# # Classes for building disk device xml # # Copyright 2006-2008, 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # Jeremy Katz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. import os import stat import pwd import subprocess import logging import re from . import diskbackend from . import util from .device import VirtualDevice from .seclabel import Seclabel from .xmlbuilder import XMLChildProperty, XMLProperty def _qemu_sanitize_drvtype(phystype, fmt, manual_format=False): """ Sanitize libvirt storage volume format to a valid qemu driver type """ raw_list = ["iso"] if phystype == VirtualDisk.TYPE_BLOCK: if not fmt: return VirtualDisk.DRIVER_TYPE_RAW if fmt and not manual_format: return VirtualDisk.DRIVER_TYPE_RAW if fmt in raw_list: return VirtualDisk.DRIVER_TYPE_RAW return fmt def _is_dir_searchable(uid, username, path): """ Check if passed directory is searchable by uid """ if "VIRTINST_TEST_SUITE" in os.environ: return True try: statinfo = os.stat(path) except OSError: return False if uid == statinfo.st_uid: flag = stat.S_IXUSR elif uid == statinfo.st_gid: flag = stat.S_IXGRP else: flag = stat.S_IXOTH if bool(statinfo.st_mode & flag): return True # Check POSIX ACL (since that is what we use to 'fix' access) cmd = ["getfacl", path] try: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() except OSError: logging.debug("Didn't find the getfacl command.") return False if proc.returncode != 0: logging.debug("Cmd '%s' failed: %s", cmd, err) return False return bool(re.search("user:%s:..x" % username, out)) class VirtualDisk(VirtualDevice): virtual_device_type = VirtualDevice.VIRTUAL_DEV_DISK DRIVER_NAME_PHY = "phy" DRIVER_NAME_QEMU = "qemu" DRIVER_TYPE_RAW = "raw" CACHE_MODE_NONE = "none" CACHE_MODE_WRITETHROUGH = "writethrough" CACHE_MODE_WRITEBACK = "writeback" CACHE_MODE_DIRECTSYNC = "directsync" CACHE_MODE_UNSAFE = "unsafe" cache_types = [CACHE_MODE_NONE, CACHE_MODE_WRITETHROUGH, CACHE_MODE_WRITEBACK, CACHE_MODE_DIRECTSYNC, CACHE_MODE_UNSAFE] DISCARD_MODE_IGNORE = "ignore" DISCARD_MODE_UNMAP = "unmap" discard_types = [DISCARD_MODE_IGNORE, DISCARD_MODE_UNMAP] DEVICE_DISK = "disk" DEVICE_LUN = "lun" DEVICE_CDROM = "cdrom" DEVICE_FLOPPY = "floppy" devices = [DEVICE_DISK, DEVICE_LUN, DEVICE_CDROM, DEVICE_FLOPPY] TYPE_FILE = "file" TYPE_BLOCK = "block" TYPE_DIR = "dir" TYPE_VOLUME = "volume" TYPE_NETWORK = "network" types = [TYPE_FILE, TYPE_BLOCK, TYPE_DIR, TYPE_NETWORK] IO_MODE_NATIVE = "native" IO_MODE_THREADS = "threads" io_modes = [IO_MODE_NATIVE, IO_MODE_THREADS] error_policies = ["ignore", "stop", "enospace", "report"] @staticmethod def disk_type_to_xen_driver_name(disk_type): """ Convert a value of VirtualDisk.type to it's associated Xen property """ if disk_type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_BLOCK: return "phy" elif disk_type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_FILE: return "file" return "file" @staticmethod def pretty_disk_bus(bus): if bus in ["ide", "sata", "scsi", "usb", "sd"]: return bus.upper() if bus in ["xen"]: return bus.capitalize() if bus == "virtio": return "VirtIO" return bus @staticmethod def path_definitely_exists(conn, path): """ Check if path exists. return True if we are certain, False otherwise. Path may in fact exist if we return False, but we can't exhaustively know in all cases. (In fact if cached storage volume data is out of date, the volume may have disappeared behind out back, but that shouldn't have bad effects in practice.) """ if path is None: return False try: (vol, pool) = diskbackend.check_if_path_managed(conn, path) ignore = pool if vol: return True if not conn.is_remote(): return os.path.exists(path) except: pass return False @staticmethod def check_path_search_for_user(conn, path, username): """ Check if the passed user has search permissions for all the directories in the disk path. @return: List of the directories the user cannot search, or empty list @rtype : C{list} """ if path is None: return [] if conn.is_remote(): return [] if username == "root": return [] if diskbackend.path_is_url(path): return [] try: # Get UID for string name uid = pwd.getpwnam(username)[2] except Exception, e: logging.debug("Error looking up username: %s", str(e)) return [] fixlist = [] if os.path.isdir(path): dirname = path base = "-" else: dirname, base = os.path.split(path) while base: if not _is_dir_searchable(uid, username, dirname): fixlist.append(dirname) dirname, base = os.path.split(dirname) return fixlist @staticmethod def check_path_search(conn, path): # Only works for qemu and DAC if conn.is_remote() or not conn.is_qemu_system(): return None, [] from virtcli import CLIConfig user = CLIConfig.default_qemu_user try: for secmodel in conn.caps.host.secmodels: if secmodel.model != "dac": continue label = None for baselabel in secmodel.baselabels: if baselabel.type in ["qemu", "kvm"]: label = baselabel.content break if not label: continue pwuid = pwd.getpwuid( int(label.split(":")[0].replace("+", ""))) if pwuid: user = pwuid[0] except: logging.debug("Exception grabbing qemu DAC user", exc_info=True) return None, [] return user, VirtualDisk.check_path_search_for_user(conn, path, user) @staticmethod def fix_path_search_for_user(conn, path, username): """ Try to fix any permission problems found by check_path_search_for_user @return: Return a dictionary of entries {broken path : error msg} @rtype : C{dict} """ def fix_perms(dirname, useacl=True): if useacl: cmd = ["setfacl", "--modify", "user:%s:x" % username, dirname] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() logging.debug("Ran command '%s'", cmd) if out or err: logging.debug("out=%s\nerr=%s", out, err) if proc.returncode != 0: raise ValueError(err) else: logging.debug("Setting +x on %s", dirname) mode = os.stat(dirname).st_mode newmode = mode | stat.S_IXOTH os.chmod(dirname, newmode) if os.stat(dirname).st_mode != newmode: # Trying to change perms on vfat at least doesn't work # but also doesn't seem to error. Try and detect that raise ValueError(_("Permissions on '%s' did not stick") % dirname) fixlist = VirtualDisk.check_path_search_for_user(conn, path, username) if not fixlist: return [] fixlist.reverse() errdict = {} useacl = True for dirname in fixlist: try: try: fix_perms(dirname, useacl) except: # If acl fails, fall back to chmod and retry if not useacl: raise useacl = False logging.debug("setfacl failed, trying old fashioned way") fix_perms(dirname, useacl) except Exception, e: errdict[dirname] = str(e) return errdict @staticmethod def path_in_use_by(conn, path, shareable=False, read_only=False): """ Return a list of VM names that are using the passed path. @param conn: virConnect to check VMs @param path: Path to check for @param shareable: Path we are checking is marked shareable, so don't warn if it conflicts with another shareable source. @param read_only: Path we are checking is marked read_only, so don't warn if it conflicts with another read_only source. """ if not path: return [] # Find all volumes that have 'path' somewhere in their backing chain vols = [] volmap = dict((vol.backing_store, vol) for vol in conn.fetch_all_vols() if vol.backing_store) backpath = path while backpath in volmap: vol = volmap[backpath] if vol in vols: break backpath = vol.target_path vols.append(backpath) ret = [] vms = conn.fetch_all_guests() for vm in vms: if not read_only: if path in [vm.os.kernel, vm.os.initrd, vm.os.dtb]: ret.append(vm.name) continue for disk in vm.get_devices("disk"): if disk.path in vols and vm.name not in ret: # VM uses the path indirectly via backing store ret.append(vm.name) break if disk.path != path: continue if shareable and disk.shareable: continue if read_only and disk.read_only: continue ret.append(vm.name) break return ret @staticmethod def build_vol_install(conn, volname, poolobj, size, sparse, fmt=None, backing_store=None): """ Helper for building a StorageVolume instance to pass to VirtualDisk for eventual storage creation. :param volname: name of the volume to be created :param size: size in bytes """ from .storage import StorageVolume if size is None: raise ValueError(_("Size must be specified for non " "existent volume '%s'" % volname)) # This catches --disk /dev/idontexist,size=1 if /dev is unmanaged if not poolobj: raise RuntimeError(_("Don't know how to create storage for " "path '%s'. Use libvirt APIs to manage the parent directory " "as a pool first.") % volname) logging.debug("Creating volume '%s' on pool '%s'", volname, poolobj.name()) cap = (size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) if sparse: alloc = 0 else: alloc = cap volinst = StorageVolume(conn) volinst.pool = poolobj volinst.name = volname volinst.capacity = cap volinst.allocation = alloc volinst.backing_store = backing_store if fmt: if not volinst.supports_property("format"): raise ValueError(_("Format attribute not supported for this " "volume type")) volinst.format = fmt return volinst @staticmethod def num_to_target(num): """ Convert an index in range (1, 1024) to a disk /dev number (like hda, hdb, hdaa, etc.) """ digits = [] for factor in range(0, 3): amt = (num % (26 ** (factor + 1))) / (26 ** factor) if amt == 0 and num >= (26 ** (factor + 1)): amt = 26 num -= amt digits.insert(0, amt) seen_valid = False gen_t = "" for digit in digits: if digit == 0: if not seen_valid: continue digit = 1 seen_valid = True gen_t += "%c" % (ord('a') + digit - 1) return gen_t @staticmethod def target_to_num(tgt): """ Convert disk /dev number (like hda, hdb, hdaa, etc.) to an index """ num = 0 k = 0 if tgt[0] == 'x': # This case is here for 'xvda' tgt = tgt[1:] for i, c in enumerate(reversed(tgt[2:])): if i != 0: k = 1 num += (ord(c) - ord('a') + k) * (26 ** i) return num _XML_PROP_ORDER = [ "type", "device", "driver_name", "driver_type", "driver_cache", "driver_discard", "driver_io", "error_policy", "_source_file", "_source_dev", "_source_dir", "source_volume", "source_pool", "source_protocol", "source_name", "source_host_name", "source_host_port", "source_host_transport", "source_host_socket", "target", "bus", ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): VirtualDevice.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._storage_backend = None self.storage_was_created = False ############################# # Public property-esque API # ############################# def _get_path(self): if not self._storage_backend: xmlpath = self._get_xmlpath() if xmlpath: return xmlpath self._set_default_storage_backend() return self._storage_backend.get_path() def _set_path(self, newpath): if (self._storage_backend and self._storage_backend.will_create_storage()): raise ValueError(_("Can't change disk path if storage creation info " "has been set.")) # User explicitly changed 'path', so try to lookup its storage # object since we may need it (vol_object, parent_pool) = diskbackend.manage_path(self.conn, newpath) self._change_backend(newpath, vol_object, parent_pool) self._set_xmlpath(self.path) path = property(_get_path, _set_path) def set_vol_object(self, vol_object, parent_pool): logging.debug("disk.set_vol_object: volxml=\n%s", vol_object.XMLDesc(0)) logging.debug("disk.set_vol_object: poolxml=\n%s", parent_pool.XMLDesc(0)) self._change_backend(None, vol_object, parent_pool) self._set_xmlpath(self.path) def set_vol_install(self, vol_install): logging.debug("disk.set_vol_install: name=%s poolxml=\n%s", vol_install.name, vol_install.pool.XMLDesc(0)) self._storage_backend = diskbackend.ManagedStorageCreator( self.conn, vol_install) self._set_xmlpath(self.path) def get_vol_object(self): return self._storage_backend.get_vol_object() def get_vol_install(self): return self._storage_backend.get_vol_install() def get_parent_pool(self): if self.get_vol_install(): return self.get_vol_install().pool return self._storage_backend.get_parent_pool() def get_size(self): return self._storage_backend.get_size() ############################# # Internal defaults helpers # ############################# def _get_default_driver_name(self): if not self.path: return None # Recommended xen defaults from here: # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1171550#c9 # If type block, use name=phy. Otherwise do the same as qemu if self.conn.is_xen() and self.type == self.TYPE_BLOCK: return self.DRIVER_NAME_PHY if self.conn.check_support( self.conn.SUPPORT_CONN_DISK_DRIVER_NAME_QEMU): return self.DRIVER_NAME_QEMU return None def _get_default_driver_type(self): """ Set driver type from passed parameters Where possible, we want to force /driver/@type = "raw" if installing a QEMU VM. Without telling QEMU to expect a raw file, the emulator is forced to autodetect, which has security implications: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2008-04/msg00675.html """ if self.driver_name != self.DRIVER_NAME_QEMU: return None drvtype = self._storage_backend.get_driver_type() return _qemu_sanitize_drvtype(self.type, drvtype) ############################# # XML source media handling # ############################# _source_file = XMLProperty("./source/@file") _source_dev = XMLProperty("./source/@dev") _source_dir = XMLProperty("./source/@dir") source_pool = XMLProperty("./source/@pool") source_volume = XMLProperty("./source/@volume") source_name = XMLProperty("./source/@name") source_protocol = XMLProperty("./source/@protocol") # Technically multiple host lines can be listed source_host_name = XMLProperty("./source/host/@name") source_host_port = XMLProperty("./source/host/@port", is_int=True) source_host_transport = XMLProperty("./source/host/@transport") source_host_socket = XMLProperty("./source/host/@socket") def _set_source_network_from_url(self, uri): from .uri import URI uriobj = URI(uri) if uriobj.scheme: self.source_protocol = uriobj.scheme if uriobj.transport: self.source_host_transport = uriobj.transport if uriobj.hostname: self.source_host_name = uriobj.hostname if uriobj.port: self.source_host_port = uriobj.port if uriobj.path: if self.source_host_transport: self.source_host_socket = uriobj.path else: self.source_name = uriobj.path if self.source_name.startswith("/"): self.source_name = self.source_name[1:] def _set_source_network_from_storage(self, volxml, poolxml): self.source_protocol = poolxml.type if poolxml.hosts: self.source_host_name = poolxml.hosts[0].name self.source_host_port = poolxml.hosts[0].port path = "" if poolxml.source_name: path += poolxml.source_name if poolxml.source_path: path += poolxml.source_path if not path.endswith('/'): path += "/" path += volxml.name self.source_name = path self.type = "network" def _set_network_source_from_backend(self): if (self._storage_backend.get_vol_object() or self._storage_backend.get_vol_install()): volxml = self._storage_backend.get_vol_xml() poolxml = self._storage_backend.get_parent_pool_xml() self._set_source_network_from_storage(volxml, poolxml) elif self._storage_backend.get_path(): self._set_source_network_from_url(self._storage_backend.get_path()) def _build_url_from_network_source(self): ret = self.source_protocol if self.source_host_transport: ret += "+%s" % self.source_host_transport ret += "://" if self.source_host_name: ret += self.source_host_name if self.source_host_port: ret += ":" + str(self.source_host_port) if self.source_name: if not self.source_name.startswith("/"): ret += "/" ret += self.source_name elif self.source_host_socket: if not self.source_host_socket.startswith("/"): ret += "/" ret += self.source_host_socket return ret def _get_default_type(self): if self.source_pool or self.source_volume: return VirtualDisk.TYPE_VOLUME if self._storage_backend: return self._storage_backend.get_dev_type() if self.source_protocol: return VirtualDisk.TYPE_NETWORK return self.TYPE_FILE type = XMLProperty("./@type", default_cb=_get_default_type) def _clear_source_xml(self): """ Unset all XML properties that describe the actual source media """ self._source_file = None self._source_dev = None self._source_dir = None self.source_volume = None self.source_pool = None self.source_name = None self.source_protocol = None self.source_host_name = None self.source_host_port = None self.source_host_transport = None self.source_host_socket = None def _disk_type_to_object_prop_name(self): disk_type = self.type if disk_type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_BLOCK: return "_source_dev" elif disk_type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_DIR: return "_source_dir" elif disk_type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_FILE: return "_source_file" return None # _xmlpath is an abstraction for source file/block/dir paths, since # they don't have any special properties aside from needing to match # 'type' value with the source property used. def _get_xmlpath(self): if self._source_file: return self._source_file if self._source_dev: return self._source_dev if self._source_dir: return self._source_dir return None def _set_xmlpath(self, val): self._clear_source_xml() if self._storage_backend.get_dev_type() == "network": self._set_network_source_from_backend() return propname = self._disk_type_to_object_prop_name() if not propname: return return setattr(self, propname, val) ################## # XML properties # ################## device = XMLProperty("./@device", default_cb=lambda s: s.DEVICE_DISK) driver_name = XMLProperty("./driver/@name", default_cb=_get_default_driver_name) driver_type = XMLProperty("./driver/@type", default_cb=_get_default_driver_type) sgio = XMLProperty("./@sgio") bus = XMLProperty("./target/@bus") target = XMLProperty("./target/@dev") removable = XMLProperty("./target/@removable", is_onoff=True) read_only = XMLProperty("./readonly", is_bool=True) shareable = XMLProperty("./shareable", is_bool=True) driver_cache = XMLProperty("./driver/@cache") driver_discard = XMLProperty("./driver/@discard") driver_io = XMLProperty("./driver/@io") error_policy = XMLProperty("./driver/@error_policy") serial = XMLProperty("./serial") startup_policy = XMLProperty("./source/@startupPolicy") iotune_rbs = XMLProperty("./iotune/read_bytes_sec", is_int=True) iotune_ris = XMLProperty("./iotune/read_iops_sec", is_int=True) iotune_tbs = XMLProperty("./iotune/total_bytes_sec", is_int=True) iotune_tis = XMLProperty("./iotune/total_iops_sec", is_int=True) iotune_wbs = XMLProperty("./iotune/write_bytes_sec", is_int=True) iotune_wis = XMLProperty("./iotune/write_iops_sec", is_int=True) seclabel = XMLChildProperty(Seclabel, relative_xpath="./source") ################################# # Validation assistance methods # ################################# def _set_default_storage_backend(self): path = None vol_object = None parent_pool = None typ = self._get_default_type() if self.type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_NETWORK: # Fill in a completed URL for virt-manager UI, path comparison, etc path = self._build_url_from_network_source() if typ == VirtualDisk.TYPE_VOLUME: conn = self.conn if "weakref" in str(type(conn)): conn = conn() try: parent_pool = conn.storagePoolLookupByName(self.source_pool) vol_object = parent_pool.storageVolLookupByName( self.source_volume) except: logging.debug("Error fetching source pool=%s vol=%s", self.source_pool, self.source_volume, exc_info=True) if vol_object is None and path is None: path = self._get_xmlpath() self._change_backend(path, vol_object, parent_pool) def set_local_disk_to_clone(self, disk, sparse): """ Set a path to manually clone (as in, not through libvirt) """ self._storage_backend = diskbackend.CloneStorageCreator(self.conn, self.path, disk.path, disk.get_size(), sparse) def is_cdrom(self): return self.device == self.DEVICE_CDROM def is_floppy(self): return self.device == self.DEVICE_FLOPPY def is_disk(self): return self.device == self.DEVICE_DISK def can_be_empty(self): return self.is_floppy() or self.is_cdrom() def _change_backend(self, path, vol_object, parent_pool): backend = diskbackend.StorageBackend(self.conn, path, vol_object, parent_pool) self._storage_backend = backend def sync_path_props(self): """ Fills in the values of type, driver_type, and driver_name for the associated backing storage. This needs to be manually called if changing an existing disk's media. """ path = self._get_xmlpath() self.type = self._get_default_type() self.driver_name = self._get_default_driver_name() self.driver_type = self._get_default_driver_type() # Need to retrigger this if self.type changed if path: self._set_xmlpath(path) def wants_storage_creation(self): """ If true, this disk needs storage creation parameters or things will error. """ return (self._storage_backend and not self._storage_backend.exists()) def validate(self): if self.path is None: if not self.can_be_empty(): raise ValueError(_("Device type '%s' requires a path") % self.device) return if (self.type == VirtualDisk.TYPE_DIR and not self.is_floppy()): raise ValueError(_("The path '%s' must be a file or a " "device, not a directory") % self.path) if not self._storage_backend: return if (not self._storage_backend.will_create_storage() and not self._storage_backend.exists()): raise ValueError( _("Must specify storage creation parameters for " "non-existent path '%s'.") % self.path) self._storage_backend.validate(self) def setup(self, meter=None): """ Build storage (if required) If storage doesn't exist (a non-existent file 'path', or 'vol_install' was specified), we create it. """ if not self._storage_backend.will_create_storage(): return meter = util.ensure_meter(meter) vol_object = self._storage_backend.create(meter) self.storage_was_created = True if not vol_object: return parent_pool = self.get_vol_install().pool self._change_backend(None, vol_object, parent_pool) def set_defaults(self, guest): if self.is_cdrom(): self.read_only = True if self.is_cdrom() and guest.os.is_s390x(): self.bus = "scsi" if not self.conn.is_qemu(): return if not self.is_disk(): return if not self.type == self.TYPE_BLOCK: return # Enable cache=none and io=native for block devices. Would # be nice if qemu did this for us but that time has long passed. if not self.driver_cache: self.driver_cache = self.CACHE_MODE_NONE if not self.driver_io: self.driver_io = self.IO_MODE_NATIVE def is_size_conflict(self): """ reports if disk size conflicts with available space returns a two element tuple: 1. first element is True if fatal conflict occurs 2. second element is a string description of the conflict or None Non fatal conflicts (sparse disk exceeds available space) will return (False, "description of collision") """ return self._storage_backend.is_size_conflict() def is_conflict_disk(self, conn=None): """ check if specified storage is in use by any other VMs on passed connection. @return: list of colliding VM names @rtype: C{list} """ if not self.path: return False if not conn: conn = self.conn ret = self.path_in_use_by(conn, self.path, shareable=self.shareable, read_only=self.read_only) return ret def get_target_prefix(self, used_targets=None): """ Returns the suggested disk target prefix (hd, xvd, sd ...) for the disk. @returns: str prefix, or None if no reasonable guess can be made """ # The upper limits here aren't necessarilly 1024, but let the HV # error as appropriate. def _return(prefix): nummap = { "vd": 1024, "xvd": 1024, "fd": 2, "hd": 4, "sd": 1024, } return prefix, nummap[prefix] if self.bus == "virtio": return _return("vd") elif self.bus == "xen": return _return("xvd") elif self.bus == "fdc" or self.is_floppy(): return _return("fd") elif self.bus == "ide": return _return("hd") elif self.bus or not used_targets: # sata, scsi, usb, sd return _return("sd") # If guest already has some disks defined preforder = ["vd", "xvd", "sd", "hd"] for pref in preforder: for target in used_targets: if target.startswith(pref): return _return(pref) return _return("sd") def generate_target(self, skip_targets, pref_ctrl=None): """ Generate target device ('hda', 'sdb', etc..) for disk, excluding any targets in 'skip_targets'. If given the 'pref_ctrl' parameter, it tries to select the target so that the disk is mapped onto that controller. Sets self.target, and returns the generated value. @param skip_targets: list of targets to exclude @type skip_targets: C{list} @param pref_ctrl: preferred controller to connect the disk to @type pref_ctrl: C{int} @raise ValueError: can't determine target type, no targets available @returns generated target @rtype C{str} """ prefix, maxnode = self.get_target_prefix(skip_targets) skip_targets = [t for t in skip_targets if t and t.startswith(prefix)] skip_targets.sort() def get_target(): first_found = None ran = range(maxnode) if pref_ctrl is not None: # We assume narrow SCSI bus and libvirt assigning 7 # (1-7, 8-14, etc.) devices per controller ran = range(pref_ctrl * 7, (pref_ctrl + 1) * 7) for i in ran: gen_t = prefix + self.num_to_target(i + 1) if gen_t in skip_targets: skip_targets.remove(gen_t) continue if not skip_targets: return gen_t elif not first_found: first_found = gen_t if first_found: return first_found ret = get_target() if ret: self.target = ret return ret if pref_ctrl is not None: # This basically means that we either chose full # controller or didn't add any raise ValueError(_("Controller number %d for disk of type %s has " "no empty slot to use" % (pref_ctrl, prefix))) else: raise ValueError(_("Only %s disks of type '%s' are supported" % (maxnode, prefix))) VirtualDisk.register_type()