#!/usr/bin/env python # pylint: disable=W0201 # Attribute defined outside __init__: custom commands require breaking this import datetime import glob import fnmatch import os import sys import unittest from distutils.core import Command, setup from distutils.command.build import build from distutils.command.install import install from distutils.command.install_egg_info import install_egg_info from distutils.command.sdist import sdist from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var sysprefix = get_config_var("prefix") from virtcli import cliconfig def _generate_potfiles_in(): def find(dirname, ext): ret = [] for root, ignore, filenames in os.walk(dirname): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, ext): ret.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) ret.sort(key=lambda s: s.lower()) return ret scripts = ["virt-manager", "virt-install", "virt-clone", "virt-image", "virt-convert"] potfiles = "\n".join(scripts) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtManager", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtcli", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtconv", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(find("virtinst", "*.py")) + "\n\n" potfiles += "\n".join(["[type: gettext/glade]" + f for f in find("ui", "*.ui")]) return potfiles class my_build_i18n(build): """ Add our desktop files to the list, saves us having to track setup.cfg """ user_options = [ ('merge-po', 'm', 'merge po files against template'), ] def initialize_options(self): self.merge_po = False def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): potfiles = _generate_potfiles_in() potpath = "po/POTFILES.in" try: print "Writing %s" % potpath file(potpath, "w").write(potfiles) self._run() finally: print "Removing %s" % potpath os.unlink(potpath) def _run(self): # Borrowed from python-distutils-extra desktop_files = [ ("share/applications", ["data/virt-manager.desktop.in"]), ] po_dir = "po" # Update po(t) files and print a report # We have to change the working dir to the po dir for intltool cmd = ["intltool-update", (self.merge_po and "-r" or "-p"), "-g", "virt-manager"] wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir("po") self.spawn(cmd) os.chdir(wd) max_po_mtime = 0 for po_file in glob.glob("%s/*.po" % po_dir): lang = os.path.basename(po_file[:-3]) mo_dir = os.path.join("build", "mo", lang, "LC_MESSAGES") mo_file = os.path.join(mo_dir, "virt-manager.mo") if not os.path.exists(mo_dir): os.makedirs(mo_dir) cmd = ["msgfmt", po_file, "-o", mo_file] po_mtime = os.path.getmtime(po_file) mo_mtime = (os.path.exists(mo_file) and os.path.getmtime(mo_file)) or 0 if po_mtime > max_po_mtime: max_po_mtime = po_mtime if po_mtime > mo_mtime: self.spawn(cmd) targetpath = os.path.join("share/locale", lang, "LC_MESSAGES") self.distribution.data_files.append((targetpath, (mo_file,))) # merge .in with translation for (file_set, switch) in [(desktop_files, "-d")]: for (target, files) in file_set: build_target = os.path.join("build", target) if not os.path.exists(build_target): os.makedirs(build_target) files_merged = [] for f in files: if f.endswith(".in"): file_merged = os.path.basename(f[:-3]) else: file_merged = os.path.basename(f) file_merged = os.path.join(build_target, file_merged) cmd = ["intltool-merge", switch, po_dir, f, file_merged] mtime_merged = (os.path.exists(file_merged) and os.path.getmtime(file_merged)) or 0 mtime_file = os.path.getmtime(f) if (mtime_merged < max_po_mtime or mtime_merged < mtime_file): # Only build if output is older than input (.po,.in) self.spawn(cmd) files_merged.append(file_merged) self.distribution.data_files.append((target, files_merged)) class my_build(build): """ Create simple shell wrappers for /usr/bin/ tools to point to /usr/share Compile .pod file """ def _make_bin_wrappers(self): cmds = ["virt-manager", "virt-install", "virt-clone", "virt-image", "virt-convert"] if not os.path.exists("build"): os.mkdir("build") for app in cmds: sharepath = os.path.join(cliconfig.install_asset_dir, app) wrapper = "#!/bin/sh\n\n" wrapper += "exec \"%s\" \"$@\"" % (sharepath) newpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("build", app)) print "Generating %s" % newpath file(newpath, "w").write(wrapper) def _make_man_pages(self): for path in glob.glob("man/*.pod"): base = os.path.basename(path) mantype = "1" newbase = base if base == "virt-image-xml.pod": mantype = "5" newbase = "virt-image.pod" appname = os.path.splitext(newbase)[0] newpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), appname + "." + mantype) print "Generating %s" % newpath ret = os.system('pod2man ' '--center "Virtual Machine Manager" ' '--release %s --name %s ' '< %s > %s' % (cliconfig.__version__, appname.upper(), path, newpath)) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Generating '%s' failed." % newpath) if os.system("grep -IRq 'Hey!' man/") == 0: raise RuntimeError("man pages have errors in them! " "(grep for 'Hey!')") def _build_icons(self): for size in glob.glob(os.path.join("data/icons", "*")): for category in glob.glob(os.path.join(size, "*")): icons = [] for icon in glob.glob(os.path.join(category, "*")): icons.append(icon) if not icons: continue category = os.path.basename(category) dest = ("share/icons/hicolor/%s/%s" % (os.path.basename(size), category)) if category != "apps": dest = dest.replace("share/", "share/virt-manager/") self.distribution.data_files.append((dest, icons)) def run(self): self._make_bin_wrappers() self._make_man_pages() self._build_icons() self.run_command("build_i18n") build.run(self) class my_egg_info(install_egg_info): """ Disable egg_info installation, seems pointless for a non-library """ def run(self): pass class my_install(install): """ Error if we weren't 'configure'd with the correct install prefix """ def finalize_options(self): if self.prefix is None: if cliconfig.prefix != sysprefix: print "Using prefix from 'configure': %s" % cliconfig.prefix self.prefix = cliconfig.prefix elif self.prefix != cliconfig.prefix: print ("Install prefix=%s doesn't match configure prefix=%s\n" "Pass matching --prefix to 'setup.py configure'" % (self.prefix, cliconfig.prefix)) sys.exit(1) install.finalize_options(self) class my_sdist(sdist): user_options = sdist.user_options + [ ("snapshot", "s", "add snapshot id to version"), ] description = "Update virt-manager.spec; build sdist-tarball." def initialize_options(self): self.snapshot = None sdist.initialize_options(self) def finalize_options(self): if self.snapshot is not None: self.snapshot = 1 cliconfig.__snapshot__ = 1 sdist.finalize_options(self) def run(self): # Note: cliconfig.__snapshot__ by default is 0, it can be set to 1 by # either sdist or rpm and then the snapshot suffix is appended. ver = cliconfig.__version__ if cliconfig.__snapshot__ == 1: ver = ver + '.' + datetime.date.today().isoformat().replace('-', '') cliconfig.__version__ = ver setattr(self.distribution.metadata, 'version', ver) f1 = open('virt-manager.spec.in', 'r') f2 = open('virt-manager.spec', 'w') for line in f1: f2.write(line.replace('@VERSION@', ver)) f1.close() f2.close() sdist.run(self) ################### # Custom commands # ################### class my_rpm(Command): user_options = [("snapshot", "s", "add snapshot id to version")] description = "Build src and noarch rpms." def initialize_options(self): self.snapshot = None def finalize_options(self): if self.snapshot is not None: self.snapshot = 1 cliconfig.__snapshot__ = 1 def run(self): """ Run sdist, then 'rpmbuild' the tar.gz """ self.run_command('sdist') os.system('rpmbuild -ta --clean dist/virt-manager-%s.tar.gz' % cliconfig.__version__) class configure(Command): user_options = [ ("pkgversion=", None, "user specified version-id"), ("prefix=", None, "installation prefix"), ("qemu-user=", None, "user libvirt uses to launch qemu processes (default=root)"), ("libvirt-package-names=", None, "list of libvirt distro packages virt-manager will check for on " "first run. comma separated string (default=none)"), ("kvm-package-names=", None, "recommended kvm packages virt-manager will check for on first run " "(default=none)"), ("askpass-package-names=", None, "name of your distro's askpass package(s) (default=none)"), ("hide-unsupported-rhel-options", None, "Hide config bits that are not supported on RHEL (default=no)"), ("preferred-distros=", None, "Distros to list first in the New VM wizard (default=none)"), ("default-graphics=", None, "Default graphics type (spice or vnc) (default=spice)"), ] description = "Configure the build, similar to ./configure" def finalize_options(self): pass def initialize_options(self): self.qemu_user = "root" self.libvirt_package_names = "" self.kvm_package_names = "" self.askpass_package_names = "" self.hide_unsupported_rhel_options = 0 self.preferred_distros = "" self.default_graphics = "spice" self.prefix = sysprefix self.pkgversion = "" def run(self): template = "" template += "[config]\n" template += "prefix = %s\n" % self.prefix template += "pkgversion = %s\n" % self.pkgversion template += "default_qemu_user = %s\n" % self.qemu_user template += "libvirt_packages = %s\n" % self.libvirt_package_names template += "hv_packages = %s\n" % self.kvm_package_names template += "askpass_packages = %s\n" % self.askpass_package_names template += "preferred_distros = %s\n" % self.preferred_distros template += ("hide_unsupported_rhel_options = %s\n" % self.hide_unsupported_rhel_options) template += "default_graphics = %s\n" % self.default_graphics file(cliconfig.cfgpath, "w").write(template) print "Generated %s" % cliconfig.cfgpath class TestBaseCommand(Command): user_options = [ ('debug', 'd', 'Show debug output'), ('coverage', 'c', 'Show coverage report'), ("only=", None, "Run only testcases whose name contains the passed string"), ] def initialize_options(self): self.debug = 0 self.coverage = 0 self.only = None self._testfiles = [] self._dir = os.getcwd() def finalize_options(self): if self.debug and "DEBUG_TESTS" not in os.environ: os.environ["DEBUG_TESTS"] = "1" def run(self): try: import coverage use_cov = True except: use_cov = False if use_cov: omit = ["/usr/*", "/*/tests/*"] cov = coverage.coverage(omit=omit) cov.erase() cov.start() import tests as testsmodule testsmodule.cov = cov if hasattr(unittest, "installHandler"): try: unittest.installHandler() except: print "installHandler hack failed" tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromNames(self._testfiles) if self.only: newtests = [] for suite1 in tests: for suite2 in suite1: for testcase in suite2: if self.only in str(testcase): newtests.append(testcase) if not newtests: print "--only didn't find any tests" sys.exit(1) tests = unittest.TestSuite(newtests) print "Running only:" for test in newtests: print "%s" % test print t = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1) try: result = t.run(tests) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) if use_cov: cov.stop() cov.save() err = int(bool(len(result.failures) > 0 or len(result.errors) > 0)) if not err and use_cov and self.coverage: cov.report(show_missing=False) sys.exit(err) class TestCommand(TestBaseCommand): description = "Runs a quick unit test suite" user_options = TestBaseCommand.user_options + [ ("testfile=", None, "Specific test file to run (e.g " "validation, storage, ...)"), ("skipcli", None, "Skip CLI tests"), ] def initialize_options(self): TestBaseCommand.initialize_options(self) self.testfile = None self.skipcli = None def finalize_options(self): TestBaseCommand.finalize_options(self) def run(self): ''' Finds all the tests modules in tests/, and runs them. ''' testfiles = [] for t in glob.glob(os.path.join(self._dir, 'tests', '*.py')): if (t.endswith("__init__.py") or t.endswith("urltest.py")): continue base = os.path.basename(t) if self.testfile: check = os.path.basename(self.testfile) if base != check and base != (check + ".py"): continue if self.skipcli and base.count("clitest"): continue testfiles.append('.'.join(['tests', os.path.splitext(base)[0]])) if not testfiles: raise RuntimeError("--testfile didn't catch anything") self._testfiles = testfiles TestBaseCommand.run(self) class TestURLFetch(TestBaseCommand): description = "Test fetching kernels and isos from various distro trees" user_options = TestBaseCommand.user_options + \ [("match=", None, "Regular expression of dist names to " "match [default: '.*']"), ("path=", None, "Paths to local iso or directory or check" " for installable distro. Comma separated")] def initialize_options(self): TestBaseCommand.initialize_options(self) self.match = None self.path = "" def finalize_options(self): TestBaseCommand.finalize_options(self) if self.match is None: self.match = ".*" origpath = str(self.path) if not origpath: self.path = [] else: self.path = origpath.split(",") def run(self): import tests self._testfiles = ["tests.urltest"] tests.urltest.MATCH_FILTER = self.match if self.path: for p in self.path: tests.urltest.LOCAL_MEDIA.append(p) TestBaseCommand.run(self) class CheckPylint(Command): user_options = [] description = "Check code using pylint and pep8" def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): files = ["setup.py", "virt-install", "virt-clone", "virt-image", "virt-convert", "virt-manager", "virtcli", "virtinst", "virtconv", "virtManager", "tests"] output_format = sys.stdout.isatty() and "colorized" or "text" cmd = "pylint " cmd += "--output-format=%s " % output_format cmd += " ".join(files) os.system(cmd + " --rcfile tests/pylint.cfg") print "running pep8" cmd = "pep8 " cmd += " ".join(files) os.system(cmd + " --config tests/pep8.cfg") setup( name="virt-manager", version=cliconfig.__version__, author="Cole Robinson", author_email="virt-tools-list@redhat.com", url="http://virt-manager.org", license="GPLv2+", # These wrappers are generated in our custom build command scripts=([ "build/virt-manager", "build/virt-clone", "build/virt-install", "build/virt-image", "build/virt-convert"]), data_files=[ ("share/virt-manager/", [ "virt-manager", "virt-install", "virt-clone", "virt-image", "virt-convert", ]), ("share/glib-2.0/schemas", ["data/org.virt-manager.virt-manager.gschema.xml"]), ("share/virt-manager/ui", glob.glob("ui/*.ui")), ("share/man/man1", [ "man/virt-manager.1", "man/virt-install.1", "man/virt-clone.1", "man/virt-image.1", "man/virt-convert.1" ]), ("share/man/man5", ["man/virt-image.5"]), ("share/virt-manager/virtManager", glob.glob("virtManager/*.py")), ("share/virt-manager/virtcli", glob.glob("virtcli/*.py") + glob.glob("virtcli/cli.cfg")), ("share/virt-manager/virtinst", glob.glob("virtinst/*.py")), ("share/virt-manager/virtconv", glob.glob("virtconv/*.py")), ("share/virt-manager/virtconv/parsers", glob.glob("virtconv/parsers/*.py")), ], cmdclass={ 'build': my_build, 'build_i18n': my_build_i18n, 'sdist': my_sdist, 'install': my_install, 'install_egg_info': my_egg_info, 'configure': configure, 'pylint': CheckPylint, 'rpm': my_rpm, 'test': TestCommand, 'test_urls' : TestURLFetch, } )