osdict: Switch device lookups to be ID based

I'm not positive device names will never change, but presumably the IDs
won't, so use them instead
This commit is contained in:
Cole Robinson 2018-10-01 11:24:45 -04:00
parent 757910a1bb
commit b2e7986c7b

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@ -300,15 +300,14 @@ class _OsVariant(object):
devlist = self._os.get_all_devices()
return [devlist.get_nth(i) for i in range(devlist.get_length())]
def _device_filter(self, name=None, cls=None, bus=None):
def _device_filter(self, devids=None, cls=None):
ret = []
devids = devids or []
for dev in self._get_all_devices():
if name and not re.match(name, dev.get_name()):
if devids and dev.get_id() not in devids:
if cls and not re.match(cls, dev.get_class()):
if bus and not re.match(bus, dev.get_bus_type()):
return ret
@ -369,19 +368,32 @@ class _OsVariant(object):
# If no OS specified, still default to tablet
if not self._os:
return True
return bool(self._device_filter(cls="input", name="tablet", bus="usb"))
devids = ["http://usb.org/usb/80ee/0021"]
return bool(self._device_filter(devids=devids))
def supports_virtiodisk(self):
return bool(self._device_filter(cls="block", name="virtio.*-block"))
# virtio-block and virtio1.0-block
devids = ["http://pcisig.com/pci/1af4/1001",
return bool(self._device_filter(devids=devids))
def supports_virtionet(self):
return bool(self._device_filter(cls="net", name="virtio.*-net"))
# virtio-net and virtio1.0-net
devids = ["http://pcisig.com/pci/1af4/1000",
return bool(self._device_filter(devids=devids))
def supports_virtiorng(self):
return bool(self._device_filter(cls="rng", name="virtio.*-rng"))
# virtio-rng and virtio1.0-rng
devids = ["http://pcisig.com/pci/1af4/1005",
return bool(self._device_filter(devids=devids))
def supports_virtioserial(self):
if self._device_filter(cls="console", name="virtio.*-console"):
devids = ["http://pcisig.com/pci/1af4/1003",
if self._device_filter(devids=devids):
return True
# 2018-09-01: osinfo data is wrong for RHEL/centos here
return self._is_related_to("rhel6.0")