2020-09-11 20:02:51 +03:00
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import re
from gi . repository import Gdk
import dogtail . tree
import pyatspi
from virtinst import log
from . import utils
class _FuzzyPredicate ( dogtail . predicate . Predicate ) :
Object dogtail / pyatspi want for node searching .
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def __init__ ( self , name = None , roleName = None , labeller_text = None ,
focusable = False , onscreen = False ) :
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: param name : Match node . name or node . labeller . text if
labeller_text not specified
: param roleName : Match node . roleName
: param labeller_text : Match node . labeller . text
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: param focusable : Ensure node is focusable
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self . _name = name
self . _roleName = roleName
self . _labeller_text = labeller_text
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self . _focusable = focusable
self . _onscreen = onscreen
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self . _name_pattern = None
self . _role_pattern = None
self . _labeller_pattern = None
if self . _name :
self . _name_pattern = re . compile ( self . _name , re . DOTALL )
if self . _roleName :
self . _role_pattern = re . compile ( self . _roleName , re . DOTALL )
if self . _labeller_text :
self . _labeller_pattern = re . compile ( self . _labeller_text , re . DOTALL )
def makeScriptMethodCall ( self , isRecursive ) :
ignore = isRecursive
def makeScriptVariableName ( self ) :
def describeSearchResult ( self , node = None ) :
if not node :
return " "
return node . node_string ( )
def satisfiedByNode ( self , node ) :
The actual search routine
try :
if self . _roleName and not self . _role_pattern . match ( node . roleName ) :
labeller = " "
if node . labeller :
labeller = node . labeller . text
if ( self . _name and
not self . _name_pattern . match ( node . name ) and
not self . _name_pattern . match ( labeller ) ) :
if ( self . _labeller_text and
not self . _labeller_pattern . match ( labeller ) ) :
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if ( self . _focusable and not
( node . focusable and
node . onscreen and
node . sensitive and
node . roleName not in [ " page tab list " , " radio button " ] ) ) :
return False
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return True
except Exception as e :
log . debug (
" got predicate exception name= %s role= %s labeller= %s : %s " ,
self . _name , self . _roleName , self . _labeller_text , e )
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def _debug_decorator ( fn ) :
def _cb ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
try :
return fn ( self , * args , * * kwargs )
except Exception :
print ( " node= %s \n states= %s " % ( self , self . print_states ( ) ) )
return _cb
2020-09-11 20:02:51 +03:00
class _VMMDogtailNode ( dogtail . tree . Node ) :
Our extensions to the dogtail node wrapper class .
# The class hackery means pylint can't figure this class out
# pylint: disable=no-member
def active ( self ) :
If the window is the raised and active window or not
return self . getState ( ) . contains ( pyatspi . STATE_ACTIVE )
def state_selected ( self ) :
return self . getState ( ) . contains ( pyatspi . STATE_SELECTED )
def onscreen ( self ) :
# We need to check that full widget is on screen because we use this
# function to check whether we can click a widget. We may click
# anywhere within the widget and clicks outside the screen bounds are
# silently ignored.
if self . roleName in [ " frame " ] :
return True
screen = Gdk . Screen . get_default ( )
return ( self . position [ 0 ] > = 0 and
self . position [ 0 ] + self . size [ 0 ] < screen . get_width ( ) and
self . position [ 1 ] > = 0 and
self . position [ 1 ] + self . size [ 1 ] < screen . get_height ( ) )
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def check_onscreen ( self ) :
Check in a loop that the widget is onscreen
utils . check ( lambda : self . onscreen )
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2020-09-19 13:24:44 +03:00
def check_not_onscreen ( self ) :
Check in a loop that the widget is not onscreen
utils . check ( lambda : not self . onscreen )
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def check_focused ( self ) :
Check in a loop that the widget is focused
utils . check ( lambda : self . focused )
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def check_sensitive ( self ) :
Check whether interactive widgets are sensitive or not
valid_types = [
" push button " ,
" toggle button " ,
" check button " ,
" combo box " ,
" menu item " ,
" text " ,
" menu " ,
if self . roleName not in valid_types :
return True
utils . check ( lambda : self . sensitive )
def click_secondary_icon ( self ) :
Helper for clicking the secondary icon of a text entry
self . check_onscreen ( )
self . check_sensitive ( )
button = 1
clickX = self . position [ 0 ] + self . size [ 0 ] - 10
clickY = self . position [ 1 ] + ( self . size [ 1 ] / 2 )
dogtail . rawinput . click ( clickX , clickY , button )
def click_combo_entry ( self ) :
Helper for clicking the arrow of a combo entry , to expose the menu .
Clicks middle of Y axis , but 1 / 10 th of the height from the right side .
Using a small , hardcoded offset may not work on some themes ( e . g . when
running virt - manager on KDE )
self . check_onscreen ( )
self . check_sensitive ( )
button = 1
clickX = self . position [ 0 ] + self . size [ 0 ] - self . size [ 1 ] / 4
clickY = self . position [ 1 ] + self . size [ 1 ] / 2
dogtail . rawinput . click ( clickX , clickY , button )
def click_expander ( self ) :
Helper for clicking expander , hitting the text part to actually
open it . Basically clicks top left corner with some indent
self . check_onscreen ( )
self . check_sensitive ( )
button = 1
clickX = self . position [ 0 ] + 10
clickY = self . position [ 1 ] + 5
dogtail . rawinput . click ( clickX , clickY , button )
def title_coordinates ( self ) :
Return clickable coordinates of a window ' s titlebar
x = self . position [ 0 ] + ( self . size [ 0 ] / 2 )
y = self . position [ 1 ] + 10
return x , y
def click_title ( self ) :
Helper to click a window title bar , hitting the horizontal
center of the bar
if self . roleName not in [ " frame " , " alert " ] :
raise RuntimeError ( " Can ' t use click_title() on type= %s " %
self . roleName )
button = 1
clickX , clickY = self . title_coordinates ( )
dogtail . rawinput . click ( clickX , clickY , button )
def click ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
click wrapper , give up to a second for widget to appear on
screen , helps reduce some test flakiness
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ,signature-differs
self . check_onscreen ( )
self . check_sensitive ( )
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super ( ) . click ( * args , * * kwargs )
def point ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
# pylint: disable=signature-differs
super ( ) . point ( * args , * * kwargs )
if ( self . roleName == " menu " and
self . accessible_parent . roleName == " menu " ) :
# Widget is a submenu, make sure the item is in selected
# state before we return
utils . check ( lambda : self . state_selected )
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def set_text ( self , text ) :
self . check_onscreen ( )
self . check_sensitive ( )
assert hasattr ( self , " text " )
self . text = text
def bring_on_screen ( self , key_name = " Down " , max_tries = 100 ) :
Attempts to bring the item to screen by repeatedly clicking the given
key . Raises exception if max_tries attempts are exceeded .
cur_try = 0
while not self . onscreen :
dogtail . rawinput . pressKey ( key_name )
cur_try + = 1
if cur_try > max_tries :
raise RuntimeError ( " Could not bring widget on screen " )
return self
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def window_maximize ( self ) :
assert self . roleName in [ " frame " , " dialog " ]
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self . grab_focus ( )
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s1 = self . size
self . keyCombo ( " <alt>F10 " )
utils . check ( lambda : self . size != s1 )
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self . grab_focus ( )
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def window_close ( self ) :
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assert self . roleName in [ " frame " , " alert " , " dialog " , " file chooser " ]
self . grab_focus ( )
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self . keyCombo ( " <alt>F4 " )
utils . check ( lambda : not self . showing )
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def window_find_focusable_child ( self ) :
return self . find ( None , focusable = True )
def grab_focus ( self ) :
if self . roleName in [ " frame " , " alert " , " dialog " , " file chooser " ] :
child = self . window_find_focusable_child ( )
child . grab_focus ( )
utils . check ( lambda : self . active )
self . check_onscreen ( )
assert self . focusable
self . grabFocus ( )
self . check_focused ( )
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# Widget search helpers #
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def find ( self , name , roleName = None , labeller_text = None ,
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check_active = True , recursive = True , focusable = False ) :
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Search root for any widget that contains the passed name / role regex
strings .
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pred = _FuzzyPredicate ( name , roleName , labeller_text , focusable )
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try :
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ret = self . findChild ( pred , recursive = recursive )
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except dogtail . tree . SearchError :
raise dogtail . tree . SearchError ( " Didn ' t find widget with name= ' %s ' "
" roleName= ' %s ' labeller_text= ' %s ' " %
( name , roleName , labeller_text ) ) from None
# Wait for independent windows to become active in the window manager
# before we return them. This ensures the window is actually onscreen
# so it sidesteps a lot of race conditions
if ret . roleName in [ " frame " , " dialog " , " alert " ] and check_active :
utils . check ( lambda : ret . active )
return ret
def find_fuzzy ( self , name , roleName = None , labeller_text = None ) :
Search root for any widget that contains the passed name / role strings .
name_pattern = None
role_pattern = None
labeller_pattern = None
if name :
name_pattern = " .* %s .* " % name
if roleName :
role_pattern = " .* %s .* " % roleName
if labeller_text :
labeller_pattern = " .* %s .* " % labeller_text
return self . find ( name_pattern , role_pattern , labeller_pattern )
# Higher level behaviors #
def combo_select ( self , combolabel , itemlabel ) :
Lookup the combo , click it , select the menu item
combo = self . find ( combolabel , " combo box " )
combo . click_combo_entry ( )
combo . find ( itemlabel , " menu item " ) . click ( )
def combo_check_default ( self , combolabel , itemlabel ) :
Lookup the combo and verify the menu item is selected
combo = self . find ( combolabel , " combo box " )
combo . click_combo_entry ( )
item = combo . find ( itemlabel , " menu item " )
utils . check ( lambda : item . selected )
dogtail . rawinput . pressKey ( " Escape " )
# Debugging helpers #
def node_string ( self ) :
msg = " name= ' %s ' roleName= ' %s ' " % ( self . name , self . roleName )
if self . labeller :
msg + = " labeller.text= ' %s ' " % self . labeller . text
return msg
def fmt_nodes ( self ) :
strs = [ ]
def _walk ( node ) :
try :
strs . append ( node . node_string ( ) )
except Exception as e :
strs . append ( " got exception: %s " % e )
self . findChildren ( _walk , isLambda = True )
return " \n " . join ( strs )
def print_nodes ( self ) :
Helper to print the entire node tree for the passed root . Useful
if to figure out the roleName for the object you are looking for
print ( self . fmt_nodes ( ) )
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def print_states ( self ) :
print ( [ s . value_nick for s in self . getState ( ) . get_states ( ) ] )
2020-09-11 20:02:51 +03:00
# This is the same hack dogtail uses to extend the Accessible class.
_bases = list ( pyatspi . Accessibility . Accessible . __bases__ )
_bases . insert ( _bases . index ( dogtail . tree . Node ) , _VMMDogtailNode )
_bases . remove ( dogtail . tree . Node )
pyatspi . Accessibility . Accessible . __bases__ = tuple ( _bases )