Cole Robinson 79da19ad07 Fix some pylint, exclude some new warnings
Signed-off-by: Cole Robinson <>
2021-10-04 16:04:33 -04:00

242 lines
7.7 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
import os
import re
import sys
import pytest
from tests import utils
import virtinst.progress
from virtinst import Installer
from virtinst import Guest
from virtinst import log
# These are all functional tests
os.environ.pop("VIRTINST_TEST_SUITE", None)
class _URLTestData(object):
Class that tracks all data needed for a single URL test case.
Data is stored in data/test_urls.ini
def __init__(self, name, url, detectdistro,
testxen, testshortcircuit, kernelarg, kernelregex,
skip_libosinfo): = name
self.url = url
self.detectdistro = detectdistro
self.arch = self._find_arch()
self.kernelarg = kernelarg
self.kernelregex = kernelregex
self.skip_libosinfo = skip_libosinfo
self.testxen = testxen
# If True, pass in the expected distro value to getDistroStore
# so it can short circuit the lookup checks. Speeds up the tests
# and exercises the shortcircuit infrastructure
self.testshortcircuit = testshortcircuit
def _find_arch(self):
if ("i686" in self.url or
"i386" in self.url or
"i586" in self.url):
return "i686"
if ("arm64" in self.url or
"aarch64" in self.url):
return "aarch64"
if ("ppc64el" in self.url or
"ppc64le" in self.url):
return "ppc64le"
if "s390" in self.url:
return "s390x"
if ("x86_64" in self.url or
"amd64" in self.url):
return "x86_64"
return "x86_64"
testconn = utils.URIs.open_testdefault_cached()
hvmguest = Guest(testconn)
hvmguest.os.os_type = "hvm"
xenguest = Guest(testconn)
xenguest.os.os_type = "xen"
meter = virtinst.progress.make_meter(quiet=not utils.TESTCONFIG.debug)
if utils.TESTCONFIG.url_skip_libosinfo:
elif utils.TESTCONFIG.url_force_libosinfo:
def _sanitize_osdict_name(detectdistro):
if detectdistro in ["none", "None", None]:
return None
return detectdistro
def _skipmsg(testdata):
is_iso = testdata.url.lower().endswith(".iso")
distname =
if utils.TESTCONFIG.url_iso_only and not is_iso:
return "skipping non-iso test"
elif utils.TESTCONFIG.url_only and is_iso:
return "skipping non-url test"
if not utils.TESTCONFIG.url_force_libosinfo:
if testdata.skip_libosinfo:
return "force-libosinfo requested but test has skip_libosinfo set"
if is_iso:
# If --force-libosinfo used, don't run tests that we know libosinfo
# can't detect, non-treeinfo URLs basically
if ("ubuntu" in distname or
"debian" in distname or
"mageia" in distname or
"opensuse10" in distname or
"opensuse11" in distname or
"opensuse12" in distname or
"opensuse13" in distname or
"opensuseleap-42" in distname or
"generic" in distname or
return "skipping known busted libosinfo URL tests"
def _testGuest(testdata, guest):
distname =
arch = testdata.arch
url = testdata.url
checkdistro = testdata.detectdistro
guest.os.arch = arch
if testdata.testshortcircuit:
msg = _skipmsg(testdata)
if msg:
raise pytest.skip(msg)
installer = Installer(guest.conn, location=url)
detected_distro = installer.detect_distro(guest)
except Exception as e:
msg = ("\nFailed in installer detect_distro():\n"
"name = %s\n"
"url = %s\n\n%s" % (distname, url, str(e)))
raise type(e)(msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) from None
# Make sure the stores are reporting correct distro name/variant
if checkdistro != detected_distro:
raise AssertionError(
"Detected OS did not match expected values:\n"
"found = %s\n"
"expect = %s\n\n"
"testname = %s\n"
"url = %s\n" %
(detected_distro, checkdistro, distname, url))
if guest is xenguest:
# Do this only after the distro detection, since we actually need
# to fetch files for that part
treemedia = installer._treemedia # pylint: disable=protected-access
fetcher = treemedia._cached_fetcher # pylint: disable=protected-access
def fakeAcquireFile(filename, fullurl=None):
log.debug("Fake acquiring filename=%s fullurl=%s", filename, fullurl)
return filename
fetcher.acquireFile = fakeAcquireFile
# Fetch regular kernel
kernel, initrd, kernelargs = treemedia.prepare(guest, meter, None)
dummy = initrd
if testdata.kernelregex and not re.match(testdata.kernelregex, kernel):
raise AssertionError("kernel=%s but testdata.kernelregex='%s'" %
(kernel, testdata.kernelregex))
if testdata.kernelarg == "None":
if bool(kernelargs):
raise AssertionError("kernelargs='%s' but testdata.kernelarg='%s'"
% (kernelargs, testdata.kernelarg))
elif testdata.kernelarg:
if testdata.kernelarg != str(kernelargs).split("=")[0]:
raise AssertionError("kernelargs='%s' but testdata.kernelarg='%s'"
% (kernelargs, testdata.kernelarg))
def _testURL(testdata):
Test that our URL detection logic works for grabbing kernels
sys.stdout.write("\nTesting %-25s " %
testdata.detectdistro = _sanitize_osdict_name(testdata.detectdistro)
_testGuest(testdata, hvmguest)
if testdata.testxen:
_testGuest(testdata, xenguest)
def test001BadURL():
badurl = ""
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=".*maybe you mistyped.*"):
installer = Installer(hvmguest.conn, location=badurl)
# Non-existent cdrom fails
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=".*non-existent path.*"):
installer = Installer(hvmguest.conn, cdrom="/not/exist/foobar")
assert installer.detect_distro(hvmguest) is None
# Ensure existing but non-distro file doesn't error
installer = Installer(hvmguest.conn, cdrom="/dev/null")
assert installer.detect_distro(hvmguest) is None
def _make_tests():
import configparser
cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()"tests/data/test_urls.ini")
manualpath = "~/.config/virt-manager/test_urls_manual.ini"
if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(manualpath)):
print("NOTE: Pass in manual data with %s" % manualpath)
urls = {}
for name in cfg.sections():
vals = dict(cfg.items(name))
url = vals["url"]
if "distro" not in vals:
print("url needs an explicit distro= value: %s" % url)
d = _URLTestData(name, url, vals["distro"],
vals.get("testxen", "0") == "1",
vals.get("testshortcircuit", "0") == "1",
vals.get("kernelarg", None),
vals.get("kernelregex", None),
vals.get("skiplibosinfo", "0") == "1")
urls[] = d
for key, testdata in sorted(urls.items()):
def _make_wrapper(d):
return lambda: _testURL(d)
methodname = "test_URL%s" % key.replace("-", "_")
globals()[methodname] = _make_wrapper(testdata)