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#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# Script to set up a Xen guest and kick off an install
# Copyright 2005-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
# Jeremy Katz <>
# Option handling added by Andrew Puch <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os
import sys
import time
import re
import logging
import optparse
import libvirt
import urlgrabber.progress as progress
import virtinst
import virtinst.cli as cli
from virtinst.cli import fail, print_stdout, print_stderr
# Validation utility helpers #
install_methods = "--location URL, --cdrom CD/ISO, --pxe, --import, --boot hd|cdrom|..."
install_missing = (_("An install method must be specified\n(%(methods)s)") %
{"methods" : install_methods})
disk_missing = _("--disk storage must be specified (override with --nodisks)")
def install_specified(location, cdpath, pxe, import_install):
return bool(pxe or cdpath or location or import_install)
def cdrom_specified(guest, diskopts=None):
disks = guest.get_devices("disk")
for disk in disks:
if disk.device == virtinst.VirtualDisk.DEVICE_CDROM:
return True
# Probably haven't set up disks yet
if not disks and diskopts:
for opts in diskopts:
if opts.count("device=cdrom"):
return True
return False
def storage_specified(files, disks, nodisks, filesystems):
return bool(files or disks or nodisks or filesystems)
def supports_pxe(guest):
Return False if we are pretty sure the config doesn't support PXE
for nic in guest.get_devices("interface"):
if nic.type == nic.TYPE_USER:
if nic.type != nic.TYPE_VIRTUAL:
return True
netobj = nic.conn.networkLookupByName(nic.source)
2013-09-23 01:04:22 +04:00
xmlobj = virtinst.Network(nic.conn, parsexml=netobj.XMLDesc(0))
if xmlobj.can_pxe():
return True
logging.debug("Error checking if PXE supported", exc_info=True)
return True
return False
def check_cdrom_option_error(options):
if options.cdrom_short and options.cdrom:
fail("Cannot specify both -c and --cdrom")
if options.cdrom_short:
if "://" in options.cdrom_short:
fail("-c specified with what looks like a URI. Did you mean "
"to use --connect? If not, use --cdrom instead")
options.cdrom = options.cdrom_short
if not options.cdrom:
# Catch a strangely common error of users passing -vcpus=2 instead of
# --vcpus=2. The single dash happens to map to enough shortened options
# that things can fail weirdly if --paravirt is also specified.
for vcpu in [o for o in sys.argv if o.startswith("-vcpu")]:
if options.cdrom == vcpu[3:]:
fail("You specified -vcpus, you want --vcpus")
# Device validation wrappers #
def get_disk(diskopts, size, sparse, guest, is_file_path):
dev = None
if is_file_path:
path = diskopts
dev, size = cli.parse_disk(guest, diskopts)
path = dev.path
sparse = dev.get_sparse()
d = cli.disk_prompt(guest.conn, path, size, sparse,
except ValueError, e:
fail(_("Error with storage parameters: %s" % str(e)))
def get_disks(guest, file_paths, disk_paths, size, sparse, need_storage):
is_file_path = (file_paths or (not disk_paths and cli.is_prompt()))
disks = (file_paths or disk_paths)
if not disks and need_storage and cli.is_prompt():
disks = [None]
def padlist(l, padsize):
l = cli.listify(l)
l.extend((padsize - len(l)) * [None])
return l
disklist = padlist(disks, 0)
sizelist = padlist(size, len(disklist))
for idx in range(len(disklist)):
get_disk(disklist[idx], sizelist[idx], sparse, guest, is_file_path)
# Virt type validation #
def prompt_virt(caps, arch, req_virt_type, req_accel):
supports_hvm = False
supports_pv = False
supports_accel = False
for guest in caps.guests:
if guest.os_type == "hvm":
supports_hvm = True
elif guest.os_type == "xen":
if (len( and[0].hypervisor_type == "kvm"):
# Don't prompt user for PV w/ xenner
supports_pv = True
if not arch:
arch =
if not req_virt_type:
if supports_hvm and supports_pv:
prompt_txt = _("Would you like a fully virtualized guest "
"(yes or no)? This will allow you to run "
"unmodified operating systems.")
if cli.prompt_for_yes_or_no(prompt_txt, ""):
req_virt_type = "hvm"
req_virt_type = "xen"
elif supports_hvm:
req_virt_type = "hvm"
elif supports_pv:
req_virt_type = "xen"
# See if that domain supports acceleration
accel_type = ""
for guest in caps.guests:
if guest.os_type == req_virt_type and guest.arch == arch:
for dom in
if dom.is_accelerated():
supports_accel = True
accel_type = dom.hypervisor_type.upper()
if supports_accel and not req_accel:
prompt_txt = (_("Would you like to use %s acceleration? "
"(yes or no)") % accel_type)
req_accel = cli.prompt_for_yes_or_no(prompt_txt, "")
return (req_virt_type, req_accel)
def get_guest(conn, options):
# Set up all virt/hypervisor parameters
if sum([bool(f) for f in [options.fullvirt,
options.container]]) > 1:
fail(_("Can't do more than one of --hvm, --paravirt, or --container"))
req_accel = True
req_hv_type = options.hv_type and options.hv_type.lower() or None
if options.fullvirt:
req_virt_type = "hvm"
elif options.paravirt:
req_virt_type = "xen"
elif options.container:
req_virt_type = "exe"
# This should force capabilities to give us the most sensible default
req_virt_type = None
if cli.is_prompt():
# User requested prompting but passed no virt type flag, ask for
# needed info
req_virt_type, req_accel = prompt_virt(conn.caps, options.arch,
req_virt_type, req_accel)
logging.debug("Requesting virt method '%s', hv type '%s'.",
(req_virt_type and req_virt_type or _("default")),
(req_hv_type and req_hv_type or _("default")))
arch = options.arch
if re.match("i.86", arch or ""):
arch = "i686"
capsdomain) = conn.caps.guest_lookup(
2013-04-12 16:26:21 +04:00
guest = conn.caps.build_virtinst_guest(conn, capsguest, capsdomain)
guest.os.machine = options.machine
except Exception, e:
if (not req_virt_type and
not req_hv_type and
req_accel and
conn.is_qemu() and
capsguest.arch in ["i686", "x86_64"] and
not capsdomain.is_accelerated()):
logging.warn("KVM acceleration not available, using '%s'",
return guest
# Install media setup/validation #
def get_install_media(guest, location, cdpath, need_install):
manual_cdrom = cdrom_specified(guest)
cdinstall = bool(not location and (cdpath or cdrom_specified(guest)))
if not (location or cdpath or manual_cdrom or need_install):
if not location and not cdinstall and cli.is_prompt():
validate_install_media(guest, location, cdpath, cdinstall)
except ValueError, e:
fail(_("Error validating install location: %s" % str(e)))
def media_prompt(guest):
if guest.os.is_hvm():
prompt_txt = _("What is the install CD-ROM/ISO or URL?")
prompt_txt = _("What is the install URL?")
while 1:
location = None
cdpath = None
media = cli.prompt_for_input("", prompt_txt, None)
if not len(media):
if not guest.os.is_hvm() or media.count(":/"):
location = media
cdpath = media
validate_install_media(guest, location, cdpath)
except Exception, e:
def validate_install_media(guest, location, cdpath, cdinstall=False):
if cdinstall or cdpath:
guest.installer.cdrom = True
if location or cdpath:
guest.installer.location = (location or cdpath)
# General option validation #
def validate_required_options(options, guest):
# Required config. Don't error right away if nothing is specified,
# aggregate the errors to help first time users get it right
msg = ""
need_storage = False
need_install = False
if not
msg += "\n" + cli.name_missing
if not options.memory:
msg += "\n" + cli.ram_missing
if (not guest.os.is_container() and
not storage_specified(options.file_paths, options.diskopts,
options.nodisks, options.filesystems)):
msg += "\n" + disk_missing
need_storage = True
if (not guest.os.is_container() and
(not install_specified(options.location, options.cdrom,
options.pxe, options.import_install)) and
(not cdrom_specified(guest, options.diskopts))):
msg += "\n" + install_missing
need_install = True
if msg and not cli.is_prompt():
return need_storage, need_install
def check_option_collisions(options, guest):
# Disk collisions
if options.nodisks and (options.file_paths or
options.diskopts or
fail(_("Cannot specify storage and use --nodisks"))
if ((options.file_paths or options.disksize or not options.sparse) and
fail(_("Cannot mix --file, --nonsparse, or --file-size with --disk "
"options. Use --disk PATH[,size=SIZE][,sparse=yes|no]"))
# Network collisions
if options.nonetworks:
if options.mac:
fail(_("Cannot use --mac with --nonetworks"))
if options.bridge:
fail(_("Cannot use --bridge with --nonetworks"))
fail(_("Cannot use --network with --nonetworks"))
# Install collisions
if sum([bool(l) for l in [options.pxe, options.location,
options.cdrom, options.import_install]]) > 1:
fail(_("Only one install method can be used (%(methods)s)") %
{"methods" : install_methods})
if (guest.os.is_container() and
install_specified(options.location, options.cdrom,
options.pxe, options.import_install)):
fail(_("Install methods (%s) cannot be specified for "
"container guests") % install_methods)
if guest.os.is_xenpv():
if options.pxe:
fail(_("Network PXE boot is not supported for paravirtualized "
if options.cdrom or options.livecd:
fail(_("Paravirtualized guests cannot install off cdrom media."))
if (options.location and
guest.conn.is_remote() and not
fail(_("Libvirt version does not support remote --location installs"))
if not options.location and options.extra:
fail(_("--extra-args only work if specified with --location."))
if not options.location and options.initrd_injections:
fail(_("--initrd-inject only works if specified with --location."))
# Guest building helpers #
def build_installer(options, conn, virt_type):
# Build the Installer instance
if options.livecd:
instclass = virtinst.LiveCDInstaller
elif options.pxe:
if options.nonetworks:
fail(_("Can't use --pxe with --nonetworks"))
instclass = virtinst.PXEInstaller
elif options.cdrom or options.location:
instclass = virtinst.DistroInstaller
elif options.import_install or options.bootopts:
if options.import_install and options.nodisks:
fail(_("A disk device must be specified with --import."))
options.import_install = True
instclass = virtinst.ImportInstaller
elif virt_type == "exe":
instclass = virtinst.ContainerInstaller
instclass = virtinst.DistroInstaller
# Only set installer params here that impact the hw config, not
# anything to do with install media
installer = instclass(conn)
return installer
def build_guest_instance(conn, options):
guest = get_guest(conn, options)
logging.debug("Received virt method '%s'", guest.type)
logging.debug("Hypervisor name is '%s'", guest.os.os_type)
guest.installer = build_installer(options, conn, guest.os.os_type)
# Guest configuration
cli.get_uuid(guest, options.uuid)
cli.get_vcpus(guest, options.vcpus, options.check_cpu)
cli.parse_numatune(guest, options.numatune)
cli.parse_cpu(guest, options.cpu)
cli.parse_boot(guest, options.bootopts)
guest.autostart = options.autostart
guest.description = options.description
guest.features.acpi = not options.noacpi
guest.features.apic = not options.noapic
# Non-default devices
cli.get_controller(guest, options.controller)
cli.get_redirdev(guest, options.redirdev)
cli.get_memballoon(guest, options.memballoon)
cli.get_networks(guest, options, not options.nonetworks and 1 or 0)
cli.get_graphics(guest, options)
cli.get_watchdog(guest, options.watchdog)
cli.get_filesystems(guest, options.filesystems)
cli.get_sound(guest, options.sound, options.oldsound)
cli.get_serials(guest, options.serials)
cli.get_parallels(guest, options.parallels)
cli.get_channels(guest, options.channels)
cli.get_consoles(guest, options.consoles)
cli.get_hostdevs(guest, options.hostdevs)
cli.get_smartcard(guest, options.smartcard)
cli.get_tpm(guest, options.tpm)
cli.get_rng(guest, options.rng)
if not guest.get_devices("input"):
if not guest.get_devices("console") and not guest.get_devices("serial"):
# Install options
cli.set_os_variant(guest, options.distro_type, options.distro_variant)
guest.installer.extraargs = options.extra
guest.installer.initrd_injections = options.initrd_injections
guest.os.init = options.init
# Do this after setting up all optional parameters, so we report error
# about those first.
need_storage, need_install = validate_required_options(options, guest)
# Actually set required options
cli.get_memory(guest, options.memory)
# Needs to come after setting memory
cli.get_cpuset(guest, options.cpuset)
if not options.nodisks:
get_disks(guest, options.file_paths, options.diskopts,
options.disksize, options.sparse, need_storage)
get_install_media(guest, options.location, options.cdrom, need_install)
# Various little validations about option collisions. Need to do
# this after setting guest.installer at least
check_option_collisions(options, guest)
# Warnings
if options.pxe and not supports_pxe(guest):
logging.warn(_("The guest's network configuration does not support "
return guest
# Install process helpers #
def _run_console(args):
logging.debug("Running: %s", " ".join(args))
child = os.fork()
if child:
return child
os.execvp(args[0], args)
os._exit(1) # pylint: disable=W0212
def vnc_console(dom, uri):
args = ["/usr/bin/virt-viewer",
"--connect", uri,
"--wait", str(dom.ID())]
if not os.path.exists(args[0]):
logging.warn(_("Unable to connect to graphical console: "
"virt-viewer not installed. Please install "
"the 'virt-viewer' package."))
return None
return _run_console(args)
def txt_console(dom, uri):
args = ["/usr/bin/virsh",
"--connect", uri,
"console", str(dom.ID())]
return _run_console(args)
def domain_is_crashed(domain):
Return True if the created domain object is in a crashed state
if not domain:
return False
dominfo =
state = dominfo[0]
return state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED
def domain_is_shutdown(domain):
Return True if the created domain object is shutdown
if not domain:
return False
dominfo =
state = dominfo[0]
cpu_time = dominfo[4]
if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
return True
# If 'wait' was specified, the dom object we have was looked up
# before initially shutting down, which seems to bogus up the
# info data (all 0's). So, if it is bogus, assume the domain is
# shutdown. We will catch the error later.
return state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE and cpu_time == 0
def connect_console(domain, consolecb, wait):
Launched the passed console callback for the already defined
domain. If domain isn't running, return an error.
child = None
if consolecb:
child = consolecb(domain)
if not child or not wait:
# If we connected the console, wait for it to finish
os.waitpid(child, 0)
except OSError, e:
logging.debug("waitpid: %s: %s", e.errno, e.message)
def start_install(guest, continue_inst, options):
def show_console(dom):
gdev = guest.get_devices("graphics")
if not gdev:
logging.debug("Connecting to text console")
return txt_console(dom, guest.conn.getURI())
gtype = gdev[0].type
if gtype in [virtinst.VirtualGraphics.TYPE_VNC,
logging.debug("Launching virt-viewer for graphics type '%s'",
return vnc_console(dom, guest.conn.getURI())
logging.debug("No viewer to launch for graphics type '%s'",
return None
# There are two main cases we care about:
# Scripts: these should specify --wait always, maintaining the
# semantics of virt-install exit implying the domain has finished
# installing.
# Interactive: If this is a continue_inst domain, we default to
# waiting. Otherwise, we can exit before the domain has finished
# installing. Passing --wait will give the above semantics.
wait_on_install = continue_inst
wait_time = -1
if options.wait is not None:
wait_on_install = True
wait_time = options.wait * 60
# If --wait specified, we don't want the default behavior of waiting
# for virt-viewer to exit, since then we can't exit the app when time
# expires
wait_on_console = not wait_on_install
# --wait 0 implies --noautoconsole
options.autoconsole = (wait_time != 0) and options.autoconsole or False
conscb = options.autoconsole and show_console or None
meter = (options.quiet and
progress.BaseMeter() or
logging.debug("Guest.has_install_phase: %s",
# we've got everything -- try to start the install
print_stdout(_("\nStarting install..."))
start_time = time.time()
# Do first install phase
dom = guest.start_install(meter=meter, noboot=options.noreboot)
connect_console(dom, conscb, wait_on_console)
dom = check_domain(guest, dom, conscb,
wait_on_install, wait_time, start_time)
if continue_inst:
dom = guest.continue_install(meter=meter)
connect_console(dom, conscb, wait_on_console)
dom = check_domain(guest, dom, conscb,
wait_on_install, wait_time, start_time)
if options.noreboot or not guest.installer.has_install_phase():
_("Domain creation completed. You can restart your domain by "
"running:\n %s") % cli.virsh_start_cmd(guest))
_("Guest installation complete... restarting guest."))
connect_console(dom, conscb, wait=True)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logging.debug("", exc_info=True)
print_stderr(_("Domain install interrupted."))
except RuntimeError, e:
except Exception, e:
fail(e, do_exit=False)
def check_domain(guest, dom, conscb, wait_for_install, wait_time, start_time):
Make sure domain ends up in expected state, and wait if for install
to complete if requested
wait_forever = (wait_time < 0)
# Wait a bit so info is accurate
def check_domain_state():
dominfo =
state = dominfo[0]
if domain_is_crashed(guest.domain):
fail(_("Domain has crashed."))
if domain_is_shutdown(guest.domain):
return dom, state
return None, state
do_sleep = bool(conscb)
ret, state = check_domain_state()
if ret:
return ret
except Exception, e:
# Sometimes we see errors from libvirt here due to races
do_sleep = True
if do_sleep:
# Sleep a bit and try again to be sure the HV has caught up
ret, state = check_domain_state()
if ret:
return ret
# Domain seems to be running
logging.debug("Domain state after install: %s", state)
if not wait_for_install or wait_time == 0:
# User either:
# used --noautoconsole
# used --wait 0
# killed console and guest is still running
if not guest.installer.has_install_phase():
return dom
_("Domain installation still in progress. You can reconnect"
" to \nthe console to complete the installation process."))
timestr = (not wait_forever and
_("%d minutes ") % (int(wait_time) / 60) or "")
2013-09-20 20:10:34 +04:00
_("Domain installation still in progress. Waiting "
"%(time_string)s for installation to complete.") %
{"time_string": timestr})
# Wait loop
while True:
if domain_is_shutdown(guest.domain):
print_stdout(_("Domain has shutdown. Continuing."))
# Lookup a new domain object incase current
# one returned bogus data (see comment in
# domain_is_shutdown)
dom = guest.conn.lookupByName(
except Exception, e:
raise RuntimeError(_("Could not lookup domain after "
"install: %s" % str(e)))
time_elapsed = (time.time() - start_time)
if not wait_forever and time_elapsed >= wait_time:
_("Installation has exceeded specified time limit. "
"Exiting application."))
return dom
# XML printing helpers #
def xml_to_print(guest, continue_inst, xmlonly, xmlstep, dry):
start_xml, final_xml = guest.start_install(dry=dry, return_xml=True)
second_xml = None
if not start_xml:
start_xml = final_xml
final_xml = None
if continue_inst:
second_xml, final_xml = guest.continue_install(dry=dry,
if dry and not (xmlonly or xmlstep):
print_stdout(_("Dry run completed successfully"))
# --print-xml
if xmlonly and not xmlstep:
if second_xml or final_xml:
fail(_("--print-xml can only be used with guests that do not have "
"an installation phase (--import, --boot, etc.). To see all"
" generated XML, please use --print-step all."))
return start_xml
# --print-step
if xmlstep == "1":
return start_xml
if xmlstep == "2":
if not (second_xml or final_xml):
fail(_("Requested installation does not have XML step 2"))
return second_xml or final_xml
if xmlstep == "3":
if not second_xml:
fail(_("Requested installation does not have XML step 3"))
return final_xml
# "all" case
xml = start_xml
if second_xml:
xml += second_xml
if final_xml:
xml += final_xml
return xml
# CLI option handling #
def parse_args():
parser = cli.setupParser(
"%prog --name NAME --ram RAM STORAGE INSTALL [options]",
_("Create a new virtual machine from specified install media."))
geng = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("General Options"))
geng.add_option("-n", "--name", dest="name",
help=_("Name of the guest instance"))
geng.add_option("-r", "--ram", type="int", dest="memory",
help=_("Memory to allocate for guest instance in "
geng.add_option("", "--description", dest="description",
help=_("Human readable description of the VM to store in "
"the generated XML."))
geng.add_option("", "--security", dest="security",
help=_("Set domain security driver configuration."))
geng.add_option("", "--numatune", dest="numatune",
help=_("Tune NUMA policy for the domain process."))
insg = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Installation Method Options"))
insg.add_option("-c", dest="cdrom_short", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
insg.add_option("", "--cdrom", dest="cdrom",
help=_("CD-ROM installation media"))
insg.add_option("-l", "--location", dest="location",
help=_("Installation source (eg, nfs:host:/path, "
"http://host/path, ftp://host/path)"))
insg.add_option("", "--pxe", action="store_true", dest="pxe",
help=_("Boot from the network using the PXE protocol"))
insg.add_option("", "--import", action="store_true", dest="import_install",
help=_("Build guest around an existing disk image"))
insg.add_option("", "--init", dest="init",
help=_("Path to init binary for container guest. Ex:\n"
"--init /path/to/app (to contain an application)\n"
"--init /sbin/init (for a full OS container)"))
insg.add_option("", "--livecd", action="store_true", dest="livecd",
help=_("Treat the CD-ROM media as a Live CD"))
insg.add_option("-x", "--extra-args", dest="extra",
help=_("Additional arguments to pass to the install kernel "
"booted from --location"))
insg.add_option("", "--initrd-inject", dest="initrd_injections",
help=_("Add given file to root of initrd from --location"))
insg.add_option("", "--boot", dest="bootopts", default="",
help=_("Optionally configure post-install boot order, "
"menu, permanent kernel boot, etc."))
stog = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Storage Configuration"))
stog.add_option("", "--disk", dest="diskopts", action="append",
help=_("Specify storage with various options. Ex.\n"
"--disk path=/my/existing/disk\n"
"--disk path=/my/new/disk,size=5 (in gigabytes)\n"
"--disk vol=poolname/volname,device=cdrom,bus=scsi,..."))
stog.add_option("", "--nodisks", action="store_true",
help=_("Don't set up any disks for the guest."))
# Deprecated storage options
stog.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file_paths", action="append",
stog.add_option("-s", "--file-size", type="float",
action="append", dest="disksize",
stog.add_option("", "--nonsparse", action="store_false",
default=True, dest="sparse",
netg = cli.network_option_group(parser)
netg.add_option("", "--nonetworks", action="store_true",
help=_("Don't create network interfaces for the guest."))
vncg = cli.graphics_option_group(parser)
vncg.add_option("", "--noautoconsole", action="store_false",
dest="autoconsole", default=True,
help=_("Don't automatically try to connect to the guest "
devg = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Device Options"))
# Deprecated
devg.add_option("", "--sound", action="store_true", dest="oldsound",
default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
virg = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Virtualization Platform Options"))
virg.add_option("-v", "--hvm", action="store_true", dest="fullvirt",
help=_("This guest should be a fully virtualized guest"))
virg.add_option("-p", "--paravirt", action="store_true", dest="paravirt",
help=_("This guest should be a paravirtualized guest"))
virg.add_option("", "--container", action="store_true", default=False,
help=_("This guest should be a container guest"))
virg.add_option("", "--virt-type", dest="hv_type",
help=_("Hypervisor name to use (kvm, qemu, xen, ...)"))
virg.add_option("", "--accelerate", action="store_true", default=False,
dest="accelerate", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
virg.add_option("", "--arch", dest="arch",
help=_("The CPU architecture to simulate"))
virg.add_option("", "--machine", dest="machine",
help=_("The machine type to emulate"))
virg.add_option("", "--noapic", action="store_true", dest="noapic",
help=_("Disables APIC for fully virtualized guest "
"(overrides value in os-variant db)"))
virg.add_option("", "--noacpi", action="store_true", dest="noacpi",
help=_("Disables ACPI for fully virtualized guest "
"(overrides value in os-variant db)"))
virg.add_option("-u", "--uuid", dest="uuid",
help=_("UUID for the guest."))
misc = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Miscellaneous Options"))
misc.add_option("", "--autostart", action="store_true", dest="autostart",
help=_("Have domain autostart on host boot up."))
misc.add_option("", "--print-xml", action="store_true", dest="xmlonly",
help=_("Print the generated domain XML rather than define "
"the guest."))
misc.add_option("", "--print-step", type="str", dest="xmlstep",
help=_("Print XML of a specific install step "
"(1, 2, 3, all) rather than define the guest."))
misc.add_option("", "--noreboot", action="store_true", dest="noreboot",
help=_("Don't boot guest after completing install."))
misc.add_option("", "--wait", type="int", dest="wait",
help=_("Time to wait (in minutes)"))
misc.add_option("", "--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry",
help=_("Run through install process, but do not "
"create devices or define the guest."))
misc.add_option("", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force",
help=_("Forces 'yes' for any applicable prompts, "
"terminates for all others"))
misc.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet",
help=_("Suppress non-error output"))
misc.add_option("", "--prompt", action="store_true", dest="prompt",
help=_("Request user input for ambiguous situations or "
"required options."))
misc.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug",
help=_("Print debugging information"))
(options, cliargs) = parser.parse_args()
return options, cliargs
# main() handling #
def main(conn=None):
options, cliargs = parse_args()
# Default setup options
options.quiet = options.xmlstep or options.xmlonly or options.quiet
cli.setupLogging("virt-install", options.debug, options.quiet)
if cliargs:
fail(_("Unknown argument '%s'") % cliargs[0])
if options.distro_variant == "list":
logging.debug("OS list requested")
for t in virtinst.osdict.list_os(list_types=True):
for v in virtinst.osdict.list_os(
print "%-20s : %s" % (, v.label)
return 0
if conn is None:
conn = cli.getConnection(options.connect)
if options.xmlstep not in [None, "1", "2", "3", "all"]:
fail(_("--print-step must be 1, 2, 3, or all"))
guest = build_guest_instance(conn, options)
continue_inst = guest.get_continue_inst()
if options.xmlstep or options.xmlonly or options.dry:
xml = xml_to_print(guest, continue_inst,
options.xmlonly, options.xmlstep, options.dry)
if xml:
print_stdout(xml, do_force=True)
start_install(guest, continue_inst, options)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
except SystemExit, sys_e:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logging.debug("", exc_info=True)
print_stderr(_("Installation aborted at user request"))
except Exception, main_e: