# # Utility functions for the command line drivers # # Copyright 2006-2007, 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # Jeremy Katz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. import itertools import locale import logging import logging.handlers import optparse import os import shlex import sys import traceback import libvirt from virtcli import cliconfig import virtinst from virtinst import util from virtinst.util import listify from virtinst import Guest from virtinst import VirtualNetworkInterface from virtinst import VirtualGraphics from virtinst import VirtualAudio from virtinst import VirtualDisk DEFAULT_POOL_PATH = "/var/lib/libvirt/images" DEFAULT_POOL_NAME = "default" MIN_RAM = 64 force = False quiet = False doprompt = True #################### # CLI init helpers # #################### class VirtStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): """ Based on the StreamHandler code from python 2.6: ripping out all the unicode handling and just uncoditionally logging seems to fix logging backtraces with unicode locales (for me at least). No doubt this is atrocious, but it WORKSFORME! """ try: msg = self.format(record) stream = self.stream fs = "%s\n" stream.write(fs % msg) self.flush() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: self.handleError(record) class VirtOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): '''Subclass to get print_help to work properly with non-ascii text''' def _get_encoding(self, f): encoding = getattr(f, "encoding", None) if not encoding: encoding = locale.getlocale()[1] if not encoding: encoding = "UTF-8" return encoding def print_help(self, file=None): # pylint: disable=W0622 # Redefining built in type 'file' if file is None: file = sys.stdout encoding = self._get_encoding(file) helpstr = self.format_help() try: encodedhelp = helpstr.encode(encoding, "replace") except UnicodeError: # I don't know why the above fails hard, unicode makes my head # spin. Just printing the format_help() output seems to work # quite fine, with the occasional character ?. encodedhelp = helpstr file.write(encodedhelp) class VirtHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): """ Subclass the default help formatter to allow printing newline characters in --help output. The way we do this is a huge hack :( Inspiration: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/6df6e6b541a15bc2/09f28e26af0699b1 """ oldwrap = None def format_option(self, option): self.oldwrap = optparse.textwrap.wrap ret = [] try: optparse.textwrap.wrap = self._textwrap_wrapper ret = optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.format_option(self, option) finally: optparse.textwrap.wrap = self.oldwrap return ret def _textwrap_wrapper(self, text, width): ret = [] for line in text.split("\n"): ret.extend(self.oldwrap(line, width)) return ret def setupParser(usage, description): parse_class = VirtOptionParser parser = parse_class(usage=usage, description=description, formatter=VirtHelpFormatter(), version=cliconfig.__version__) parser.epilog = _("See man page for examples and full option syntax.") return parser def earlyLogging(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s') def setupLogging(appname, debug_stdout, do_quiet, cli_app=True): global quiet quiet = do_quiet dirname = "~/.virtinst" if appname == "virt-manager": dirname = "~/.virt-manager" vi_dir = os.path.expanduser(dirname) if not os.access(vi_dir, os.W_OK): if os.path.exists(vi_dir): raise RuntimeError("No write access to directory %s" % vi_dir) try: os.mkdir(vi_dir, 0751) except IOError, e: raise RuntimeError("Could not create directory %s: %s" % (vi_dir, e)) dateFormat = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" fileFormat = ("[%(asctime)s " + appname + " %(process)d] " "%(levelname)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s") streamErrorFormat = "%(levelname)-8s %(message)s" filename = os.path.join(vi_dir, appname + ".log") rootLogger = logging.getLogger() # Undo early logging for handler in rootLogger.handlers: rootLogger.removeHandler(handler) rootLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename, "ae", 1024 * 1024, 5) fileHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fileFormat, dateFormat)) rootLogger.addHandler(fileHandler) streamHandler = VirtStreamHandler(sys.stderr) if debug_stdout: streamHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) streamHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fileFormat, dateFormat)) elif not cli_app: streamHandler = None else: if quiet: level = logging.ERROR else: level = logging.WARN streamHandler.setLevel(level) streamHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(streamErrorFormat)) if streamHandler: rootLogger.addHandler(streamHandler) # Register libvirt handler def libvirt_callback(ignore, err): if err[3] != libvirt.VIR_ERR_ERROR: # Don't log libvirt errors: global error handler will do that logging.warn("Non-error from libvirt: '%s'", err[2]) libvirt.registerErrorHandler(f=libvirt_callback, ctx=None) # Log uncaught exceptions def exception_log(typ, val, tb): logging.debug("Uncaught exception:\n%s", "".join(traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb))) sys.__excepthook__(typ, val, tb) sys.excepthook = exception_log # Log the app command string logging.debug("Launched with command line: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) ####################################### # Libvirt connection helpers # ####################################### def getConnection(uri): logging.debug("Requesting libvirt URI %s", (uri or "default")) conn = virtinst.VirtualConnection(uri) conn.open(_do_creds_authname) conn.cache_object_fetch = True logging.debug("Received libvirt URI %s", conn.uri) return conn # SASL username/pass auth def _do_creds_authname(creds): retindex = 4 for cred in creds: credtype, prompt, ignore, ignore, ignore = cred prompt += ": " res = cred[retindex] if credtype == libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME: res = raw_input(prompt) elif credtype == libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE: import getpass res = getpass.getpass(prompt) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown auth type in creds callback: %d" % credtype) cred[retindex] = res return 0 ############################## # Misc CLI utility functions # ############################## def fail(msg, do_exit=True): """ Convenience function when failing in cli app """ logging.error(msg) if traceback.format_exc().strip() != "None": logging.debug("", exc_info=True) if do_exit: _fail_exit() def print_stdout(msg, do_force=False): if do_force or not quiet: print msg def print_stderr(msg): logging.debug(msg) print >> sys.stderr, msg def _fail_exit(): sys.exit(1) def nice_exit(): print_stdout(_("Exiting at user request.")) sys.exit(0) def virsh_start_cmd(guest): return ("virsh --connect %s start %s" % (guest.conn.uri, guest.name)) def install_fail(guest): virshcmd = virsh_start_cmd(guest) print_stderr( _("Domain installation does not appear to have been successful.\n" "If it was, you can restart your domain by running:\n" " %s\n" "otherwise, please restart your installation.") % virshcmd) sys.exit(1) def build_default_pool(guest): if not guest.conn.check_conn_support(guest.conn.SUPPORT_CONN_STORAGE): # VirtualDisk will raise an error for us return pool = None try: pool = guest.conn.storagePoolLookupByName(DEFAULT_POOL_NAME) except libvirt.libvirtError: pass if pool: return try: logging.debug("Attempting to build default pool with target '%s'", DEFAULT_POOL_PATH) defpool = virtinst.Storage.DirectoryPool(conn=guest.conn, name=DEFAULT_POOL_NAME, target_path=DEFAULT_POOL_PATH) defpool.install(build=True, create=True, autostart=True) guest.conn.clear_cache() except Exception, e: raise RuntimeError(_("Couldn't create default storage pool '%s': %s") % (DEFAULT_POOL_PATH, str(e))) def partition(string, sep): if not string: return (None, None, None) if string.count(sep): splitres = string.split(sep, 1) ret = (splitres[0], sep, splitres[1]) else: ret = (string, None, None) return ret ####################### # CLI Prompting utils # ####################### def set_force(val=True): global force force = val def set_prompt(prompt=True): # Set whether we allow prompts, or fail if a prompt pops up global doprompt doprompt = prompt def is_prompt(): return doprompt def yes_or_no_convert(s): if s is None: return None s = s.lower() if s in ("y", "yes", "1", "true", "t"): return True elif s in ("n", "no", "0", "false", "f"): return False return None def yes_or_no(s): ret = yes_or_no_convert(s) if ret is None: raise ValueError(_("A yes or no response is required")) return ret def prompt_for_input(noprompt_err, prompt="", val=None, failed=False): if val is not None: return val if force or not is_prompt(): if failed: # We already failed validation in a previous function, just exit _fail_exit() fail(noprompt_err) print_stdout(prompt + " ", do_force=True) sys.stdout.flush() return sys.stdin.readline().strip() def prompt_for_yes_or_no(warning, question): """catches yes_or_no errors and ensures a valid bool return""" if force: logging.debug("Forcing return value of True to prompt '%s'") return True errmsg = warning + _(" (Use --prompt or --force to override)") while 1: msg = warning if question: msg += ("\n" + question) inp = prompt_for_input(errmsg, msg, None) try: res = yes_or_no(inp) break except ValueError, e: logging.error(e) continue return res def prompt_loop(prompt_txt, noprompt_err, passed_val, obj, param_name, err_txt="%s", func=None): """ Prompt the user with 'prompt_txt' for a value. Set 'obj'.'param_name' to the entered value. If it errors, use 'err_txt' to print a error message, and then re prompt. """ failed = False while True: passed_val = prompt_for_input(noprompt_err, prompt_txt, passed_val, failed) try: if func: return func(passed_val) setattr(obj, param_name, passed_val) break except (ValueError, RuntimeError), e: logging.error(err_txt, e) passed_val = None failed = True # Specific function for disk prompting. Returns a validated VirtualDisk # device. # def disk_prompt(conn, origpath, origsize, origsparse, prompt_txt=None, warn_overwrite=False, check_size=True, path_to_clone=None, origdev=None): askmsg = _("Do you really want to use this disk (yes or no)") retry_path = True no_path_needed = (origdev and (origdev.get_vol_install() or origdev.get_vol_object() or origdev.can_be_empty())) def prompt_path(chkpath, chksize): """ Prompt for disk path if nec """ msg = None patherr = _("A disk path must be specified.") if path_to_clone: patherr = (_("A disk path must be specified to clone '%s'.") % path_to_clone) if not prompt_txt: msg = _("What would you like to use as the disk (file path)?") if not chksize is None: msg = _("Please enter the path to the file you would like to " "use for storage. It will have size %sGB.") % chksize if not no_path_needed: path = prompt_for_input(patherr, prompt_txt or msg, chkpath) else: path = None return path def prompt_size(chkpath, chksize, path_exists): """ Prompt for disk size if nec. """ sizeerr = _("A size must be specified for non-existent disks.") size_prompt = _("How large would you like the disk (%s) to " "be (in gigabytes)?") % chkpath if (not chkpath or path_exists or chksize is not None or not check_size): return False, chksize try: chksize = prompt_loop(size_prompt, sizeerr, chksize, None, None, func=float) return False, chksize except Exception, e: # Path is probably bogus, raise the error fail(str(e), do_exit=not is_prompt()) return True, chksize def prompt_path_exists(dev): """ Prompt if disk file already exists and preserve mode is not used """ does_collide = (path_exists and dev.type == dev.TYPE_FILE and dev.device == dev.DEVICE_DISK) msg = (_("This will overwrite the existing path '%s'" % dev.path)) if not does_collide: return False if warn_overwrite or is_prompt(): return not prompt_for_yes_or_no(msg, askmsg) return False def prompt_inuse_conflict(dev): """ Check if disk is inuse by another guest """ names = dev.is_conflict_disk(conn) if not names: return False msg = (_("Disk %s is already in use by other guests %s." % (dev.path, names))) return not prompt_for_yes_or_no(msg, askmsg) def prompt_size_conflict(dev): """ Check if specified size exceeds available storage """ isfatal, errmsg = dev.is_size_conflict() if isfatal: fail(errmsg, do_exit=not is_prompt()) return True if errmsg: return not prompt_for_yes_or_no(errmsg, askmsg) return False while 1: # If we fail within the loop, reprompt for size and path if not retry_path: origpath = None if not path_to_clone: origsize = None retry_path = False # Get disk path path = prompt_path(origpath, origsize) path_exists = VirtualDisk.path_exists(conn, path) # Get storage size didfail, size = prompt_size(path, origsize, path_exists) if didfail: continue # Build disk object for validation try: if origdev: dev = origdev if path is not None and path != dev.path: dev.path = path if size is not None and size != dev.get_size(): dev.set_create_storage(size=size, sparse=origsparse) else: dev = VirtualDisk(conn) dev.path = path dev.set_create_storage(size=size, sparse=origsparse) dev.validate() except ValueError, e: if is_prompt(): logging.error(e) continue else: fail(_("Error with storage parameters: %s" % str(e))) # Check if path exists if prompt_path_exists(dev): continue # Check disk in use by other guests if prompt_inuse_conflict(dev): continue # Check if disk exceeds available storage if prompt_size_conflict(dev): continue # Passed all validation, return disk instance return dev ####################### # Validation wrappers # ####################### name_missing = _("--name is required") ram_missing = _("--ram amount in MB is required") def get_name(name, guest, image_name=None): prompt_txt = _("What is the name of your virtual machine?") err_txt = name_missing if name is None: name = image_name prompt_loop(prompt_txt, err_txt, name, guest, "name") def get_memory(memory, guest, image_memory=None): prompt_txt = _("How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)?") err_txt = ram_missing def check_memory(mem): mem = int(mem) if mem < MIN_RAM: raise ValueError(_("Installs currently require %d megs " "of RAM.") % MIN_RAM) guest.memory = mem * 1024 if memory is None and image_memory is not None: memory = int(image_memory) prompt_loop(prompt_txt, err_txt, memory, guest, "memory", func=check_memory) def get_uuid(uuid, guest): if uuid: try: guest.uuid = uuid except ValueError, e: fail(e) def get_vcpus(guest, vcpus, check_cpu, image_vcpus=None): """ @param vcpus: value of the option '--vcpus' (str or None) @param check_cpu: Whether to check that the number virtual cpus requested does not exceed physical CPUs (bool) @param guest: virtinst.Guest instance (object) @param image_vcpus: ? (It's not used currently and should be None.) """ if vcpus is None: if image_vcpus is not None: vcpus = image_vcpus else: vcpus = "" parse_vcpu(guest, vcpus, image_vcpus) if check_cpu: hostinfo = guest.conn.getInfo() pcpus = hostinfo[4] * hostinfo[5] * hostinfo[6] * hostinfo[7] if guest.vcpus > pcpus: msg = _("You have asked for more virtual CPUs (%d) than there " "are physical CPUs (%d) on the host. This will work, " "but performance will be poor. ") % (guest.vcpus, pcpus) askmsg = _("Are you sure? (yes or no)") if not prompt_for_yes_or_no(msg, askmsg): nice_exit() def get_cpuset(guest, cpuset, memory): conn = guest.conn if cpuset and cpuset != "auto": guest.cpuset = cpuset elif cpuset == "auto": tmpset = None try: tmpset = Guest.generate_cpuset(conn, memory) except Exception, e: logging.debug("Not setting cpuset: %s", str(e)) if tmpset: logging.debug("Auto cpuset is: %s", tmpset) guest.cpuset = tmpset return def _default_network_opts(guest): opts = "" if (guest.conn.is_qemu_session() or guest.conn.is_test()): opts = "user" else: net = util.default_network(guest.conn) opts = "%s=%s" % (net[0], net[1]) return opts def digest_networks(guest, options, numnics=1): macs = listify(options.mac) networks = listify(options.network) bridges = listify(options.bridge) if bridges and networks: fail(_("Cannot mix both --bridge and --network arguments")) if bridges: # Convert old --bridges to --networks networks = ["bridge:" + b for b in bridges] def padlist(l, padsize): l = listify(l) l.extend((padsize - len(l)) * [None]) return l # If a plain mac is specified, have it imply a default network networks = padlist(networks, max(len(macs), numnics)) macs = padlist(macs, len(networks)) for idx in range(len(networks)): if networks[idx] is None: networks[idx] = _default_network_opts(guest) return networks, macs def get_networks(guest, networks, macs): for idx in range(len(networks)): mac = macs[idx] netstr = networks[idx] try: dev = parse_network(guest, netstr, mac=mac) guest.add_device(dev) except Exception, e: fail(_("Error in network device parameters: %s") % str(e)) def set_os_variant(guest, distro_type, distro_variant): if not distro_type and not distro_variant: # Default to distro autodetection guest.os_autodetect = True return if (distro_type and str(distro_type).lower() != "none"): guest.set_os_type(distro_type) if (distro_variant and str(distro_variant).lower() != "none"): guest.set_os_variant(distro_variant) def digest_graphics(guest, options, default_override=None): vnc = options.vnc vncport = options.vncport vnclisten = options.vnclisten nographics = options.nographics sdl = options.sdl keymap = options.keymap graphics = options.graphics if graphics and (vnc or sdl or keymap or vncport or vnclisten): fail(_("Cannot mix --graphics and old style graphical options")) optnum = sum([bool(g) for g in [vnc, nographics, sdl, graphics]]) if optnum > 1: raise ValueError(_("Can't specify more than one of VNC, SDL, " "--graphics or --nographics")) if graphics: return graphics if optnum == 0: # If no graphics specified, choose a default if default_override is True: if cliconfig.default_graphics in ["spice", "vnc", "sdl"]: return [cliconfig.default_graphics] elif default_override is False: nographics = True else: if guest.os.is_container(): logging.debug("Container guest, defaulting to nographics") nographics = True elif "DISPLAY" in os.environ.keys(): logging.debug("DISPLAY is set: looking for pre-configured graphics") if cliconfig.default_graphics in ["spice", "vnc", "sdl"]: logging.debug("Defaulting graphics to pre-configured %s", cliconfig.default_graphics.upper()) return [cliconfig.default_graphics] logging.debug("No valid pre-configured graphics " "found, defaulting to VNC") return ["vnc"] else: logging.debug("DISPLAY is not set: defaulting to nographics.") nographics = True # Build a --graphics command line from old style opts optstr = ((vnc and "vnc") or (sdl and "sdl") or (nographics and ("none"))) if vnclisten: optstr += ",listen=%s" % vnclisten if vncport: optstr += ",port=%s" % vncport if keymap: optstr += ",keymap=%s" % keymap logging.debug("--graphics compat generated: %s", optstr) return [optstr] def get_graphics(guest, graphics): for optstr in graphics: try: dev = parse_graphics(guest, optstr) except Exception, e: fail(_("Error in graphics device parameters: %s") % str(e)) if dev: guest.add_device(dev) def get_video(guest, video_models=None): video_models = video_models or [] if guest.get_devices(VirtualGraphics.VIRTUAL_DEV_GRAPHICS): if not video_models: video_models.append(None) for model in video_models: guest.add_device(parse_video(guest, model)) def get_sound(old_sound_bool, sound_opts, guest): if not sound_opts: if old_sound_bool: guest.add_device(VirtualAudio(guest.conn)) return for opts in listify(sound_opts): guest.add_device(parse_sound(guest, opts)) def get_hostdevs(hostdevs, guest): if not hostdevs: return for devname in hostdevs: guest.add_device(parse_hostdev(guest, devname)) def get_smartcard(guest, sc_opts): for sc in listify(sc_opts): try: dev = parse_smartcard(guest, sc) except Exception, e: fail(_("Error in smartcard device parameters: %s") % str(e)) if dev: guest.add_device(dev) def get_tpm(guest, tpm_opts): for tpm in listify(tpm_opts): try: dev = parse_tpm(guest, tpm) except Exception, e: fail(_("Error in TPM device parameters: %s") % str(e)) if dev: guest.add_device(dev) def get_controller(guest, sc_opts): for sc in listify(sc_opts): try: dev = parse_controller(guest, sc) except Exception, e: fail(_("Error in controller device parameters: %s") % str(e)) if dev: guest.add_device(dev) def get_redirdev(guest, sc_opts): for sc in listify(sc_opts): try: dev = parse_redirdev(guest, sc) except Exception, e: fail(_("Error in redirdev device parameters: %s") % str(e)) if dev: guest.add_device(dev) def get_memballoon(guest, sc_opts): for sc in listify(sc_opts): try: dev = parse_memballoon(guest, sc) except Exception, e: fail(_("Error in memballoon device parameters: %s") % str(e)) if dev: guest.add_device(dev) ############################# # Common CLI option/group # ############################# def add_connect_option(parser): parser.add_option("", "--connect", metavar="URI", dest="connect", help=_("Connect to hypervisor with libvirt URI")) def vcpu_cli_options(grp, backcompat=True): grp.add_option("", "--vcpus", dest="vcpus", help=_("Number of vcpus to configure for your guest. Ex:\n" "--vcpus 5\n" "--vcpus 5,maxcpus=10\n" "--vcpus sockets=2,cores=4,threads=2")) grp.add_option("", "--cpuset", dest="cpuset", help=_("Set which physical CPUs domain can use.")) grp.add_option("", "--cpu", dest="cpu", help=_("CPU model and features. Ex: --cpu coreduo,+x2apic")) if backcompat: grp.add_option("", "--check-cpu", action="store_true", dest="check_cpu", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) def graphics_option_group(parser): """ Register vnc + sdl options for virt-install and virt-image """ vncg = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Graphics Configuration")) add_gfx_option(vncg) vncg.add_option("", "--vnc", action="store_true", dest="vnc", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) vncg.add_option("", "--vncport", type="int", dest="vncport", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) vncg.add_option("", "--vnclisten", dest="vnclisten", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) vncg.add_option("-k", "--keymap", dest="keymap", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) vncg.add_option("", "--sdl", action="store_true", dest="sdl", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) vncg.add_option("", "--nographics", action="store_true", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) return vncg def network_option_group(parser): """ Register common network options for virt-install and virt-image """ netg = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, _("Networking Configuration")) add_net_option(netg) # Deprecated net options netg.add_option("-b", "--bridge", dest="bridge", action="append", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) netg.add_option("-m", "--mac", dest="mac", action="append", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) return netg def add_net_option(devg): devg.add_option("-w", "--network", dest="network", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest network interface. Ex:\n" "--network bridge=mybr0\n" "--network network=my_libvirt_virtual_net\n" "--network network=mynet,model=virtio,mac=00:11...")) def add_device_options(devg): devg.add_option("", "--controller", dest="controller", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest controller device. Ex:\n" "--controller type=usb,model=ich9-ehci1")) devg.add_option("", "--serial", dest="serials", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest serial device")) devg.add_option("", "--parallel", dest="parallels", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest parallel device")) devg.add_option("", "--channel", dest="channels", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest communication channel")) devg.add_option("", "--console", dest="consoles", action="append", help=_("Configure a text console connection between " "the guest and host")) devg.add_option("", "--host-device", dest="hostdevs", action="append", help=_("Configure physical host devices attached to the " "guest")) devg.add_option("", "--soundhw", dest="soundhw", action="append", help=_("Configure guest sound device emulation")) devg.add_option("", "--watchdog", dest="watchdog", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest watchdog device")) devg.add_option("", "--video", dest="video", action="append", help=_("Configure guest video hardware.")) devg.add_option("", "--smartcard", dest="smartcard", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest smartcard device. Ex:\n" "--smartcard mode=passthrough")) devg.add_option("", "--redirdev", dest="redirdev", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest redirection device. Ex:\n" "--redirdev usb,type=tcp,server=")) devg.add_option("", "--memballoon", dest="memballoon", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest memballoon device. Ex:\n" "--memballoon model=virtio")) devg.add_option("", "--tpm", dest="tpm", action="append", help=_("Configure a guest TPM device. Ex:\n" "--tpm type=passthrough")) def add_gfx_option(devg): devg.add_option("", "--graphics", dest="graphics", action="append", help=_("Configure guest display settings. Ex:\n" "--graphics vnc\n" "--graphics spice,port=5901,tlsport=5902\n" "--graphics none\n" "--graphics vnc,password=foobar,port=5910,keymap=ja")) def add_fs_option(devg): devg.add_option("", "--filesystem", dest="filesystems", action="append", help=_("Pass host directory to the guest. Ex: \n" "--filesystem /my/source/dir,/dir/in/guest\n" "--filesystem template_name,/,type=template")) ############################################# # CLI complex parsing helpers # # (for options like --disk, --network, etc. # ############################################# def get_opt_param(opts, dictnames, val=None): if type(dictnames) is not list: dictnames = [dictnames] for key in dictnames: if key in opts: if val is None: val = opts[key] del(opts[key]) return val def _build_set_param(inst, opts): def _set_param(paramname, keyname, val=None): val = get_opt_param(opts, keyname, val) if val is None: return setattr(inst, paramname, val) return _set_param def parse_optstr_tuples(optstr, compress_first=False): """ Parse optstr into a list of ordered tuples """ optstr = str(optstr or "") optlist = [] if compress_first and optstr and not optstr.count("="): return [(optstr, None)] argsplitter = shlex.shlex(optstr, posix=True) argsplitter.commenters = "" argsplitter.whitespace = "," argsplitter.whitespace_split = True for opt in list(argsplitter): if not opt: continue opt_type = None opt_val = None if opt.count("="): opt_type, opt_val = opt.split("=", 1) optlist.append((opt_type, opt_val)) else: optlist.append((opt, None)) return optlist def parse_optstr(optstr, basedict=None, remove_first=None, compress_first=False): """ Helper function for parsing opt strings of the form opt1=val1,opt2=val2,... @param basedict: starting dictionary, so the caller can easily set default values, etc. @param remove_first: List or parameters to peel off the front of option string, and store in the returned dict. remove_first=["char_type"] for --serial pty,foo=bar returns {"char_type", "pty", "foo" : "bar"} @param compress_first: If there are no options of the form opt1=opt2, compress the string to a single option @returns: a dictionary of {'opt1': 'val1', 'opt2': 'val2'} """ optlist = parse_optstr_tuples(optstr, compress_first=compress_first) optdict = basedict or {} paramlist = remove_first if type(paramlist) is not list: paramlist = paramlist and [paramlist] or [] for idx in range(len(paramlist)): if len(optlist) < len(paramlist): break if optlist[idx][1] is None: optlist[idx] = (paramlist[idx], optlist[idx][0]) for opt, val in optlist: if type(optdict.get(opt)) is list: optdict[opt].append(val) else: optdict[opt] = val return optdict ###################### # --numatune parsing # ###################### def parse_numatune(guest, optstring): """ Helper to parse --numatune string @param guest: virtinst.Guest instanct (object) @param optstring: value of the option '--numatune' (str) """ opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="nodeset", compress_first=True) set_param = _build_set_param(guest.numatune, opts) set_param("memory_nodeset", "nodeset") set_param("memory_mode", "mode") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) ################## # --vcpu parsing # ################## def parse_vcpu(guest, optstring, default_vcpus=None): """ Helper to parse --vcpu string @param guest: virtinst.Guest instance (object) @param optstring: value of the option '--vcpus' (str) @param default_vcpus: ? (it should be None at present.) """ if not optstring: return opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="vcpus") vcpus = opts.get("vcpus") or default_vcpus if vcpus is not None: opts["vcpus"] = vcpus set_param = _build_set_param(guest, opts) set_cpu_param = _build_set_param(guest.cpu, opts) has_max = ("maxvcpus" in opts) has_vcpus = ("vcpus" in opts) or has_max set_param(has_max and "curvcpus" or "vcpus", "vcpus") set_param("vcpus", "maxvcpus") set_cpu_param("sockets", "sockets") set_cpu_param("cores", "cores") set_cpu_param("threads", "threads") if not has_vcpus: guest.vcpus = guest.cpu.vcpus_from_topology() if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) ################# # --cpu parsing # ################# def parse_cpu(guest, optstring): default_dict = { "force": [], "require": [], "optional": [], "disable": [], "forbid": [], } opts = parse_optstr(optstring, basedict=default_dict, remove_first="model") # Convert +feature, -feature into expected format for key, value in opts.items(): policy = None if value or len(key) == 1: continue if key.startswith("+"): policy = "force" elif key.startswith("-"): policy = "disable" if policy: del(opts[key]) opts[policy].append(key[1:]) set_param = _build_set_param(guest.cpu, opts) def set_features(policy): for name in opts.get(policy): guest.cpu.add_feature(name, policy) del(opts[policy]) if opts.get("model") == "host": guest.cpu.copy_host_cpu() del(opts["model"]) set_param("model", "model") set_param("match", "match") set_param("vendor", "vendor") set_features("force") set_features("require") set_features("optional") set_features("disable") set_features("forbid") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) ################## # --boot parsing # ################## def parse_boot(guest, optstring): """ Helper to parse --boot string """ opts = parse_optstr(optstring) optlist = [x[0] for x in parse_optstr_tuples(optstring)] menu = None def set_param(paramname, dictname, val=None): val = get_opt_param(opts, dictname, val) if val is None: return setattr(guest.os, paramname, val) # Convert menu= value if "menu" in opts: menustr = opts["menu"] menu = None if menustr.lower() == "on": menu = True elif menustr.lower() == "off": menu = False else: menu = yes_or_no_convert(menustr) if menu is None: fail(_("--boot menu must be 'on' or 'off'")) set_param("enable_bootmenu", "menu", menu) set_param("kernel", "kernel") set_param("initrd", "initrd") set_param("loader", "loader") set_param("kernel_args", ["kernel_args", "extra_args"]) # Build boot order if opts: boot_order = [] for boot_dev in optlist: if not boot_dev in guest.os.boot_devices: continue del(opts[boot_dev]) if boot_dev not in boot_order: boot_order.append(boot_dev) guest.os.bootorder = boot_order if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) ###################### # --security parsing # ###################### def parse_security(guest, security): seclist = listify(security) secopts = seclist and seclist[0] or None if not secopts: return # Parse security opts opts = parse_optstr(secopts) arglist = secopts.split(",") secmodel = guest.seclabel # Beware, adding boolean options here could upset label comma handling mode = get_opt_param(opts, "type") label = get_opt_param(opts, "label") relabel = yes_or_no_convert(get_opt_param(opts, "relabel")) # Try to fix up label if it contained commas if label: tmparglist = arglist[:] for idx in range(len(tmparglist)): arg = tmparglist[idx] if not arg.split("=")[0] == "label": continue for arg in tmparglist[idx + 1:]: if arg.count("="): break if arg: label += "," + arg del(opts[arg]) break if label: secmodel.label = label if not mode: mode = secmodel.TYPE_STATIC if mode: secmodel.type = mode if relabel: secmodel.relabel = relabel if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) # Run for validation purposes secmodel.get_xml_config() ########################## # Guest parsing # ########################## ################## # --disk parsing # ################## _disk_counter = itertools.count() def _parse_disk_source(guest, path, pool, vol, size, fmt, sparse): abspath = None volinst = None volobj = None # Strip media type if sum([bool(p) for p in [path, pool, vol]]) > 1: fail(_("Cannot specify more than 1 storage path")) if path: abspath = os.path.abspath(path) if os.path.dirname(abspath) == DEFAULT_POOL_PATH: build_default_pool(guest) elif pool: if not size: raise ValueError(_("Size must be specified with all 'pool='")) if pool == DEFAULT_POOL_NAME: build_default_pool(guest) poolobj = guest.conn.storagePoolLookupByName(pool) vname = virtinst.Storage.StorageVolume.find_free_name(conn=guest.conn, pool_object=poolobj, name=guest.name, suffix=".img", start_num=_disk_counter.next()) volinst = virtinst.VirtualDisk.build_vol_install( guest.conn, vname, poolobj, size, sparse) if fmt: if not hasattr(volinst, "format"): raise ValueError(_("Format attribute not supported for this " "volume type")) setattr(volinst, "format", fmt) elif vol: if not vol.count("/"): raise ValueError(_("Storage volume must be specified as " "vol=poolname/volname")) vollist = vol.split("/") voltuple = (vollist[0], vollist[1]) logging.debug("Parsed volume: as pool='%s' vol='%s'", voltuple[0], voltuple[1]) if voltuple[0] == DEFAULT_POOL_NAME: build_default_pool(guest) volobj = virtinst.VirtualDisk.lookup_vol_object(guest.conn, voltuple) return abspath, volinst, volobj def parse_disk(guest, optstr, dev=None): """ helper to properly parse --disk options """ def parse_perms(val): ro = False shared = False if val is not None: if val == "ro": ro = True elif val == "sh": shared = True elif val == "rw": # It's default. Nothing to do. pass else: fail(_("Unknown '%s' value '%s'" % ("perms", val))) return ro, shared def parse_size(val): newsize = None if val is not None: try: newsize = float(val) except Exception, e: fail(_("Improper value for 'size': %s" % str(e))) return newsize def parse_sparse(val): sparse = True if val is not None: val = str(val).lower() if val in ["true", "yes"]: sparse = True elif val in ["false", "no"]: sparse = False else: fail(_("Unknown '%s' value '%s'") % ("sparse", val)) return sparse def opt_get(key): val = None if key in opts: val = opts.get(key) del(opts[key]) return val if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualDisk(guest.conn) # Parse out comma separated options opts = parse_optstr(optstr, remove_first="path") path = opt_get("path") pool = opt_get("pool") vol = opt_get("vol") size = parse_size(opt_get("size")) fmt = opt_get("format") sparse = parse_sparse(opt_get("sparse")) ro, shared = parse_perms(opt_get("perms")) abspath, volinst, volobj = _parse_disk_source(guest, path, pool, vol, size, fmt, sparse) dev.path = volobj and volobj.path() or abspath dev.read_only = ro dev.shareable = shared dev.set_create_storage(size=size, fmt=fmt, sparse=sparse, vol_install=volinst) set_param = _build_set_param(dev, opts) set_param("device", "device") set_param("bus", "bus") set_param("driver_cache", "cache") set_param("driver_name", "driver_name") set_param("driver_type", "driver_type") set_param("driver_io", "io") set_param("error_policy", "error_policy") set_param("serial", "serial") if opts: fail(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) dev.validate() return dev, size ##################### # --network parsing # ##################### def parse_network(guest, optstring, dev=None, mac=None): # Handle old format of bridge:foo instead of bridge=foo for prefix in ["network", "bridge"]: if optstring.startswith(prefix + ":"): optstring = optstring.replace(prefix + ":", prefix + "=") opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="type") # Determine device type net_type = opts.get("type") if "network" in opts: net_type = VirtualNetworkInterface.TYPE_VIRTUAL elif "bridge" in opts: net_type = VirtualNetworkInterface.TYPE_BRIDGE if not dev: dev = VirtualNetworkInterface(conn=guest.conn) if mac and not "mac" in opts: opts["mac"] = mac if "mac" in opts: if opts["mac"] == "RANDOM": opts["mac"] = None set_param = _build_set_param(dev, opts) set_param("type", "type", net_type) set_param("network", "network") set_param("bridge", "bridge") set_param("model", "model") set_param("macaddr", "mac") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ###################### # --graphics parsing # ###################### def parse_graphics(guest, optstring, dev=None): if optstring is None: return None def sanitize_keymap(keymap): from virtinst import hostkeymap if not keymap: return None if keymap.lower() == "local": return VirtualGraphics.KEYMAP_LOCAL if keymap.lower() == "none": return None use_keymap = hostkeymap.sanitize_keymap(keymap) if not use_keymap: raise ValueError( _("Didn't match keymap '%s' in keytable!") % keymap) return use_keymap # Peel the model type off the front opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="type") if opts.get("type") == "none": return None if not dev: dev = VirtualGraphics(conn=guest.conn) def set_param(paramname, dictname, val=None): val = get_opt_param(opts, dictname, val) if val is None: return if paramname == "keymap": val = sanitize_keymap(val) setattr(dev, paramname, val) set_param("type", "type") set_param("port", "port") set_param("tlsPort", "tlsport") set_param("listen", "listen") set_param("keymap", "keymap") set_param("passwd", "password") set_param("passwdValidTo", "passwordvalidto") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ######################## # --controller parsing # ######################## def parse_controller(guest, optstring, dev=None): if optstring is None: return None if optstring == "usb2": for dev in virtinst.VirtualController.get_usb2_controllers(guest.conn): guest.add_device(dev) return None # Peel the mode off the front opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="type") address = get_opt_param(opts, "address") if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualController(guest.conn) set_param = _build_set_param(dev, opts) set_param("type", "type") set_param("model", "model") set_param("index", "index") set_param("master_startport", "master") if address: dev.address.set_addrstr(address) if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ####################### # --smartcard parsing # ####################### def parse_smartcard(guest, optstring, dev=None): if optstring is None: return None # Peel the mode off the front opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="mode") if opts.get("mode") == "none": return None if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualSmartCardDevice(guest.conn) set_param = _build_set_param(dev, opts) set_param("mode", "mode") set_param("type", "type") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ###################### # --redirdev parsing # ###################### def parse_redirdev(guest, optstring, dev=None): if optstring is None: return None # Peel the mode off the front opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="bus") server = get_opt_param(opts, "server") if opts.get("bus") == "none": return None if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualRedirDevice(guest.conn) set_param = _build_set_param(dev, opts) set_param("bus", "bus") set_param("type", "type") if server: dev.parse_friendly_server(server) if dev.type == "spicevmc" and server: raise ValueError( _("The server option is invalid with spicevmc redirection")) if dev.type == "tcp" and not server: raise ValueError( _("The server option is missing for TCP redirection")) if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ################# # --tpm parsing # ################# def parse_tpm(guest, optstring, dev=None): if optstring is None: return None # Peel the type off the front opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="type") if opts.get("type") == "none": return None if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualTPMDevice(guest.conn) set_param = _build_set_param(dev, opts) set_param("type", "type") set_param("model", "model") set_param("path", "path") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ###################### # --watchdog parsing # ###################### def parse_watchdog(guest, optstring, dev=None): # Peel the model type off the front opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="model") if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualWatchdog(guest.conn) def set_param(paramname, dictname, val=None): val = get_opt_param(opts, dictname, val) if val is None: return setattr(dev, paramname, val) set_param("model", "model") set_param("action", "action") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ######################## # --memballoon parsing # ######################## def parse_memballoon(guest, optstring, dev=None): if optstring is None: return None # Peel the mode off the front opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="model") if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualMemballoon(conn=guest.conn) dev.model = get_opt_param(opts, "model") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ###################################################### # --serial, --parallel, --channel, --console parsing # ###################################################### def parse_serial(guest, optstring, dev=None): if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualSerialDevice(guest.conn) return _parse_char(optstring, "serial", dev) def parse_parallel(guest, optstring, dev=None): if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualParallelDevice(guest.conn) return _parse_char(optstring, "parallel", dev) def parse_console(guest, optstring, dev=None): if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualConsoleDevice(guest.conn) return _parse_char(optstring, "console", dev) def parse_channel(guest, optstring, dev=None): if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualChannelDevice(guest.conn) return _parse_char(optstring, "channel", dev) def _parse_char(optstring, dev_type, dev=None): """ Helper to parse --serial/--parallel options """ # Peel the char type off the front opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first="char_type") ctype = opts.get("char_type") def set_param(paramname, dictname, val=None): val = get_opt_param(opts, dictname, val) if val is None: return if not dev.supports_property(paramname): raise ValueError(_("%(devtype)s type '%(chartype)s' does not " "support '%(optname)s' option.") % {"devtype" : dev_type, "chartype": ctype, "optname" : dictname}) setattr(dev, paramname, val) def parse_host(key): host, ignore, port = partition(opts.get(key), ":") if key in opts: del(opts[key]) return host or None, port or None host, port = parse_host("host") bind_host, bind_port = parse_host("bind_host") target_addr, target_port = parse_host("target_address") set_param("type", "char_type") set_param("source_path", "path") set_param("source_mode", "mode") set_param("protocol", "protocol") set_param("source_host", "host", host) set_param("source_port", "host", port) set_param("bind_host", "bind_host", bind_host) set_param("bind_port", "bind_host", bind_port) set_param("target_type", "target_type") set_param("target_name", "name") set_param("target_address", "target_address", target_addr) set_param("target_port", "target_address", target_port) if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) # Try to generate dev XML to perform upfront validation dev.get_xml_config() return dev ######################## # --filesystem parsing # ######################## def parse_filesystem(guest, optstring, dev=None): opts = parse_optstr(optstring, remove_first=["source", "target"]) if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualFilesystem(guest.conn) def set_param(paramname, dictname, val=None): val = get_opt_param(opts, dictname, val) if val is None: return setattr(dev, paramname, val) set_param("type", "type") set_param("mode", "mode") set_param("source", "source") set_param("target", "target") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ################### # --video parsing # ################### def parse_video(guest, optstr, dev=None): opts = {"model" : optstr} if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualVideoDevice(conn=guest.conn) set_param = _build_set_param(dev, opts) set_param("model", "model") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ##################### # --soundhw parsing # ##################### def parse_sound(guest, optstr, dev=None): opts = {"model" : optstr} if not dev: dev = virtinst.VirtualAudio(guest.conn) set_param = _build_set_param(dev, opts) set_param("model", "model") if opts: raise ValueError(_("Unknown options %s") % opts.keys()) return dev ##################### # --hostdev parsing # ##################### def parse_hostdev(guest, optstr, dev=None): return virtinst.VirtualHostDevice.device_from_node(guest.conn, name=optstr, dev=dev)