2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
# Base class for all VM devices
# Copyright 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
# Cole Robinson <crobinso@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import copy
import threading
import libvirt
import libxml2
2013-04-10 19:48:07 -04:00
from virtinst import CapabilitiesParser
from virtinst import uriutil
from virtinst import util
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
_xml_refs_lock = threading . Lock ( )
_xml_refs = { }
2013-04-11 12:04:28 -04:00
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
def _unref_doc ( doc ) :
if not doc :
idx = None
try :
_xml_refs_lock . acquire ( )
for n in _xml_refs :
if n == doc :
idx = n
if not idx :
_xml_refs [ idx ] = _xml_refs [ idx ] - 1
if _xml_refs [ idx ] == 0 :
idx . freeDoc ( )
finally :
_xml_refs_lock . release ( )
def _ref_doc ( doc ) :
if not doc :
try :
_xml_refs_lock . acquire ( )
idx = doc
for n in _xml_refs :
if n == doc :
idx = n
refcount = _xml_refs . get ( idx ) or 0
_xml_refs [ idx ] = refcount + 1
finally :
_xml_refs_lock . release ( )
2013-04-11 16:48:39 -04:00
def _tuplify_lists ( * args ) :
Similar to zip ( ) , but use None if lists aren ' t long enough, and
don ' t skip any None list entry
args = [ util . listify ( l ) for l in args ]
maxlen = max ( [ len ( l ) for l in args ] )
ret = [ ]
for idx in range ( maxlen ) :
tup = tuple ( )
for l in args :
tup + = ( idx > = len ( l ) and ( None , ) or ( l [ idx ] , ) )
ret . append ( tup )
return ret
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
def _sanitize_libxml_xml ( xml ) :
# Strip starting <?...> line
if xml . startswith ( " <? " ) :
ignore , xml = xml . split ( " \n " , 1 )
if not xml . endswith ( " \n " ) and xml . count ( " \n " ) :
xml + = " \n "
return xml
def _get_xpath_node ( ctx , xpath , is_multi = False ) :
node = ctx . xpathEval ( xpath )
if not is_multi :
return ( node and node [ 0 ] or None )
return node
def _build_xpath_node ( ctx , xpath , addnode = None ) :
Build all nodes required to set an xpath . If we have XML < foo / > , and want
to set xpath / foo / bar / baz @booyeah , we create node ' bar ' and ' baz '
returning the last node created .
parentpath = " "
parentnode = None
def prevSibling ( node ) :
parent = node . get_parent ( )
if not parent :
return None
prev = None
for child in parent . children :
if child == node :
return prev
prev = child
return None
def make_node ( parentnode , newnode ) :
# Add the needed parent node, try to preserve whitespace by
# looking for a starting TEXT node, and copying it
def node_is_text ( n ) :
return bool ( n and n . type == " text " and not n . content . count ( " < " ) )
sib = parentnode . get_last ( )
if not node_is_text ( sib ) :
# This case is when we add a child element to a node for the
# first time, like:
# <features/>
# to
# <features>
# <acpi/>
# </features>
prevsib = prevSibling ( parentnode )
if node_is_text ( prevsib ) :
sib = libxml2 . newText ( prevsib . content )
else :
sib = libxml2 . newText ( " " )
parentnode . addChild ( sib )
# This is case is adding a child element to an already properly
# spaced element. Example:
# <features>
# <acpi/>
# </features>
# to
# <features>
# <acpi/>
# <apic/>
# </features>
sib = parentnode . get_last ( )
content = sib . content
sib = sib . addNextSibling ( libxml2 . newText ( " " ) )
txt = libxml2 . newText ( content )
sib . addNextSibling ( newnode )
newnode . addNextSibling ( txt )
return newnode
nodelist = xpath . split ( " / " )
for idx in range ( len ( nodelist ) ) :
nodename = nodelist [ idx ]
if not nodename :
# If xpath is a node property, set it and move on
if nodename . startswith ( " @ " ) :
nodename = nodename . strip ( " @ " )
parentnode = parentnode . setProp ( nodename , " " )
if not parentpath :
parentpath = nodename
else :
parentpath + = " / %s " % nodename
# Node found, nothing to create for now
node = _get_xpath_node ( ctx , parentpath )
if node :
parentnode = node
if not parentnode :
raise RuntimeError ( " Could not find XML root node " )
# Remove conditional xpath elements for node creation
if nodename . count ( " [ " ) :
nodename = nodename [ : nodename . index ( " [ " ) ]
newnode = libxml2 . newNode ( nodename )
parentnode = make_node ( parentnode , newnode )
if addnode :
parentnode = make_node ( parentnode , addnode )
return parentnode
def _remove_xpath_node ( ctx , xpath , dofree = True ) :
Remove an XML node tree if it has no content
curxpath = xpath
while curxpath :
is_orig = ( curxpath == xpath )
node = _get_xpath_node ( ctx , curxpath )
if curxpath . count ( " / " ) :
curxpath , ignore = curxpath . rsplit ( " / " , 1 )
else :
curxpath = None
if not node :
if node . type not in [ " attribute " , " element " ] :
if node . type == " element " and ( node . children or node . properties ) :
# Only do a deep unlink if it was the original requested path
if not is_orig :
# Look for preceding whitespace and remove it
white = node . get_prev ( )
if white and white . type == " text " and not white . content . count ( " < " ) :
white . unlinkNode ( )
white . freeNode ( )
node . unlinkNode ( )
if dofree :
node . freeNode ( )
def _xml_property ( fget = None , fset = None , fdel = None , doc = None ,
xpath = None , get_converter = None , set_converter = None ,
xml_get_xpath = None , xml_set_xpath = None ,
xml_set_list = None , is_bool = False , is_multi = False ,
default_converter = None ) :
Set a XMLBuilder class property that represents a value in the
< domain > XML . For example
name = _xml_property ( get_name , set_name , xpath = " /domain/name " )
When building XML from scratch ( virt - install ) , name is a regular
class property . When parsing and editting existing guest XML , we
use the xpath value to map the name property to the underlying XML
definition .
@param fget : typical getter function for the property
@param fset : typical setter function for the property
@param fdel : typical deleter function for the property
@param doc : option doc string for the property
@param xpath : xpath string which maps to the associated property
in a typical XML document
@param get_converter :
@param set_converter : optional function for converting the property
value from the virtinst API to the guest XML . For example ,
the Guest . memory API is in MB , but the libvirt domain memory API
is in KB . So , if xpath is specified , on a ' get ' operation we need
to convert the XML value with int ( val ) / 1024.
@param xml_get_xpath :
@param xml_set_xpath : Not all props map cleanly to a static xpath .
This allows passing functions which generate an xpath for getting
or setting .
@param xml_set_list : Return a list of xpaths to set for each value
in the val list
@param is_bool : Whether this is a boolean property in the XML
@param is_multi : Whether data is coming multiple or a single node
@param default_converter : If the virtinst value is " default " , use
this function to get the actual XML value
2013-04-12 08:26:21 -04:00
# pylint: disable=W0212
# Accessing _xml vals of self. This should be a class method, but
# we break it out to be more readable
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
def new_getter ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
val = None
getval = fget ( self , * args , * * kwargs )
if not self . _xml_node :
return getval
if default_converter and getval == " default " :
return getval
usexpath = xpath
if xml_get_xpath :
usexpath = xml_get_xpath ( self )
if usexpath is None :
return getval
2013-04-11 10:27:02 -04:00
nodes = util . listify ( _get_xpath_node ( self . _xml_ctx ,
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
usexpath , is_multi ) )
if nodes :
ret = [ ]
for node in nodes :
val = node . content
if get_converter :
val = get_converter ( self , val )
elif is_bool :
val = True
if not is_multi :
return val
# If user is querying multiple nodes, return a list of results
ret . append ( val )
return ret
elif is_bool :
return False
elif get_converter :
getval = get_converter ( self , None )
return getval
def new_setter ( self , val , * args , * * kwargs ) :
# Do this regardless, for validation purposes
fset ( self , val , * args , * * kwargs )
if not self . _xml_node :
# Convert from API value to XML value
val = fget ( self )
if set_converter :
val = set_converter ( self , val )
elif default_converter and val == " default " :
val = default_converter ( self )
nodexpath = xpath
if xml_set_xpath :
nodexpath = xml_set_xpath ( self )
if nodexpath is None :
2013-04-11 10:27:02 -04:00
nodes = util . listify ( _get_xpath_node ( self . _xml_ctx ,
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
nodexpath , is_multi ) )
xpath_list = nodexpath
if xml_set_list :
xpath_list = xml_set_list ( self )
2013-04-11 16:48:39 -04:00
node_map = _tuplify_lists ( nodes , val , xpath_list )
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
for node , val , usexpath in node_map :
if node :
usexpath = node . nodePath ( )
if val not in [ None , False ] :
if not node :
node = _build_xpath_node ( self . _xml_node , usexpath )
if val is True :
# Boolean property, creating the node is enough
else :
2013-04-11 10:27:02 -04:00
node . setContent ( util . xml_escape ( str ( val ) ) )
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
else :
_remove_xpath_node ( self . _xml_node , usexpath )
if fdel :
# Not tested
raise RuntimeError ( " XML deleter not yet supported. " )
return property ( fget = new_getter , fset = new_setter , doc = doc )
class XMLBuilderDomain ( object ) :
Base for all classes which build or parse domain XML
_dumpxml_xpath = " . "
def __init__ ( self , conn = None , parsexml = None , parsexmlnode = None ,
caps = None ) :
Initialize state
@param conn : libvirt connection to validate device against
@type conn : virConnect
@param parsexml : Optional XML string to parse
@type parsexml : C { str }
@param parsexmlnode : Option xpathNode to use
@param caps : Capabilities ( ) instance
self . _conn = None
self . _conn_uri = None
self . __remote = False
self . __caps = None
self . _xml_node = None
self . _xml_ctx = None
if conn :
self . set_conn ( conn )
if caps :
if not isinstance ( caps , CapabilitiesParser . Capabilities ) :
raise ValueError ( " caps must be a Capabilities instance " )
self . __caps = caps
if parsexml or parsexmlnode :
self . _parsexml ( parsexml , parsexmlnode )
def __del__ ( self ) :
try :
if self . _xml_node :
_unref_doc ( self . _xml_node . doc )
except :
try :
if self . _xml_ctx :
self . _xml_ctx . xpathFreeContext ( )
except :
def copy ( self ) :
# Otherwise we can double free XML info
if self . _is_parse ( ) :
return self
return copy . copy ( self )
def get_conn ( self ) :
return self . _conn
def set_conn ( self , val ) :
if not isinstance ( val , libvirt . virConnect ) :
raise ValueError ( _ ( " ' conn ' must be a virConnect instance. " ) )
self . _conn = val
self . _conn_uri = self . _conn . getURI ( )
2013-04-11 12:04:28 -04:00
self . __remote = uriutil . is_uri_remote ( self . _conn_uri , conn = self . _conn )
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
conn = property ( get_conn , set_conn )
def get_uri ( self ) :
return self . _conn_uri
def _get_caps ( self ) :
if not self . __caps and self . conn :
self . __caps = CapabilitiesParser . parse ( self . conn . getCapabilities ( ) )
return self . __caps
def is_remote ( self ) :
return bool ( self . __remote )
def is_qemu ( self ) :
2013-04-11 12:04:28 -04:00
return uriutil . is_qemu ( self . conn , self . get_uri ( ) )
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
def is_qemu_system ( self ) :
2013-04-11 12:04:28 -04:00
return uriutil . is_qemu_system ( self . conn , self . get_uri ( ) )
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
def is_session_uri ( self ) :
2013-04-11 12:04:28 -04:00
return uriutil . is_session_uri ( self . conn , self . get_uri ( ) )
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
def is_xen ( self ) :
2013-04-11 12:04:28 -04:00
return uriutil . is_xen ( self . conn , self . get_uri ( ) )
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
def _check_bool ( self , val , name ) :
if val not in [ True , False ] :
raise ValueError ( _ ( " ' %s ' must be True or False " % name ) )
def _check_str ( self , val , name ) :
if type ( val ) is not str :
raise ValueError ( _ ( " ' %s ' must be a string, not ' %s ' . " %
( name , type ( val ) ) ) )
def _is_parse ( self ) :
return bool ( self . _xml_node or self . _xml_ctx )
def set_xml_node ( self , node ) :
self . _parsexml ( None , node )
def get_xml_node_path ( self ) :
if self . _xml_node :
return self . _xml_node . nodePath ( )
return None
def _add_child_node ( self , parent_xpath , newnode ) :
ret = _build_xpath_node ( self . _xml_ctx , parent_xpath , newnode )
return ret
def _remove_child_xpath ( self , xpath ) :
_remove_xpath_node ( self . _xml_ctx , xpath , dofree = False )
self . _set_xml_context ( )
def _set_xml_context ( self ) :
doc = self . _xml_node . doc
ctx = doc . xpathNewContext ( )
ctx . setContextNode ( self . _xml_node )
if self . _xml_ctx :
self . _xml_ctx . xpathFreeContext ( )
self . _xml_ctx = ctx
def _parsexml ( self , xml , node ) :
if xml :
self . _xml_node = libxml2 . parseDoc ( xml ) . children
else :
self . _xml_node = node
_ref_doc ( self . _xml_node . doc )
self . _set_xml_context ( )
def _get_xml_config ( self ) :
Internal XML building function . Must be overwritten by subclass
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def get_xml_config ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
Construct and return object xml
@return : object xml representation as a string
@rtype : str
if self . _xml_ctx :
node = _get_xpath_node ( self . _xml_ctx , self . _dumpxml_xpath )
if not node :
return " "
return _sanitize_libxml_xml ( node . serialize ( ) )
return self . _get_xml_config ( * args , * * kwargs )
def indent ( xmlstr , level ) :
xml = " "
if not xmlstr :
return xml
for l in iter ( xmlstr . splitlines ( ) ) :
xml + = " " * level + l + " \n "
return xml