# # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. import difflib import os import logging import libvirt import virtinst import virtinst.cli from virtinst import VirtualAudio from virtinst import VirtualDisk from virtinst import VirtualGraphics from virtinst import VirtualVideoDevice # pylint: disable=W0212 # Access to protected member, needed to unittest stuff # Used to ensure consistent SDL xml output os.environ["HOME"] = "/tmp" os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":3.4" _cwd = os.getcwd() scratch = os.path.join(_cwd, "tests", "testscratchdir") _testuri = "test:///%s/tests/testdriver.xml" % _cwd _fakeuri = "__virtinst_test__" + _testuri + ",predictable" _remoteuri = "__virtinst_test__" + _testuri + ",remote" _kvmcaps = "%s/tests/capabilities-xml/libvirt-0.7.6-qemu-caps.xml" % _cwd _plainkvm = "%s,qemu" % _fakeuri _plainxen = "%s,xen" % _fakeuri _kvmuri = "%s,caps=%s" % (_plainkvm, _kvmcaps) def get_debug(): return ("DEBUG_TESTS" in os.environ and os.environ["DEBUG_TESTS"] == "1") def _make_uri(base, connver=None, libver=None): if connver: base += ",connver=%s" % connver if libver: base += ",libver=%s" % libver return base def open_testdriver(): return virtinst.cli.getConnection(_testuri) def open_testkvmdriver(): return virtinst.cli.getConnection(_kvmuri) def open_plainkvm(connver=None, libver=None): return virtinst.cli.getConnection(_make_uri(_plainkvm, connver, libver)) def open_plainxen(connver=None, libver=None): return virtinst.cli.getConnection(_make_uri(_plainxen, connver, libver)) def open_test_remote(): return virtinst.cli.getConnection(_remoteuri) _default_conn = open_testdriver() _conn = None def set_conn(newconn): global _conn _conn = newconn def reset_conn(): set_conn(_default_conn) def get_conn(): return _conn reset_conn() # Register libvirt handler def libvirt_callback(ignore, err): logging.warn("libvirt errmsg: %s", err[2]) libvirt.registerErrorHandler(f=libvirt_callback, ctx=None) def sanitize_xml_for_define(xml): # Libvirt throws errors since we are defining domain # type='xen', when test driver can only handle type='test' # Sanitize the XML so we can define if not xml: return xml xml = xml.replace("\"", "'") xml = xml.replace("", "") xml = xml.replace("", "") xml = xml.replace("", "") xml = xml.replace(">linux<", ">xen<") return xml def test_create(testconn, xml): xml = sanitize_xml_for_define(xml) # try: dom = testconn.defineXML(xml) # except Exception, e: # raise RuntimeError(str(e) + "\n" + xml) try: dom.create() dom.destroy() dom.undefine() except: try: dom.destroy() except: pass try: dom.undefine() except: pass def read_file(filename): """Helper function to read a files contents and return them""" f = open(filename, "r") out = f.read() f.close() return out def diff_compare(actual_out, filename=None, expect_out=None): """Compare passed string output to contents of filename""" if not expect_out: expect_out = read_file(filename) diff = "".join(difflib.unified_diff(expect_out.splitlines(1), actual_out.splitlines(1), fromfile=filename, tofile="Generated Output")) if diff: raise AssertionError("Conversion outputs did not match.\n%s" % diff) def get_basic_paravirt_guest(installer=None): g = virtinst.Guest(conn=_conn, type="xen") g.name = "TestGuest" g.memory = int(200) g.maxmemory = int(400) g.uuid = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" g.add_device(VirtualGraphics("vnc", keymap="ja")) g.vcpus = 5 if installer: g.installer = installer else: instboot = getattr(g.installer, "_install_bootconfig") instboot.kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz" instboot.initrd = "/boot/initrd" g.installer._scratchdir = scratch return g def get_basic_fullyvirt_guest(typ="xen", installer=None): g = virtinst.Guest(conn=_conn, type=typ) g.name = "TestGuest" g.memory = int(200) g.maxmemory = int(400) g.uuid = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" g.cdrom = "/dev/loop0" g.add_device(VirtualGraphics("sdl")) g.features['pae'] = 0 g.vcpus = 5 if installer: g.installer = installer g.emulator = "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm" g.installer.arch = "i686" g.installer.os_type = "hvm" g.installer._scratchdir = scratch return g def make_import_installer(os_type="hvm"): inst = virtinst.ImportInstaller(type="xen", os_type=os_type, conn=_conn) return inst def make_distro_installer(location="/default-pool/default-vol", gtype="xen"): inst = virtinst.DistroInstaller(type=gtype, os_type="hvm", conn=_conn, location=location) return inst def make_live_installer(location="/dev/loop0", gtype="xen"): inst = virtinst.LiveCDInstaller(type=gtype, os_type="hvm", conn=_conn, location=location) return inst def make_pxe_installer(gtype="xen"): inst = virtinst.PXEInstaller(type=gtype, os_type="hvm", conn=_conn) return inst def build_win_kvm(path=None): g = get_basic_fullyvirt_guest("kvm") g.os_type = "windows" g.os_variant = "winxp" g.add_device(get_filedisk(path)) g.add_device(get_blkdisk()) g.add_device(get_virtual_network()) g.add_device(VirtualAudio()) g.add_device(VirtualVideoDevice(g.conn)) return g def get_floppy(path=None): if not path: path = "/default-pool/testvol1.img" return VirtualDisk(path, conn=_conn, device=VirtualDisk.DEVICE_FLOPPY) def get_filedisk(path=None): if not path: path = "/tmp/test.img" return VirtualDisk(path, size=.0001, conn=_conn) def get_blkdisk(path="/dev/loop0"): return VirtualDisk(path, conn=_conn) def get_virtual_network(): dev = virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface(conn=_conn) dev.macaddr = "22:22:33:44:55:66" dev.type = virtinst.VirtualNetworkInterface.TYPE_VIRTUAL dev.network = "default" return dev