2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os
import unittest
import logging
import virtinst . Interface
from virtinst . Interface import ( Interface , InterfaceProtocol ,
InterfaceProtocolIPAddress )
2013-04-10 19:48:07 -04:00
from tests import utils
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
conn = utils . open_testdriver ( )
datadir = " tests/interface-xml "
vlan_iface = conn . interfaceLookupByName ( " vlaneth1 " )
bond_iface = conn . interfaceLookupByName ( " bond-brbond " )
eth_iface1 = conn . interfaceLookupByName ( " eth0 " )
eth_iface2 = conn . interfaceLookupByName ( " eth1 " )
eth_iface3 = conn . interfaceLookupByName ( " eth2 " )
br_iface = conn . interfaceLookupByName ( " brempty " )
2013-04-13 14:34:52 -04:00
2013-03-17 17:06:52 -04:00
class TestInterfaces ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
def build_interface ( self , interface_type , name ) :
iclass = Interface . interface_class_for_type ( interface_type )
iobj = iclass ( name , conn )
return iobj
def set_general_params ( self , iface_obj ) :
iface_obj . mtu = 1501
iface_obj . macaddr = " AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA "
iface_obj . start_mode = Interface . INTERFACE_START_MODE_ONBOOT
iface_obj . protocols = [ virtinst . Interface . InterfaceProtocolIPv4 ( ) ]
def add_child_interfaces ( self , iface_obj ) :
if iface_obj . object_type == Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE :
iface_obj . interfaces . append ( vlan_iface )
iface_obj . interfaces . append ( bond_iface )
iface_obj . interfaces . append ( eth_iface1 )
elif iface_obj . object_type == Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND :
iface_obj . interfaces . append ( eth_iface1 )
iface_obj . interfaces . append ( eth_iface2 )
iface_obj . interfaces . append ( eth_iface3 )
def define_xml ( self , obj , compare = True ) :
xml = obj . get_xml_config ( )
logging . debug ( " Defining interface XML: \n %s " , xml )
if compare :
filename = os . path . join ( datadir , obj . name + " .xml " )
utils . diff_compare ( xml , filename )
iface = obj . install ( )
newxml = iface . XMLDesc ( 0 )
logging . debug ( " Defined XML: \n %s " , newxml )
iface . undefine ( )
# Bridge tests
def testBridgeInterface ( self ) :
filename = " bridge "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE ,
" test- %s " % filename )
self . add_child_interfaces ( obj )
obj . stp = False
obj . delay = " 7 "
self . define_xml ( obj )
def testBridgeInterfaceIP ( self ) :
filename = " bridge-ip "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE ,
" test- %s " % filename )
self . add_child_interfaces ( obj )
# IPv4 proto
iface_ip1 = InterfaceProtocolIPAddress ( " " )
iface_ip2 = InterfaceProtocolIPAddress ( " " )
iface_proto1 = InterfaceProtocol . protocol_class_for_family (
InterfaceProtocol . INTERFACE_PROTOCOL_FAMILY_IPV4 ) ( )
iface_proto1 . ips = [ iface_ip1 , iface_ip2 ]
iface_proto1 . gateway = " "
iface_proto1 . dhcp = True
iface_proto1 . dhcp_peerdns = True
# IPv6 proto
iface_ip3 = InterfaceProtocolIPAddress ( " fe99::215:58ff:fe6e:5 " ,
prefix = " 32 " )
iface_ip4 = InterfaceProtocolIPAddress ( " fe80::215:58ff:fe6e:5 " ,
prefix = " 64 " )
iface_proto2 = InterfaceProtocol . protocol_class_for_family (
InterfaceProtocol . INTERFACE_PROTOCOL_FAMILY_IPV6 ) ( )
iface_proto2 . ips = [ iface_ip3 , iface_ip4 ]
iface_proto2 . gateway = " "
iface_proto2 . dhcp = True
iface_proto2 . dhcp_peerdns = True
iface_proto2 . autoconf = True
obj . protocols = [ iface_proto1 , iface_proto2 ]
self . define_xml ( obj )
# Bond tests
def testBondInterface ( self ) :
filename = " bond "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND ,
" test- %s " % filename )
self . add_child_interfaces ( obj )
self . set_general_params ( obj )
self . define_xml ( obj )
def testBondInterfaceARP ( self ) :
filename = " bond-arp "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND ,
" test- %s " % filename )
self . add_child_interfaces ( obj )
self . set_general_params ( obj )
obj . monitor_mode = " arpmon "
obj . arp_interval = 100
obj . arp_target = " "
obj . arp_validate_mode = " backup "
self . define_xml ( obj )
def testBondInterfaceMII ( self ) :
filename = " bond-mii "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND ,
" test- %s " % filename )
self . add_child_interfaces ( obj )
self . set_general_params ( obj )
obj . monitor_mode = " miimon "
obj . mii_frequency = " 123 "
obj . mii_updelay = " 12 "
obj . mii_downdelay = " 34 "
obj . mii_carrier_mode = " netif "
self . define_xml ( obj )
# Ethernet tests
def testEthernetInterface ( self ) :
filename = " ethernet "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET ,
" test- %s " % filename )
self . define_xml ( obj )
def testEthernetManyParam ( self ) :
filename = " ethernet-params "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET ,
" test- %s " % filename )
obj . mtu = 1234
obj . mac = " AA:BB:FF:FF:BB:AA "
obj . start_mode = Interface . INTERFACE_START_MODE_HOTPLUG
self . define_xml ( obj )
# VLAN tests
def testVLANInterface ( self ) :
filename = " vlan "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN ,
" test- %s " % filename )
obj . tag = " 123 "
obj . parent_interface = eth_iface3
self . define_xml ( obj )
def testVLANInterfaceBusted ( self ) :
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN ,
" vlan1 " )
try :
self . define_xml ( obj , compare = False )
assert ( False )
except ValueError :
except :
assert ( False )
# protocol_xml test
def testEthernetProtocolInterface ( self ) :
filename = " ethernet-copy-proto "
obj = self . build_interface ( Interface . INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET ,
" test- %s " % filename )
protoxml = ( " <protocol family= ' ipv6 ' > \n "
" <dhcp/> \n "
" </protocol> \n " )
obj . protocol_xml = protoxml
self . define_xml ( obj )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
unittest . main ( )