Cole Robinson b19f94299b details: Add OS name view/edit, + oslist rework
This is just a big nasty commit.

Turn the OS inspection page into an always available page that
shows the libosinfo name from the domain metadata XML. Use
and have it absorb more of the common behavior needed by
and Add UI tests for it all
2018-09-30 20:55:32 -04:00

428 lines
13 KiB

# List of OS Specific data
# Copyright 2006-2008, 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# Jeremy Katz <>
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import datetime
import logging
import re
import gi
gi.require_version('Libosinfo', '1.0')
from gi.repository import Libosinfo as libosinfo
# Sorting helpers #
def _sortby(osobj):
Combines distro+version to make a more sort friendly string. Examples
fedora25 -> fedora-0025000000000000
ubuntu17.04 -> ubuntu-0017000400000000
win2k8r2 -> win-0006000100000000
if osobj.is_generic():
# Sort generic at the end of the list
return "zzzzzz-000000000000"
version = osobj.version
t = version.split(".")
t = t[:min(4, len(t))] + [0] * (4 - min(4, len(t)))
new_version = ""
for n in t:
new_version = new_version + ("%.4i" % int(n))
version = new_version
except Exception:
return "%s-%s" % (osobj.distro, version)
def _sort(tosort):
sortby_mappings = {}
distro_mappings = {}
retlist = []
for key, osinfo in tosort.items():
# Libosinfo has some duplicate version numbers here, so append .1
# if there's a collision
sortby = _sortby(osinfo)
while sortby_mappings.get(sortby):
sortby = sortby + ".1"
sortby_mappings[sortby] = key
# Group by distro first, so debian is clumped together, fedora, etc.
distro = osinfo.distro
if osinfo.is_generic():
distro = "zzzzzz"
if distro not in distro_mappings:
distro_mappings[distro] = []
# We want returned lists to be sorted descending by 'distro', so we get
# debian5, debian4, fedora14, fedora13
# rather than
# debian4, debian5, fedora13, fedora14
for distro_list in list(distro_mappings.values()):
sorted_distro_list = list(distro_mappings.keys())
# Build the final list of sorted os objects
for distro in sorted_distro_list:
distro_list = distro_mappings[distro]
for key in distro_list:
orig_key = sortby_mappings[key]
return retlist
class _OSDB(object):
Entry point for the public API
def __init__(self):
self.__os_loader = None
self.__all_variants = None
# This is only for back compatibility with pre-libosinfo support.
# This should never change.
_aliases = {
"altlinux": "altlinux1.0",
"debianetch": "debian4",
"debianlenny": "debian5",
"debiansqueeze": "debian6",
"debianwheezy": "debian7",
"freebsd10": "freebsd10.0",
"freebsd6": "freebsd6.0",
"freebsd7": "freebsd7.0",
"freebsd8": "freebsd8.0",
"freebsd9": "freebsd9.0",
"mandriva2009": "mandriva2009.0",
"mandriva2010": "mandriva2010.0",
"mbs1": "mbs1.0",
"msdos": "msdos6.22",
"openbsd4": "openbsd4.2",
"opensolaris": "opensolaris2009.06",
"opensuse11": "opensuse11.4",
"opensuse12": "opensuse12.3",
"rhel4": "rhel4.0",
"rhel5": "rhel5.0",
"rhel6": "rhel6.0",
"rhel7": "rhel7.0",
"ubuntuhardy": "ubuntu8.04",
"ubuntuintrepid": "ubuntu8.10",
"ubuntujaunty": "ubuntu9.04",
"ubuntukarmic": "ubuntu9.10",
"ubuntulucid": "ubuntu10.04",
"ubuntumaverick": "ubuntu10.10",
"ubuntunatty": "ubuntu11.04",
"ubuntuoneiric": "ubuntu11.10",
"ubuntuprecise": "ubuntu12.04",
"ubuntuquantal": "ubuntu12.10",
"ubunturaring": "ubuntu13.04",
"ubuntusaucy": "ubuntu13.10",
"virtio26": "fedora10",
"vista": "winvista",
"winxp64": "winxp",
# Old --os-type values
"linux": "generic",
"windows": "winxp",
"solaris": "solaris10",
"unix": "freebsd9.0",
"other": "generic",
# Internal APIs #
def _make_default_variants(self):
ret = {}
# Generic variant
v = _OsVariant(None)
ret[] = v
return ret
def _os_loader(self):
if not self.__os_loader:
loader = libosinfo.Loader()
self.__os_loader = loader
return self.__os_loader
def _all_variants(self):
if not self.__all_variants:
loader = self._os_loader
allvariants = self._make_default_variants()
db = loader.get_db()
oslist = db.get_os_list()
for os in range(oslist.get_length()):
osi = _OsVariant(oslist.get_nth(os))
allvariants[] = osi
self.__all_variants = allvariants
return self.__all_variants
# Public APIs #
def lookup_os_by_full_id(self, full_id):
for osobj in self._all_variants.values():
if osobj.full_id == full_id:
return osobj
def lookup_os(self, key):
key = self._aliases.get(key) or key
return self._all_variants.get(key)
def lookup_os_by_media(self, location):
media = libosinfo.Media.create_from_location(location, None)
ret = self._os_loader.get_db().guess_os_from_media(media)
if not (ret and len(ret) > 0 and ret[0]):
return None
osname = ret[0].get_short_id()
if osname == "fedora-unknown":
osname = self.latest_fedora_version()
logging.debug("Detected location=%s as os=fedora-unknown. "
"Converting that to the latest fedora OS version=%s",
location, osname)
return osname
def list_os(self):
List all OSes in the DB
sortmap = {}
for name, osobj in self._all_variants.items():
sortmap[name] = osobj
return _sort(sortmap)
def latest_regex(self, regex):
Return the latest distro name that matches the passed regex
oses = [ for o in self.list_os() if re.match(regex,]
if not oses:
return None
return oses[0]
def latest_fedora_version(self):
return self.latest_regex("fedora[0-9]+")
# OsVariant classes #
class _OsVariant(object):
def __init__(self, o):
self._os = o
self._family = self._os and self._os.get_family() or None
self.full_id = self._os and self._os.get_id() or None = self._os and self._os.get_short_id() or "generic"
self.label = self._os and self._os.get_name() or "Generic default"
self.codename = self._os and self._os.get_codename() or ""
self.distro = self._os and self._os.get_distro() or ""
self.version = self._os and self._os.get_version() or None
self.eol = self._get_eol()
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s name=%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
# Internal helper APIs #
def _is_related_to(self, related_os_list, os=None,
check_derives=True, check_upgrades=True, check_clones=True):
os = os or self._os
if not os:
return False
if os.get_short_id() in related_os_list:
return True
check_list = []
def _extend(newl):
for obj in newl:
if obj not in check_list:
if check_derives:
if check_clones:
if check_upgrades:
for checkobj in check_list:
if (checkobj.get_short_id() in related_os_list or
self._is_related_to(related_os_list, os=checkobj,
return True
return False
def _get_all_devices(self):
if not self._os:
return []
devlist = self._os.get_all_devices()
return [devlist.get_nth(i) for i in range(devlist.get_length())]
def _device_filter(self, name=None, cls=None, bus=None):
ret = []
for dev in self._get_all_devices():
if name and not re.match(name, dev.get_name()):
if cls and not re.match(cls, dev.get_class()):
if bus and not re.match(bus, dev.get_bus_type()):
return ret
# Cached APIs #
def _get_eol(self):
eol = self._os and self._os.get_eol_date() or None
rel = self._os and self._os.get_release_date() or None
def _glib_to_datetime(glibdate):
date = "%s-%s" % (glibdate.get_year(), glibdate.get_day_of_year())
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%j")
now =
if eol is not None:
return now > _glib_to_datetime(eol)
# If no EOL is present, assume EOL if release was > 5 years ago
if rel is not None:
rel5 = _glib_to_datetime(rel) + datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 5)
return now > rel5
return False
# Public APIs #
def is_generic(self):
return self._os is None
def is_windows(self):
return self._family in ['win9x', 'winnt', 'win16']
def broken_x2apic(self):
# x2apic breaks networking in solaris10
return in ('solaris10', 'solaris11')
def broken_uefi_with_hyperv(self):
# Some windows versions are broken with hyperv enlightenments + UEFI
return in ("win2k8r2", "win7")
def get_clock(self):
if self.is_windows() or self._family in ['solaris']:
return "localtime"
return "utc"
def supported_netmodels(self):
return self._device_filter(cls="net")
def supports_usbtablet(self):
# If no OS specified, still default to tablet
if not self._os:
return True
return bool(self._device_filter(cls="input", name="tablet", bus="usb"))
def supports_virtiodisk(self):
return bool(self._device_filter(cls="block", name="virtio.*-block"))
def supports_virtionet(self):
return bool(self._device_filter(cls="net", name="virtio.*-net"))
def supports_virtiorng(self):
return bool(self._device_filter(cls="rng", name="virtio.*-rng"))
def supports_virtioserial(self):
if self._device_filter(cls="console", name="virtio.*-console"):
return True
# 2018-09-01: osinfo data is wrong for RHEL/centos here
return self._is_related_to("rhel6.0")
def supports_chipset_q35(self):
return False
def get_recommended_resources(self, guest):
ret = {}
if not self._os:
return ret
def read_resource(resources, minimum, arch):
# If we are reading the "minimum" block, allocate more
# resources.
ram_scale = minimum and 2 or 1
n_cpus_scale = minimum and 2 or 1
storage_scale = minimum and 2 or 1
for i in range(resources.get_length()):
r = resources.get_nth(i)
if r.get_architecture() == arch:
ret["ram"] = r.get_ram() * ram_scale
ret["cpu"] = r.get_cpu()
ret["n-cpus"] = r.get_n_cpus() * n_cpus_scale
ret["storage"] = r.get_storage() * storage_scale
# libosinfo may miss the recommended resources block for some OS,
# in this case read first the minimum resources (if present)
# and use them.
read_resource(self._os.get_minimum_resources(), True, "all")
read_resource(self._os.get_minimum_resources(), True, guest.os.arch)
read_resource(self._os.get_recommended_resources(), False, "all")
False, guest.os.arch)
# QEMU TCG doesn't gain anything by having extra VCPUs
if guest.type == "qemu":
ret["n-cpus"] = 1
return ret