# Copyright (C) 2013, 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. import unittest import os import logging from tests import utils from virtinst import Cloner ORIG_NAME = "clone-orig" CLONE_NAME = "clone-new" # Create some files to use as test images FILE1 = "/tmp/virtinst-test1.img" FILE2 = "/tmp/virtinst-test2.img" P1_VOL1 = "/dev/default-pool/testvol1.img" P1_VOL2 = "/dev/default-pool/testvol2.img" P2_VOL1 = "/dev/cross-pool/testvol1.img" P2_VOL2 = "/dev/cross-pool/testvol2.img" POOL1 = "/dev/default-pool" POOL2 = "/dev/cross-pool" DISKPOOL = "/dev/disk-pool" local_files = [FILE1, FILE2] clonexml_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tests/clone-xml") class TestClone(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): for f in local_files: os.system("touch %s" % f) def tearDown(self): for f in local_files: os.unlink(f) def _clone_helper(self, filebase, disks=None, force_list=None, skip_list=None, compare=True, conn=None, clone_disks_file=None): """Helper for comparing clone input/output from 2 xml files""" infile = os.path.join(clonexml_dir, filebase + "-in.xml") in_content = utils.read_file(infile) if not conn: conn = utils.open_testdriver() cloneobj = Cloner(conn) cloneobj.original_xml = in_content for force in force_list or []: cloneobj.force_target = force for skip in skip_list or []: cloneobj.skip_target = skip cloneobj = self._default_clone_values(cloneobj, disks) if compare: self._clone_compare(cloneobj, filebase, clone_disks_file=clone_disks_file) self._clone_define(filebase) else: cloneobj.setup_original() cloneobj.setup_clone() def _default_clone_values(self, cloneobj, disks=None): """Sets default values for the cloned VM.""" cloneobj.clone_name = "clone-new" cloneobj.clone_uuid = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" cloneobj.clone_macs = ["22:23:45:67:89:00", "22:23:45:67:89:01"] if disks is None: disks = ["/dev/disk-pool/disk-vol1", "/tmp/clone2.img", "/clone3", "/tmp/clone4.img", "/tmp/clone5.img", None] cloneobj.clone_paths = disks return cloneobj def _clone_compare(self, cloneobj, outbase, clone_disks_file=None): """Helps compare output from passed clone instance with an xml file""" outfile = os.path.join(clonexml_dir, outbase + "-out.xml") cloneobj.setup_original() cloneobj.setup_clone() utils.diff_compare(cloneobj.clone_xml, outfile) if clone_disks_file: xml_clone_disks = "" for i in cloneobj.get_clone_disks(): xml_clone_disks += i.get_vol_install().get_xml_config() utils.diff_compare(xml_clone_disks, clone_disks_file) def _clone_define(self, filebase): """Take the valid output xml and attempt to define it on the connection to ensure we don't get any errors""" outfile = os.path.join(clonexml_dir, filebase + "-out.xml") outxml = utils.read_file(outfile) conn = utils.open_testdriver() utils.test_create(conn, outxml) def testRemoteNoStorage(self): """Test remote clone where VM has no storage that needs cloning""" conn = utils.open_test_remote() for base in ["nostorage", "noclone-storage"]: self._clone_helper(base, disks=[], conn=conn) def testRemoteWithStorage(self): """ Test remote clone with storage needing cloning. Should fail, since libvirt has no storage clone api. """ conn = utils.open_test_remote() for base in ["general-cfg"]: try: self._clone_helper(base, disks=["%s/1.img" % POOL1, "%s/2.img" % POOL1], conn=conn) # We shouldn't succeed, so test fails raise AssertionError("Remote clone with storage passed " "when it shouldn't.") except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e: # Exception expected logging.debug("Received expected exception: %s", str(e)) def testCloneStorageManaged(self): base = "managed-storage" self._clone_helper(base, ["%s/new1.img" % POOL1, "%s/new2.img" % DISKPOOL]) def testCloneStorageCrossPool(self): base = "cross-pool" conn = utils.open_test_remote() clone_disks_file = os.path.join(clonexml_dir, base + "-disks-out.xml") self._clone_helper(base, ["%s/new1.img" % POOL2, "%s/new2.img" % POOL1], clone_disks_file=clone_disks_file, conn=conn) def testCloneStorageForce(self): base = "force" self._clone_helper(base, disks=["/dev/default-pool/1234.img", None, "/clone2.img"], force_list=["hda", "fdb", "sdb"]) def testCloneStorageSkip(self): base = "skip" self._clone_helper(base, disks=["/dev/default-pool/1234.img", None, "/tmp/clone2.img"], skip_list=["hda", "fdb"]) def testCloneFullPool(self): base = "fullpool" try: self._clone_helper(base, disks=["/full-pool/test.img"], compare=False) except Exception: return raise AssertionError("Expected exception, but none raised.") def testCloneNvramAuto(self): base = "nvram-auto" self._clone_helper(base) def testCloneNvramNewpool(self): base = "nvram-newpool" self._clone_helper(base) def testCloneGraphicsPassword(self): base = "graphics-password" self._clone_helper(base)