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synced 2025-03-12 20:58:28 +03:00
Init a shared log instance in virtinst/logger.py, and use that throughout the code base, so we aren't calling directly into 'logging'. This helps protect our logging output from being cluttered with other library output, as happens with some 'requests' usage
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# Copyright 2009, 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree
import virtinst
from virtinst import log
from .formats import parser_class
# Mapping of ResourceType value to device type
# http://konkretcmpi.org/cim218/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData.html
# "Other" [1]
# "Computer System" [2]
# "Processor" [3]
# "Memory" [4]
# "IDE Controller" [5]
# "Parallel SCSI HBA" [6]
# "FC HBA" [7]
# "iSCSI HBA" [8]
# "IB HCA" [9]
# "Ethernet Adapter" [10]
# "Other Network Adapter" [11]
# "I/O Slot" [12]
# "I/O Device" [13]
# "Floppy Drive" [14]
# "CD Drive" [15]
# "DVD drive" [16]
# "Disk Drive" [17]
# "Tape Drive" [18]
# "Storage Extent" [19]
# "Other storage device" [20]
# "Serial port" [21]
# "Parallel port" [22]
# "USB Controller" [23]
# "Graphics controller" [24]
# "IEEE 1394 Controller" [25]
# "Partitionable Unit" [26]
# "Base Partitionable Unit" [27]
# "Power" [28]
# "Cooling Capacity" [29]
# "Ethernet Switch Port" [30]
# AllocationUnits mapping can be found in Appendix C here:
# https://www.dmtf.org/standards/documents/CIM/DSP0004.pdf
"ovf": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1",
"ovfenv": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1",
"rasd": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData",
"vssd": "http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData",
"vmw": "http://www.vmware.com/schema/ovf",
def _convert_alloc_val(ignore, val):
# This is a hack, but should we really have to decode
# allocation units = "bytes * 2^20"?
val = float(val)
if val > 100000000:
# Assume bytes
return int(round(val / 1024.0 / 1024.0))
elif val > 100000:
# Assume kilobytes
return int(round(val / 1024.0))
elif val < 32:
# Assume GiB
return int(val * 1024)
return int(val)
def _convert_bool_val(val):
if str(val).lower() == "false":
return False
elif str(val).lower() == "true":
return True
return False
def _find(_node, _xpath):
return _node.find(_xpath, namespaces=OVF_NAMESPACES)
def _findall(_node, _xpath):
return _node.findall(_xpath, namespaces=OVF_NAMESPACES)
def _text(_node):
if _node is not None:
return _node.text
def _lookup_disk_path(root, path):
Map the passed HostResource ID to the actual host disk path
ref = None
def _path_has_prefix(prefix):
if path.startswith(prefix):
return path[len(prefix):]
if path.startswith("ovf:" + prefix):
return path[len("ovf:" + prefix):]
return False
if _path_has_prefix("/disk/"):
disk_ref = _path_has_prefix("/disk/")
xpath = "./ovf:DiskSection/ovf:Disk[@ovf:diskId='%s']" % disk_ref
dnode = _find(root, xpath)
if dnode is None:
raise ValueError(_("Unknown disk reference id '%s' "
"for path %s.") % (path, disk_ref))
ref = dnode.attrib["{%s}fileRef" % OVF_NAMESPACES["ovf"]]
elif _path_has_prefix("/file/"):
ref = _path_has_prefix("/file/")
raise ValueError(_("Unknown storage path type %s.") % path)
xpath = "./ovf:References/ovf:File[@ovf:id='%s']" % ref
refnode = _find(root, xpath)
if refnode is None:
raise ValueError(_("Unknown reference id '%s' "
"for path %s.") % (ref, path))
return refnode.attrib["{%s}href" % OVF_NAMESPACES["ovf"]]
def _import_file(conn, input_file):
Parse the OVF file and generate a virtinst.Guest object from it
root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(input_file).getroot()
vsnode = _find(root, "./ovf:VirtualSystem")
vhnode = _find(vsnode, "./ovf:VirtualHardwareSection")
# General info
name = _text(vsnode.find("./ovf:Name", OVF_NAMESPACES))
desc = _text(vsnode.find("./ovf:AnnotationSection/ovf:Annotation",
if not desc:
desc = _text(vsnode.find("./ovf:Description", OVF_NAMESPACES))
vhxpath = "./ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType='%s']"
vcpus = _text(_find(vhnode,
(vhxpath % DEVICE_CPU) + "/rasd:VirtualQuantity"))
mem = _text(_find(vhnode,
(vhxpath % DEVICE_MEMORY) + "/rasd:VirtualQuantity"))
alloc_mem = _text(_find(vhnode,
(vhxpath % DEVICE_MEMORY) + "/rasd:AllocationUnits"))
# Sections that we handle
# NetworkSection is ignored, since I don't have an example of
# a valid section in the wild.
parsed_sections = ["References", "DiskSection", "NetworkSection",
# Check for unhandled 'required' sections
for env_node in root.findall("./"):
if any([p for p in parsed_sections if p in env_node.tag]):
log.debug("Unhandled XML section '%s'",
if not _convert_bool_val(env_node.attrib.get("required")):
raise Exception(_("OVF section '%s' is listed as "
"required, but parser doesn't know "
"how to handle it.") % env_node.name)
disk_buses = {}
for node in _findall(vhnode, vhxpath % DEVICE_IDE_BUS):
instance_id = _text(_find(node, "rasd:InstanceID"))
disk_buses[instance_id] = "ide"
for node in _findall(vhnode, vhxpath % DEVICE_SCSI_BUS):
instance_id = _text(_find(node, "rasd:InstanceID"))
disk_buses[instance_id] = "scsi"
ifaces = []
for node in _findall(vhnode, vhxpath % DEVICE_ETHERNET):
iface = virtinst.DeviceInterface(conn)
# Just ignore 'source' info for now and choose the default
net_model = _text(_find(node, "rasd:ResourceSubType"))
if net_model and not net_model.isdigit():
iface.model = net_model.lower()
disks = []
for node in _findall(vhnode, vhxpath % DEVICE_DISK):
bus_id = _text(_find(node, "rasd:Parent"))
path = _text(_find(node, "rasd:HostResource"))
bus = disk_buses.get(bus_id, "ide")
fmt = "raw"
if path:
path = _lookup_disk_path(root, path)
fmt = "vmdk"
disk = virtinst.DeviceDisk(conn)
disk.path = path
disk.driver_type = fmt
disk.bus = bus
disk.device = "disk"
# Generate the Guest
guest = virtinst.Guest(conn)
if not name:
name = os.path.basename(input_file)
guest.name = name.replace(" ", "_")
guest.description = desc or None
if vcpus:
guest.vcpus = int(vcpus)
if mem:
guest.currentMemory = _convert_alloc_val(alloc_mem, mem) * 1024
for dev in ifaces + disks:
return guest
class ovf_parser(parser_class):
Support for OVF appliance configurations.
Whitepaper: https://www.vmware.com/pdf/ovf_whitepaper_specification.pdf
Spec: https://www.dmtf.org/standards/published_documents/DSP0243_1.0.0.pdf
name = "ovf"
suffix = ".ovf"
def identify_file(input_file):
Return True if the given file is of this format.
# Small heuristic to ensure we aren't attempting to identify
# a large .zip archive or similar
if os.path.getsize(input_file) > (1024 * 1024 * 2):
root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(input_file).getroot()
return root.tag == ("{%s}Envelope" % OVF_NAMESPACES["ovf"])
except Exception:
log.debug("Error parsing OVF XML", exc_info=True)
return False
def export_libvirt(conn, input_file):
log.debug("Importing OVF XML:\n%s", open(input_file).read())
return _import_file(conn, input_file)