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# Common code for all guests
# Copyright 2006-2009 Red Hat, Inc.
# Jeremy Katz <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os
import platform
import logging
import copy
from virtinst import util
import virtinst
from virtinst.xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder, XMLProperty
from virtinst.Boot import Boot
XEN_SCRATCH = "/var/lib/xen"
LIBVIRT_SCRATCH = "/var/lib/libvirt/boot"
class Installer(XMLBuilder):
Installer classes attempt to encapsulate all the parameters needed
to 'install' a guest: essentially, booting the guest with the correct
media for the OS install phase (if there is one), and setting up the
guest to boot to the correct media for all subsequent runs.
Some of the actual functionality:
- Determining what type of install media has been requested, and
representing it correctly to the Guest
- Fetching install kernel/initrd or boot.iso from a URL
- Setting the boot device as appropriate depending on whether we
are booting into an OS install, or booting post-install
Some of the information that the Installer needs to know to accomplish
- Install media location (could be a URL, local path, ...)
- Virtualization type (parameter 'os_type') ('xen', 'hvm', etc.)
- Hypervisor name (parameter 'type') ('qemu', 'kvm', 'xen', etc.)
- Guest architecture ('i686', 'x86_64')
_dumpxml_xpath = "/domain/os"
_has_install_phase = True
def __init__(self, conn, type="xen", location=None,
extraargs=None, os_type=None,
parsexml=None, parsexmlnode=None):
# pylint: disable=W0622
# Redefining built-in 'type', but it matches the XML so keep it
XMLBuilder.__init__(self, conn, parsexml,
self._type = None
self._location = None
self._initrd_injections = []
self._cdrom = False
self._os_type = None
self._scratchdir = None
self._arch = None
self._machine = None
self._loader = None
self._init = None
self._install_bootconfig = Boot(self.conn)
self._bootconfig = Boot(self.conn, parsexml, parsexmlnode)
# Devices created/added during the prepare() stage
self.install_devices = []
if self._is_parse():
self._arch =
if type is None:
type = "xen"
self.type = type
if not os_type is None:
self.os_type = os_type
self.os_type = "xen"
if not location is None:
self.location = location
self.extraargs = extraargs
self._tmpfiles = []
self._tmpvols = []
def _get_bootconfig(self):
return self._bootconfig
bootconfig = property(_get_bootconfig)
# Hypervisor name (qemu, kvm, xen, lxc, etc.)
def get_type(self):
return self._type
def set_type(self, val):
self._type = val
type = XMLProperty(get_type, set_type,
# Virtualization type ('xen' == xen paravirt, or 'hvm)
def get_os_type(self):
return self._os_type
def set_os_type(self, val):
# Older libvirt back compat: if user specifies 'linux', convert
# internally to newer equivalent value 'xen'
if val == "linux":
val = "xen"
# XXX: Need to validate this: have some whitelist based on caps?
self._os_type = val
os_type = XMLProperty(get_os_type, set_os_type,
def get_arch(self):
return self._arch
def set_arch(self, val):
# XXX: Sanitize to a consisten value (i368 -> i686)
# XXX: Validate against caps
self._arch = val
arch = XMLProperty(get_arch, set_arch,
def _get_machine(self):
return self._machine
def _set_machine(self, val):
self._machine = val
machine = XMLProperty(_get_machine, _set_machine,
def _get_loader(self):
return self._loader
def _set_loader(self, val):
self._loader = val
loader = XMLProperty(_get_loader, _set_loader,
def _get_init(self):
return self._init
def _set_init(self, val):
self._init = val
init = XMLProperty(_get_init, _set_init,
def get_scratchdir(self):
if not self.scratchdir_required():
return None
if not self._scratchdir:
self._scratchdir = self._get_scratchdir()
logging.debug("scratchdir=%s", self._scratchdir)
return self._scratchdir
scratchdir = property(get_scratchdir)
def get_cdrom(self):
return self._cdrom
def set_cdrom(self, enable):
if enable not in [True, False]:
raise ValueError(_("Guest.cdrom must be a boolean type"))
self._cdrom = enable
cdrom = property(get_cdrom, set_cdrom)
def get_location(self):
return self._location
def set_location(self, val):
self._location = val
location = property(get_location, set_location)
def get_initrd_injections(self):
return self._initrd_injections
def set_initrd_injections(self, val):
self._initrd_injections = val
initrd_injections = property(get_initrd_injections, set_initrd_injections)
# extra arguments to pass to the guest installer
def get_extra_args(self):
return self._install_bootconfig.kernel_args
def set_extra_args(self, val):
self._install_bootconfig.kernel_args = val
extraargs = property(get_extra_args, set_extra_args)
# Public helper methods
def scratchdir_required(self):
Returns true if scratchdir is needed for the passed install parameters.
Apps can use this to determine if they should attempt to ensure
scratchdir permissions are adequate
return False
def is_hvm(self):
return self.os_type == "hvm"
def is_xenpv(self):
return self.os_type in ["xen", "linux"]
def is_container(self):
return self.os_type == "exe"
# Private methods
def _get_system_scratchdir(self):
if platform.system() == "SunOS":
return "/var/tmp"
if self.type == "test":
return "/tmp"
elif self.type == "xen":
def _get_scratchdir(self):
scratch = None
if not self.conn.is_session_uri():
scratch = self._get_system_scratchdir()
if (not scratch or
not os.path.exists(scratch) or
not os.access(scratch, os.W_OK)):
scratch = os.path.expanduser("~/.virtinst/boot")
if not os.path.exists(scratch):
os.makedirs(scratch, 0751)
return scratch
def _get_bootdev(self, isinstall, guest):
raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")
def _build_boot_order(self, isinstall, guest):
bootorder = [self._get_bootdev(isinstall, guest)]
# If guest has an attached disk, always have 'hd' in the boot
# list, so disks are marked as bootable/installable (needed for
# windows virtio installs, and booting local disk from PXE)
for disk in guest.get_devices("disk"):
if disk.device == disk.DEVICE_DISK:
bootdev = self.bootconfig.BOOT_DEVICE_HARDDISK
if bootdev not in bootorder:
return bootorder
def _get_default_init(self, guest):
if not self.is_container():
for fs in guest.get_devices("filesystem"):
if == "/":
return "/sbin/init"
return "/bin/sh"
def _make_cdrom_dev(self, path):
dev = virtinst.VirtualDisk(self.conn)
dev.path = path
dev.device = dev.DEVICE_CDROM
dev.read_only = True
return dev
def _get_osblob_helper(self, guest, isinstall, bootconfig):
arch = self.arch
machine = self.machine
hvtype = self.type
loader = self.loader
os_type = self.os_type
init = self.init or self._get_default_init(guest)
hvxen = (hvtype == "xen")
if not loader and self.is_hvm() and hvxen:
loader = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
# Use older libvirt 'linux' value for back compat
if os_type == "xen" and hvxen:
os_type = "linux"
if (not isinstall and
self.is_xenpv() and
not self.bootconfig.kernel):
# This really should be provided by capabilites xml
return "<bootloader>/usr/bin/pygrub</bootloader>"
osblob = "<os>"
typexml = " <type"
if arch:
typexml += " arch='%s'" % arch
if machine:
typexml += " machine='%s'" % machine
typexml += ">%s</type>" % os_type
osblob = util.xml_append(osblob, typexml)
if init:
osblob = util.xml_append(osblob,
" <init>%s</init>" %
if loader:
osblob = util.xml_append(osblob,
" <loader>%s</loader>" %
if not self.is_container():
osblob = util.xml_append(osblob, bootconfig.get_xml_config())
osblob = util.xml_append(osblob, " </os>")
return osblob
# Method definitions
def _get_xml_config(self, guest, isinstall):
Generate the portion of the guest xml that determines boot devices
and parameters. (typically the <os></os> block)
@param guest: Guest instance we are installing
@type guest: L{Guest}
@param isinstall: Whether we want xml for the 'install' phase or the
'post-install' phase.
@type isinstall: C{bool}
# pylint: disable=W0221
# Argument number differs from overridden method
if isinstall:
bootconfig = self._install_bootconfig
bootconfig = self.bootconfig
if isinstall and not self.has_install_phase():
bootorder = self._build_boot_order(isinstall, guest)
bootconfig = copy.copy(bootconfig)
if not bootconfig.bootorder:
bootconfig.bootorder = bootorder
return self._get_osblob_helper(guest, isinstall, bootconfig)
def has_install_phase(self):
Return True if the requested setup is actually installing an OS
into the guest. Things like LiveCDs, Import, or a manually specified
bootorder do not have an install phase.
return self._has_install_phase
def cleanup(self):
Remove any temporary files retrieved during installation
for f in self._tmpfiles:
logging.debug("Removing " + f)
for vol in self._tmpvols:
logging.debug("Removing volume '%s'",
self._tmpvols = []
self._tmpfiles = []
self.install_devices = []
def prepare(self, guest, meter):
Fetch any files needed for installation.
@param guest: guest instance being installed
@type guest: L{Guest}
@param meter: progress meter
@type meter: Urlgrabber ProgressMeter
raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")
def detect_distro(self):
Attempt to detect the distro for the Installer's 'location'. If
an error is encountered in the detection process (or if detection
is not relevant for the Installer type), (None, None) is returned
@returns: (distro type, distro variant) tuple
return (None, None)
def guest_from_installer(self):
Return a L{Guest} instance wrapping the current installer.
If all the appropriate values are present in the installer
(conn, type, os_type, arch, machine), we have everything we need
to determine what L{Guest} class is expected and what default values
to pass it. This is a convenience method to save the API user from
having to enter all these known details twice.
if not self.conn:
raise ValueError(_("A connection must be specified."))
guest, domain = self.conn.caps.guest_lookup(os_type=self.os_type,
gobj = virtinst.Guest(self.conn, installer=self)
gobj.arch = guest.arch
gobj.emulator = domain.emulator
self.loader = domain.loader
return gobj
class ContainerInstaller(Installer):
_has_install_phase = False
def prepare(self, guest, meter):
ignore = guest
ignore = meter
def _get_bootdev(self, isinstall, guest):
ignore = isinstall
ignore = guest
return self.bootconfig.BOOT_DEVICE_HARDDISK