2018-10-12 18:35:09 -04:00
# Copyright 2006-2009, 2013, 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import logging
import os
from . import urldetect
from . import urlfetcher
from . import util
from . devices import DeviceDisk
from . initrdinject import perform_initrd_injections
from . kernelupload import upload_kernel_initrd
# Enum of the various install media types we can have
MEDIA_URL ) = range ( 1 , 4 )
def _is_url ( url ) :
return ( url . startswith ( " http:// " ) or
url . startswith ( " https:// " ) or
url . startswith ( " ftp:// " ) )
class InstallerTreeMedia ( object ) :
Class representing - - location Tree media . Can be one of
- A network URL : http : / / dl . fedoraproject . org / . . .
- A local directory
- A local . iso file , which will be accessed with isoinfo
def validate_path ( conn , path ) :
try :
dev = DeviceDisk ( conn )
dev . device = dev . DEVICE_CDROM
dev . path = path
dev . validate ( )
return dev . path
except Exception as e :
logging . debug ( " Error validating install location " , exc_info = True )
if path . startswith ( " nfs: " ) :
logging . warning ( " NFS URL installs are no longer supported. "
" Access your install media over an alternate transport "
" like HTTP, or manually mount the NFS share and install "
" from the local directory mount point. " )
raise ValueError ( _ ( " Validating install media ' %s ' failed: %s " ) %
( str ( path ) , e ) )
def __init__ ( self , conn , location ) :
self . conn = conn
self . location = location
self . initrd_injections = [ ]
self . _cached_fetcher = None
self . _cached_store = None
self . _tmpfiles = [ ]
self . _tmpvols = [ ]
self . _media_type = MEDIA_ISO
if ( not self . conn . is_remote ( ) and
os . path . exists ( self . location ) and
os . path . isdir ( self . location ) ) :
self . _media_type = MEDIA_DIR
elif _is_url ( self . location ) :
self . _media_type = MEDIA_URL
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if self . conn . is_remote ( ) and not self . _media_type == MEDIA_URL :
raise ValueError ( _ ( " Cannot access install tree on remote "
" connection: %s " ) % self . location )
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if self . _media_type == MEDIA_ISO :
InstallerTreeMedia . validate_path ( self . conn , self . location )
# Install preparations #
def _get_fetcher ( self , guest , meter ) :
meter = util . ensure_meter ( meter )
if not self . _cached_fetcher :
scratchdir = util . make_scratchdir ( guest . conn , guest . type )
self . _cached_fetcher = urlfetcher . fetcherForURI (
self . location , scratchdir , meter )
self . _cached_fetcher . meter = meter
return self . _cached_fetcher
def _get_store ( self , guest , fetcher ) :
if not self . _cached_store :
self . _cached_store = urldetect . getDistroStore ( guest , fetcher )
return self . _cached_store
def _prepare_kernel_url ( self , guest , fetcher ) :
store = self . _get_store ( guest , fetcher )
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kernelpath , initrdpath = store . check_kernel_paths ( )
kernel = fetcher . acquireFile ( kernelpath )
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self . _tmpfiles . append ( kernel )
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initrd = fetcher . acquireFile ( initrdpath )
self . _tmpfiles . append ( initrd )
args = " "
if not self . location . startswith ( " / " ) and store . get_kernel_url_arg ( ) :
args + = " %s = %s " % ( store . get_kernel_url_arg ( ) , self . location )
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perform_initrd_injections ( initrd ,
self . initrd_injections ,
fetcher . scratchdir )
kernel , initrd , tmpvols = upload_kernel_initrd (
guest . conn , fetcher . scratchdir ,
util . get_system_scratchdir ( guest . type ) ,
fetcher . meter , kernel , initrd )
self . _tmpvols + = tmpvols
return kernel , initrd , args
# Public API #
def prepare ( self , guest , meter ) :
fetcher = self . _get_fetcher ( guest , meter )
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return self . _prepare_kernel_url ( guest , fetcher )
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def cleanup ( self , guest ) :
ignore = guest
for f in self . _tmpfiles :
logging . debug ( " Removing %s " , str ( f ) )
os . unlink ( f )
for vol in self . _tmpvols :
logging . debug ( " Removing volume ' %s ' " , vol . name ( ) )
vol . delete ( 0 )
self . _tmpvols = [ ]
self . _tmpfiles = [ ]
def cdrom_path ( self ) :
if self . _media_type in [ MEDIA_ISO ] :
return self . location
def detect_distro ( self , guest ) :
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fetcher = self . _get_fetcher ( guest , None )
store = self . _get_store ( guest , fetcher )
return store . get_osdict_info ( )