mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 21:57:33 +03:00
As outlined here: https://www.redhat.com/archives/virt-tools-list/2012-February/msg00040.html For now this is just a direct import of the code from virtinst commit dca5a4d6245f21d554f8853197a6a234bfc8e52c. History is not merged, so please refer to original git for detailed commit histor: http://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/python-virtinst.git/
207 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
207 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
FILES="setup.py tests/ virt-install virt-image virt-clone virt-convert virtinst/ virtconv virtconv/parsers/*.py"
# Don't print pylint config warning
NO_PYL_CONFIG=".*No config file found.*"
# Exceptions: deliberately ignore these regex
# False positive: using the private excepthook is needed for custom exception
# handler
# Following functions are in the public api which have argument names that
# override builtin 'type'.
BTYPE_TYPE="${BUILTIN_TYPE}.*Redefining built-in 'type'"
# Built-in type 'format'
BTYPE_FORMAT="${BUILTIN_FORMAT}.*Redefining built-in 'format'"
# Following functions are in the public api which have argument names that
# override builtin 'str'.
BTYPE_STR="${BUILTIN_STR}.*Redefining built-in 'str'"
# Following functions are in the public api which have argument names that
# override builtin 'str'.
BTYPE_FILE="${BUILTIN_FILE}.*Redefining built-in 'file'"
# Using os._exit is required in forked processes
USE_OF__EXIT="member _exit"
# False positive: we install the _ function in the builtin namespace, but
# pylint doesn't pick it up
UNDEF_GETTEXT="Undefined variable '_'"
# Don't complain about 'ucred' or 'selinux' not being available
UCRED="import 'ucred'"
SELINUX="import 'selinux'"
COVERAGE="import 'coverage'"
OLDSELINUX="'selinux' has no "
HASHLIB_CONFUSION="Module 'hashlib' has no 'sha.*"
# Public api error
VD_MISMATCHED_ARGS="get_xml_config.*Arguments number differs"
# Pylint getting confused with XMLBuilder complication
XMLBUILDER_CONFUSION="xml_property.*protected member _xml.*"
# urltest needs access to protected members for testing purposes
URLTEST_ACCESS="TestURLFetch.*Access to a protected member"
# We use some hacks in the test driver to simulate remote libvirt URIs
TEST_HACKS="TestClone.*protected member _util|testQEMUDriverName.*protected member _get_uri|Access to a protected member _util"
# Scattered examples of legitimately unused arguments
UNUSED_ARGS="(SuseDistro|SolarisDistro|NetWareDistro).isValidStore.*Unused argument 'progresscb'|.*Installer.prepare.*Unused argument|post_install_check.*Unused argument 'guest'|Guest.__init__.*Unused argument 'type'|_get_bootdev"
# Outside __init__ checks throw false positives with distutils custom commands
# tests.storage also invokes false positives using hasattr
OUTSIDE_INIT="(.*Test.*|.*createPool.*)outside __init__"
# pylint complains about some of the subclass funkiness in chardev classes
CHAR_SUBCLASS=".*VirtualCharDevice' has no '(source_mode|source_path)' member.*|.*Method '_char_xml' is abstract in class 'VirtualCharDevice'.*"
# FIXME: Everything skipped below are all bugs
# Libvirt connect() method is broken for getting an objects connection, this
# workaround is required for now
ACCESS__CONN="Access to a protected member _conn"
# There isn't a clean API way to access this functions from the API, but
# they provide info that is needed. These need need to be fixed.
PROT_MEM_BUGS="protected member (_lookup_osdict_key|_OS_TYPES|_prepare_install|_create_devices|_cleanup_install|_install_bootconfig|_channels|_get_caps|_open_test_uri|_set_rhel6)|'virtinst.FullVirtGuest' has no '_OS_TYPES'"
# This doesn't belong here, but makes sure I don't break the test suite :)
if grep -qIR crobinso tests --exclude pylint\* ; then
echo "Test suite borked:"
grep -IR crobinso tests --exclude pylint\*
exit 1
skipmsg() {
skipchecker() {
skipmsg_checksupport() {
out=`pylint --list-msgs 2>&1`
if `echo $out | grep -q $1` ; then
echo "adding!"
skipmsg "$1"
# Disabled Messages:
skipmsg "C0103" # C0103: Name doesn't match some style regex
skipmsg "C0111" # C0111: No docstring
skipmsg "C0301" # C0301: Line too long
skipmsg "C0302" # C0302: Too many lines in module
skipmsg "W0105" # W0105: String statement has no effect (annoying for docs)
skipmsg "W0141" # W0141: Complaining about 'map' and 'filter'
skipmsg "W0142" # W0142: Use of * or **
skipmsg "W0603" # W0603: Using the global statement
skipmsg "W0703" # W0703: Catch 'Exception'
skipmsg "W0704" # W0704: Exception doesn't do anything
skipmsg "W0702" # W0702: No exception type specified
skipmsg "R0201" # R0201: Method could be a function
skipchecker "Design" # Things like "Too many func arguments",
# "Too man public methods"
# Possibly useful at some point
skipmsg "W0403" # W0403: Relative imports
skipmsg "W0511" # W0511: FIXME and XXX: messages
skipmsg "R0401" # R0401: Cyclic imports
skipchecker "Similarities" # Finds duplicate code
# Not supported in many pylint versions
# Put new messages here with skipmsg_checksupport
[ `uname -s` = 'SunOS' ] && AWK=nawk
pylint --ignore=coverage.py, $FILES \
--reports=n \
--output-format=colorized \
--dummy-variables-rgx="dummy|ignore*|.*ignore" \
--disable=${DMSG} \
--disable=${DCHECKERS} 2>&1 | \
egrep -ve "$EXCEPTHOOK" \
-ve "$NO_PYL_CONFIG" \
-ve "$BTYPE_TYPE" \
-ve "$BTYPE_FILE" \
-ve "$BTYPE_STR" \
-ve "$UCRED" \
-ve "$SELINUX" \
-ve "$COVERAGE" \
-ve "$USE_OF__EXIT" \
-ve "$ACCESS__CONN" \
-ve "$UNUSED_ARGS" \
-ve "$TEST_HACKS" \
-ve "$PROT_MEM_BUGS" \
-ve "$OUTSIDE_INIT" | \
$AWK '\
# Strip out any "*** Module name" lines if we dont list any errors for them
BEGIN { found=0; cur_line="" }
if (found == 1) {
if ( /\*\*\*/ ) {
prev_line = $0
} else {
print prev_line
print $0
found = 0
} else if ( /\*\*\*/ ) {
found = 1
prev_line = $0
} else {
print $0
# pep8 section #
skip_pep8() {
if [ ! -z ${SKIP_PEP8} ] ; then
skip_pep8 "E201" # Spaces after [, before ]
skip_pep8 "E203" # Space before : in dictionary defs
skip_pep8 "E221" # Multiple spaces before operator (warns
# about column aligning assigments
skip_pep8 "E241" # Space after , column alignment nono
skip_pep8 "E261" # 2 spaces before inline comment?
skip_pep8 "E301" # 1 blank line between methods
skip_pep8 "E302" # 2 blank lines between function defs
skip_pep8 "E303" # Too many blank lines
skip_pep8 "E501" # Line too long
echo "Running pep8"
pep8 -r --ignore $SKIP_PEP8 $FILES