# Copyright (C) 2009, 2013, 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2009 Cole Robinson <crobinso@redhat.com> # # This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. from gi.repository import Gtk from virtinst import log from .asyncjob import vmmAsyncJob #################################################################### # Build toolbar shutdown button menu (manager and details toolbar) # #################################################################### class _VMMenu(Gtk.Menu): def __init__(self, src, current_vm_cb, show_open=True): Gtk.Menu.__init__(self) self._parent = src self._current_vm_cb = current_vm_cb self._show_open = show_open self._init_state() def _add_action(self, label, widgetname, cb): item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_mnemonic(label) item.vmm_widget_name = widgetname if cb: def _cb(_menuitem): _vm = self._current_vm_cb() if _vm: return cb(self._parent, _vm) item.connect("activate", _cb) self.add(item) return item def _init_state(self): raise NotImplementedError() def update_widget_states(self, vm): raise NotImplementedError() class VMShutdownMenu(_VMMenu): """ Shutdown submenu for reboot, forceoff, reset, etc. """ def _init_state(self): self._add_action(_("_Reboot"), "reboot", VMActionUI.reboot) self._add_action(_("_Shut Down"), "shutdown", VMActionUI.shutdown) self._add_action(_("F_orce Reset"), "reset", VMActionUI.reset) self._add_action(_("_Force Off"), "destroy", VMActionUI.destroy) self.add(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self._add_action(_("Sa_ve"), "save", VMActionUI.save) self.get_accessible().set_name("vmm-shutdown-menu") self.show_all() def update_widget_states(self, vm): statemap = { "reboot": bool(vm and vm.is_stoppable()), "shutdown": bool(vm and vm.is_stoppable()), "reset": bool(vm and vm.is_stoppable()), "destroy": bool(vm and vm.is_destroyable()), "save": bool(vm and vm.is_destroyable()), } for child in self.get_children(): name = getattr(child, "vmm_widget_name", None) if name in statemap: child.set_sensitive(statemap[name]) class VMActionMenu(_VMMenu): """ VM submenu for run, pause, shutdown, clone, etc """ def _init_state(self): self._add_action(_("_Run"), "run", VMActionUI.run) self._add_action(_("_Pause"), "suspend", VMActionUI.suspend) self._add_action(_("R_esume"), "resume", VMActionUI.resume) s = self._add_action(_("_Shut Down"), "shutdown", None) s.set_submenu(VMShutdownMenu(self._parent, self._current_vm_cb)) self.add(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self._add_action(_("Clone..."), "clone", VMActionUI.clone) self._add_action(_("Migrate..."), "migrate", VMActionUI.migrate) self._add_action(_("_Delete"), "delete", VMActionUI.delete) if self._show_open: self.add(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) self._add_action(_("_Open"), "show", VMActionUI.show) self.get_accessible().set_name("vm-action-menu") self.show_all() def update_widget_states(self, vm): statemap = { "run": bool(vm and vm.is_runable()), "shutdown": bool(vm and vm.is_stoppable()), "suspend": bool(vm and vm.is_stoppable()), "resume": bool(vm and vm.is_paused()), "migrate": bool(vm and vm.is_stoppable()), "clone": bool(vm and vm.is_cloneable()), } vismap = { "suspend": bool(vm and not vm.is_paused()), "resume": bool(vm and vm.is_paused()), } for child in self.get_children(): name = getattr(child, "vmm_widget_name", None) if child.get_submenu(): child.get_submenu().update_widget_states(vm) if name in statemap: child.set_sensitive(statemap[name]) if name in vismap: child.set_visible(vismap[name]) def change_run_text(self, text): for child in self.get_children(): if getattr(child, "vmm_widget_name", None) == "run": child.get_child().set_label(text) class VMActionUI(object): """ Singleton object for handling VM actions, asking for confirmation, showing errors/progress dialogs, etc. """ @staticmethod def save_cancel(asyncjob, vm): log.debug("Cancelling save job") if not vm: return # pragma: no cover try: vm.abort_job() except Exception as e: log.exception("Error cancelling save job") asyncjob.show_warning(_("Error cancelling save job: %s") % str(e)) return asyncjob.job_canceled = True # pragma: no cover @staticmethod def save(src, vm): if not src.err.chkbox_helper(src.config.get_confirm_poweroff, src.config.set_confirm_poweroff, text1=_("Are you sure you want to save '%s'?") % vm.get_name()): return _cancel_cb = None if vm.supports_domain_job_info(): _cancel_cb = (VMActionUI.save_cancel, vm) def cb(asyncjob): vm.save(meter=asyncjob.get_meter()) def finish_cb(error, details): if error is not None: # pragma: no cover error = _("Error saving domain: %s") % error src.err.show_err(error, details=details) progWin = vmmAsyncJob(cb, [], finish_cb, [], _("Saving Virtual Machine"), _("Saving virtual machine memory to disk "), src.topwin, cancel_cb=_cancel_cb) progWin.run() @staticmethod def destroy(src, vm): if not src.err.chkbox_helper( src.config.get_confirm_forcepoweroff, src.config.set_confirm_forcepoweroff, text1=_("Are you sure you want to force poweroff '%s'?" % vm.get_name()), text2=_("This will immediately poweroff the VM without " "shutting down the OS and may cause data loss.")): return log.debug("Destroying vm '%s'", vm.get_name()) vmmAsyncJob.simple_async_noshow(vm.destroy, [], src, _("Error shutting down domain")) @staticmethod def suspend(src, vm): if not src.err.chkbox_helper(src.config.get_confirm_pause, src.config.set_confirm_pause, text1=_("Are you sure you want to pause '%s'?" % vm.get_name())): return log.debug("Pausing vm '%s'", vm.get_name()) vmmAsyncJob.simple_async_noshow(vm.suspend, [], src, _("Error pausing domain")) @staticmethod def resume(src, vm): log.debug("Unpausing vm '%s'", vm.get_name()) vmmAsyncJob.simple_async_noshow(vm.resume, [], src, _("Error unpausing domain")) @staticmethod def run(src, vm): log.debug("Starting vm '%s'", vm.get_name()) if vm.has_managed_save(): def errorcb(error, details): # This is run from the main thread res = src.err.show_err( _("Error restoring domain: %s") % error, details=details, text2=_( "The domain could not be restored. Would you like\n" "to remove the saved state and perform a regular\n" "start up?"), dialog_type=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, modal=True) if not res: return try: vm.remove_saved_image() VMActionUI.run(src, vm) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover src.err.show_err(_("Error removing domain state: %s") % str(e)) # VM will be restored, which can take some time, so show progress title = _("Restoring Virtual Machine") text = _("Restoring virtual machine memory from disk") vmmAsyncJob.simple_async(vm.startup, [], src, title, text, "", errorcb=errorcb) else: # Regular startup errorintro = _("Error starting domain") vmmAsyncJob.simple_async_noshow(vm.startup, [], src, errorintro) @staticmethod def shutdown(src, vm): if not src.err.chkbox_helper(src.config.get_confirm_poweroff, src.config.set_confirm_poweroff, text1=_("Are you sure you want to poweroff '%s'?" % vm.get_name())): return log.debug("Shutting down vm '%s'", vm.get_name()) vmmAsyncJob.simple_async_noshow(vm.shutdown, [], src, _("Error shutting down domain")) @staticmethod def reboot(src, vm): if not src.err.chkbox_helper(src.config.get_confirm_poweroff, src.config.set_confirm_poweroff, text1=_("Are you sure you want to reboot '%s'?" % vm.get_name())): return log.debug("Rebooting vm '%s'", vm.get_name()) vmmAsyncJob.simple_async_noshow(vm.reboot, [], src, _("Error rebooting domain")) @staticmethod def reset(src, vm): if not src.err.chkbox_helper( src.config.get_confirm_forcepoweroff, src.config.set_confirm_forcepoweroff, text1=_("Are you sure you want to force reset '%s'?" % vm.get_name()), text2=_("This will immediately reset the VM without " "shutting down the OS and may cause data loss.")): return log.debug("Resetting vm '%s'", vm.get_name()) vmmAsyncJob.simple_async_noshow(vm.reset, [], src, _("Error resetting domain")) @staticmethod def delete(src, vm): from .delete import vmmDeleteDialog vmmDeleteDialog.show_instance(src, vm) @staticmethod def migrate(src, vm): from .migrate import vmmMigrateDialog vmmMigrateDialog.show_instance(src, vm) @staticmethod def clone(src, vm): from .clone import vmmCloneVM vmmCloneVM.show_instance(src, vm) @staticmethod def show(src, vm): from .vmwindow import vmmVMWindow vmmVMWindow.get_instance(src, vm).show()