# # Copyright (C) 2009, 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2009 Cole Robinson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. # import os import stat import traceback import logging from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import Pango import virtinst from virtinst import util from .asyncjob import vmmAsyncJob from .baseclass import vmmGObjectUI from . import uiutil STORAGE_ROW_CONFIRM = 0 STORAGE_ROW_CANT_DELETE = 1 STORAGE_ROW_PATH = 2 STORAGE_ROW_TARGET = 3 STORAGE_ROW_ICON_SHOW = 4 STORAGE_ROW_ICON = 5 STORAGE_ROW_ICON_SIZE = 6 STORAGE_ROW_TOOLTIP = 7 class vmmDeleteDialog(vmmGObjectUI): def __init__(self): vmmGObjectUI.__init__(self, "delete.ui", "vmm-delete") self.vm = None self.conn = None self.builder.connect_signals({ "on_vmm_delete_delete_event" : self.close, "on_delete_cancel_clicked" : self.close, "on_delete_ok_clicked" : self.finish, "on_delete_remove_storage_toggled" : self.toggle_remove_storage, }) self.bind_escape_key_close() self._init_state() def _init_state(self): blue = Gdk.Color.parse("#0072A8")[1] self.widget("header").modify_bg(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, blue) prepare_storage_list(self.widget("delete-storage-list")) def show(self, vm, parent): logging.debug("Showing delete wizard") self.vm = vm self.conn = vm.conn self.reset_state() self.topwin.set_transient_for(parent) self.topwin.present() def close(self, ignore1=None, ignore2=None): logging.debug("Closing delete wizard") self.topwin.hide() self.vm = None self.conn = None return 1 def _cleanup(self): self.vm = None self.conn = None def reset_state(self): # Set VM name in title' title_str = ("%s '%s'" % (_("Delete"), util.xml_escape(self.vm.get_name()))) self.widget("header-label").set_markup(title_str) self.topwin.resize(1, 1) self.widget("delete-cancel").grab_focus() # Show warning message if VM is running vm_active = self.vm.is_active() uiutil.set_grid_row_visible( self.widget("delete-warn-running-vm-box"), vm_active) # Enable storage removal by default self.widget("delete-remove-storage").set_active(True) self.widget("delete-remove-storage").toggled() populate_storage_list(self.widget("delete-storage-list"), self.vm, self.conn) def toggle_remove_storage(self, src): dodel = src.get_active() uiutil.set_grid_row_visible( self.widget("delete-storage-scroll"), dodel) def get_paths_to_delete(self): del_list = self.widget("delete-storage-list") model = del_list.get_model() paths = [] if self.widget("delete-remove-storage").get_active(): for row in model: if (not row[STORAGE_ROW_CANT_DELETE] and row[STORAGE_ROW_CONFIRM]): paths.append(row[STORAGE_ROW_PATH]) return paths def _finish_cb(self, error, details): self.reset_finish_cursor() if error is not None: self.err.show_err(error, details=details) self.conn.schedule_priority_tick(pollvm=True) self.close() def finish(self, src_ignore): devs = self.get_paths_to_delete() if devs: title = _("Are you sure you want to delete the storage?") message = (_("The following paths will be deleted:\n\n%s") % "\n".join(devs)) ret = self.err.chkbox_helper( self.config.get_confirm_delstorage, self.config.set_confirm_delstorage, text1=title, text2=message) if not ret: return self.set_finish_cursor() title = _("Deleting virtual machine '%s'") % self.vm.get_name() text = title if devs: text = title + _(" and selected storage (this may take a while)") progWin = vmmAsyncJob(self._async_delete, [devs], self._finish_cb, [], title, text, self.topwin) progWin.run() def _async_delete(self, asyncjob, paths): storage_errors = [] details = "" try: if self.vm.is_active(): logging.debug("Forcing VM '%s' power off.", self.vm.get_name()) self.vm.destroy() conn = self.conn.get_backend() meter = asyncjob.get_meter() for path in paths: try: logging.debug("Deleting path: %s", path) meter.start(text=_("Deleting path '%s'") % path) self._async_delete_path(conn, path, meter) except Exception as e: storage_errors.append((str(e), "".join(traceback.format_exc()))) meter.end(0) logging.debug("Removing VM '%s'", self.vm.get_name()) self.vm.delete() except Exception as e: error = (_("Error deleting virtual machine '%s': %s") % (self.vm.get_name(), str(e))) details = "".join(traceback.format_exc()) storage_errstr = "" for errinfo in storage_errors: storage_errstr += "%s\n%s\n" % (errinfo[0], errinfo[1]) if not storage_errstr and not details: return # We had extra storage errors. If there was another error message, # errors to it. Otherwise, build the main error around them. if details: details += "\n\n" details += _("Additionally, there were errors removing" " certain storage devices: \n") details += storage_errstr else: error = _("Errors encountered while removing certain " "storage devices.") details = storage_errstr if error: asyncjob.set_error(error, details) def _async_delete_path(self, conn, path, ignore): vol = None try: vol = conn.storageVolLookupByPath(path) except: logging.debug("Path '%s' is not managed. Deleting locally", path) if vol: vol.delete(0) else: os.unlink(path) def populate_storage_list(storage_list, vm, conn): model = storage_list.get_model() model.clear() diskdata = [(d.target, d.path, d.read_only, d.shareable, d.device in ["cdrom", "floppy"]) for d in vm.get_disk_devices()] diskdata.append(("kernel", vm.get_xmlobj().os.kernel, True, False, True)) diskdata.append(("initrd", vm.get_xmlobj().os.initrd, True, False, True)) diskdata.append(("dtb", vm.get_xmlobj().os.dtb, True, False, True)) for target, path, ro, shared, is_media in diskdata: if not path: continue # There are a few pieces here # 1) Can we even delete the storage? If not, make the checkbox # inconsistent. self.can_delete decides this for us, and if # we can't delete, gives us a nice message to show the user # for that row. # # 2) If we can delete, do we want to delete this storage by # default? Reasons not to, are if the storage is marked # readonly or shareable, or is in use by another VM. default = False definfo = None vol = conn.get_vol_by_path(path) can_del, delinfo = can_delete(conn, vol, path) if can_del: default, definfo = do_we_default(conn, vm.get_name(), vol, path, ro, shared, is_media) info = None if not can_del: info = delinfo elif not default: info = definfo icon = Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING icon_size = Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR row = [default, not can_del, path, target, bool(info), icon, icon_size, info] model.append(row) def prepare_storage_list(storage_list): # Checkbox, deleteable?, storage path, target (hda), icon stock, # icon size, tooltip model = Gtk.ListStore(bool, bool, str, str, bool, str, int, str) storage_list.set_model(model) storage_list.set_tooltip_column(STORAGE_ROW_TOOLTIP) confirmCol = Gtk.TreeViewColumn() targetCol = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Target")) infoCol = Gtk.TreeViewColumn() pathCol = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Storage Path")) pathCol.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.AUTOSIZE) pathCol.set_expand(True) storage_list.append_column(confirmCol) storage_list.append_column(pathCol) storage_list.append_column(targetCol) storage_list.append_column(infoCol) chkbox = Gtk.CellRendererToggle() chkbox.connect('toggled', storage_item_toggled, storage_list) confirmCol.pack_start(chkbox, False) confirmCol.add_attribute(chkbox, 'active', STORAGE_ROW_CONFIRM) confirmCol.add_attribute(chkbox, 'inconsistent', STORAGE_ROW_CANT_DELETE) confirmCol.set_sort_column_id(STORAGE_ROW_CANT_DELETE) path_txt = Gtk.CellRendererText() pathCol.pack_start(path_txt, True) pathCol.add_attribute(path_txt, 'text', STORAGE_ROW_PATH) pathCol.set_sort_column_id(STORAGE_ROW_PATH) path_txt.set_property("width-chars", 50) path_txt.set_property("ellipsize", Pango.EllipsizeMode.MIDDLE) target_txt = Gtk.CellRendererText() targetCol.pack_start(target_txt, False) targetCol.add_attribute(target_txt, 'text', STORAGE_ROW_TARGET) targetCol.set_sort_column_id(STORAGE_ROW_TARGET) info_img = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() infoCol.pack_start(info_img, False) infoCol.add_attribute(info_img, 'visible', STORAGE_ROW_ICON_SHOW) infoCol.add_attribute(info_img, 'stock-id', STORAGE_ROW_ICON) infoCol.add_attribute(info_img, 'stock-size', STORAGE_ROW_ICON_SIZE) infoCol.set_sort_column_id(STORAGE_ROW_ICON) def storage_item_toggled(src, index, storage_list): active = src.get_active() model = storage_list.get_model() model[index][STORAGE_ROW_CONFIRM] = not active def can_delete(conn, vol, path): """Is the passed path even deleteable""" ret = True msg = None if vol: # Managed storage pool_type = vol.get_parent_pool().get_type() if pool_type == virtinst.StoragePool.TYPE_ISCSI: msg = _("Cannot delete iscsi share.") elif pool_type == virtinst.StoragePool.TYPE_SCSI: msg = _("Cannot delete SCSI device.") else: if conn.is_remote(): msg = _("Cannot delete unmanaged remote storage.") elif not os.path.exists(path): msg = _("Path does not exist.") elif not os.access(os.path.dirname(path), os.W_OK): msg = _("No write access to parent directory.") elif stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE]): msg = _("Cannot delete unmanaged block device.") if msg: ret = False return (ret, msg) def do_we_default(conn, vm_name, vol, path, ro, shared, is_media): """ Returns (do we delete by default?, info string if not)""" info = "" def append_str(str1, str2, delim="\n"): if not str2: return str1 if str1: str1 += delim str1 += str2 return str1 if ro: info = append_str(info, _("Storage is read-only.")) elif not vol and not os.access(path, os.W_OK): info = append_str(info, _("No write access to path.")) if shared: info = append_str(info, _("Storage is marked as shareable.")) if not info and is_media: info = append_str(info, _("Storage is a media device.")) try: names = virtinst.VirtualDisk.path_in_use_by(conn.get_backend(), path) if len(names) > 1: namestr = "" names.remove(vm_name) for name in names: namestr = append_str(namestr, name, delim="\n- ") info = append_str(info, _("Storage is in use by the following " "virtual machines:\n- %s " % namestr)) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Failed checking disk conflict: %s", str(e)) return (not info, info)