2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import unittest
import os
import logging
2013-04-10 19:48:07 -04:00
from tests import utils
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
from virtinst import CloneManager
CloneDesign = CloneManager . CloneDesign
ORIG_NAME = " clone-orig "
CLONE_NAME = " clone-new "
# Create some files to use as test images
FILE1 = " /tmp/virtinst-test1.img "
FILE2 = " /tmp/virtinst-test2.img "
P1_VOL1 = " /default-pool/testvol1.img "
P1_VOL2 = " /default-pool/testvol2.img "
P2_VOL1 = " /cross-pool/testvol1.img "
P2_VOL2 = " /cross-pool/testvol2.img "
POOL1 = " /default-pool "
POOL2 = " /cross-pool "
DISKPOOL = " /disk-pool "
2013-04-13 14:34:52 -04:00
local_files = [ FILE1 , FILE2 ]
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
clonexml_dir = os . path . join ( os . getcwd ( ) , " tests/clone-xml " )
clone_files = [ ]
for tmpf in os . listdir ( clonexml_dir ) :
2013-04-13 14:34:52 -04:00
black_list = [ " managed-storage " , " cross-pool " , " force " , " skip " ,
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
" fullpool " ]
if tmpf . endswith ( " -out.xml " ) :
tmpf = tmpf [ 0 : ( len ( tmpf ) - len ( " -out.xml " ) ) ]
if tmpf not in clone_files and tmpf not in black_list :
clone_files . append ( tmpf )
conn = utils . open_testdriver ( )
2013-04-13 14:34:52 -04:00
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
class TestClone ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
for f in local_files :
os . system ( " touch %s " % f )
def tearDown ( self ) :
for f in local_files :
os . unlink ( f )
def _clone_helper ( self , filebase , disks = None , force_list = None ,
skip_list = None , compare = True , useconn = None ) :
""" Helper for comparing clone input/output from 2 xml files """
infile = os . path . join ( clonexml_dir , filebase + " -in.xml " )
in_content = utils . read_file ( infile )
cloneobj = CloneDesign ( conn = useconn or conn )
cloneobj . original_xml = in_content
for force in force_list or [ ] :
cloneobj . force_target = force
for skip in skip_list or [ ] :
cloneobj . skip_target = skip
cloneobj = self . _default_clone_values ( cloneobj , disks )
if compare :
self . _clone_compare ( cloneobj , filebase )
self . _clone_define ( filebase )
else :
cloneobj . setup ( )
def _default_clone_values ( self , cloneobj , disks = None ) :
""" Sets default values for the cloned VM. """
cloneobj . clone_name = " clone-new "
cloneobj . clone_uuid = " 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 "
cloneobj . clone_mac = " 22:23:45:67:89:00 "
cloneobj . clone_mac = " 22:23:45:67:89:01 "
2013-04-13 14:34:52 -04:00
if disks is not None :
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
for disk in disks :
cloneobj . clone_devices = disk
else :
cloneobj . clone_devices = " /dev/loop0 "
cloneobj . clone_devices = " /tmp/clone2.img "
cloneobj . clone_devices = " /tmp/clone3.img "
cloneobj . clone_devices = " /tmp/clone4.img "
cloneobj . clone_devices = " /tmp/clone5.img "
cloneobj . clone_devices = None
return cloneobj
def _clone_compare ( self , cloneobj , outbase ) :
""" Helps compare output from passed clone instance with an xml file """
outfile = os . path . join ( clonexml_dir , outbase + " -out.xml " )
cloneobj . setup ( )
utils . diff_compare ( cloneobj . clone_xml , outfile )
def _clone_define ( self , filebase ) :
""" Take the valid output xml and attempt to define it on the
connection to ensure we don ' t get any errors " " "
outfile = os . path . join ( clonexml_dir , filebase + " -out.xml " )
outxml = utils . read_file ( outfile )
utils . test_create ( conn , outxml )
# Skip this test, since libvirt can add new XML elements to the defined
# XML (<video>) that make roundtrip a pain
def notestCloneGuestLookup ( self ) :
""" Test using a vm name lookup for cloning """
for base in clone_files :
infile = os . path . join ( clonexml_dir , base + " -in.xml " )
vm = None
try :
vm = conn . defineXML ( utils . read_file ( infile ) )
cloneobj = CloneDesign ( conn = conn )
cloneobj . original_guest = ORIG_NAME
cloneobj = self . _default_clone_values ( cloneobj )
self . _clone_compare ( cloneobj , base )
finally :
if vm :
vm . undefine ( )
def testCloneFromFile ( self ) :
""" Test using files for input and output """
for base in clone_files :
self . _clone_helper ( base )
def testRemoteNoStorage ( self ) :
""" Test remote clone where VM has no storage that needs cloning """
useconn = utils . open_test_remote ( )
2013-04-13 14:34:52 -04:00
for base in [ " nostorage " , " noclone-storage " ] :
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
self . _clone_helper ( base , disks = [ ] , useconn = useconn )
def testRemoteWithStorage ( self ) :
Test remote clone with storage needing cloning . Should fail ,
since libvirt has no storage clone api .
useconn = utils . open_test_remote ( )
2013-04-13 14:34:52 -04:00
for base in [ " general-cfg " ] :
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
try :
self . _clone_helper ( base ,
disks = [ " %s /1.img " % POOL1 ,
" %s /2.img " % POOL1 ] ,
useconn = useconn )
# We shouldn't succeed, so test fails
raise AssertionError ( " Remote clone with storage passed "
" when it shouldn ' t. " )
except ( ValueError , RuntimeError ) , e :
# Exception expected
logging . debug ( " Received expected exception: %s " , str ( e ) )
def testCloneStorage ( self ) :
base = " managed-storage "
self . _clone_helper ( base , [ " %s /new1.img " % POOL1 ,
" %s /new2.img " % DISKPOOL ] )
def testCloneStorageCrossPool ( self ) :
base = " cross-pool "
self . _clone_helper ( base , [ " %s /new1.img " % POOL2 ,
" %s /new2.img " % POOL2 ] )
def testCloneStorageForce ( self ) :
base = " force "
self . _clone_helper ( base ,
disks = [ " /dev/loop0 " , None , " /tmp/clone2.img " ] ,
force_list = [ " hda " , " fdb " , " sdb " ] )
def testCloneStorageSkip ( self ) :
base = " skip "
self . _clone_helper ( base ,
disks = [ " /dev/loop0 " , None , " /tmp/clone2.img " ] ,
skip_list = [ " hda " , " fdb " ] )
def testCloneFullPool ( self ) :
base = " fullpool "
try :
self . _clone_helper ( base , disks = [ " /full-pool/test.img " ] ,
compare = False )
except Exception :
raise AssertionError ( " Expected exception, but none raised. " )
def testCloneManagedToUnmanaged ( self ) :
base = " managed-storage "
# We are trying to clone from a pool (/default-pool) to unmanaged
# storage. For this case, the cloning needs to fail back to manual
# operation (no libvirt calls), but since /default-pool doesn't exist,
# this should fail.
try :
self . _clone_helper ( base , [ " /tmp/new1.img " , " /tmp/new2.img " ] )
raise AssertionError ( " Managed to unmanaged succeeded, expected "
" failure. " )
except ( ValueError , RuntimeError ) , e :
logging . debug ( " Received expected exception: %s " , str ( e ) )