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# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import re
import time
import libvirt
from virtinst import log
from ..baseclass import vmmGObject
class _VMStatsRecord(object):
Tracks a set of VM stats for a single timestamp
def __init__(self, timestamp,
cpuTime, cpuTimeAbs,
cpuHostPercent, cpuGuestPercent,
curmem, currMemPercent,
diskRdBytes, diskWrBytes,
netRxBytes, netTxBytes):
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.cpuTime = cpuTime
self.cpuTimeAbs = cpuTimeAbs
self.cpuHostPercent = cpuHostPercent
self.cpuGuestPercent = cpuGuestPercent
self.curmem = curmem
self.currMemPercent = currMemPercent
self.diskRdKiB = diskRdBytes // 1024
self.diskWrKiB = diskWrBytes // 1024
self.netRxKiB = netRxBytes // 1024
self.netTxKiB = netTxBytes // 1024
# These are set in _VMStatsList.append_stats
self.diskRdRate = None
self.diskWrRate = None
self.netRxRate = None
self.netTxRate = None
class _VMStatsList(vmmGObject):
Tracks a list of VMStatsRecords for a single VM
def __init__(self):
self._stats = []
self.diskRdMaxRate = 10.0
self.diskWrMaxRate = 10.0
self.netRxMaxRate = 10.0
self.netTxMaxRate = 10.0
self.mem_stats_period_is_set = False
self.stats_disk_skip = []
self.stats_net_skip = []
def _cleanup(self):
def append_stats(self, newstats):
expected = self.config.get_stats_history_length()
current = len(self._stats)
if current > expected: # pragma: no cover
def _calculate_rate(record_name):
ret = 0.0
if self._stats:
oldstats = self._stats[0]
ratediff = (getattr(newstats, record_name) -
getattr(oldstats, record_name))
timediff = newstats.timestamp - oldstats.timestamp
ret = float(ratediff) / float(timediff)
return max(ret, 0.0)
newstats.diskRdRate = _calculate_rate("diskRdKiB")
newstats.diskWrRate = _calculate_rate("diskWrKiB")
newstats.netRxRate = _calculate_rate("netRxKiB")
newstats.netTxRate = _calculate_rate("netTxKiB")
self.diskRdMaxRate = max(newstats.diskRdRate, self.diskRdMaxRate)
self.diskWrMaxRate = max(newstats.diskWrRate, self.diskWrMaxRate)
self.netRxMaxRate = max(newstats.netRxRate, self.netRxMaxRate)
self.netTxMaxRate = max(newstats.netTxRate, self.netTxMaxRate)
self._stats.insert(0, newstats)
def get_record(self, record_name):
if not self._stats:
return 0
return getattr(self._stats[0], record_name)
def get_vector(self, record_name, limit, ceil=100.0):
vector = []
statslen = self.config.get_stats_history_length() + 1
if limit is not None:
statslen = min(statslen, limit)
for i in range(statslen):
if i < len(self._stats):
vector.append(getattr(self._stats[i], record_name) / ceil)
return vector
def get_in_out_vector(self, name1, name2, limit, ceil):
return (self.get_vector(name1, limit, ceil=ceil),
self.get_vector(name2, limit, ceil=ceil))
class vmmStatsManager(vmmGObject):
Class for polling statistics
def __init__(self):
self._vm_stats = {}
self._latest_all_stats = {}
self._all_stats_supported = True
self._net_stats_supported = True
self._disk_stats_supported = True
self._disk_stats_lxc_supported = True
self._mem_stats_supported = True
def _cleanup(self):
for statslist in self._vm_stats.values():
self._latest_all_stats = None
# CPU stats handling #
def _old_cpu_stats_helper(self, vm):
info = vm.get_backend().info()
state = info[0]
guestcpus = info[3]
cpuTimeAbs = info[4]
return state, guestcpus, cpuTimeAbs
def _sample_cpu_stats(self, vm, allstats):
timestamp = time.time()
if (not vm.is_active() or
not self.config.get_stats_enable_cpu_poll()):
return 0, 0, 0, 0, timestamp
cpuTime = 0
cpuHostPercent = 0
cpuGuestPercent = 0
prevTimestamp = self.get_vm_statslist(vm).get_record("timestamp")
prevCpuTime = self.get_vm_statslist(vm).get_record("cpuTimeAbs")
if allstats:
state = allstats.get("state.state", 0)
guestcpus = allstats.get("vcpu.current", 0)
cpuTimeAbs = allstats.get("cpu.time", 0)
timestamp = allstats.get("virt-manager.timestamp")
state, guestcpus, cpuTimeAbs = self._old_cpu_stats_helper(vm)
is_offline = (state in [libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF,
if is_offline:
guestcpus = 0
cpuTimeAbs = 0
cpuTime = cpuTimeAbs - prevCpuTime
if not is_offline:
hostcpus = vm.conn.host_active_processor_count()
pcentbase = (
((cpuTime) * 100.0) /
((timestamp - prevTimestamp) * 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0))
cpuHostPercent = pcentbase / hostcpus
# Under RHEL-5.9 using a XEN HV guestcpus can be 0 during shutdown
# so play safe and check it.
cpuGuestPercent = guestcpus > 0 and pcentbase / guestcpus or 0
cpuHostPercent = max(0.0, min(100.0, cpuHostPercent))
cpuGuestPercent = max(0.0, min(100.0, cpuGuestPercent))
return cpuTime, cpuTimeAbs, cpuHostPercent, cpuGuestPercent, timestamp
# net stats handling #
def _old_net_stats_helper(self, vm, dev):
statslist = self.get_vm_statslist(vm)
io = vm.get_backend().interfaceStats(dev)
if io:
rx = io[0]
tx = io[4]
return rx, tx
except libvirt.libvirtError as err: # pragma: no cover
if vm.conn.support.is_error_nosupport(err):
log.debug("conn does not support interfaceStats")
self._net_stats_supported = False
return 0, 0
log.debug("Error in interfaceStats for '%s' dev '%s': %s",
vm.get_name(), dev, err)
if vm.is_active():
log.debug("Adding %s to skip list", dev)
log.debug("Aren't running, don't add to skiplist")
return 0, 0 # pragma: no cover
def _sample_net_stats(self, vm, allstats):
rx = 0
tx = 0
statslist = self.get_vm_statslist(vm)
if (not self._net_stats_supported or
not vm.is_active() or
not self.config.get_stats_enable_net_poll()):
statslist.stats_net_skip = []
return rx, tx
if allstats:
for key in allstats.keys(): # pragma: no cover
if re.match(r"net.[0-9]+.rx.bytes", key):
rx += allstats[key]
if re.match(r"net.[0-9]+.tx.bytes", key):
tx += allstats[key]
return rx, tx
for iface in vm.get_interface_devices_norefresh():
dev = iface.target_dev
if not dev:
continue # pragma: no cover
if dev in statslist.stats_net_skip:
continue # pragma: no cover
devrx, devtx = self._old_net_stats_helper(vm, dev)
rx += devrx
tx += devtx
return rx, tx
# disk stats handling #
def _old_disk_stats_helper(self, vm, dev):
statslist = self.get_vm_statslist(vm)
io = vm.get_backend().blockStats(dev)
if io:
rd = io[1]
wr = io[3]
return rd, wr
except libvirt.libvirtError as err: # pragma: no cover
if vm.conn.support.is_error_nosupport(err):
log.debug("conn does not support blockStats")
self._disk_stats_supported = False
return 0, 0
log.debug("Error in blockStats for '%s' dev '%s': %s",
vm.get_name(), dev, err)
if vm.is_active():
log.debug("Adding %s to skip list", dev)
log.debug("Aren't running, don't add to skiplist")
return 0, 0 # pragma: no cover
def _sample_disk_stats(self, vm, allstats):
rd = 0
wr = 0
statslist = self.get_vm_statslist(vm)
if (not self._disk_stats_supported or
not vm.is_active() or
not self.config.get_stats_enable_disk_poll()):
statslist.stats_disk_skip = []
return rd, wr
if allstats:
for key in allstats.keys():
if re.match(r"block.[0-9]+.rd.bytes", key):
rd += allstats[key]
if re.match(r"block.[0-9]+.wr.bytes", key):
wr += allstats[key]
return rd, wr
# LXC has a special blockStats method
if vm.conn.is_lxc() and self._disk_stats_lxc_supported:
io = vm.get_backend().blockStats('')
if io:
rd = io[1]
wr = io[3]
return rd, wr
except libvirt.libvirtError as e: # pragma: no cover
log.debug("LXC style disk stats not supported: %s", e)
self._disk_stats_lxc_supported = False
for disk in vm.get_disk_devices_norefresh():
dev = disk.target
if not dev:
continue # pragma: no cover
if dev in statslist.stats_disk_skip:
continue # pragma: no cover
diskrd, diskwr = self._old_disk_stats_helper(vm, dev)
rd += diskrd
wr += diskwr
return rd, wr
# memory stats handling #
def _set_mem_stats_period(self, vm):
# QEMU requires to explicitly enable memory stats polling per VM
# if we want fine grained memory stats
if not vm.conn.support.conn_mem_stats_period():
# Only works for virtio balloon
if not any([b for b in vm.get_xmlobj().devices.memballoon if
b.model == "virtio"]):
return # pragma: no cover
secs = 5
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
log.debug("Error setting memstats period: %s", e)
def _old_mem_stats_helper(self, vm):
totalmem = 1
curmem = 0
stats = vm.get_backend().memoryStats()
totalmem = stats.get("actual", 1)
curmem = max(0, totalmem - stats.get("unused", totalmem))
except libvirt.libvirtError as err: # pragma: no cover
if vm.conn.support.is_error_nosupport(err):
log.debug("conn does not support memoryStats")
self._mem_stats_supported = False
log.debug("Error reading mem stats: %s", err)
return totalmem, curmem
def _sample_mem_stats(self, vm, allstats):
statslist = self.get_vm_statslist(vm)
if (not self._mem_stats_supported or
not vm.is_active() or
not self.config.get_stats_enable_memory_poll()):
statslist.mem_stats_period_is_set = False
return 0, 0
if statslist.mem_stats_period_is_set is False:
statslist.mem_stats_period_is_set = True
if allstats:
totalmem = allstats.get("balloon.current", 1)
curmem = max(0,
totalmem - allstats.get("balloon.unused", totalmem))
totalmem, curmem = self._old_mem_stats_helper(vm)
currMemPercent = (curmem / float(totalmem)) * 100
currMemPercent = max(0.0, min(currMemPercent, 100.0))
return currMemPercent, curmem
# alltats handling #
def _get_all_stats(self, conn):
# test conn supports allstats as of 2021, but for test coverage
# purposes lets still use the old stats code for the test driver
if not self._all_stats_supported or conn.is_test():
return {}
statflags = 0
if self.config.get_stats_enable_cpu_poll():
statflags |= libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_STATE
statflags |= libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_CPU_TOTAL
statflags |= libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_VCPU
if self.config.get_stats_enable_memory_poll():
statflags |= libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BALLOON
if self.config.get_stats_enable_disk_poll():
statflags |= libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_BLOCK
if self.config.get_stats_enable_net_poll():
statflags |= libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_STATS_INTERFACE
if statflags == 0:
return {} # pragma: no cover
ret = {}
timestamp = time.time()
rawallstats = conn.get_backend().getAllDomainStats(statflags, 0)
# Reformat the output to be a bit more friendly
for dom, domallstats in rawallstats:
domallstats["virt-manager.timestamp"] = timestamp
ret[dom.UUIDString()] = domallstats
except libvirt.libvirtError as err:
if conn.support.is_error_nosupport(err):
log.debug("conn does not support getAllDomainStats()")
self._all_stats_supported = False
else: # pragma: no cover
log.debug("Error call getAllDomainStats(): %s", err)
return ret
# Public API #
def refresh_vm_stats(self, vm):
domallstats = self._latest_all_stats.get(vm.get_uuid(), None)
(cpuTime, cpuTimeAbs, cpuHostPercent, cpuGuestPercent, timestamp) = \
self._sample_cpu_stats(vm, domallstats)
currMemPercent, curmem = self._sample_mem_stats(vm, domallstats)
diskRdBytes, diskWrBytes = self._sample_disk_stats(vm, domallstats)
netRxBytes, netTxBytes = self._sample_net_stats(vm, domallstats)
newstats = _VMStatsRecord(
timestamp, cpuTime, cpuTimeAbs,
cpuHostPercent, cpuGuestPercent,
curmem, currMemPercent,
diskRdBytes, diskWrBytes,
netRxBytes, netTxBytes)
def cache_all_stats(self, conn):
self._latest_all_stats = self._get_all_stats(conn)
def get_vm_statslist(self, vm):
if vm.get_name() not in self._vm_stats:
self._vm_stats[vm.get_name()] = _VMStatsList()
return self._vm_stats[vm.get_name()]