2015-09-22 12:41:57 -04:00

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# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import logging
import re
from .cli import VirtOptionString
def sanitize_xml_for_test_define(xml):
import difflib
orig = xml
xml = re.sub("arch=\".*\"", "arch=\"i686\"", xml)
xml = re.sub("domain type=\".*\"", "domain type=\"test\"", xml)
xml = re.sub("machine type=\".*\"", "", xml)
xml = re.sub(">exe<", ">hvm<", xml)
xml = re.sub(">linux<", ">xen<", xml)
diff = "\n".join(difflib.unified_diff(orig.split("\n"),
if diff:
logging.debug("virtinst test sanitizing diff\n:%s", diff)
return xml
class URI(object):
Parse an arbitrary URI into its individual parts
def __init__(self, uri):
self.uri = uri
(self.scheme, self.username, self.hostname,
self.path, self.query, self.fragment) = self._split(self.uri)
self.transport = ''
if "+" in self.scheme:
self.scheme, self.transport = self.scheme.rsplit("+", 1)
self.port = ''
self.is_ipv6 = False
if self.hostname.startswith("[") and "]" in self.hostname:
if "]:" in self.hostname:
self.hostname, self.port = self.hostname.rsplit(":", 1)
self.hostname = "".join(self.hostname[1:].split("]", 1))
self.is_ipv6 = True
elif ":" in self.hostname:
self.hostname, self.port = self.hostname.split(":", 1)
self.host_is_ipv4_string = bool(re.match("^[0-9.]+$", self.hostname))
# Private helpers #
def _split(self, uri):
def splitnetloc(url, start=0):
for c in '/?#': # the order is important!
delim = url.find(c, start)
if delim >= 0:
delim = len(url)
return url[start:delim], url[delim:]
scheme = username = netloc = query = fragment = ''
i = uri.find(":")
if i > 0:
scheme, uri = uri[:i].lower(), uri[i + 1:]
if uri[:2] == '//':
netloc, uri = splitnetloc(uri, 2)
offset = netloc.find("@")
if offset > 0:
username = netloc[0:offset]
netloc = netloc[offset + 1:]
if '#' in uri:
uri, fragment = uri.split('#', 1)
if '?' in uri:
uri, query = uri.split('?', 1)
return scheme, username, netloc, uri, query, fragment
class MagicURI(object):
Handle magic virtinst URIs we use for the test suite and UI testing.
This allows a special URI to override various features like capabilities
XML, reported connection and libvirt versions, that enable testing
different code paths.
A magic URI has 3 parts:
1) Magic prefix __virtinst_test__
2) Actual openable URI, usually a test:/// URI
3) Comma separated options
The available options are:
* 'predictable': Generate predictable UUIDs, MAC addresses, and
temporary file names.
* 'remote': Have the code consider this as a remote URI
* 'session': Have the code consider this as a session URI
* 'connver=%d': Override the connection (hv) version
* 'libver=%d': Override the libvirt version
* 'caps=%s': Points to a file with capabilities XML, that will
be returned in conn.getCapabilities. Ex.
files in test/capabilities-xml/
* 'domcaps=%s': Points to a file with domain capabilities XML, that
will be returned in conn.getDomainCapabilities
* qemu or xen or lxc: Fake the specified hypervisor
See tests/ for example URLs
VIRTINST_URI_MAGIC_PREFIX = "__virtinst_test__"
def uri_is_magic(uri):
return uri.startswith(MagicURI.VIRTINST_URI_MAGIC_PREFIX)
def __init__(self, uri):
if not self.uri_is_magic(uri):
raise RuntimeError("uri=%s is not virtinst magic URI" % uri)
uri = uri.replace(self.VIRTINST_URI_MAGIC_PREFIX, "")
ret = uri.split(",", 1)
self.open_uri = ret[0]
opts = VirtOptionString(len(ret) > 1 and ret[1] or "", [], None).opts
def pop_bool(field):
ret = field in opts
opts.pop(field, None)
return ret
self.predictable = pop_bool("predictable")
self.remote = pop_bool("remote")
self.session = pop_bool("session")
self.capsfile = opts.pop("caps", None)
self.domcapsfile = opts.pop("domcaps", None)
self.hv = None
if pop_bool("qemu"):
self.hv = "qemu"
if pop_bool("lxc"):
self.hv = "lxc"
if pop_bool("xen"):
self.hv = "xen"
self.conn_version = opts.pop("connver", None)
if self.conn_version:
self.conn_version = int(self.conn_version)
elif self.hv:
self.conn_version = 10000000000
self.libvirt_version = opts.pop("libver", None)
if self.libvirt_version:
self.libvirt_version = int(self.libvirt_version)
if opts:
raise RuntimeError("Unhandled virtinst test uri options %s" % opts)
# Public API #
def make_fake_uri(self):
If self.hv is set, we need to make a fake URI so that Connection
URI handling bits have something to work with.
if self.hv:
return self.hv + "+abc:///system"
return self.open_uri
def overwrite_conn_functions(self, conn):
After the connection is open, we need to stub out various functions
depending on what magic bits the user specified in the URI
# Fake capabilities
if self.capsfile:
capsxml = file(self.capsfile).read()
conn.getCapabilities = lambda: capsxml
# Fake domcapabilities. This is insufficient since output should
# vary per type/arch/emulator combo, but it can be expanded later
# if needed
if self.domcapsfile:
domcapsxml = file(self.domcapsfile).read()
def fake_domcaps(emulator, arch, machine, virttype, flags=0):
ignore = emulator
ignore = flags
ignore = machine
ignore = virttype
ret = domcapsxml
if arch:
ret = re.sub("arch>.+</arch", "arch>%s</arch" % arch, ret)
return ret
conn.getDomainCapabilities = fake_domcaps
if self.hv:
origcreate = conn.createLinux
origdefine = conn.defineXML
def newcreate(xml, flags):
xml = sanitize_xml_for_test_define(xml)
return origcreate(xml, flags)
def newdefine(xml):
xml = sanitize_xml_for_test_define(xml)
return origdefine(xml)
conn.createLinux = newcreate
conn.defineXML = newdefine