# # Copyright (C) 2008, 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2008 Cole Robinson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. # import logging # pylint: disable=E0611 from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk # pylint: enable=E0611 from virtManager import util from virtManager.baseclass import vmmGObjectUI from virtManager.asyncjob import vmmAsyncJob from virtinst import Storage DEFAULT_ALLOC = 0 DEFAULT_CAP = 8192 class vmmCreateVolume(vmmGObjectUI): __gsignals__ = { "vol-created": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []), } def __init__(self, conn, parent_pool): vmmGObjectUI.__init__(self, "vmm-create-vol.ui", "vmm-create-vol") self.conn = conn self.parent_pool = parent_pool self.name_hint = None self.vol = None self.vol_class = Storage.StoragePool.get_volume_for_pool(parent_pool.get_type()) self.builder.connect_signals({ "on_vmm_create_vol_delete_event" : self.close, "on_vol_cancel_clicked" : self.close, "on_vol_create_clicked" : self.finish, "on_vol_name_changed" : self.vol_name_changed, "on_vol_allocation_value_changed" : self.vol_allocation_changed, "on_vol_capacity_value_changed" : self.vol_capacity_changed, }) self.bind_escape_key_close() format_list = self.widget("vol-format") format_model = Gtk.ListStore(str, str) format_list.set_model(format_model) text2 = Gtk.CellRendererText() format_list.pack_start(text2, False) format_list.add_attribute(text2, 'text', 1) self.widget("vol-info-view").modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.Color.parse("grey")[1]) finish_img = Gtk.Image.new_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_QUIT, Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON) self.widget("vol-create").set_image(finish_img) self.reset_state() def show(self, parent): logging.debug("Showing new volume wizard") self.reset_state() self.topwin.set_transient_for(parent) self.topwin.present() def close(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): logging.debug("Closing new volume wizard") self.topwin.hide() self.set_modal(False) return 1 def _cleanup(self): self.conn = None self.parent_pool = None def set_name_hint(self, hint): self.name_hint = hint def set_modal(self, modal): self.topwin.set_modal(bool(modal)) def set_parent_pool(self, pool): self.parent_pool = pool self.vol_class = Storage.StoragePool.get_volume_for_pool(self.parent_pool.get_type()) def default_vol_name(self): if not self.name_hint: return "" suffix = self.default_suffix() ret = "" try: ret = Storage.StorageVolume.find_free_name(self.name_hint, pool_object=self.parent_pool.pool, suffix=suffix) ret = ret.rstrip(suffix) except: pass return ret def default_suffix(self): suffix = "" if self.vol_class == Storage.FileVolume: suffix = ".img" return suffix def reset_state(self): default_name = self.default_vol_name() self.widget("vol-name").set_text("") self.widget("vol-create").set_sensitive(False) if default_name: self.widget("vol-name").set_text(default_name) self.widget("vol-name").grab_focus() self.populate_vol_format() self.populate_vol_suffix() if len(self.vol_class.formats): self.widget("vol-format").set_sensitive(True) self.widget("vol-format").set_active(0) else: self.widget("vol-format").set_sensitive(False) alloc = DEFAULT_ALLOC if self.parent_pool.get_type() == "logical": # Sparse LVM volumes don't auto grow, so alloc=0 is useless alloc = DEFAULT_CAP self.widget("vol-allocation").set_range(0, int(self.parent_pool.get_available() / 1024 / 1024)) self.widget("vol-allocation").set_value(alloc) self.widget("vol-capacity").set_range(1, int(self.parent_pool.get_available() / 1024 / 1024)) self.widget("vol-capacity").set_value(DEFAULT_CAP) self.widget("vol-parent-name").set_markup( "" + self.parent_pool.get_name() + "'s") self.widget("vol-parent-space").set_text( self.parent_pool.get_pretty_available()) def get_config_format(self): format_combo = self.widget("vol-format") model = format_combo.get_model() if format_combo.get_active_iter() is not None: model = format_combo.get_model() return model.get_value(format_combo.get_active_iter(), 0) return None def populate_vol_format(self): rhel6_file_whitelist = ["raw", "qcow2", "qed"] model = self.widget("vol-format").get_model() model.clear() formats = self.vol_class.formats if hasattr(self.vol_class, "create_formats"): formats = getattr(self.vol_class, "create_formats") if (self.vol_class == Storage.FileVolume and not self.conn.rhel6_defaults_caps()): newfmts = [] for f in rhel6_file_whitelist: if f in formats: newfmts.append(f) formats = newfmts for f in formats: model.append([f, f]) def populate_vol_suffix(self): suffix = self.default_suffix() if self.vol_class == Storage.FileVolume: suffix = ".img" self.widget("vol-name-suffix").set_text(suffix) def vol_name_changed(self, src): text = src.get_text() self.widget("vol-create").set_sensitive(bool(text)) def vol_allocation_changed(self, src): cap_widget = self.widget("vol-capacity") alloc = src.get_value() cap = cap_widget.get_value() if alloc > cap: cap_widget.set_value(alloc) def vol_capacity_changed(self, src): alloc_widget = self.widget("vol-allocation") cap = src.get_value() alloc = self.widget("vol-allocation").get_value() if cap < alloc: alloc_widget.set_value(cap) def finish(self, src_ignore): try: if not self.validate(): return except Exception, e: self.show_err(_("Uncaught error validating input: %s") % str(e)) return logging.debug("Creating volume with xml:\n%s", self.vol.get_xml_config()) self.topwin.set_sensitive(False) self.topwin.get_window().set_cursor(Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)) progWin = vmmAsyncJob(self._async_vol_create, [], _("Creating storage volume..."), _("Creating the storage volume may take a " "while..."), self.topwin) error, details = progWin.run() self.topwin.set_sensitive(True) self.topwin.get_window().set_cursor(Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.TOP_LEFT_ARROW)) if error: error = _("Error creating vol: %s") % error self.show_err(error, details=details) else: self.emit("vol-created") self.close() def _async_vol_create(self, asyncjob): newconn = util.dup_conn(self.conn).vmm # Lookup different pool obj newpool = newconn.storagePoolLookupByName(self.parent_pool.get_name()) self.vol.pool = newpool meter = asyncjob.get_meter() logging.debug("Starting backround vol creation.") self.vol.install(meter=meter) logging.debug("vol creation complete.") def validate(self): name = self.widget("vol-name").get_text() suffix = self.widget("vol-name-suffix").get_text() volname = name + suffix fmt = self.get_config_format() alloc = self.widget("vol-allocation").get_value() cap = self.widget("vol-capacity").get_value() try: self.vol = self.vol_class(name=volname, allocation=(alloc * 1024 * 1024), capacity=(cap * 1024 * 1024), pool=self.parent_pool.pool) if fmt: self.vol.format = fmt except ValueError, e: return self.val_err(_("Volume Parameter Error"), e) return True def show_err(self, info, details=None): async = not self.topwin.get_modal() self.err.show_err(info, details, async=async) def val_err(self, info, details): modal = self.topwin.get_modal() ret = False try: self.topwin.set_modal(False) ret = self.err.val_err(info, details, async=not modal) finally: self.topwin.set_modal(modal) return ret