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2017-11-24 19:18:03 +01:00

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package marathon
import (
const (
traceMaxScanTokenSize = 1024 * 1024
marathonEventIDs = marathon.EventIDApplications |
marathon.EventIDAddHealthCheck |
marathon.EventIDDeploymentSuccess |
marathon.EventIDDeploymentFailed |
marathon.EventIDDeploymentInfo |
marathon.EventIDDeploymentStepSuccess |
// TaskState denotes the Mesos state a task can have.
type TaskState string
const (
taskStateRunning TaskState = "TASK_RUNNING"
taskStateStaging TaskState = "TASK_STAGING"
var _ provider.Provider = (*Provider)(nil)
// Regexp used to extract the name of the service and the name of the property for this service
// All properties are under the format traefik.<servicename>.frontend.*= except the port/portIndex/weight/protocol/backend directly after traefik.<servicename>.
var servicesPropertiesRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^traefik\.(?P<service_name>.+?)\.(?P<property_name>port|portIndex|weight|protocol|backend|frontend\.(.*))$`)
// Provider holds configuration of the provider.
type Provider struct {
Endpoint string `description:"Marathon server endpoint. You can also specify multiple endpoint for Marathon" export:"true"`
Domain string `description:"Default domain used" export:"true"`
ExposedByDefault bool `description:"Expose Marathon apps by default" export:"true"`
GroupsAsSubDomains bool `description:"Convert Marathon groups to subdomains" export:"true"`
DCOSToken string `description:"DCOSToken for DCOS environment, This will override the Authorization header" export:"true"`
MarathonLBCompatibility bool `description:"Add compatibility with marathon-lb labels" export:"true"`
FilterMarathonConstraints bool `description:"Enable use of Marathon constraints in constraint filtering" export:"true"`
TLS *types.ClientTLS `description:"Enable TLS support" export:"true"`
DialerTimeout flaeg.Duration `description:"Set a non-default connection timeout for Marathon" export:"true"`
KeepAlive flaeg.Duration `description:"Set a non-default TCP Keep Alive time in seconds" export:"true"`
ForceTaskHostname bool `description:"Force to use the task's hostname." export:"true"`
Basic *Basic `description:"Enable basic authentication" export:"true"`
RespectReadinessChecks bool `description:"Filter out tasks with non-successful readiness checks during deployments" export:"true"`
readyChecker *readinessChecker
marathonClient marathon.Marathon
// Basic holds basic authentication specific configurations
type Basic struct {
HTTPBasicAuthUser string `description:"Basic authentication User"`
HTTPBasicPassword string `description:"Basic authentication Password"`
// Provide allows the marathon provider to provide configurations to traefik
// using the given configuration channel.
func (p *Provider) Provide(configurationChan chan<- types.ConfigMessage, pool *safe.Pool, constraints types.Constraints) error {
p.Constraints = append(p.Constraints, constraints...)
operation := func() error {
config := marathon.NewDefaultConfig()
config.URL = p.Endpoint
config.EventsTransport = marathon.EventsTransportSSE
if p.Trace {
config.LogOutput = log.CustomWriterLevel(logrus.DebugLevel, traceMaxScanTokenSize)
if p.Basic != nil {
config.HTTPBasicAuthUser = p.Basic.HTTPBasicAuthUser
config.HTTPBasicPassword = p.Basic.HTTPBasicPassword
var rc *readinessChecker
if p.RespectReadinessChecks {
log.Debug("Enabling Marathon readiness checker")
rc = defaultReadinessChecker(p.Trace)
p.readyChecker = rc
if len(p.DCOSToken) > 0 {
config.DCOSToken = p.DCOSToken
TLSConfig, err := p.TLS.CreateTLSConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
config.HTTPClient = &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
KeepAlive: time.Duration(p.KeepAlive),
Timeout: time.Duration(p.DialerTimeout),
TLSClientConfig: TLSConfig,
client, err := marathon.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to create a client for marathon, error: %s", err)
return err
p.marathonClient = client
if p.Watch {
update, err := client.AddEventsListener(marathonEventIDs)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to register for events, %s", err)
return err
pool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
defer close(update)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case event := <-update:
log.Debugf("Received provider event %s", event)
configuration := p.loadMarathonConfig()
if configuration != nil {
configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{
ProviderName: "marathon",
Configuration: configuration,
configuration := p.loadMarathonConfig()
configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{
ProviderName: "marathon",
Configuration: configuration,
return nil
notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) {
log.Errorf("Provider connection error %+v, retrying in %s", err, time)
err := backoff.RetryNotify(safe.OperationWithRecover(operation), job.NewBackOff(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()), notify)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot connect to Provider server %+v", err)
return nil
func (p *Provider) loadMarathonConfig() *types.Configuration {
var MarathonFuncMap = template.FuncMap{
"getBackend": p.getBackend,
"getBackendServer": p.getBackendServer,
"getPort": p.getPort,
"getWeight": p.getWeight,
"getDomain": p.getDomain,
"getSubDomain": p.getSubDomain,
"getProtocol": p.getProtocol,
"getPassHostHeader": p.getPassHostHeader,
"getPriority": p.getPriority,
"getEntryPoints": p.getEntryPoints,
"getFrontendRule": p.getFrontendRule,
"getFrontendName": p.getFrontendName,
"hasCircuitBreakerLabels": p.hasCircuitBreakerLabels,
"hasLoadBalancerLabels": p.hasLoadBalancerLabels,
"hasMaxConnLabels": p.hasMaxConnLabels,
"getMaxConnExtractorFunc": p.getMaxConnExtractorFunc,
"getMaxConnAmount": p.getMaxConnAmount,
"getLoadBalancerMethod": p.getLoadBalancerMethod,
"getCircuitBreakerExpression": p.getCircuitBreakerExpression,
"getSticky": p.getSticky,
"hasStickinessLabel": p.hasStickinessLabel,
"getStickinessCookieName": p.getStickinessCookieName,
"hasHealthCheckLabels": p.hasHealthCheckLabels,
"getHealthCheckPath": p.getHealthCheckPath,
"getHealthCheckInterval": p.getHealthCheckInterval,
"hasServices": p.hasServices,
"getServiceNames": p.getServiceNames,
"getServiceNameSuffix": p.getServiceNameSuffix,
"getBasicAuth": p.getBasicAuth,
v := url.Values{}
v.Add("embed", "apps.tasks")
v.Add("embed", "apps.deployments")
v.Add("embed", "apps.readiness")
applications, err := p.marathonClient.Applications(v)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to retrieve Marathon applications: %s", err)
return nil
filteredApps := fun.Filter(p.applicationFilter, applications.Apps).([]marathon.Application)
for i, app := range filteredApps {
filteredApps[i].Tasks = fun.Filter(func(task *marathon.Task) bool {
filtered := p.taskFilter(*task, app)
if filtered {
p.logIllegalServices(*task, app)
return filtered
}, app.Tasks).([]*marathon.Task)
templateObjects := struct {
Applications []marathon.Application
Domain string
configuration, err := p.GetConfiguration("templates/marathon.tmpl", MarathonFuncMap, templateObjects)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to render Marathon configuration template: %s", err)
return configuration
func (p *Provider) applicationFilter(app marathon.Application) bool {
// Filter disabled application.
if !isApplicationEnabled(app, p.ExposedByDefault) {
log.Debugf("Filtering disabled Marathon application %s", app.ID)
return false
// Filter by constraints.
label, _ := p.getAppLabel(app, types.LabelTags)
constraintTags := strings.Split(label, ",")
if p.MarathonLBCompatibility {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(app, "HAPROXY_GROUP"); ok {
constraintTags = append(constraintTags, label)
if p.FilterMarathonConstraints && app.Constraints != nil {
for _, constraintParts := range *app.Constraints {
constraintTags = append(constraintTags, strings.Join(constraintParts, ":"))
if ok, failingConstraint := p.MatchConstraints(constraintTags); !ok {
if failingConstraint != nil {
log.Debugf("Filtering Marathon application %v pruned by '%v' constraint", app.ID, failingConstraint.String())
return false
return true
func (p *Provider) taskFilter(task marathon.Task, application marathon.Application) bool {
if task.State != string(taskStateRunning) {
return false
// Filter task with existing, bad health check results.
if application.HasHealthChecks() {
if task.HasHealthCheckResults() {
for _, healthcheck := range task.HealthCheckResults {
if !healthcheck.Alive {
log.Debugf("Filtering Marathon task %s from application %s with bad health check", task.ID, application.ID)
return false
if ready := p.readyChecker.Do(task, application); !ready {
log.Infof("Filtering unready task %s from application %s", task.ID, application.ID)
return false
return true
func isApplicationEnabled(application marathon.Application, exposedByDefault bool) bool {
return exposedByDefault && (*application.Labels)[types.LabelEnable] != "false" || (*application.Labels)[types.LabelEnable] == "true"
// logIllegalServices logs illegal service configurations.
// While we cannot filter on the service level, they will eventually get
// rejected once the server configuration is rendered.
func (p *Provider) logIllegalServices(task marathon.Task, application marathon.Application) {
for _, serviceName := range p.getServiceNames(application) {
// Check for illegal/missing ports.
if _, err := p.processPorts(application, task, serviceName); err != nil {
log.Warnf("%s has an illegal configuration: no proper port available", identifier(application, task, serviceName))
// Check for illegal port label combinations.
_, hasPortLabel := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelPort, serviceName)
_, hasPortIndexLabel := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelPortIndex, serviceName)
if hasPortLabel && hasPortIndexLabel {
log.Warnf("%s has both port and port index specified; port will take precedence", identifier(application, task, serviceName))
//servicePropertyValues is a map of services properties
//an example value is: weight=42
type servicePropertyValues map[string]string
//serviceProperties is a map of service properties per service, which we can get with label[serviceName][propertyName]. It yields a property value.
type serviceProperties map[string]servicePropertyValues
//hasServices checks if there are service-defining labels for the given application
func (p *Provider) hasServices(application marathon.Application) bool {
return len(extractServiceProperties(application.Labels)) > 0
//extractServiceProperties extracts the service labels for the given application
func extractServiceProperties(labels *map[string]string) serviceProperties {
v := make(serviceProperties)
if labels != nil {
for label, value := range *labels {
matches := servicesPropertiesRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(label)
if matches == nil {
// According to the regex, match index 1 is "service_name" and match index 2 is the "property_name"
serviceName := matches[1]
propertyName := matches[2]
if _, ok := v[serviceName]; !ok {
v[serviceName] = make(servicePropertyValues)
v[serviceName][propertyName] = value
return v
//getServiceProperty returns the property for a service label searching in all labels of the given application
func getServiceProperty(application marathon.Application, serviceName string, property string) (string, bool) {
value, ok := extractServiceProperties(application.Labels)[serviceName][property]
return value, ok
//getServiceNames returns a list of service names for a given application
//An empty name "" will be added if no service specific properties exist, as an indication that there are no sub-services, but only main application
func (p *Provider) getServiceNames(application marathon.Application) []string {
labelServiceProperties := extractServiceProperties(application.Labels)
var names []string
for k := range labelServiceProperties {
names = append(names, k)
if len(names) == 0 {
names = append(names, "")
return names
func (p *Provider) getServiceNameSuffix(serviceName string) string {
if len(serviceName) > 0 {
serviceName = strings.Replace(serviceName, "/", "-", -1)
serviceName = strings.Replace(serviceName, ".", "-", -1)
return "-service-" + serviceName
return ""
//getAppLabel is a convenience function to get application label, when no serviceName is available
//it is identical to calling getLabel(application, label, "")
func (p *Provider) getAppLabel(application marathon.Application, label string) (string, bool) {
return p.getLabel(application, label, "")
//getLabel returns a string value of a corresponding `label` argument
// If serviceName is non-empty, we look for a service label. If none exists or serviceName is empty, we look for an application label.
func (p *Provider) getLabel(application marathon.Application, label string, serviceName string) (string, bool) {
if len(serviceName) > 0 {
property := strings.TrimPrefix(label, types.LabelPrefix)
if value, ok := getServiceProperty(application, serviceName, property); ok {
return value, true
for key, value := range *application.Labels {
if key == label {
return value, true
return "", false
func (p *Provider) getPort(task marathon.Task, application marathon.Application, serviceName string) string {
port, err := p.processPorts(application, task, serviceName)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to process ports for %s: %s", identifier(application, task, serviceName), err)
return ""
return strconv.Itoa(port)
func (p *Provider) getWeight(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) string {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelWeight, serviceName); ok {
return label
return "0"
func (p *Provider) getDomain(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelDomain); ok {
return label
return p.Domain
func (p *Provider) getProtocol(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) string {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelProtocol, serviceName); ok {
return label
return "http"
func (p *Provider) getSticky(application marathon.Application) string {
if sticky, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendLoadbalancerSticky); ok {
log.Warnf("Deprecated configuration found: %s. Please use %s.", types.LabelBackendLoadbalancerSticky, types.LabelBackendLoadbalancerStickiness)
return sticky
return "false"
func (p *Provider) hasStickinessLabel(application marathon.Application) bool {
labelStickiness, okStickiness := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendLoadbalancerStickiness)
return okStickiness && len(labelStickiness) > 0 && strings.EqualFold(strings.TrimSpace(labelStickiness), "true")
func (p *Provider) getStickinessCookieName(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendLoadbalancerStickinessCookieName); ok {
return label
return ""
func (p *Provider) getPassHostHeader(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) string {
if passHostHeader, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelFrontendPassHostHeader, serviceName); ok {
return passHostHeader
return "true"
func (p *Provider) getPriority(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) string {
if priority, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelFrontendPriority, serviceName); ok {
return priority
return "0"
func (p *Provider) getEntryPoints(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) []string {
if entryPoints, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelFrontendEntryPoints, serviceName); ok {
return strings.Split(entryPoints, ",")
return []string{}
// getFrontendRule returns the frontend rule for the specified application, using
// its label. If service is provided, it will look for serviceName label before generic one.
// It returns a default one (Host) if the label is not present.
func (p *Provider) getFrontendRule(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) string {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelFrontendRule, serviceName); ok {
return label
if p.MarathonLBCompatibility {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, "HAPROXY_0_VHOST"); ok {
return "Host:" + label
if len(serviceName) > 0 {
return "Host:" + strings.ToLower(provider.Normalize(serviceName)) + "." + p.getSubDomain(application.ID) + "." + p.Domain
return "Host:" + p.getSubDomain(application.ID) + "." + p.Domain
func (p *Provider) getBackend(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) string {
if label, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelBackend, serviceName); ok {
return label
return strings.Replace(application.ID, "/", "-", -1) + p.getServiceNameSuffix(serviceName)
func (p *Provider) getFrontendName(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) string {
appName := strings.Replace(application.ID, "/", "-", -1)
return "frontend" + appName + p.getServiceNameSuffix(serviceName)
func (p *Provider) getSubDomain(name string) string {
if p.GroupsAsSubDomains {
splitedName := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/"), "/")
reverseName := strings.Join(splitedName, ".")
return reverseName
return strings.Replace(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/"), "/", "-", -1)
func (p *Provider) hasCircuitBreakerLabels(application marathon.Application) bool {
_, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendCircuitbreakerExpression)
return ok
func (p *Provider) hasLoadBalancerLabels(application marathon.Application) bool {
_, errMethod := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendLoadbalancerMethod)
_, errSticky := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendLoadbalancerSticky)
return errMethod || errSticky
func (p *Provider) hasMaxConnLabels(application marathon.Application) bool {
if _, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendMaxconnAmount); !ok {
return false
_, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendMaxconnExtractorfunc)
return ok
func (p *Provider) getMaxConnAmount(application marathon.Application) int64 {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendMaxconnAmount); ok {
i, errConv := strconv.ParseInt(label, 10, 64)
if errConv != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to parse traefik.backend.maxconn.amount %s", label)
return math.MaxInt64
return i
return math.MaxInt64
func (p *Provider) getMaxConnExtractorFunc(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendMaxconnExtractorfunc); ok {
return label
return "request.host"
func (p *Provider) getLoadBalancerMethod(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendLoadbalancerMethod); ok {
return label
return "wrr"
func (p *Provider) getCircuitBreakerExpression(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendCircuitbreakerExpression); ok {
return label
return "NetworkErrorRatio() > 1"
func (p *Provider) hasHealthCheckLabels(application marathon.Application) bool {
return p.getHealthCheckPath(application) != ""
func (p *Provider) getHealthCheckPath(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendHealthcheckPath); ok {
return label
return ""
func (p *Provider) getHealthCheckInterval(application marathon.Application) string {
if label, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, types.LabelBackendHealthcheckInterval); ok {
return label
return ""
func (p *Provider) getBasicAuth(application marathon.Application, serviceName string) []string {
if basicAuth, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelFrontendAuthBasic, serviceName); ok {
return strings.Split(basicAuth, ",")
return []string{}
// processPorts returns the configured port.
// An explicitly specified port is preferred. If none is specified, it selects
// one of the available port. The first such found port is returned unless an
// optional index is provided.
func (p *Provider) processPorts(application marathon.Application, task marathon.Task, serviceName string) (int, error) {
if portLabel, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelPort, serviceName); ok {
port, err := strconv.Atoi(portLabel)
switch {
case err != nil:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port label %q: %s", portLabel, err)
case port <= 0:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("explicitly specified port %d must be larger than zero", port)
return port, nil
ports := retrieveAvailablePorts(application, task)
if len(ports) == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("no port found")
portIndex := 0
if portIndexLabel, ok := p.getLabel(application, types.LabelPortIndex, serviceName); ok {
var err error
portIndex, err = parseIndex(portIndexLabel, len(ports))
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot use port index to select from %d ports: %s", len(ports), err)
return ports[portIndex], nil
func retrieveAvailablePorts(application marathon.Application, task marathon.Task) []int {
// Using default port configuration
if task.Ports != nil && len(task.Ports) > 0 {
return task.Ports
// Using port definition if available
if application.PortDefinitions != nil && len(*application.PortDefinitions) > 0 {
var ports []int
for _, def := range *application.PortDefinitions {
if def.Port != nil {
ports = append(ports, *def.Port)
return ports
// If using IP-per-task using this port definition
if application.IPAddressPerTask != nil && len(*((*application.IPAddressPerTask).Discovery).Ports) > 0 {
var ports []int
for _, def := range *((*application.IPAddressPerTask).Discovery).Ports {
ports = append(ports, def.Number)
return ports
return []int{}
func (p *Provider) getBackendServer(task marathon.Task, application marathon.Application) string {
numTaskIPAddresses := len(task.IPAddresses)
switch {
case application.IPAddressPerTask == nil || p.ForceTaskHostname:
return task.Host
case numTaskIPAddresses == 0:
log.Errorf("Missing IP address for Marathon application %s on task %s", application.ID, task.ID)
return ""
case numTaskIPAddresses == 1:
return task.IPAddresses[0].IPAddress
ipAddressIdxStr, ok := p.getAppLabel(application, "traefik.ipAddressIdx")
if !ok {
log.Errorf("Found %d task IP addresses but missing IP address index for Marathon application %s on task %s", numTaskIPAddresses, application.ID, task.ID)
return ""
ipAddressIdx, err := parseIndex(ipAddressIdxStr, numTaskIPAddresses)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot use IP address index to select from %d task IP addresses for Marathon application %s on task %s: %s", numTaskIPAddresses, application.ID, task.ID, err)
return ""
return task.IPAddresses[ipAddressIdx].IPAddress
func parseIndex(index string, length int) (int, error) {
parsed, err := strconv.Atoi(index)
switch {
case err != nil:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse index %q: %s", index, err)
case parsed < 0, parsed > length-1:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("index %d must be within range (0, %d)", parsed, length-1)
return parsed, nil
func identifier(app marathon.Application, task marathon.Task, serviceName string) string {
id := fmt.Sprintf("Marathon task %s from application %s", task.ID, app.ID)
if serviceName != "" {
id += fmt.Sprintf(" (service: %s)", serviceName)
return id