mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 16:58:31 +03:00
Init a shared log instance in virtinst/logger.py, and use that throughout the code base, so we aren't calling directly into 'logging'. This helps protect our logging output from being cluttered with other library output, as happens with some 'requests' usage
574 lines
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Executable File
574 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import difflib
import re
import sys
import libvirt
import virtinst
from virtinst import cli
from virtinst import log
from virtinst import xmlutil
from virtinst.cli import fail, print_stdout, print_stderr
# Utility helpers #
def prompt_yes_or_no(msg):
while 1:
printmsg = msg + " (y/n): "
inp = sys.stdin.readline().lower().strip()
if inp in ["y", "yes"]:
return True
elif inp in ["n", "no"]:
return False
print_stdout(_("Please enter 'yes' or 'no'."))
def get_diff(origxml, newxml):
ret = "".join(difflib.unified_diff(origxml.splitlines(1),
fromfile="Original XML",
tofile="Altered XML"))
if ret:
log.debug("XML diff:\n%s", ret)
log.debug("No XML diff, didn't generate any change.")
return ret
def set_os_variant(options, guest):
if options.os_variant is None:
osdata = cli.parse_os_variant(options.os_variant)
if osdata.name:
def get_xmldesc(domain, inactive=False):
flags = libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE
if inactive:
flags |= libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE
return domain.XMLDesc(flags)
def get_domain_and_guest(conn, domstr):
isint = True
except ValueError:
isint = False
uuidre = "[a-fA-F0-9]{8}[-]([a-fA-F0-9]{4}[-]){3}[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"
isuuid = bool(re.match(uuidre, domstr))
domain = None
domain = conn.lookupByName(domstr)
except Exception:
# In case the VM has a UUID or ID for a name
log.debug("Error looking up domain by name", exc_info=True)
if isint:
domain = conn.lookupByID(int(domstr))
elif isuuid:
domain = conn.lookupByUUIDString(domstr)
except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
fail(_("Could not find domain '%s': %s") % (domstr, e))
state = domain.info()[0]
active_xmlobj = None
inactive_xmlobj = virtinst.Guest(conn, parsexml=get_xmldesc(domain))
if state != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
active_xmlobj = inactive_xmlobj
inactive_xmlobj = virtinst.Guest(conn,
parsexml=get_xmldesc(domain, inactive=True))
return (domain, inactive_xmlobj, active_xmlobj)
def defined_xml_is_unchanged(conn, domain, original_xml):
rawxml = get_xmldesc(domain, inactive=True)
new_xml = virtinst.Guest(conn, parsexml=rawxml)
return new_xml != original_xml
# Change logic #
def _find_objects_to_edit(guest, action_name, editval, parserclass):
objlist = xmlutil.listify(parserclass.lookup_prop(guest))
idx = None
if editval is None:
idx = 1
elif (editval.isdigit() or
editval.startswith("-") and editval[1:].isdigit()):
idx = int(editval)
if idx is not None:
# Edit device by index
if idx == 0:
fail(_("Invalid --edit option '%s'") % editval)
if not objlist:
fail(_("No --%s objects found in the XML") %
if len(objlist) < abs(idx):
fail(_("--edit %s requested but there's only %s "
"--%s object in the XML") %
(idx, len(objlist), parserclass.cli_arg_name))
if idx > 0:
idx -= 1
inst = objlist[idx]
elif editval == "all":
# Edit 'all' devices
inst = objlist[:]
# Lookup device by the passed prop string
parserobj = parserclass(editval, guest=guest)
inst = parserobj.lookup_child_from_option_string()
if not inst:
fail(_("No matching objects found for --%s %s") %
(action_name, editval))
return inst
def check_action_collision(options):
actions = ["edit", "add-device", "remove-device", "build-xml"]
collisions = []
for cliname in actions:
optname = cliname.replace("-", "_")
if getattr(options, optname) not in [False, -1]:
if len(collisions) == 0:
fail(_("One of %s must be specified.") %
", ".join(["--" + c for c in actions]))
if len(collisions) > 1:
fail(_("Conflicting options %s") %
", ".join(["--" + c for c in collisions]))
def check_xmlopt_collision(options):
collisions = []
for parserclass in cli.VIRT_PARSERS:
if getattr(options, parserclass.cli_arg_name):
if len(collisions) == 0:
fail(_("No change specified."))
if len(collisions) != 1:
fail(_("Only one change operation may be specified "
"(conflicting options %s)") %
[c.cli_flag_name() for c in collisions])
return collisions[0]
def action_edit(guest, options, parserclass):
if parserclass.guest_propname:
inst = _find_objects_to_edit(guest, "edit", options.edit, parserclass)
inst = guest
if options.edit and options.edit != '1' and options.edit != 'all':
fail(_("'--edit %s' doesn't make sense with --%s, "
"just use empty '--edit'") %
(options.edit, parserclass.cli_arg_name))
if options.os_variant is not None:
fail(_("--os-variant is not supported with --edit"))
return cli.parse_option_strings(options, guest, inst, editing=True)
def action_add_device(guest, options, parserclass):
if not parserclass.prop_is_list(guest):
fail(_("Cannot use --add-device with --%s") % parserclass.cli_arg_name)
set_os_variant(options, guest)
devs = cli.parse_option_strings(options, guest, None)
devs = xmlutil.listify(devs)
for dev in devs:
return devs
def action_remove_device(guest, options, parserclass):
if not parserclass.prop_is_list(guest):
fail(_("Cannot use --remove-device with --%s") %
if options.os_variant is not None:
fail(_("--os-variant is not supported with --remove-device"))
devs = _find_objects_to_edit(guest, "remove-device",
getattr(options, parserclass.cli_arg_name)[-1], parserclass)
devs = xmlutil.listify(devs)
for dev in devs:
return devs
def action_build_xml(conn, options, parserclass, guest):
if not parserclass.guest_propname:
fail(_("--build-xml not supported for --%s") %
if options.os_variant is not None:
fail(_("--os-variant is not supported with --build-xml"))
inst = parserclass.lookup_prop(guest)
if parserclass.prop_is_list(guest):
inst = inst.new()
inst = inst.__class__(conn)
devs = cli.parse_option_strings(options, guest, inst)
devs = xmlutil.listify(devs)
for dev in devs:
return devs
def setup_device(dev):
if getattr(dev, "DEVICE_TYPE", None) != "disk":
log.debug("Doing setup for disk=%s", dev)
def define_changes(conn, inactive_xmlobj, devs, action, confirm):
if confirm:
if not prompt_yes_or_no(
_("Define '%s' with the changed XML?") % inactive_xmlobj.name):
return False
if action == "hotplug":
for dev in devs:
dom = conn.defineXML(inactive_xmlobj.get_xml())
print_stdout(_("Domain '%s' defined successfully.") % inactive_xmlobj.name)
return dom
def start_domain_transient(conn, xmlobj, devs, action, confirm):
if confirm:
if not prompt_yes_or_no(
_("Start '%s' with the changed XML?") % xmlobj.name):
return False
if action == "hotplug":
for dev in devs:
dom = conn.createXML(xmlobj.get_xml())
except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
fail(_("Failed starting domain '%s': %s") % (xmlobj.name, e))
print_stdout(_("Domain '%s' started successfully.") % xmlobj.name)
return dom
def update_changes(domain, devs, action, confirm):
for dev in devs:
xml = dev.get_xml()
if confirm:
if action == "hotplug":
prep = "to"
elif action == "hotunplug":
prep = "from"
prep = "for"
msg = ("%s\n\n%s this device %s guest '%s'?" %
(xml, action.capitalize(), prep, domain.name()))
if not prompt_yes_or_no(msg):
if action == "hotplug":
if action == "hotplug":
domain.attachDeviceFlags(xml, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE)
elif action == "hotunplug":
domain.detachDeviceFlags(xml, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE)
elif action == "update":
domain.updateDeviceFlags(xml, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE)
except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
fail(_("Error attempting device %s: %s") % (action, e))
# Test driver doesn't support device hotplug so we can't reach this
print_stdout(_("Device %s successful.") % action) # pragma: no cover
if confirm: # pragma: no cover
def prepare_changes(xmlobj, options, parserclass):
origxml = xmlobj.get_xml()
if options.edit != -1:
devs = action_edit(xmlobj, options, parserclass)
action = "update"
elif options.add_device:
devs = action_add_device(xmlobj, options, parserclass)
action = "hotplug"
elif options.remove_device:
devs = action_remove_device(xmlobj, options, parserclass)
action = "hotunplug"
newxml = xmlobj.get_xml()
diff = get_diff(origxml, newxml)
if not diff:
log.warning(_("No XML diff was generated. The requested "
"changes will have no effect."))
if options.print_diff:
if diff:
elif options.print_xml:
return devs, action
# CLI option handling #
def parse_args():
parser = cli.setupParser(
"%(prog)s [options]",
_("Edit libvirt XML using command line options."),
cli.add_connect_option(parser, "virt-xml")
parser.add_argument("domain", nargs='?',
help=_("Domain name, id, or uuid"))
actg = parser.add_argument_group(_("XML actions"))
actg.add_argument("--edit", nargs='?', default=-1,
help=_("Edit VM XML. Examples:\n"
"--edit --disk ... (edit first disk device)\n"
"--edit 2 --disk ... (edit second disk device)\n"
"--edit all --disk ... (edit all disk devices)\n"
"--edit target=hda --disk ... (edit disk 'hda')\n"))
actg.add_argument("--remove-device", action="store_true",
help=_("Remove specified device. Examples:\n"
"--remove-device --disk 1 (remove first disk)\n"
"--remove-device --disk all (remove all disks)\n"
"--remove-device --disk /some/path"))
actg.add_argument("--add-device", action="store_true",
help=_("Add specified device. Example:\n"
"--add-device --disk ..."))
actg.add_argument("--build-xml", action="store_true",
help=_("Output built device XML. Domain is optional but "
"recommended to ensure optimal defaults."))
outg = parser.add_argument_group(_("Output options"))
outg.add_argument("--update", action="store_true",
help=_("Apply changes to the running VM.\n"
"With --add-device, this is a hotplug operation.\n"
"With --remove-device, this is a hotunplug operation.\n"
"With --edit, this is an update device operation."))
define_g = outg.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
define_g.add_argument("--define", action="store_true",
help=_("Force defining the domain. Only required if a --print "
"option was specified."))
define_g.add_argument("--no-define", dest='define', action="store_false",
help=_("Force not defining the domain."))
outg.add_argument("--start", action="store_true",
help=_("Start the domain."))
outg.add_argument("--print-diff", action="store_true",
help=_("Only print the requested change, in diff format"))
outg.add_argument("--print-xml", action="store_true",
help=_("Only print the requested change, in full XML format"))
outg.add_argument("--confirm", action="store_true",
help=_("Require confirmation before saving any results."))
cli.add_os_variant_option(parser, virtinstall=False)
g = parser.add_argument_group(_("XML options"))
cli.add_disk_option(g, editexample=True)
cli.vcpu_cli_options(g, editexample=True)
misc = parser.add_argument_group(_("Miscellaneous Options"))
cli.add_misc_options(misc, prompt=False, printxml=False, dryrun=False)
return parser.parse_args()
# main() handling #
def main(conn=None):
options = parse_args()
if (options.confirm or options.print_xml or
options.print_diff or options.build_xml):
options.quiet = False
cli.setupLogging("virt-xml", options.debug, options.quiet)
if cli.check_option_introspection(options):
return 0
options.stdinxml = None
if not options.domain and not options.build_xml:
if not sys.stdin.closed and not sys.stdin.isatty():
if options.confirm:
fail(_("Can't use --confirm with stdin input."))
if options.update:
fail(_("Can't use --update with stdin input."))
options.stdinxml = sys.stdin.read()
fail(_("A domain must be specified"))
# Default to --define, unless:
# --no-define explicitly specified
# --print-* option is used
# XML input came from stdin
if not options.print_xml and not options.print_diff:
if options.stdinxml:
if not options.define:
options.print_xml = True
if options.define is None:
options.define = True
if options.confirm and not options.print_xml:
options.print_diff = True
# Ensure only one of these actions wash specified
# --edit
# --remove-device
# --add-device
# --build-xml
# Ensure there wasn't more than one device/xml config option
# specified. So reject '--disk X --network X'
parserclass = check_xmlopt_collision(options)
if options.update and not parserclass.guest_propname:
fail(_("Don't know how to --update for --%s") %
conn = cli.getConnection(options.connect, conn)
domain = None
active_xmlobj = None
inactive_xmlobj = None
if options.domain:
domain, inactive_xmlobj, active_xmlobj = get_domain_and_guest(
conn, options.domain)
inactive_xmlobj = virtinst.Guest(conn, parsexml=options.stdinxml)
vm_is_running = bool(active_xmlobj)
if options.build_xml:
devs = action_build_xml(conn, options, parserclass, inactive_xmlobj)
for dev in devs:
# pylint: disable=no-member
return 0
performed_update = False
if options.update:
if options.update and options.start:
fail(_("Cannot mix --update and --start"))
if vm_is_running:
devs, action = prepare_changes(active_xmlobj, options, parserclass)
update_changes(domain, devs, action, options.confirm)
performed_update = True
_("The VM is not running, --update is inapplicable."))
if not options.define:
# --update and --no-define passed, so we are done
# It's hard to hit this case with the test suite
return 0 # pragma: no cover
original_xml = inactive_xmlobj.get_xml()
devs, action = prepare_changes(inactive_xmlobj, options, parserclass)
if not options.define:
if options.start:
start_domain_transient(conn, inactive_xmlobj, devs,
action, options.confirm)
return 0
dom = define_changes(conn, inactive_xmlobj,
devs, action, options.confirm)
if not dom:
# --confirm user said 'no'
return 0
if options.start:
except libvirt.libvirtError as e: # pragma: no cover
fail(_("Failed starting domain '%s': %s") % (
inactive_xmlobj.name, e))
print_stdout(_("Domain '%s' started successfully.") %
elif vm_is_running and not performed_update:
_("Changes will take effect after the domain is fully powered off."))
elif defined_xml_is_unchanged(conn, domain, original_xml):
log.warning(_("XML did not change after domain define. You may "
"have changed a value that libvirt is setting by default."))
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
except SystemExit as sys_e:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
log.debug("", exc_info=True)
print_stderr(_("Aborted at user request"))
except Exception as main_e: