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synced 2025-03-19 18:50:15 +03:00
With the libvirt testdriver, we can create+start a directory pool that points to any arbitrary host path. But this doesn't match the behavior of the real storage driver, where pool start will fail if the source directory doesn't exist. Let's mock this by raising an exception if we are inside the test suite and we see a special string in the pool XML Signed-off-by: Cole Robinson <crobinso@redhat.com>
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246 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import os
import tempfile
import pytest
import virtinst
from virtinst import DeviceDisk
from tests import utils
def test_disk_numtotarget():
# Various testing our target generation
# Note: using single quotes in strings to avoid
# codespell flagging the 'ba' assert
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(1) == 'a'
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(2) == 'b'
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(26) == 'z'
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(27) == 'aa'
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(28) == 'ab'
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(52) == 'az'
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(53) == 'ba'
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(27 * 26) == 'zz'
assert DeviceDisk.num_to_target(27 * 26 + 1) == 'aaa'
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('hda') == 0
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('hdb') == 1
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('sdz') == 25
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('sdaa') == 26
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('vdab') == 27
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('vdaz') == 51
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('xvdba') == 52
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('xvdzz') == 26 * (25 + 1) + 25
assert DeviceDisk.target_to_num('xvdaaa') == 26 * 26 * 1 + 26 * 1 + 0
conn = utils.URIs.open_testdefault_cached()
disk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
disk.bus = 'ide'
assert disk.generate_target([]) == 'hda'
assert disk.generate_target(['hda']) == 'hdb'
assert disk.generate_target(['hdb', 'sda']) == 'hdc'
assert disk.generate_target(['hda', 'hdd']) == 'hdb'
def test_disk_dir_searchable(monkeypatch):
# Normally the dir searchable test is skipped in the test suite,
# but let's contrive an example that should trigger all the code
# to ensure it isn't horribly broken
conn = utils.URIs.open_kvm()
def _set_caps_baselabel_uid(uid):
secmodel = [s for s in conn.caps.host.secmodels
if s.model == "dac"][0]
for baselabel in [b for b in secmodel.baselabels
if b.type in ["qemu", "kvm"]]:
baselabel.content = "+%s:+%s" % (uid, uid)
tmpobj = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="virtinst-test-search")
tmpdir = tmpobj.name
# path="" should trigger early return
searchdata = virtinst.DeviceDisk.check_path_search(conn, "")
assert searchdata.uid is None
# path=None should trigger early return
searchdata = virtinst.DeviceDisk.check_path_search(conn, None)
assert searchdata.uid is None
# Invalid uid
searchdata = virtinst.DeviceDisk.check_path_search(conn, tmpdir)
assert searchdata.uid is None
# Use our uid, verify it shows we have expected access
searchdata = virtinst.DeviceDisk.check_path_search(conn,
tmpdir + "/footest")
assert searchdata.uid == os.getuid()
# pylint: disable=use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison
assert searchdata.fixlist == []
# Remove perms on the tmpdir, now it should report failures
os.chmod(tmpdir, 0o000)
searchdata = virtinst.DeviceDisk.check_path_search(conn, tmpdir)
assert searchdata.fixlist == [tmpdir]
errdict = virtinst.DeviceDisk.fix_path_search(searchdata)
assert not bool(errdict)
# Mock setfacl to definitely fail
with monkeypatch.context() as m:
m.setattr("virtinst.diskbackend.SETFACL", "getfacl")
errdict = virtinst.DeviceDisk.fix_path_search(searchdata)
# Reset changes we made
os.chmod(tmpdir, 0o777)
def test_disk_path_in_use_kernel():
# Extra tests for DeviceDisk.path_in_use
conn = utils.URIs.open_kvm()
# Comparing against kernel
vms = virtinst.DeviceDisk.path_in_use_by(
conn, "/pool-dir/test-arm-kernel")
assert vms == ["test-arm-kernel"]
def test_disk_paths_in_use():
conn = utils.URIs.open_kvm()
vms = virtinst.DeviceDisk.paths_in_use_by(
conn, ["/pool-dir/test-arm-kernel", "/pool-dir/test-arm-initrd"])
assert vms == [["test-arm-kernel"], ["test-arm-kernel"]]
def test_disk_diskbackend_misc():
# Test get_size() with vol_install
conn = utils.URIs.open_testdefault_cached()
disk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
pool = conn.storagePoolLookupByName("pool-dir")
vol_install = disk.build_vol_install(conn, "newvol1.img", pool, 1, False)
assert disk.get_size() == 1.0
# Test some blockdev inspecting
conn = utils.URIs.openconn("test:///default")
if os.path.exists("/dev/loop0"):
disk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
assert disk.type == "block"
# Test sparse cloning
tmpinput = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
open(tmpinput.name, "wb").write(b'\0' * 10000)
srcdisk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
newdisk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
tmpoutput = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
newdisk.set_local_disk_to_clone(srcdisk, True)
# Test cloning onto existing disk
newdisk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn, parsexml=newdisk.get_xml())
newdisk.set_local_disk_to_clone(srcdisk, True)
newdisk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
newdisk.type = "block"
assert newdisk.get_size() == 0
conn = utils.URIs.open_testdriver_cached()
volpath = "/pool-dir/test-clone-simple.img"
assert virtinst.DeviceDisk.path_definitely_exists(conn, volpath)
disk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
assert disk.get_size()
disk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
raise AssertionError("expected failure")
except RuntimeError as e:
assert "StoragePool.install testsuite mocked failure" in str(e)
def test_disk_diskbackend_parse():
# Test that calling validate() on parsed disk XML doesn't attempt
# to verify the path exists. Assume it's a working config
conn = utils.URIs.open_testdriver_cached()
xml = ("<disk type='file' device='disk'>"
"<source file='/A/B/C/D/NOPE'/>"
disk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn, parsexml=xml)
assert getattr(disk, "_storage_backend").is_stub() is True
# Stub backend coverage testing
backend = getattr(disk, "_storage_backend")
assert disk.get_parent_pool() is None
assert disk.get_vol_object() is None
assert disk.get_vol_install() is None
assert disk.get_size() == 0
assert backend.get_vol_xml() is None
assert backend.get_dev_type() == "file"
assert backend.get_driver_type() is None
assert backend.get_parent_pool() is None
assert getattr(disk, "_storage_backend").is_stub() is False
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Ensure set_backend_for_existing_path resolves a path
# to its existing storage volume
xml = ("<disk type='file' device='disk'>"
"<source file='/pool-dir/default-vol'/>"
disk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn, parsexml=xml)
assert disk.get_vol_object()
# Verify set_backend_for_existing_path doesn't error
# for a variety of disks
dom = conn.lookupByName("test-many-devices")
guest = virtinst.Guest(conn, parsexml=dom.XMLDesc(0))
for disk in guest.devices.disk:
def test_disk_rbd_path():
conn = utils.URIs.open_testdriver_cached()
diskxml1 = """
<disk type="network" device="disk">
<source protocol="rbd" name="rbd-sourcename/some-rbd-vol">
<host name="ceph-mon-1.example.com" port="6789"/>
<host name="ceph-mon-2.example.com" port="6789"/>
<host name="ceph-mon-3.example.com" port="6789"/>
<target dev="vdag" bus="virtio"/>
disk1 = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn, parsexml=diskxml1)
assert disk1.get_vol_object().name() == "some-rbd-vol"