Cole Robinson f107e39989 Switch to more traditional logging structure
Init a shared log instance in virtinst/, and use that
throughout the code base, so we aren't calling directly into
'logging'. This helps protect our logging output from being
cluttered with other library output, as happens with some
'requests' usage
2019-06-17 00:12:31 -04:00

218 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright(c) FUJITSU Limited 2007.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import argparse
import sys
from virtinst import cli
from virtinst import Cloner
from virtinst import log
from virtinst.cli import fail, print_stdout, print_stderr
# General input gathering functions
def get_clone_name(new_name, auto_clone, design):
if not new_name and auto_clone:
# Generate a name to use
new_name = design.generate_clone_name()
log.debug("Auto-generated clone name '%s'", new_name)
if not new_name:
fail(_("A name is required for the new virtual machine,"
" use '--name NEW_VM_NAME' to specify one."))
design.clone_name = new_name
def get_original_guest(guest_name, origfile, design):
origxml = None
if origfile:
f = open(origfile, "r")
origxml =
design.original_xml = origxml
except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e: # pragma: no cover
if not guest_name:
fail(_("An original machine name is required,"
" use '--original ORIGINAL_GUEST' and try again."))
design.original_guest = guest_name
def get_clone_macaddr(new_mac, design):
if new_mac is None or new_mac[0] == "RANDOM":
design.clone_macs = new_mac
def get_clone_diskfile(new_diskfiles, design, preserve, auto_clone):
if new_diskfiles is None:
new_diskfiles = [None]
newidx = 0
clonepaths = []
for origpath in [d.path for d in design.original_disks]:
if len(new_diskfiles) <= newidx:
# Extend the new/passed paths list with None if it's not
# long enough
newpath = new_diskfiles[newidx]
if origpath is None:
newpath = None
elif newpath is None and auto_clone:
newpath = design.generate_clone_disk_path(origpath)
newidx += 1
design.clone_paths = clonepaths
for disk in design.clone_disks:
cli.validate_disk(disk, warn_overwrite=not preserve)
def parse_args():
desc = _("Duplicate a virtual machine, changing all the unique "
"host side configuration like MAC address, name, etc. \n\n"
"The VM contents are NOT altered: virt-clone does not change "
"anything _inside_ the guest OS, it only duplicates disks and "
"does host side changes. So things like changing passwords, "
"changing static IP address, etc are outside the scope of "
"this tool. For these types of changes, please see virt-sysprep(1).")
parser = cli.setupParser("%(prog)s --original [NAME] ...", desc)
geng = parser.add_argument_group(_("General Options"))
geng.add_argument("-o", "--original", dest="original_guest",
help=_("Name of the original guest; "
"The status must be shut off or paused."))
help=_("XML file to use as the original guest."))
geng.add_argument("--auto-clone", action="store_true",
help=_("Auto generate clone name and storage paths from"
" the original guest configuration."))
geng.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="new_name",
help=_("Name for the new guest"))
geng.add_argument("-u", "--uuid", dest="new_uuid", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
geng.add_argument("--reflink", action="store_true",
help=_("use btrfs COW lightweight copy"))
stog = parser.add_argument_group(_("Storage Configuration"))
stog.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="new_diskfile", action="append",
help=_("New file to use as the disk image for the "
"new guest"))
stog.add_argument("--force-copy", dest="target", action="append",
help=_("Force to copy devices (eg, if 'hdc' is a "
"readonly cdrom device, --force-copy=hdc)"))
stog.add_argument("--skip-copy", action="append",
help=_("Skip copy of the device target. (eg, if 'vda' is a "
"disk you don't want to copy and use the same path "
"in the new VM, use --skip-copy=vda)"))
stog.add_argument("--nonsparse", action="store_false", dest="sparse",
help=_("Do not use a sparse file for the clone's "
"disk image"))
stog.add_argument("--preserve-data", action="store_false",
dest="preserve", default=True,
help=_("Do not clone storage, new disk images specified "
"via --file are preserved unchanged"))
stog.add_argument("--nvram", dest="new_nvram",
help=_("New file to use as storage for nvram VARS"))
netg = parser.add_argument_group(_("Networking Configuration"))
netg.add_argument("-m", "--mac", dest="new_mac", action="append",
help=_("New fixed MAC address for the clone guest. "
"Default is a randomly generated MAC"))
misc = parser.add_argument_group(_("Miscellaneous Options"))
# Just used for clone tests
misc.add_argument("--clone-running", action="store_true",
default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
cli.add_misc_options(misc, prompt=True, replace=True, printxml=True)
return parser.parse_args()
def main(conn=None):
options = parse_args()
options.quiet = options.quiet or options.xmlonly
cli.setupLogging("virt-clone", options.debug, options.quiet)
conn = cli.getConnection(options.connect, conn=conn)
if (options.new_diskfile is None and
options.auto_clone is False and
options.xmlonly is False):
fail(_("Either --auto-clone or --file is required,"
" use '--auto-clone or --file' and try again."))
design = Cloner(conn)
design.clone_running = options.clone_running
design.replace = bool(options.replace)
get_original_guest(options.original_guest, options.original_xml,
get_clone_name(options.new_name, options.auto_clone, design)
get_clone_macaddr(options.new_mac, design)
if options.new_uuid is not None:
design.clone_uuid = options.new_uuid
if options.reflink is True:
design.reflink = True
for i in or []:
design.force_target = i
for i in options.skip_copy or []:
design.skip_target = i
design.clone_sparse = options.sparse
design.preserve = options.preserve
design.clone_nvram = options.new_nvram
# This determines the devices that need to be cloned, so that
# get_clone_diskfile knows how many new disk paths it needs
get_clone_diskfile(options.new_diskfile, design,
not options.preserve, options.auto_clone)
# setup design object
if options.xmlonly:
print_stdout(design.clone_xml, do_force=True)
print_stdout(_("Clone '%s' created successfully.") % design.clone_name)
log.debug("end clone")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
except SystemExit as sys_e:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print_stderr(_("Installation aborted at user request"))
except Exception as main_e: