mirror of https://github.com/containous/traefik.git synced 2025-03-14 00:58:23 +03:00
Ed Robinson ac20ddfc6c
Fix golint
recent additions to golint mean that a number of files cause the
build to start failing if they are edited (we only run against changed

This fixes all the errors in the repo so things don't unexpectedly start
failing for people making PRs
2016-11-16 11:52:15 +01:00

420 lines
15 KiB

package main
import (
// TraefikConfiguration holds GlobalConfiguration and other stuff
type TraefikConfiguration struct {
GlobalConfiguration `mapstructure:",squash"`
ConfigFile string `short:"c" description:"Configuration file to use (TOML)."`
// GlobalConfiguration holds global configuration (with providers, etc.).
// It's populated from the traefik configuration file passed as an argument to the binary.
type GlobalConfiguration struct {
GraceTimeOut int64 `short:"g" description:"Duration to give active requests a chance to finish during hot-reload"`
Debug bool `short:"d" description:"Enable debug mode"`
CheckNewVersion bool `description:"Periodically check if a new version has been released"`
AccessLogsFile string `description:"Access logs file"`
TraefikLogsFile string `description:"Traefik logs file"`
LogLevel string `short:"l" description:"Log level"`
EntryPoints EntryPoints `description:"Entrypoints definition using format: --entryPoints='Name:http Address::8000 Redirect.EntryPoint:https' --entryPoints='Name:https Address::4442 TLS:tests/traefik.crt,tests/traefik.key;prod/traefik.crt,prod/traefik.key'"`
Cluster *types.Cluster `description:"Enable clustering"`
Constraints types.Constraints `description:"Filter services by constraint, matching with service tags"`
ACME *acme.ACME `description:"Enable ACME (Let's Encrypt): automatic SSL"`
DefaultEntryPoints DefaultEntryPoints `description:"Entrypoints to be used by frontends that do not specify any entrypoint"`
ProvidersThrottleDuration time.Duration `description:"Backends throttle duration: minimum duration between 2 events from providers before applying a new configuration. It avoids unnecessary reloads if multiples events are sent in a short amount of time."`
MaxIdleConnsPerHost int `description:"If non-zero, controls the maximum idle (keep-alive) to keep per-host. If zero, DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost is used"`
InsecureSkipVerify bool `description:"Disable SSL certificate verification"`
Retry *Retry `description:"Enable retry sending request if network error"`
Docker *provider.Docker `description:"Enable Docker backend"`
File *provider.File `description:"Enable File backend"`
Web *WebProvider `description:"Enable Web backend"`
Marathon *provider.Marathon `description:"Enable Marathon backend"`
Consul *provider.Consul `description:"Enable Consul backend"`
ConsulCatalog *provider.ConsulCatalog `description:"Enable Consul catalog backend"`
Etcd *provider.Etcd `description:"Enable Etcd backend"`
Zookeeper *provider.Zookepper `description:"Enable Zookeeper backend"`
Boltdb *provider.BoltDb `description:"Enable Boltdb backend"`
Kubernetes *provider.Kubernetes `description:"Enable Kubernetes backend"`
Mesos *provider.Mesos `description:"Enable Mesos backend"`
// DefaultEntryPoints holds default entry points
type DefaultEntryPoints []string
// String is the method to format the flag's value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// The String method's output will be used in diagnostics.
func (dep *DefaultEntryPoints) String() string {
return strings.Join(*dep, ",")
// Set is the method to set the flag value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// Set's argument is a string to be parsed to set the flag.
// It's a comma-separated list, so we split it.
func (dep *DefaultEntryPoints) Set(value string) error {
entrypoints := strings.Split(value, ",")
if len(entrypoints) == 0 {
return errors.New("Bad DefaultEntryPoints format: " + value)
for _, entrypoint := range entrypoints {
*dep = append(*dep, entrypoint)
return nil
// Get return the EntryPoints map
func (dep *DefaultEntryPoints) Get() interface{} {
return DefaultEntryPoints(*dep)
// SetValue sets the EntryPoints map with val
func (dep *DefaultEntryPoints) SetValue(val interface{}) {
*dep = DefaultEntryPoints(val.(DefaultEntryPoints))
// Type is type of the struct
func (dep *DefaultEntryPoints) Type() string {
return fmt.Sprint("defaultentrypoints")
// EntryPoints holds entry points configuration of the reverse proxy (ip, port, TLS...)
type EntryPoints map[string]*EntryPoint
// String is the method to format the flag's value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// The String method's output will be used in diagnostics.
func (ep *EntryPoints) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", *ep)
// Set is the method to set the flag value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// Set's argument is a string to be parsed to set the flag.
// It's a comma-separated list, so we split it.
func (ep *EntryPoints) Set(value string) error {
regex := regexp.MustCompile("(?:Name:(?P<Name>\\S*))\\s*(?:Address:(?P<Address>\\S*))?\\s*(?:TLS:(?P<TLS>\\S*))?\\s*((?P<TLSACME>TLS))?\\s*(?:CA:(?P<CA>\\S*))?\\s*(?:Redirect.EntryPoint:(?P<RedirectEntryPoint>\\S*))?\\s*(?:Redirect.Regex:(?P<RedirectRegex>\\S*))?\\s*(?:Redirect.Replacement:(?P<RedirectReplacement>\\S*))?\\s*(?:Compress:(?P<Compress>\\S*))?")
match := regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(value, -1)
if match == nil {
return errors.New("Bad EntryPoints format: " + value)
matchResult := match[0]
result := make(map[string]string)
for i, name := range regex.SubexpNames() {
if i != 0 {
result[name] = matchResult[i]
var tls *TLS
if len(result["TLS"]) > 0 {
certs := Certificates{}
if err := certs.Set(result["TLS"]); err != nil {
return err
tls = &TLS{
Certificates: certs,
} else if len(result["TLSACME"]) > 0 {
tls = &TLS{
Certificates: Certificates{},
if len(result["CA"]) > 0 {
files := strings.Split(result["CA"], ",")
tls.ClientCAFiles = files
var redirect *Redirect
if len(result["RedirectEntryPoint"]) > 0 || len(result["RedirectRegex"]) > 0 || len(result["RedirectReplacement"]) > 0 {
redirect = &Redirect{
EntryPoint: result["RedirectEntryPoint"],
Regex: result["RedirectRegex"],
Replacement: result["RedirectReplacement"],
compress := false
if len(result["Compress"]) > 0 {
compress = strings.EqualFold(result["Compress"], "enable") || strings.EqualFold(result["Compress"], "on")
(*ep)[result["Name"]] = &EntryPoint{
Address: result["Address"],
TLS: tls,
Redirect: redirect,
Compress: compress,
return nil
// Get return the EntryPoints map
func (ep *EntryPoints) Get() interface{} {
return EntryPoints(*ep)
// SetValue sets the EntryPoints map with val
func (ep *EntryPoints) SetValue(val interface{}) {
*ep = EntryPoints(val.(EntryPoints))
// Type is type of the struct
func (ep *EntryPoints) Type() string {
return fmt.Sprint("entrypoints")
// EntryPoint holds an entry point configuration of the reverse proxy (ip, port, TLS...)
type EntryPoint struct {
Network string
Address string
Redirect *Redirect
Auth *types.Auth
Compress bool
// Redirect configures a redirection of an entry point to another, or to an URL
type Redirect struct {
EntryPoint string
Regex string
Replacement string
// TLS configures TLS for an entry point
type TLS struct {
MinVersion string
CipherSuites []string
Certificates Certificates
ClientCAFiles []string
// Map of allowed TLS minimum versions
var minVersion = map[string]uint16{
`VersionTLS10`: tls.VersionTLS10,
`VersionTLS11`: tls.VersionTLS11,
`VersionTLS12`: tls.VersionTLS12,
// Map of TLS CipherSuites from crypto/tls
var cipherSuites = map[string]uint16{
// Certificates defines traefik certificates type
// Certs and Keys could be either a file path, or the file content itself
type Certificates []Certificate
//CreateTLSConfig creates a TLS config from Certificate structures
func (certs *Certificates) CreateTLSConfig() (*tls.Config, error) {
config := &tls.Config{}
config.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{}
certsSlice := []Certificate(*certs)
for _, v := range certsSlice {
isAPath := false
_, errCert := os.Stat(v.CertFile)
_, errKey := os.Stat(v.KeyFile)
if errCert == nil {
if errKey == nil {
isAPath = true
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad TLS Certificate KeyFile format, expected a path")
} else if errKey == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad TLS Certificate KeyFile format, expected a path")
cert := tls.Certificate{}
var err error
if isAPath {
cert, err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(v.CertFile, v.KeyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
cert, err = tls.X509KeyPair([]byte(v.CertFile), []byte(v.KeyFile))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config.Certificates = append(config.Certificates, cert)
return config, nil
// String is the method to format the flag's value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// The String method's output will be used in diagnostics.
func (certs *Certificates) String() string {
if len(*certs) == 0 {
return ""
var result []string
for _, certificate := range *certs {
result = append(result, certificate.CertFile+","+certificate.KeyFile)
return strings.Join(result, ";")
// Set is the method to set the flag value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// Set's argument is a string to be parsed to set the flag.
// It's a comma-separated list, so we split it.
func (certs *Certificates) Set(value string) error {
certificates := strings.Split(value, ";")
for _, certificate := range certificates {
files := strings.Split(certificate, ",")
if len(files) != 2 {
return errors.New("Bad certificates format: " + value)
*certs = append(*certs, Certificate{
CertFile: files[0],
KeyFile: files[1],
return nil
// Type is type of the struct
func (certs *Certificates) Type() string {
return fmt.Sprint("certificates")
// Certificate holds a SSL cert/key pair
// Certs and Key could be either a file path, or the file content itself
type Certificate struct {
CertFile string
KeyFile string
// Retry contains request retry config
type Retry struct {
Attempts int `description:"Number of attempts"`
// NewTraefikDefaultPointersConfiguration creates a TraefikConfiguration with pointers default values
func NewTraefikDefaultPointersConfiguration() *TraefikConfiguration {
//default Docker
var defaultDocker provider.Docker
defaultDocker.Watch = true
defaultDocker.ExposedByDefault = true
defaultDocker.Endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
defaultDocker.SwarmMode = false
// default File
var defaultFile provider.File
defaultFile.Watch = true
defaultFile.Filename = "" //needs equivalent to viper.ConfigFileUsed()
// default Web
var defaultWeb WebProvider
defaultWeb.Address = ":8080"
// default Marathon
var defaultMarathon provider.Marathon
defaultMarathon.Watch = true
defaultMarathon.Endpoint = ""
defaultMarathon.ExposedByDefault = true
defaultMarathon.Constraints = types.Constraints{}
// default Consul
var defaultConsul provider.Consul
defaultConsul.Watch = true
defaultConsul.Endpoint = ""
defaultConsul.Prefix = "traefik"
defaultConsul.Constraints = types.Constraints{}
// default ConsulCatalog
var defaultConsulCatalog provider.ConsulCatalog
defaultConsulCatalog.Endpoint = ""
defaultConsulCatalog.Constraints = types.Constraints{}
// default Etcd
var defaultEtcd provider.Etcd
defaultEtcd.Watch = true
defaultEtcd.Endpoint = ""
defaultEtcd.Prefix = "/traefik"
defaultEtcd.Constraints = types.Constraints{}
//default Zookeeper
var defaultZookeeper provider.Zookepper
defaultZookeeper.Watch = true
defaultZookeeper.Endpoint = ""
defaultZookeeper.Prefix = "/traefik"
defaultZookeeper.Constraints = types.Constraints{}
//default Boltdb
var defaultBoltDb provider.BoltDb
defaultBoltDb.Watch = true
defaultBoltDb.Endpoint = ""
defaultBoltDb.Prefix = "/traefik"
defaultBoltDb.Constraints = types.Constraints{}
//default Kubernetes
var defaultKubernetes provider.Kubernetes
defaultKubernetes.Watch = true
defaultKubernetes.Endpoint = ""
defaultKubernetes.LabelSelector = ""
defaultKubernetes.Constraints = types.Constraints{}
// default Mesos
var defaultMesos provider.Mesos
defaultMesos.Watch = true
defaultMesos.Endpoint = ""
defaultMesos.ExposedByDefault = true
defaultMesos.Constraints = types.Constraints{}
defaultConfiguration := GlobalConfiguration{
Docker: &defaultDocker,
File: &defaultFile,
Web: &defaultWeb,
Marathon: &defaultMarathon,
Consul: &defaultConsul,
ConsulCatalog: &defaultConsulCatalog,
Etcd: &defaultEtcd,
Zookeeper: &defaultZookeeper,
Boltdb: &defaultBoltDb,
Kubernetes: &defaultKubernetes,
Mesos: &defaultMesos,
Retry: &Retry{},
return &TraefikConfiguration{
GlobalConfiguration: defaultConfiguration,
// NewTraefikConfiguration creates a TraefikConfiguration with default values
func NewTraefikConfiguration() *TraefikConfiguration {
return &TraefikConfiguration{
GlobalConfiguration: GlobalConfiguration{
GraceTimeOut: 10,
AccessLogsFile: "",
TraefikLogsFile: "",
LogLevel: "ERROR",
EntryPoints: map[string]*EntryPoint{},
Constraints: types.Constraints{},
DefaultEntryPoints: []string{},
ProvidersThrottleDuration: time.Duration(2 * time.Second),
MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 200,
CheckNewVersion: true,
ConfigFile: "",
type configs map[string]*types.Configuration