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synced 2025-03-08 04:58:29 +03:00
cli: Only instantiate VirtCLIArguments at parse time
We register the VirtCLIArgument classes with the static parse instructions, but instantiate it with the actual key=val pair from the command line. This fixes some layering violations, and gives callers access to the actual command line key that we are parsing, if that's interesting.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<type arch="armv7l" machine="virt">hvm</type>
<cmdline>console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3</cmdline>
<clock offset="utc"/>
@ -702,14 +702,14 @@ c.add_compare("--os-variant fedora20 --nodisks --boot network --nographics --arc
# armv7l tests
c.add_compare("--arch armv7l --machine vexpress-a9 --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,dtb=/f19-arm.dtb,extra_args=\"console=ttyAMA0 rw root=/dev/mmcblk0p3\" --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --nographics", "arm-vexpress-plain")
c.add_compare("--arch armv7l --machine vexpress-a15 --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,dtb=/f19-arm.dtb,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\",extra_args=foo --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --nographics --os-variant fedora19", "arm-vexpress-f19")
c.add_compare("--arch armv7l --machine virt --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\",extra_args=foo --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --nographics --os-variant fedora20", "arm-virt-f20")
c.add_compare("--arch armv7l --machine vexpress-a15 --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,dtb=/f19-arm.dtb,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\" --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --nographics --os-variant fedora19", "arm-vexpress-f19")
c.add_compare("--arch armv7l --machine virt --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\" --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --nographics --os-variant fedora20", "arm-virt-f20")
c.add_compare("--arch armv7l --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\",extra_args=foo --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --os-variant fedora20", "arm-defaultmach-f20")
c.add_compare("--connect %(URI-KVM-ARMV7L)s --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --import --os-variant fedora20", "arm-kvm-import")
# aarch64 tests
c.add_compare("--arch aarch64 --machine virt --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\",extra_args=foo --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s", "aarch64-machvirt")
c.add_compare("--arch aarch64 --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\",extra_args=foo --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s", "aarch64-machdefault")
c.add_compare("--arch aarch64 --machine virt --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\" --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s", "aarch64-machvirt")
c.add_compare("--arch aarch64 --boot kernel=/f19-arm.kernel,initrd=/f19-arm.initrd,kernel_args=\"console=ttyAMA0,1234 rw root=/dev/vda3\" --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s", "aarch64-machdefault")
c.add_compare("--arch aarch64 --cdrom %(EXISTIMG2)s --boot loader=CODE.fd,nvram_template=VARS.fd --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --cpu none --events on_crash=preserve,on_reboot=destroy,on_poweroff=restart", "aarch64-cdrom")
c.add_compare("--connect %(URI-KVM-AARCH64)s --disk %(EXISTIMG1)s --import --os-variant fedora21", "aarch64-kvm-import")
c.add_compare("--connect %(URI-KVM-AARCH64)s --disk none --os-variant fedora23 --features gic_version=host", "aarch64-kvm-gic")
@ -767,101 +767,109 @@ def _on_off_convert(key, val):
class _VirtCLIArgument(object):
def __init__(self, attrname, cliname,
cb=None, ignore_default=False,
can_comma=False, aliases=None,
is_list=False, is_onoff=False,
lookup_cb=None, is_novalue=False):
A single subargument passed to compound command lines like --disk,
--network, etc.
@attrname: The virtinst API attribute name the cliargument maps to.
If this is a virtinst object method, it will be called.
@cliname: The command line option name, 'path' for path=FOO
@cb: Rather than set an attribute directly on the virtinst
object, (self, inst, val, virtarg) to this callback to handle it.
@ignore_default: If the value passed on the cli is 'default', don't
do anything.
@can_comma: If True, this option is expected to have embedded commas.
After the parser sees this option, it will iterate over the
option string until it finds another known argument name:
everything prior to that argument name is considered part of
the value of this option, '=' included. Should be used sparingly.
@aliases: List of cli aliases. Useful if we want to change a property
name on the cli but maintain back compat.
@is_list: This value should be stored as a list, so multiple instances
are appended.
@is_onoff: The value expected on the cli is on/off or yes/no, convert
it to true/false.
@lookup_cb: If specified, use this function for performing match
@is_novalue: If specified, the parameter is not expected in the
form FOO=BAR, but just FOO.
@find_inst_cb: If specified, this can be used to return a different
'inst' to check and set attributes against. For example,
VirtualDisk has multiple seclabel children, this provides a hook
to lookup the specified child object.
attrname = None
cliname = None
cb = None
can_comma = None
ignore_default = False
aliases = None
is_list = False
is_onoff = False
lookup_cb = None
is_novalue = False
def make_arg(attrname, cliname, **kwargs):
A single subargument passed to compound command lines like --disk,
--network, etc.
@attrname: The virtinst API attribute name the cliargument maps to.
If this is a virtinst object method, it will be called.
@cliname: The command line option name, 'path' for path=FOO
@cb: Rather than set an attribute directly on the virtinst
object, (self, inst, val, virtarg) to this callback to handle it.
@ignore_default: If the value passed on the cli is 'default', don't
do anything.
@can_comma: If True, this option is expected to have embedded commas.
After the parser sees this option, it will iterate over the
option string until it finds another known argument name:
everything prior to that argument name is considered part of
the value of this option, '=' included. Should be used sparingly.
@aliases: List of cli aliases. Useful if we want to change a property
name on the cli but maintain back compat.
@is_list: This value should be stored as a list, so multiple instances
are appended.
@is_onoff: The value expected on the cli is on/off or yes/no, convert
it to true/false.
@lookup_cb: If specified, use this function for performing match
@is_novalue: If specified, the parameter is not expected in the
form FOO=BAR, but just FOO.
Generates a new VirtCLIArgument class with the passed static
values. Initialize it later with the actual command line and value.
kwargs can be any of the
self.attrname = attrname
self.cliname = cliname
class VirtAddArg(_VirtCLIArgument):
self.cb = cb
self.can_comma = can_comma
self.ignore_default = ignore_default
self.aliases = util.listify(aliases)
self.is_list = is_list
self.is_onoff = is_onoff
self.lookup_cb = lookup_cb
self.is_novalue = is_novalue
VirtAddArg.attrname = attrname
VirtAddArg.cliname = cliname
for key, val in kwargs.items():
# getattr for validation
getattr(VirtAddArg, key)
setattr(VirtAddArg, key, val)
return VirtAddArg
def _pop_opt(self, optdict, key):
def match_name(cls, cliname):
Basically optdict.pop(key, None) with is_novalue wrapped in
Return True if the passed argument name matches this
VirtCLIArgument. So for an option like --foo bar=X, this
checks if we are the parser for 'bar'
if key not in optdict:
return None
for argname in [cls.cliname] + util.listify(cls.aliases):
if argname == cliname:
return True
return False
ret = optdict.pop(key)
if ret is None:
def __init__(self, key, val):
Instantiate a VirtCLIArgument with the actual key=val pair
from the command line.
# Sanitize the value
if val is None:
if not self.is_novalue:
raise RuntimeError("Option '%s' had no value set." % key)
ret = ""
return ret
def _lookup_val(self, optdict):
Find the value in 'optdict' thats associated with this Argument,
and perform some other misc checking
val = None
for cliname in self.aliases + [self.cliname]:
# We iterate over all values unconditionally, so they are
# removed from optdict
foundval = self._pop_opt(optdict, cliname)
if foundval is not None:
val = foundval
if val is None:
return 0
val = ""
if val == "":
val = None
if self.is_onoff:
val = _on_off_convert(self.cliname, val)
val = _on_off_convert(key, val)
return val
self.val = val
self.key = key
def parse_param(self, parser, optdict, inst, support_cb):
def parse_param(self, parser, inst, support_cb):
Process the cli param against the pass inst.
So if we are VirtCLIArgument for --disk device=, and the user
specified --disk device=foo, we grab 'device=foo' from the
parsed 'optdict', and set inst.device = foo
specified --disk device=foo, we were instanciated with
key=device val=foo, so set inst.device = foo
val = self._lookup_val(optdict)
if val is 0:
if support_cb:
support_cb(inst, self)
if val == "default" and self.ignore_default:
if self.val == "default" and self.ignore_default:
@ -872,46 +880,34 @@ class _VirtCLIArgument(object):
"member=%s" % (inst, self.attrname))
if self.cb:
self.cb(parser, inst, val, self)
self.cb(parser, inst, # pylint: disable=not-callable
self.val, self)
exec( # pylint: disable=exec-used
"inst." + self.attrname + " = val")
"inst." + self.attrname + " = self.val")
def lookup_param(self, parser, optdict, inst):
def lookup_param(self, parser, inst):
See if the passed value matches our Argument, like via virt-xml
So if this Argument is for --disk device=, and the user
specified virt-xml --edit device=floppy --disk ..., we grab
device=floppy from 'optdict', then return 'inst.device == floppy'
specified virt-xml --edit device=floppy --disk ..., we were
instantiated with key=device val=floppy, so return
'inst.device == floppy'
val = self._lookup_val(optdict)
if val is 0:
if not self.attrname and not self.lookup_cb:
raise RuntimeError(
_("Don't know how to match device type '%(device_type)s' "
"property '%(property_name)s'") %
{"device_type": getattr(inst, "virtual_device_type", ""),
"property_name": self.cliname})
"property_name": self.key})
if self.lookup_cb:
return self.lookup_cb(parser, inst, val, self)
return self.lookup_cb(parser, # pylint: disable=not-callable
inst, self.val, self)
return eval( # pylint: disable=eval-used
"inst." + self.attrname) == val
def match_name(self, cliname):
Return True if the passed argument name matches this
VirtCLIArgument. So for an option like --foo bar=X, this
checks if we are the parser for 'bar'
for argname in [self.cliname] + self.aliases:
if argname == cliname:
return True
return False
"inst." + self.attrname) == self.val
def parse_optstr_tuples(optstr):
@ -1045,10 +1041,9 @@ class VirtCLIParser(object):
Add a VirtCLIArgument for this class.
if not cls._virtargs:
cls._virtargs = [_VirtCLIArgument(None, "clearxml",
cls._virtargs.append(_VirtCLIArgument(*args, **kwargs))
cls._virtargs = [_VirtCLIArgument.make_arg(
None, "clearxml", cb=cls._clearxml_cb, is_onoff=True)]
cls._virtargs.append(_VirtCLIArgument.make_arg(*args, **kwargs))
def print_introspection(cls):
@ -1090,19 +1085,39 @@ class VirtCLIParser(object):
# a <cpu> stub in place, so that it gets model=foo in place,
# otherwise the newly created cpu block gets appened to the
# end of the domain XML, which gives an ugly diff
clear_inst.clear(leave_stub="," in self.optstr)
def _optdict_to_param_list(self, optdict):
Convert the passed optdict to a list of instantiated
VirtCLIArguments to actually interact with
ret = []
for param in self._virtargs:
for key in optdict.keys():
if param.match_name(key):
ret.append(param(key, optdict.pop(key)))
return ret
def _check_leftover_opts(self, optdict):
Used to check if there were any unprocessed entries in the
optdict after we should have emptied it. Like if the user
passed an invalid argument such as --disk idontexist=foo
if optdict:
fail(_("Unknown options %s") % optdict.keys())
def _parse(self, inst):
Subclasses can hook into this to do any pre/post processing
of the inst, or self.optdict
for param in self._virtargs:
param.parse_param(self, self.optdict, inst, self.support_cb)
optdict = self.optdict.copy()
for param in self._optdict_to_param_list(optdict):
param.parse_param(self, inst, self.support_cb)
# Check leftover opts
if self.optdict:
fail(_("Unknown options %s") % self.optdict.keys())
return inst
def parse(self, inst, validate=True):
@ -1160,23 +1175,24 @@ class VirtCLIParser(object):
ret = []
objlist = self.guest.list_children_for_class(self.objclass)
for inst in objlist:
for inst in objlist:
optdict = self.optdict.copy()
valid = False
for param in self._virtargs:
paramret = param.lookup_param(self, optdict, inst)
for param in self._optdict_to_param_list(optdict):
paramret = param.lookup_param(self, inst)
if paramret is True:
valid = True
if valid:
except Exception, e:
logging.debug("Exception parsing inst=%s optstr=%s",
inst, self.optstr, exc_info=True)
fail(_("Error: --%(cli_arg_name)s %(options)s: %(err)s") %
{"cli_arg_name": self.cli_arg_name,
"options": self.optstr, "err": str(e)})
except Exception, e:
logging.debug("Exception parsing inst=%s optstr=%s",
inst, self.optstr, exc_info=True)
fail(_("Error: --%(cli_arg_name)s %(options)s: %(err)s") %
{"cli_arg_name": self.cli_arg_name,
"options": self.optstr, "err": str(e)})
return ret
Reference in New Issue
Block a user