
465 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import logging
import os
import re
import weakref
import libvirt
from virtinst import CapabilitiesParser
from virtinst import Guest
from virtinst import StoragePool
from virtinst import StorageVolume
from virtinst import pollhelpers
from virtinst import support
from virtinst import util
from virtinst.cli import VirtOptionString
_virtinst_uri_magic = "__virtinst_test__"
def _fakemkstemp(prefix, *args, **kwargs):
ignore = args
ignore = kwargs
filename = os.path.join(".", prefix)
return, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT), filename
def _sanitize_xml(xml):
import difflib
orig = xml
xml = re.sub("arch=\".*\"", "arch=\"i686\"", xml)
xml = re.sub("domain type=\".*\"", "domain type=\"test\"", xml)
xml = re.sub("machine type=\".*\"", "", xml)
xml = re.sub(">exe<", ">hvm<", xml)
diff = "\n".join(difflib.unified_diff(orig.split("\n"),
if diff:
logging.debug("virtinst test sanitizing diff\n:%s", diff)
return xml
class VirtualConnection(object):
Wrapper for libvirt connection that provides various bits like
- caching static data
- lookup for API feature support
- simplified API wrappers that handle new and old ways of doing things
def __init__(self, uri):
self._initial_uri = uri or ""
self._fake_pretty_name = None
self._fake_libvirt_version = None
self._fake_conn_version = None
self._daemon_version = None
self._conn_version = None
if self._initial_uri.startswith(_virtinst_uri_magic):
# virtinst unit test URI handling
uri = self._initial_uri.replace(_virtinst_uri_magic, "")
ret = uri.split(",", 1)
self._open_uri = ret[0]
self._test_opts = VirtOptionString(
len(ret) > 1 and ret[1] or "", [], None).opts
self._uri = self._virtinst_uri_make_fake()
self._open_uri = self._initial_uri
self._uri = self._initial_uri
self._test_opts = {}
self._libvirtconn = None
self._urisplits = util.uri_split(self._uri)
self._caps = None
self._support_cache = {}
self._fetch_cache = {}
# Setting this means we only do fetch_all* once and just carry
# the result. For the virt-* CLI tools this ensures any revalidation
# isn't hammering the connection over and over
self.cache_object_fetch = False
# These let virt-manager register a callback which provides its
# own cached object lists, rather than doing fresh calls
self.cb_fetch_all_guests = None
self.cb_fetch_all_pools = None
self.cb_fetch_all_vols = None
self.cb_clear_cache = None
# Properties #
# Proxy virConnect API calls
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[attr]
libvirtconn = self.__dict__.get("_libvirtconn")
return getattr(libvirtconn, attr)
def _get_uri(self):
return self._uri or self._open_uri
uri = property(_get_uri)
libvirtconn = property(lambda self: getattr(self, "_libvirtconn"))
def _get_caps(self):
if not self._caps:
self._caps = CapabilitiesParser.Capabilities(
return self._caps
caps = property(_get_caps)
# Public API #
def is_closed(self):
return not bool(self._libvirtconn)
def close(self):
self._libvirtconn = None
self._uri = None
self._fetch_cache = {}
def invalidate_caps(self):
self._caps = None
def is_open(self):
return bool(self._libvirtconn)
def open(self, passwordcb):
open_flags = 0
valid_auth_options = [libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME,
authcb = self._auth_cb
authcb_data = passwordcb
conn = libvirt.openAuth(self._open_uri,
[valid_auth_options, authcb,
(authcb_data, valid_auth_options)],
self._libvirtconn = conn
if not self._open_uri:
self._uri = self._libvirtconn.getURI()
self._urisplits = util.uri_split(self._uri)
_FETCH_KEY_POOLS = "pools"
_FETCH_KEY_VOLS = "vols"
def _fetch_all_guests_cached(self):
key = self._FETCH_KEY_GUESTS
if key in self._fetch_cache:
return self._fetch_cache[key]
ignore, ignore, ret = pollhelpers.fetch_vms(self, {},
lambda obj, ignore: obj)
ret = [Guest(weakref.ref(self), parsexml=obj.XMLDesc(0))
for obj in ret.values()]
if self.cache_object_fetch:
self._fetch_cache[key] = ret
return ret
def fetch_all_guests(self):
Returns a list of Guest() objects
if self.cb_fetch_all_guests:
return self.cb_fetch_all_guests() # pylint: disable=E1102
return self._fetch_all_guests_cached()
def _fetch_all_pools_cached(self):
key = self._FETCH_KEY_POOLS
if key in self._fetch_cache:
return self._fetch_cache[key]
ignore, ignore, ret = pollhelpers.fetch_pools(self, {},
lambda obj, ignore: obj)
ret = [StoragePool(weakref.ref(self), parsexml=obj.XMLDesc(0))
for obj in ret.values()]
if self.cache_object_fetch:
self._fetch_cache[key] = ret
return ret
def fetch_all_pools(self):
Returns a list of StoragePool objects
if self.cb_fetch_all_pools:
return self.cb_fetch_all_pools() # pylint: disable=E1102
return self._fetch_all_pools_cached()
def _fetch_all_vols_cached(self):
key = self._FETCH_KEY_VOLS
if key in self._fetch_cache:
return self._fetch_cache[key]
ret = []
for xmlobj in self.fetch_all_pools():
pool = self._libvirtconn.storagePoolLookupByName(
ignore, ignore, vols = pollhelpers.fetch_volumes(
self, pool, {}, lambda obj, ignore: obj)
ret += [StorageVolume(weakref.ref(self), parsexml=obj.XMLDesc(0))
for obj in vols.values()]
if self.cache_object_fetch:
self._fetch_cache[key] = ret
return ret
def fetch_all_vols(self):
Returns a list of StorageVolume objects
if self.cb_fetch_all_vols:
return self.cb_fetch_all_vols() # pylint: disable=E1102
return self._fetch_all_vols_cached()
def clear_cache(self, pools=False):
if self.cb_clear_cache:
self.cb_clear_cache(pools=pools) # pylint: disable=E1102
if pools:
self._fetch_cache.pop(self._FETCH_KEY_POOLS, None)
# Libvirt API overrides #
def getURI(self):
return self._uri
# Public version checks #
def local_libvirt_version(self):
if self._fake_libvirt_version is not None:
return self._fake_libvirt_version
# This handles caching for us
return util.local_libvirt_version()
def daemon_version(self):
if self._fake_libvirt_version is not None:
return self._fake_libvirt_version
if not self.is_remote():
return self.local_libvirt_version()
if not self._daemon_version:
if not self.check_support(support.SUPPORT_CONN_LIBVERSION):
self._daemon_version = 0
self._daemon_version = self.libvirtconn.getLibVersion()
return self._daemon_version
def conn_version(self):
if self._fake_conn_version is not None:
return self._fake_conn_version
if not self._conn_version:
if not self.check_support(support.SUPPORT_CONN_GETVERSION):
self._conn_version = 0
self._conn_version = self.libvirtconn.getVersion()
return self._conn_version
# Public URI bits #
def fake_name(self):
return self._fake_pretty_name
def is_remote(self):
return (hasattr(self, "_virtinst__fake_conn_remote") or
def get_uri_hostname(self):
return self._urisplits[2] or "localhost"
def get_uri_host_port(self):
hostname = self.get_uri_hostname()
port = None
if hostname.startswith("[") and "]" in hostname:
if "]:" in hostname:
hostname, port = hostname.rsplit(":", 1)
hostname = "".join(hostname[1:].split("]", 1))
elif ":" in hostname:
hostname, port = hostname.split(":", 1)
return hostname, port
def get_uri_transport(self):
scheme = self._urisplits[0]
username = self._urisplits[1]
offset = scheme.find("+")
if offset != -1:
return [scheme[offset + 1:], username]
return [None, None]
def get_uri_driver(self):
scheme = self._urisplits[0]
offset = scheme.find("+")
if offset > 0:
return scheme[:offset]
return scheme
def is_session_uri(self):
return self._urisplits[3] == "/session"
def is_qemu(self):
return self._urisplits[0].startswith("qemu")
def is_qemu_system(self):
return (self.is_qemu() and self._urisplits[3] == "/system")
def is_qemu_session(self):
return (self.is_qemu() and self.is_session_uri())
def is_test(self):
return self._urisplits[0].startswith("test")
def is_xen(self):
return (self._urisplits[0].startswith("xen") or
def is_lxc(self):
return self._urisplits[0].startswith("lxc")
def is_openvz(self):
return self._urisplits[0].startswith("openvz")
def is_container(self):
return self.is_lxc() or self.is_openvz()
# Support check helpers #
for _supportname in [_supportname for _supportname in dir(support) if
locals()[_supportname] = getattr(support, _supportname)
def check_support(self, feature, data=None):
key = feature
data = data or self
if key not in self._support_cache:
self._support_cache[key] = support.check_support(
self, feature, data)
return self._support_cache[key]
def support_remote_url_install(self):
if hasattr(self, "_virtinst__fake_conn"):
return False
return (self.check_support(self.SUPPORT_CONN_STREAM) and
# Private helpers #
def _auth_cb(self, creds, (passwordcb, passwordcreds)):
for cred in creds:
if cred[0] not in passwordcreds:
raise RuntimeError("Unknown cred type '%s', expected only "
"%s" % (cred[0], passwordcreds))
return passwordcb(creds)
def _virtinst_uri_make_fake(self):
if "qemu" in self._test_opts:
return "qemu+abc:///system"
elif "xen" in self._test_opts:
return "xen+abc:///"
elif "lxc" in self._test_opts:
return "lxc+abc:///"
return self._open_uri
def _early_virtinst_test_uri(self):
# Need tmpfile names to be deterministic
if not self._test_opts:
opts = self._test_opts
if "predictable" in opts:
import tempfile
tempfile.mkstemp = _fakemkstemp
setattr(self, "_virtinst__fake_conn_predictable", True)
# Fake remote status
if "remote" in opts:
setattr(self, "_virtinst__fake_conn_remote", True)
if "prettyname" in opts:
self._fake_pretty_name = opts.pop("prettyname")
def _fixup_virtinst_test_uri(self, conn):
This hack allows us to fake various drivers via passing a magic
URI string to virt-*. Helps with testing
if not self._test_opts:
opts = self._test_opts.copy()
# Fake capabilities
if "caps" in opts:
capsxml = file(opts.pop("caps")).read()
conn.getCapabilities = lambda: capsxml
if ("qemu" in opts) or ("xen" in opts) or ("lxc" in opts):
opts.pop("qemu", None)
opts.pop("xen", None)
opts.pop("lxc", None)
self._fake_conn_version = 10000000000
origcreate = conn.createLinux
origdefine = conn.defineXML
def newcreate(xml, flags):
xml = _sanitize_xml(xml)
return origcreate(xml, flags)
def newdefine(xml):
xml = _sanitize_xml(xml)
return origdefine(xml)
conn.createLinux = newcreate
conn.defineXML = newdefine
# These need to come after the HV setter, since that sets a default
# conn version
if "connver" in opts:
self._fake_conn_version = int(opts.pop("connver"))
if "libver" in opts:
self._fake_libvirt_version = int(opts.pop("libver"))
if opts:
raise RuntimeError("Unhandled virtinst test uri options %s" % opts)
setattr(self, "_virtinst__fake_conn", True)