# Copyright (C) 2006, 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel P. Berrange # # This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. import os import queue import threading import time from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gtk from virtinst import log from .baseclass import vmmGObject from .createconn import vmmCreateConn from .connmanager import vmmConnectionManager from .lib.inspection import vmmInspection from .systray import vmmSystray (PRIO_HIGH, PRIO_LOW) = range(1, 3) def _show_startup_error(fn): """ Decorator to show a modal error dialog if an exception is raised from a startup routine """ # pylint: disable=protected-access def newfn(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: modal = self._can_exit() self.err.show_err(str(e), modal=modal) self._exit_app_if_no_windows() return newfn class vmmEngine(vmmGObject): CLI_SHOW_MANAGER = "manager" CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_CREATOR = "creator" CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_EDITOR = "editor" CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_PERFORMANCE = "performance" CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_CONSOLE = "console" CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_DELETE = "delete" CLI_SHOW_HOST_SUMMARY = "summary" @classmethod def get_instance(cls): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = vmmEngine() return cls._instance __gsignals__ = { "app-closing": (vmmGObject.RUN_FIRST, None, []), } def __init__(self): vmmGObject.__init__(self) self._exiting = False self._window_count = 0 self._gtkapplication = None self._init_gtk_application() self._timer = None self._tick_counter = 0 self._tick_thread_slow = False self._tick_thread = threading.Thread(name="Tick thread", target=self._handle_tick_queue, args=()) self._tick_thread.daemon = True self._tick_queue = queue.PriorityQueue(100) @property def _connobjs(self): return vmmConnectionManager.get_instance().conns def _cleanup(self): if self._timer is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._timer) ################# # init handling # ################# def _default_startup(self, skip_autostart, cliuri): """ Actual startup routines if we are running a new instance of the app """ vmmSystray.get_instance() vmmInspection.get_instance() self.add_gsettings_handle( self.config.on_stats_update_interval_changed( self._timer_changed_cb)) self._schedule_timer() self._tick_thread.start() self._tick() uris = list(self._connobjs.keys()) if not uris: log.debug("No stored URIs found.") else: log.debug("Loading stored URIs:\n%s", " \n".join(sorted(uris))) if not skip_autostart: self.idle_add(self._autostart_conns) if not self.config.get_conn_uris() and not cliuri: # Only add default if no connections are currently known manager = self._get_manager() manager.set_startup_error( _("Checking for virtualization packages...")) self.timeout_add(1000, self._add_default_conn) def _add_default_conn(self): """ If there's no cached connections, or any requested on the command line, try to determine a default URI and open it, first checking if libvirt is running """ manager = self._get_manager() log.debug("Trying to start libvirtd through systemd") unitname = "libvirtd.service" libvirtd_installed = False libvirtd_active = False unitpath = None # Fetch all units from systemd try: bus = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, None) systemd = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(bus, 0, None, "org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1", "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", None) units = systemd.ListUnits() log.debug("Successfully listed units via systemd") except Exception: units = [] log.exception("Couldn't connect to systemd") libvirtd_installed = os.path.exists("/var/run/libvirt") libvirtd_active = os.path.exists("/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock") # Check if libvirtd is installed and running for unitinfo in units: if unitinfo[0] != unitname: continue libvirtd_installed = True libvirtd_active = unitinfo[3] == "active" unitpath = unitinfo[6] break log.debug("libvirtd_installed=%s libvirtd_active=%s unitpath=%s", libvirtd_installed, libvirtd_active, unitpath) # If it's not running, try to start it try: if unitpath and libvirtd_installed and not libvirtd_active: unit = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync( bus, 0, None, "org.freedesktop.systemd1", unitpath, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit", None) if not self.config.CLITestOptions.first_run: unit.Start("(s)", "fail") time.sleep(2) libvirtd_active = True except Exception: log.exception("Error starting libvirtd") if self.config.CLITestOptions.first_run: log.debug("--test-first-run, using uri=None to trigger error") tryuri = None else: tryuri = vmmCreateConn.default_uri() log.debug("Probed default URI=%s", tryuri) # Manager fail message msg = "" if not libvirtd_installed: msg += _("The libvirtd service does not appear to be installed. " "Install and run the libvirtd service to manage " "virtualization on this host.") elif not libvirtd_active: msg += _("libvirtd is installed but not running. Start the " "libvirtd service to manage virtualization on this host.") if not tryuri or "qemu" not in tryuri: if msg: msg += "\n\n" msg += _("Could not detect a default hypervisor. Make " "sure the appropriate QEMU/KVM virtualization " "packages are installed to manage virtualization " "on this host.") if msg: msg += "\n\n" msg += _("A virtualization connection can be manually " "added via File->Add Connection") if (tryuri is None or not libvirtd_installed or not libvirtd_active): manager.set_startup_error(msg) return # Launch idle callback to connect to default URI def idle_connect(): def _open_completed(c, ConnectError): if ConnectError: self._handle_conn_error(c, ConnectError) conn = vmmConnectionManager.get_instance().add_conn(tryuri) conn.set_autoconnect(True) conn.connect_once("open-completed", _open_completed) conn.open() self.idle_add(idle_connect) def _autostart_conns(self): """ We serialize conn autostart, so polkit/ssh-askpass doesn't spam """ if self._exiting: return # pragma: no cover connections_queue = queue.Queue() auto_conns = [conn.get_uri() for conn in self._connobjs.values() if conn.get_autoconnect()] def add_next_to_queue(): if not auto_conns: connections_queue.put(None) else: connections_queue.put(auto_conns.pop(0)) def conn_open_completed(_conn, ConnectError): # Explicitly ignore connection errors, we've done that # for a while and it can be noisy if ConnectError is not None: log.debug("Autostart connection error: %s", ConnectError.details) add_next_to_queue() def handle_queue(): while True: uri = connections_queue.get() if uri is None: return if self._exiting: return if uri not in self._connobjs: add_next_to_queue() continue conn = self._connobjs[uri] conn.connect_once("open-completed", conn_open_completed) self.idle_add(conn.open) add_next_to_queue() self._start_thread(handle_queue, "Conn autostart thread") ############################ # Gtk Application handling # ############################ def _on_gtk_application_activated(self, ignore): """ Invoked after application.run() """ if not self._application.get_windows(): log.debug("Initial gtkapplication activated") self._application.add_window(Gtk.Window()) def _init_gtk_application(self): self._application = Gtk.Application( application_id="org.virt-manager.virt-manager", flags=0) self._application.register(None) self._application.connect("activate", self._on_gtk_application_activated) action = Gio.SimpleAction.new("cli_command", GLib.VariantType.new("(sss)")) action.connect("activate", self._handle_cli_command) self._application.add_action(action) def start(self, uri, show_window, domain, skip_autostart): """ Public entrypoint from virt-manager cli. If app is already running, connect to it and exit, otherwise run our functional default startup. """ # Dispatch dbus CLI command if uri and not show_window: show_window = self.CLI_SHOW_MANAGER data = GLib.Variant("(sss)", (uri or "", show_window or "", domain or "")) is_remote = self._application.get_is_remote() if not is_remote: self._default_startup(skip_autostart, uri) self._application.activate_action("cli_command", data) if is_remote: log.debug("Connected to remote app instance.") return self._application.run(None) ########################### # timer and tick handling # ########################### def _timer_changed_cb(self, *args, **kwargs): ignore1 = args ignore2 = kwargs self._schedule_timer() def _schedule_timer(self): interval = self.config.get_stats_update_interval() * 1000 if self._timer is not None: self.remove_gobject_timeout(self._timer) self._timer = None self._timer = self.timeout_add(interval, self._tick) def _add_obj_to_tick_queue(self, obj, isprio, **kwargs): if self._tick_queue.full(): if not self._tick_thread_slow: log.debug("Tick is slow, not running at requested rate.") self._tick_thread_slow = True return self._tick_counter += 1 self._tick_queue.put((isprio and PRIO_HIGH or PRIO_LOW, self._tick_counter, obj, kwargs)) def schedule_priority_tick(self, conn, kwargs): # Called directly from connection self._add_obj_to_tick_queue(conn, True, **kwargs) def _tick(self): for conn in self._connobjs.values(): self._add_obj_to_tick_queue(conn, False, stats_update=True, pollvm=True) return 1 def _handle_tick_queue(self): while True: ignore1, ignore2, conn, kwargs = self._tick_queue.get() try: conn.tick_from_engine(**kwargs) except Exception: # pragma: no cover # Don't attempt to show any UI error here, since it # can cause dialogs to appear from nowhere if say # libvirtd is shut down log.debug("Error polling connection %s", conn.get_uri(), exc_info=True) # Need to clear reference to make leak check happy conn = None self._tick_queue.task_done() ##################################### # window counting and exit handling # ##################################### def increment_window_counter(self): """ Public function, called by toplevel windows """ self._window_count += 1 log.debug("window counter incremented to %s", self._window_count) def decrement_window_counter(self): """ Public function, called by toplevel windows """ self._window_count -= 1 log.debug("window counter decremented to %s", self._window_count) self._exit_app_if_no_windows() def _systray_is_embedded(self): """ We don't use window tracking here: systray isn't a window and even when 'show' has been requested it may not be embedded in a visible tray area, so we have to check it separately. """ return vmmSystray.get_instance().is_embedded() def _can_exit(self): return (self._window_count <= 0 and not self._systray_is_embedded()) def _exit_app_if_no_windows(self): if self._exiting: return if self._can_exit(): log.debug("No windows found, requesting app exit") self.exit_app() def exit_app(self): """ Public call, manager/details/... use this to force exit the app """ if self._exiting: return # pragma: no cover self._exiting = True def _do_exit(): try: vmmConnectionManager.get_instance().cleanup() self.emit("app-closing") self.cleanup() if self.config.CLITestOptions.leak_debug: objs = self.config.get_objects() # Engine will always appear to leak objs.remove(self.object_key) for name in objs: # pragma: no cover log.debug("LEAK: %s", name) log.debug("Exiting app normally.") finally: self._application.quit() # We stick this in an idle callback, so the exit_app() caller # reference is dropped, and leak check debug doesn't give a # false positive self.idle_add(_do_exit) ########################################## # Window launchers from virt-manager cli # ########################################## def _find_vm_by_cli_str(self, uri, clistr): """ Lookup a VM by a string passed in on the CLI. Can be either ID, domain name, or UUID """ if clistr.isdigit(): clistr = int(clistr) for vm in self._connobjs[uri].list_vms(): if clistr == vm.get_id(): return vm elif clistr == vm.get_name(): return vm elif clistr == vm.get_uuid(): return vm def _cli_show_vm_helper(self, uri, clistr, page): vm = self._find_vm_by_cli_str(uri, clistr) if not vm: raise RuntimeError("%s does not have VM '%s'" % (uri, clistr)) from .vmwindow import vmmVMWindow details = vmmVMWindow.get_instance(None, vm) if page == self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_PERFORMANCE: details.activate_performance_page() elif (page in [self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_EDITOR, self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_DELETE]): details.activate_config_page() elif page == self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_CONSOLE: details.activate_console_page() details.show() if page == self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_DELETE: from .delete import vmmDeleteDialog vmmDeleteDialog.show_instance(details, vm) def _get_manager(self): from .manager import vmmManager return vmmManager.get_instance(None) @_show_startup_error def _launch_cli_window(self, uri, show_window, clistr): log.debug("Launching requested window '%s'", show_window) if show_window == self.CLI_SHOW_MANAGER: manager = self._get_manager() manager.set_initial_selection(uri) manager.show() elif show_window == self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_CREATOR: from .createvm import vmmCreateVM vmmCreateVM.show_instance(None, uri) elif show_window == self.CLI_SHOW_HOST_SUMMARY: from .host import vmmHost vmmHost.show_instance(None, self._connobjs[uri]) elif (show_window in [self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_EDITOR, self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_PERFORMANCE, self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_CONSOLE, self.CLI_SHOW_DOMAIN_DELETE]): self._cli_show_vm_helper(uri, clistr, show_window) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Unknown cli window command '%s'" % show_window) def _handle_conn_error(self, _conn, ConnectError): msg, details, title = ConnectError modal = self._can_exit() self.err.show_err(msg, details, title, modal=modal) self._exit_app_if_no_windows() @_show_startup_error def _handle_cli_command(self, actionobj, variant): ignore = actionobj uri = variant[0] show_window = variant[1] or self.CLI_SHOW_MANAGER domain = variant[2] log.debug("processing cli command uri=%s show_window=%s domain=%s", uri, show_window, domain) if not uri: log.debug("No cli action requested, launching default window") self._get_manager().show() return conn_is_new = uri not in self._connobjs conn = vmmConnectionManager.get_instance().add_conn(uri) if conn.is_active(): self.idle_add(self._launch_cli_window, uri, show_window, domain) return def _open_completed(_c, ConnectError): if ConnectError: if conn_is_new: log.debug("Removing failed uri=%s", uri) vmmConnectionManager.get_instance().remove_conn(uri) self._handle_conn_error(conn, ConnectError) else: self._launch_cli_window(uri, show_window, domain) conn.connect_once("open-completed", _open_completed) conn.open()