2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
# XML API wrappers
2018-04-04 14:35:41 +01:00
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
2018-03-20 15:00:02 -04:00
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
import libxml2
2019-06-07 18:21:24 -04:00
from . import xmlutil
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
# pylint: disable=protected-access
class _XPathSegment ( object ) :
Class representing a single ' segment ' of an xpath string . For example ,
the xpath :
. / qemu : foo / bar [ 1 ] / baz [ @somepro = ' someval ' ] / @finalprop
will be split into the following segments :
#1: nodename=., fullsegment=.
#2: nodename=foo, nsname=qemu, fullsegment=qemu:foo
#3: nodename=bar, condition_num=1, fullsegment=bar[1]
#4: nodename=baz, condition_prop=somepro, condition_val=someval,
fullsegment = baz [ @somepro = ' somval ' ]
#5: nodename=finalprop, is_prop=True, fullsegment=@finalprop
def __init__ ( self , fullsegment ) :
self . fullsegment = fullsegment
self . nodename = fullsegment
self . condition_prop = None
self . condition_val = None
self . condition_num = None
if " [ " in self . nodename :
self . nodename , cond = self . nodename . strip ( " ] " ) . split ( " [ " )
if " = " in cond :
( cprop , cval ) = cond . split ( " = " )
self . condition_prop = cprop . strip ( " @ " )
self . condition_val = cval . strip ( " ' " )
elif cond . isdigit ( ) :
2018-02-20 11:27:55 -05:00
self . condition_num = int ( cond )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
self . is_prop = self . nodename . startswith ( " @ " )
if self . is_prop :
self . nodename = self . nodename [ 1 : ]
self . nsname = None
if " : " in self . nodename :
self . nsname , self . nodename = self . nodename . split ( " : " )
class _XPath ( object ) :
Helper class for performing manipulations of XPath strings . Splits
the xpath into segments .
def __init__ ( self , fullxpath ) :
self . fullxpath = fullxpath
2019-05-13 14:23:27 -04:00
self . segments = [ ]
for s in self . fullxpath . split ( " / " ) :
if s == " .. " :
# Resolve and flatten .. in xpaths
self . segments = self . segments [ : - 1 ]
self . segments . append ( _XPathSegment ( s ) )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
self . is_prop = self . segments [ - 1 ] . is_prop
self . propname = ( self . is_prop and self . segments [ - 1 ] . nodename or None )
if self . is_prop :
self . segments = self . segments [ : - 1 ]
self . xpath = self . join ( self . segments )
def join ( segments ) :
return " / " . join ( s . fullsegment for s in segments )
def parent_xpath ( self ) :
return self . join ( self . segments [ : - 1 ] )
class _XMLBase ( object ) :
2018-09-13 09:34:04 -04:00
def register_namespace ( cls , nsname , uri ) :
cls . NAMESPACES [ nsname ] = uri
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
def copy_api ( self ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def count ( self , xpath ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _find ( self , fullxpath ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _node_tostring ( self , node ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _node_get_text ( self , node ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _node_set_text ( self , node , setval ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _node_get_property ( self , node , propname ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _node_set_property ( self , node , propname , setval ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
2018-09-13 10:33:08 -04:00
def _node_new ( self , xpathseg , parentnode ) :
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raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _node_add_child ( self , parentxpath , parentnode , newnode ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _node_remove_child ( self , parentnode , childnode ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
2019-05-08 18:59:12 -04:00
def _node_replace_child ( self , xpath , newnode ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
def _node_from_xml ( self , xml ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _node_has_content ( self , node ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
2019-05-08 13:02:35 -04:00
def _node_get_name ( self , node ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
def node_clear ( self , xpath ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def _sanitize_xml ( self , xml ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def get_xml ( self , xpath ) :
node = self . _find ( xpath )
if node is None :
return " "
return self . _sanitize_xml ( self . _node_tostring ( node ) )
def get_xpath_content ( self , xpath , is_bool ) :
node = self . _find ( xpath )
if node is None :
return None
if is_bool :
return True
xpathobj = _XPath ( xpath )
if xpathobj . is_prop :
return self . _node_get_property ( node , xpathobj . propname )
return self . _node_get_text ( node )
def set_xpath_content ( self , xpath , setval ) :
node = self . _find ( xpath )
if setval is False :
# Boolean False, means remove the node entirely
self . node_force_remove ( xpath )
elif setval is None :
if node is not None :
self . _node_set_content ( xpath , node , None )
self . _node_remove_empty ( xpath )
else :
if node is None :
node = self . _node_make_stub ( xpath )
if setval is True :
# Boolean property, creating the node is enough
self . _node_set_content ( xpath , node , setval )
def node_add_xml ( self , xml , xpath ) :
newnode = self . _node_from_xml ( xml )
parentnode = self . _node_make_stub ( xpath )
self . _node_add_child ( xpath , parentnode , newnode )
2019-05-08 18:59:12 -04:00
def node_replace_xml ( self , xpath , xml ) :
Replace the node at xpath with the passed in xml
newnode = self . _node_from_xml ( xml )
self . _node_replace_child ( xpath , newnode )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
def node_force_remove ( self , fullxpath ) :
Remove the element referenced at the passed xpath , regardless
of whether it has children or not , and then clean up the XML
xpathobj = _XPath ( fullxpath )
parentnode = self . _find ( xpathobj . parent_xpath ( ) )
childnode = self . _find ( fullxpath )
if parentnode is None or childnode is None :
self . _node_remove_child ( parentnode , childnode )
2019-05-08 13:02:35 -04:00
def validate_root_name ( self , expected_root_name ) :
rootname = self . _node_get_name ( self . _find ( " . " ) )
if rootname == expected_root_name :
raise RuntimeError (
_ ( " XML did not have expected root element name ' %s ' , found ' %s ' " ) %
( expected_root_name , rootname ) )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
def _node_set_content ( self , xpath , node , setval ) :
xpathobj = _XPath ( xpath )
if setval is not None :
setval = str ( setval )
if xpathobj . is_prop :
self . _node_set_property ( node , xpathobj . propname , setval )
else :
self . _node_set_text ( node , setval )
def _node_make_stub ( self , fullxpath ) :
Build all nodes for the passed xpath . For example , if XML is < foo / > ,
and xpath = . / bar / @baz , after this function the XML will be :
< foo >
< bar baz = ' ' / >
< / foo >
And the node pointing to @baz will be returned , for the caller to
do with as they please .
There ' s also special handling to ensure that setting
xpath = . / bar [ @baz = ' foo ' ] / frob will create
< bar baz = ' foo ' >
< frob > < / frob >
< / bar >
Even if < bar > didn ' t exist before. So we fill in the dependent property
expression values
xpathobj = _XPath ( fullxpath )
parentxpath = " . "
parentnode = self . _find ( parentxpath )
2019-06-09 18:16:51 -04:00
xmlutil . raise_programming_error ( not parentnode ,
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
" Did not find XML root node for xpath= %s " % fullxpath )
for xpathseg in xpathobj . segments [ 1 : ] :
oldxpath = parentxpath
parentxpath + = " / %s " % xpathseg . fullsegment
tmpnode = self . _find ( parentxpath )
if tmpnode is not None :
# xpath node already exists, nothing to create yet
parentnode = tmpnode
2018-09-13 10:33:08 -04:00
newnode = self . _node_new ( xpathseg , parentnode )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
self . _node_add_child ( oldxpath , parentnode , newnode )
parentnode = newnode
# For a conditional xpath like ./foo[@bar='baz'],
# we also want to implicitly set <foo bar='baz'/>
if xpathseg . condition_prop :
self . _node_set_property ( parentnode , xpathseg . condition_prop ,
xpathseg . condition_val )
return parentnode
def _node_remove_empty ( self , fullxpath ) :
Walk backwards up the xpath chain , and remove each element
if it doesn ' t have any children or attributes, so we don ' t
leave stale elements in the XML
xpathobj = _XPath ( fullxpath )
segments = xpathobj . segments [ : ]
parent = None
while segments :
xpath = _XPath . join ( segments )
segments . pop ( )
child = parent
parent = self . _find ( xpath )
if parent is None :
if child is None :
if self . _node_has_content ( child ) :
self . _node_remove_child ( parent , child )
2018-12-18 14:44:50 +01:00
def node_is_text ( n ) :
return bool ( n and n . type == " text " )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
class _Libxml2API ( _XMLBase ) :
def __init__ ( self , xml ) :
_XMLBase . __init__ ( self )
2019-04-14 17:31:41 -04:00
# Use of gtksourceview in virt-manager changes this libxml
# global setting which messes up whitespace after parsing.
# We can probably get away with calling this less but it
# would take some investigation
libxml2 . keepBlanksDefault ( 1 )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
self . _doc = libxml2 . parseDoc ( xml )
self . _ctx = self . _doc . xpathNewContext ( )
self . _ctx . setContextNode ( self . _doc . children )
for key , val in self . NAMESPACES . items ( ) :
self . _ctx . xpathRegisterNs ( key , val )
def __del__ ( self ) :
2019-06-09 18:16:51 -04:00
if not hasattr ( self , " _doc " ) :
2019-07-12 16:10:39 -04:00
# In case we error when parsing the doc
2019-06-09 18:16:51 -04:00
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
self . _doc . freeDoc ( )
self . _doc = None
self . _ctx . xpathFreeContext ( )
self . _ctx = None
def _sanitize_xml ( self , xml ) :
if not xml . endswith ( " \n " ) and " \n " in xml :
xml + = " \n "
return xml
def copy_api ( self ) :
return _Libxml2API ( self . _doc . children . serialize ( ) )
def _find ( self , fullxpath ) :
xpath = _XPath ( fullxpath ) . xpath
node = self . _ctx . xpathEval ( xpath )
return ( node and node [ 0 ] or None )
def count ( self , xpath ) :
return len ( self . _ctx . xpathEval ( xpath ) )
def _node_tostring ( self , node ) :
return node . serialize ( )
def _node_from_xml ( self , xml ) :
return libxml2 . parseDoc ( xml ) . children
def _node_get_text ( self , node ) :
return node . content
def _node_set_text ( self , node , setval ) :
if setval is not None :
2019-06-07 18:21:24 -04:00
setval = xmlutil . xml_escape ( setval )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
node . setContent ( setval )
def _node_get_property ( self , node , propname ) :
prop = node . hasProp ( propname )
if prop :
return prop . content
def _node_set_property ( self , node , propname , setval ) :
if setval is None :
prop = node . hasProp ( propname )
if prop :
prop . unlinkNode ( )
prop . freeNode ( )
else :
2019-06-07 18:21:24 -04:00
node . setProp ( propname , xmlutil . xml_escape ( setval ) )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
2018-09-13 10:33:08 -04:00
def _node_new ( self , xpathseg , parentnode ) :
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
newnode = libxml2 . newNode ( xpathseg . nodename )
if not xpathseg . nsname :
return newnode
2018-09-13 10:33:08 -04:00
def _find_parent_ns ( ) :
parent = parentnode
while parent :
2019-06-07 18:21:24 -04:00
for ns in xmlutil . listify ( parent . nsDefs ( ) ) :
2018-09-13 10:33:08 -04:00
if ns . name == xpathseg . nsname :
return ns
parent = parent . get_parent ( )
ns = _find_parent_ns ( )
if not ns :
ns = newnode . newNs (
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
self . NAMESPACES [ xpathseg . nsname ] , xpathseg . nsname )
newnode . setNs ( ns )
return newnode
def node_clear ( self , xpath ) :
node = self . _find ( xpath )
if node :
propnames = [ p . name for p in ( node . properties or [ ] ) ]
for p in propnames :
node . unsetProp ( p )
node . setContent ( None )
def _node_has_content ( self , node ) :
return node . type == " element " and ( node . children or node . properties )
2019-05-08 13:02:35 -04:00
def _node_get_name ( self , node ) :
return node . name
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
def _node_remove_child ( self , parentnode , childnode ) :
node = childnode
# Look for preceding whitespace and remove it
white = node . get_prev ( )
2018-12-18 14:44:50 +01:00
if node_is_text ( white ) :
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
white . unlinkNode ( )
white . freeNode ( )
node . unlinkNode ( )
node . freeNode ( )
2018-12-18 14:44:50 +01:00
if all ( [ node_is_text ( n ) for n in parentnode . children ] ) :
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
parentnode . setContent ( None )
def _node_add_child ( self , parentxpath , parentnode , newnode ) :
ignore = parentxpath
2018-02-19 12:00:15 -05:00
if not node_is_text ( parentnode . get_last ( ) ) :
prevsib = parentnode . get_prev ( )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
if node_is_text ( prevsib ) :
2018-02-19 12:00:15 -05:00
newlast = libxml2 . newText ( prevsib . content )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
else :
2018-02-19 12:00:15 -05:00
newlast = libxml2 . newText ( " \n " )
parentnode . addChild ( newlast )
endtext = parentnode . get_last ( ) . content
parentnode . addChild ( libxml2 . newText ( " " ) )
parentnode . addChild ( newnode )
parentnode . addChild ( libxml2 . newText ( endtext ) )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
2019-05-08 18:59:12 -04:00
def _node_replace_child ( self , xpath , newnode ) :
oldnode = self . _find ( xpath )
oldnode . replaceNode ( newnode )
2018-02-14 15:35:53 -05:00
XMLAPI = _Libxml2API