# # XML API wrappers # # This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. import libxml2 from . import util # pylint: disable=protected-access class _XPathSegment(object): """ Class representing a single 'segment' of an xpath string. For example, the xpath: ./qemu:foo/bar[1]/baz[@somepro='someval']/@finalprop will be split into the following segments: #1: nodename=., fullsegment=. #2: nodename=foo, nsname=qemu, fullsegment=qemu:foo #3: nodename=bar, condition_num=1, fullsegment=bar[1] #4: nodename=baz, condition_prop=somepro, condition_val=someval, fullsegment=baz[@somepro='somval'] #5: nodename=finalprop, is_prop=True, fullsegment=@finalprop """ def __init__(self, fullsegment): self.fullsegment = fullsegment self.nodename = fullsegment self.condition_prop = None self.condition_val = None self.condition_num = None if "[" in self.nodename: self.nodename, cond = self.nodename.strip("]").split("[") if "=" in cond: (cprop, cval) = cond.split("=") self.condition_prop = cprop.strip("@") self.condition_val = cval.strip("'") elif cond.isdigit(): self.condition_num = int(cond) self.is_prop = self.nodename.startswith("@") if self.is_prop: self.nodename = self.nodename[1:] self.nsname = None if ":" in self.nodename: self.nsname, self.nodename = self.nodename.split(":") class _XPath(object): """ Helper class for performing manipulations of XPath strings. Splits the xpath into segments. """ def __init__(self, fullxpath): self.fullxpath = fullxpath self.segments = [_XPathSegment(s) for s in self.fullxpath.split("/")] self.is_prop = self.segments[-1].is_prop self.propname = (self.is_prop and self.segments[-1].nodename or None) if self.is_prop: self.segments = self.segments[:-1] self.xpath = self.join(self.segments) @staticmethod def join(segments): return "/".join(s.fullsegment for s in segments) def parent_xpath(self): return self.join(self.segments[:-1]) class _XMLBase(object): NAMESPACES = {} @classmethod def register_namespace(cls, nsname, uri): cls.NAMESPACES[nsname] = uri def copy_api(self): raise NotImplementedError() def count(self, xpath): raise NotImplementedError() def _find(self, fullxpath): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_tostring(self, node): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_get_text(self, node): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_set_text(self, node, setval): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_get_property(self, node, propname): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_set_property(self, node, propname, setval): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_new(self, xpathseg, parentnode): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_add_child(self, parentxpath, parentnode, newnode): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_remove_child(self, parentnode, childnode): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_from_xml(self, xml): raise NotImplementedError() def _node_has_content(self, node): raise NotImplementedError() def node_clear(self, xpath): raise NotImplementedError() def _sanitize_xml(self, xml): raise NotImplementedError() def get_xml(self, xpath): node = self._find(xpath) if node is None: return "" return self._sanitize_xml(self._node_tostring(node)) def get_xpath_content(self, xpath, is_bool): node = self._find(xpath) if node is None: return None if is_bool: return True xpathobj = _XPath(xpath) if xpathobj.is_prop: return self._node_get_property(node, xpathobj.propname) return self._node_get_text(node) def set_xpath_content(self, xpath, setval): node = self._find(xpath) if setval is False: # Boolean False, means remove the node entirely self.node_force_remove(xpath) elif setval is None: if node is not None: self._node_set_content(xpath, node, None) self._node_remove_empty(xpath) else: if node is None: node = self._node_make_stub(xpath) if setval is True: # Boolean property, creating the node is enough return self._node_set_content(xpath, node, setval) def node_add_xml(self, xml, xpath): newnode = self._node_from_xml(xml) parentnode = self._node_make_stub(xpath) self._node_add_child(xpath, parentnode, newnode) def node_force_remove(self, fullxpath): """ Remove the element referenced at the passed xpath, regardless of whether it has children or not, and then clean up the XML chain """ xpathobj = _XPath(fullxpath) parentnode = self._find(xpathobj.parent_xpath()) childnode = self._find(fullxpath) if parentnode is None or childnode is None: return self._node_remove_child(parentnode, childnode) def _node_set_content(self, xpath, node, setval): xpathobj = _XPath(xpath) if setval is not None: setval = str(setval) if xpathobj.is_prop: self._node_set_property(node, xpathobj.propname, setval) else: self._node_set_text(node, setval) def _node_make_stub(self, fullxpath): """ Build all nodes for the passed xpath. For example, if XML is , and xpath=./bar/@baz, after this function the XML will be: And the node pointing to @baz will be returned, for the caller to do with as they please. There's also special handling to ensure that setting xpath=./bar[@baz='foo']/frob will create Even if didn't exist before. So we fill in the dependent property expression values """ xpathobj = _XPath(fullxpath) parentxpath = "." parentnode = self._find(parentxpath) if parentnode is None: raise RuntimeError("programming error: " "Did not find XML root node for xpath=%s" % fullxpath) for xpathseg in xpathobj.segments[1:]: oldxpath = parentxpath parentxpath += "/%s" % xpathseg.fullsegment tmpnode = self._find(parentxpath) if tmpnode is not None: # xpath node already exists, nothing to create yet parentnode = tmpnode continue newnode = self._node_new(xpathseg, parentnode) self._node_add_child(oldxpath, parentnode, newnode) parentnode = newnode # For a conditional xpath like ./foo[@bar='baz'], # we also want to implicitly set if xpathseg.condition_prop: self._node_set_property(parentnode, xpathseg.condition_prop, xpathseg.condition_val) return parentnode def _node_remove_empty(self, fullxpath): """ Walk backwards up the xpath chain, and remove each element if it doesn't have any children or attributes, so we don't leave stale elements in the XML """ xpathobj = _XPath(fullxpath) segments = xpathobj.segments[:] parent = None while segments: xpath = _XPath.join(segments) segments.pop() child = parent parent = self._find(xpath) if parent is None: break if child is None: continue if self._node_has_content(child): break self._node_remove_child(parent, child) def node_is_text(n): return bool(n and n.type == "text") class _Libxml2API(_XMLBase): def __init__(self, xml): _XMLBase.__init__(self) self._doc = libxml2.parseDoc(xml) self._ctx = self._doc.xpathNewContext() self._ctx.setContextNode(self._doc.children) for key, val in self.NAMESPACES.items(): self._ctx.xpathRegisterNs(key, val) def __del__(self): self._doc.freeDoc() self._doc = None self._ctx.xpathFreeContext() self._ctx = None def _sanitize_xml(self, xml): # Strip starting line if xml.startswith("