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synced 2025-03-14 00:58:23 +03:00
- Create a webui DockerFile - add task `generate-webui` - use task `generate-webui` in build process
Træfɪk Web UI
Access to Træfɪk Web UI, ex: http://localhost:8080
Træfɪk Web UI provide 2 types of informations:
- Providers with their backends and frontends information.
- Health of the web server.
How to build (for backends developer)
Use the make file :
make build # Generate Docker image
make generate-webui # Generate static contents in `traefik/static/` folder.
How to build (only for frontends developer)
prerequisite: Node
Go to the directory
To install dependencies, execute the following commands:
npm install
bower install
Build static Web UI, execute the following command:
gulp build
Static contents are build in the directory
Don't change manually the files in the directory static
- The build allow to:
- optimize all JavaScript
- optimize all CSS
- add vendor prefixes to CSS (cross-bowser support)
- add a hash in the file names to prevent browser cache problems
- all images will be optimized at build
How to edit (only for frontends developer)
Don't change manually the files in the directory static
Go to the directory
Edit files in
Run in development mode :
gulp serve
Træfɪk API connections are defined in:
The pages contents are in the directory