# # Copyright (C) 2006, 2013, 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2006 Hugh O. Brock # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. # import logging from gi.repository import GObject from .baseclass import vmmGObjectUI from .mediacombo import vmmMediaCombo from .storagebrowse import vmmStorageBrowser from .addstorage import vmmAddStorage class vmmChooseCD(vmmGObjectUI): __gsignals__ = { "cdrom-chosen": (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, [object, str]) } def __init__(self, vm, disk): vmmGObjectUI.__init__(self, "choosecd.ui", "vmm-choose-cd") self.vm = vm self.conn = self.vm.conn self.storage_browser = None # This is also overwritten from details.py when targetting a new disk self.disk = disk self.media_type = disk.device self.mediacombo = vmmMediaCombo(self.conn, self.builder, self.topwin, self.media_type) self.widget("media-combo-align").add(self.mediacombo.top_box) self.builder.connect_signals({ "on_vmm_choose_cd_delete_event": self.close, "on_media_toggled": self.media_toggled, "on_fv_iso_location_browse_clicked": self.browse_fv_iso_location, "on_ok_clicked": self.ok, "on_cancel_clicked": self.close, }) self.reset_state() def close(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): logging.debug("Closing media chooser") self.topwin.hide() if self.storage_browser: self.storage_browser.close() return 1 def show(self, parent): logging.debug("Showing media chooser") self.reset_state() self.topwin.set_transient_for(parent) self.topwin.present() self.conn.schedule_priority_tick(pollnodedev=True) def _cleanup(self): self.vm = None self.conn = None self.disk = None if self.storage_browser: self.storage_browser.cleanup() self.storage_browser = None if self.mediacombo: self.mediacombo.cleanup() self.mediacombo = None def _init_ui(self): if self.media_type == vmmMediaCombo.MEDIA_FLOPPY: self.widget("physical-media").set_label(_("Floppy D_rive")) self.widget("iso-image").set_label(_("Floppy _Image")) def reset_state(self): self.mediacombo.reset_state() enable_phys = not self.vm.stable_defaults() self.widget("physical-media").set_sensitive(enable_phys) self.widget("physical-media").set_tooltip_text("" if enable_phys else _("Physical CDROM passthrough not supported with this hypervisor")) use_cdrom = (self.mediacombo.has_media()) and enable_phys self.widget("physical-media").set_active(use_cdrom) self.widget("iso-image").set_active(not use_cdrom) def ok(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): if self.widget("iso-image").get_active(): path = self.widget("iso-path").get_text() else: path = self.mediacombo.get_path() if path == "" or path is None: return self.err.val_err(_("Invalid Media Path"), _("A media path must be specified.")) try: self.disk.path = path except Exception, e: return self.err.val_err(_("Invalid Media Path"), e) names = self.disk.is_conflict_disk() if names: res = self.err.yes_no( _('Disk "%s" is already in use by other guests %s') % (self.disk.path, names), _("Do you really want to use the disk?")) if not res: return False vmmAddStorage.check_path_search(self, self.conn, path) self.emit("cdrom-chosen", self.disk, path) self.close() def media_toggled(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): is_phys = bool(self.widget("physical-media").get_active()) self.mediacombo.combo.set_sensitive(is_phys) self.widget("iso-path").set_sensitive(not is_phys) self.widget("iso-file-chooser").set_sensitive(not is_phys) def browse_fv_iso_location(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): self._browse_file() def set_storage_path(self, src_ignore, path): self.widget("iso-path").set_text(path) def _browse_file(self): if self.storage_browser is None: self.storage_browser = vmmStorageBrowser(self.conn) self.storage_browser.set_finish_cb(self.set_storage_path) self.storage_browser.set_stable_defaults(self.vm.stable_defaults()) if self.media_type == vmmMediaCombo.MEDIA_FLOPPY: self.storage_browser.set_browse_reason( self.config.CONFIG_DIR_FLOPPY_MEDIA) else: self.storage_browser.set_browse_reason( self.config.CONFIG_DIR_ISO_MEDIA) self.storage_browser.show(self.topwin)