byContainerInstance[*task.ContainerInstanceArn]
taskDefIdx := byTaskDefinition[*task.TaskDefinitionArn]
for _, container := range task.Containers {
taskDefinition := taskDefinitions[taskDefIdx]
var containerDefinition *ecs.ContainerDefinition
for _, def := range taskDefinition.ContainerDefinitions {
if *container.Name == *def.Name {
containerDefinition = def
instances = append(instances, ecsInstance{
fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", strings.Replace(*task.Group, ":", "-", 1), *container.Name),
return instances, nil
func (provider *ECS) lookupEc2Instances(ctx context.Context, client *awsClient, containerArns []*string) ([]*ec2.Instance, error) {
order := make(map[string]int)
instanceIds := make([]*string, len(containerArns))
instances := make([]*ec2.Instance, len(containerArns))
for i, arn := range containerArns {
order[*arn] = i
req, _ := client.ecs.DescribeContainerInstancesRequest(&ecs.DescribeContainerInstancesInput{
ContainerInstances: containerArns,
Cluster: &provider.Cluster,
for ; req != nil; req = req.NextPage() {
if err := wrapAws(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
containerResp := req.Data.(*ecs.DescribeContainerInstancesOutput)
for i, container := range containerResp.ContainerInstances {
order[*container.Ec2InstanceId] = order[*container.ContainerInstanceArn]
instanceIds[i] = container.Ec2InstanceId
req, _ = client.ec2.DescribeInstancesRequest(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
InstanceIds: instanceIds,
for ; req != nil; req = req.NextPage() {
if err := wrapAws(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
instancesResp := req.Data.(*ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput)
for _, r := range instancesResp.Reservations {
for _, i := range r.Instances {
if i.InstanceId != nil {
instances[order[*i.InstanceId]] = i
return instances, nil
func (provider *ECS) lookupTaskDefinitions(ctx context.Context, client *awsClient, taskDefArns []*string) ([]*ecs.TaskDefinition, error) {
taskDefinitions := make([]*ecs.TaskDefinition, len(taskDefArns))
for i, arn := range taskDefArns {
req, resp := client.ecs.DescribeTaskDefinitionRequest(&ecs.DescribeTaskDefinitionInput{
TaskDefinition: arn,
if err := wrapAws(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
taskDefinitions[i] = resp.TaskDefinition
return taskDefinitions, nil
func (i ecsInstance) label(k string) string {
if v, found := i.containerDefinition.DockerLabels[k]; found {
return *v
return ""
func (provider *ECS) filterInstance(i ecsInstance) bool {
if len(i.container.NetworkBindings) == 0 {
log.Debugf("Filtering ecs instance without port %s (%s)", i.Name, i.ID)
return false
if i.machine == nil ||
i.machine.State == nil ||
i.machine.State.Name == nil {
log.Debugf("Filtering ecs instance in an missing ec2 information %s (%s)", i.Name, i.ID)
return false
if *i.machine.State.Name != ec2.InstanceStateNameRunning {
log.Debugf("Filtering ecs instance in an incorrect state %s (%s) (state = %s)", i.Name, i.ID, *i.machine.State.Name)
return false
if i.machine.PrivateIpAddress == nil {
log.Debugf("Filtering ecs instance without an ip address %s (%s)", i.Name, i.ID)
return false
label := i.label("traefik.enable")
enabled := provider.ExposedByDefault && label != "false" || label == "true"
if !enabled {
log.Debugf("Filtering disabled ecs instance %s (%s) (traefik.enabled = '%s')", i.Name, i.ID, label)
return false
return true
func (provider *ECS) filterFrontends(instances []ecsInstance) []ecsInstance {
byName := make(map[string]bool)
return fun.Filter(func(i ecsInstance) bool {
if _, found := byName[i.Name]; !found {
byName[i.Name] = true
return true
return false
}, instances).([]ecsInstance)
func (provider *ECS) getFrontendRule(i ecsInstance) string {
if label := i.label("traefik.frontend.rule"); label != "" {
return label
return "Host:" + strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(i.Name, "_", "-", -1)) + "." + provider.Domain
// ECS expects no more than 100 parameters be passed to a DescribeTask call; thus, pack
// each string into an array capped at 100 elements
func (provider *ECS) chunkedTaskArns(tasks []*string) [][]*string {
var chunkedTasks [][]*string
for i := 0; i < len(tasks); i += 100 {
sliceEnd := -1
if i+100 < len(tasks) {
sliceEnd = i + 100
} else {
sliceEnd = len(tasks)
chunkedTasks = append(chunkedTasks, tasks[i:sliceEnd])
return chunkedTasks
func (i ecsInstance) Protocol() string {
if label := i.label("traefik.protocol"); label != "" {
return label
return "http"
func (i ecsInstance) Host() string {
return *i.machine.PrivateIpAddress
func (i ecsInstance) Port() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(*i.container.NetworkBindings[0].HostPort, 10)
func (i ecsInstance) Weight() string {
if label := i.label("traefik.weight"); label != "" {
return label
return "0"
func (i ecsInstance) PassHostHeader() string {
if label := i.label("traefik.frontend.passHostHeader"); label != "" {
return label
return "true"
func (i ecsInstance) Priority() string {
if label := i.label("traefik.frontend.priority"); label != "" {
return label
return "0"
func (i ecsInstance) EntryPoints() []string {
if label := i.label("traefik.frontend.entryPoints"); label != "" {
return strings.Split(label, ",")
return []string{}