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synced 2025-03-09 08:58:27 +03:00
Init a shared log instance in virtinst/logger.py, and use that throughout the code base, so we aren't calling directly into 'logging'. This helps protect our logging output from being cluttered with other library output, as happens with some 'requests' usage
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# Some code for parsing libvirt's capabilities XML
# Copyright 2007, 2012-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import pwd
from .domain import DomainCpu
from .logger import log
from .xmlbuilder import XMLBuilder, XMLChildProperty, XMLProperty
# capabilities host <cpu> parsing #
class _CapsCPU(DomainCpu):
arch = XMLProperty("./arch")
# Caps <topology> parsers #
class _CapsTopologyCPU(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "cpu"
id = XMLProperty("./@id")
class _TopologyCell(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "cell"
cpus = XMLChildProperty(_CapsTopologyCPU, relative_xpath="./cpus")
class _CapsTopology(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "topology"
cells = XMLChildProperty(_TopologyCell, relative_xpath="./cells")
# Caps <host> and <secmodel> parsers #
class _CapsSecmodelBaselabel(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "baselabel"
type = XMLProperty("./@type")
content = XMLProperty(".")
class _CapsSecmodel(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "secmodel"
model = XMLProperty("./model")
baselabels = XMLChildProperty(_CapsSecmodelBaselabel)
class _CapsHost(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "host"
secmodels = XMLChildProperty(_CapsSecmodel)
cpu = XMLChildProperty(_CapsCPU, is_single=True)
topology = XMLChildProperty(_CapsTopology, is_single=True)
def get_qemu_baselabel(self):
for secmodel in self.secmodels:
if secmodel.model != "dac":
label = None
for baselabel in secmodel.baselabels:
if baselabel.type in ["qemu", "kvm"]:
label = baselabel.content
if not label:
continue # pragma: no cover
# XML we are looking at is like:
# <secmodel>
# <model>dac</model>
# <doi>0</doi>
# <baselabel type='kvm'>+107:+107</baselabel>
# <baselabel type='qemu'>+107:+107</baselabel>
# </secmodel>
uid = int(label.split(":")[0].replace("+", ""))
user = pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0]
return user, uid
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
log.debug("Exception parsing qemu dac baselabel=%s",
label, exc_info=True)
return None, None # pragma: no cover
# <guest> and <domain> parsers #
class _CapsMachine(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "machine"
name = XMLProperty(".")
canonical = XMLProperty("./@canonical")
class _CapsDomain(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "domain"
hypervisor_type = XMLProperty("./@type")
emulator = XMLProperty("./emulator")
machines = XMLChildProperty(_CapsMachine)
class _CapsGuestFeatures(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "features"
pae = XMLProperty("./pae", is_bool=True)
acpi = XMLProperty("./acpi/@default", is_onoff=True)
apic = XMLProperty("./apic/@default", is_onoff=True)
class _CapsGuest(XMLBuilder):
XML_NAME = "guest"
os_type = XMLProperty("./os_type")
arch = XMLProperty("./arch/@name")
loader = XMLProperty("./arch/loader")
emulator = XMLProperty("./arch/emulator")
domains = XMLChildProperty(_CapsDomain, relative_xpath="./arch")
features = XMLChildProperty(_CapsGuestFeatures, is_single=True)
machines = XMLChildProperty(_CapsMachine, relative_xpath="./arch")
# Public APIs #
def all_machine_names(self, domain):
Return all machine string names, including canonical aliases for
the guest+domain combo
mobjs = (domain and domain.machines) or self.machines
ret = []
for m in mobjs:
if m.canonical:
return ret
def has_install_options(self):
Return True if there are any install options available
return bool(len(self.domains) > 0)
def is_kvm_available(self):
Return True if kvm guests can be installed
for d in self.domains:
if d.hypervisor_type == "kvm":
return True
return False
def supports_pae(self):
Return True if capabilities report support for PAE
return bool(self.features.pae)
def supports_acpi(self):
Return Tree if capabilities report support for ACPI
return bool(self.features.acpi)
def supports_apic(self):
Return Tree if capabilities report support for APIC
return bool(self.features.apic)
# Main capabilities object #
class _CapsInfo(object):
Container object to hold the results of guest_lookup, so users don't
need to juggle two objects
def __init__(self, conn, guest, domain):
self.conn = conn
self.guest = guest
self.domain = domain
self.hypervisor_type = self.domain.hypervisor_type
self.os_type = self.guest.os_type
self.arch = self.guest.arch
self.loader = self.guest.loader
self.emulator = self.domain.emulator or self.guest.emulator
self.machines = self.guest.all_machine_names(self.domain)
class Capabilities(XMLBuilder):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
XMLBuilder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._cpu_models_cache = {}
XML_NAME = "capabilities"
host = XMLChildProperty(_CapsHost, is_single=True)
guests = XMLChildProperty(_CapsGuest)
# Public XML building APIs #
def _guestForOSType(self, os_type, arch):
archs = [arch]
if arch is None:
archs = [self.host.cpu.arch, None]
for a in archs:
for g in self.guests:
if ((os_type is None or g.os_type == os_type) and
(a is None or g.arch == a)):
return g
def _bestDomainType(self, guest, dtype, machine):
Return the recommended domain for use if the user does not explicitly
request one.
domains = []
for d in guest.domains:
if dtype and d.hypervisor_type != dtype.lower():
if machine and machine not in guest.all_machine_names(d):
if not domains:
return None
priority = ["kvm", "xen", "qemu"]
for t in priority:
for d in domains:
if d.hypervisor_type == t:
return d
# Fallback, just return last item in list
return domains[-1]
def guest_lookup(self, os_type=None, arch=None, typ=None, machine=None):
Simple virtualization availability lookup
Convenience function for looking up 'Guest' and 'Domain' capabilities
objects for the desired virt type. If type, arch, or os_type are none,
we return the default virt type associated with those values. These are
- os_type : hvm, then xen
- typ : kvm over plain qemu
- arch : host arch over all others
Otherwise the default will be the first listed in the capabilities xml.
This function throws C{ValueError}s if any of the requested values are
not found.
:param typ: Virtualization type ('hvm', 'xen', ...)
:param arch: Guest architecture ('x86_64', 'i686' ...)
:param os_type: Hypervisor name ('qemu', 'kvm', 'xen', ...)
:param machine: Optional machine type to emulate
:returns: A _CapsInfo object containing the found guest and domain
# F22 libxl xen still puts type=linux in the XML, so we need
# to handle it for caps lookup
if os_type == "linux":
os_type = "xen"
guest = self._guestForOSType(os_type, arch)
if not guest:
archstr = _("for arch '%s'") % arch
if not arch:
archstr = ""
osstr = _("virtualization type '%s'") % os_type
if not os_type:
osstr = _("any virtualization options")
raise ValueError(_("Host does not support %(virttype)s %(arch)s") %
{'virttype': osstr, 'arch': archstr})
domain = self._bestDomainType(guest, typ, machine)
if domain is None:
machinestr = " with machine '%s'" % machine
if not machine:
machinestr = ""
raise ValueError(_("Host does not support domain type %(domain)s"
"%(machine)s for virtualization type "
"'%(virttype)s' arch '%(arch)s'") %
{'domain': typ, 'virttype': guest.os_type,
'arch': guest.arch, 'machine': machinestr})
capsinfo = _CapsInfo(self.conn, guest, domain)
return capsinfo