Cole Robinson a58442ec3e Remove AUTHORS
Kind of a maintenance pain, and it's just poorly duplicating info
from the git logs. We could autogenerate this but I don't really
have the interest in figuring it out. Patches welcome :)
2013-04-21 14:05:06 -04:00

251 lines
5.7 KiB

=head1 NAME
virt-image - create virtual machines from an image descriptor
B<virt-image> [OPTION]... IMAGE.XML
B<virt-image> is a command line tool for creating virtual machines from an
XML image descriptor C<IMAGE.XML> (L<virt-image(5)>). Most attributes of
the virtual machine are taken from the XML descriptor (e.g., where the
files to back the virtual machine's disks are and how to map them into the
guest), though certain information must be added on the command line, such
as the name of the guest.
The XML descriptor defines most attributes of the guest, making it possible
to bundle and distribute it together with the files backing the guest's
=head1 OPTIONS
Most options can be omitted, in which case B<virt-image> will use defaults
from the XML descriptor. When defaults are taken from the XML descriptor,
they are indicated below as a path. --name is the only required command
line option.
=over 4
=item -h, --help
Show the help message and exit
=item --connect=URI
Connect to a non-default hypervisor. See L<virt-install(1)> for details
=head2 General Options
General configuration parameters that apply to all types of guest installs.
=over 2
=item -n NAME, --name=NAME
Name of the guest instance
=item -r MEMORY, --ram=MEMORY
Memory to allocate for guest instance in megabytes. Defaults to
C</image/devices/memory> in the XML descriptor.
=item -u UUID, --uuid=UUID
UUID for the guest; if none is given a random UUID will be generated. If
you specify UUID, you should use a 32-digit hexadecimal number.
=item --vcpus=VCPUS
Number of vcpus to configure for your guest. Defaults to
C</image/devices/vcpu> in the XML descriptor. This option can also be
used to set CPU topology, please see L<virt-install(1)> for more info.
=item --cpuset
Set which physical cpus the guest can use. Please see L<virt-install(1)> for
more info.
=item --cpu
Configure the CPU and CPU features exposed to the guest. Please see
L<virt-install(1)> for more info.
=item --check-cpu
Check that vcpus do not exceed physical CPUs and warn if they do.
=item --os-type=OS_TYPE
Optimize the guest configuration for a type of operating system (ex. 'linux',
'windows'). This will attempt to pick the most suitable ACPI & APIC settings,
optimally supported mouse drivers, virtio, and generally accommodate other
operating system quirks. See L<virt-install(1)> for valid values.
=item --os-variant=OS_VARIANT
Further optimize the guest configuration for a specific operating system
variant (ex. 'fedora8', 'winxp'). This parameter is optional, and does not
require an C<--os-type> to be specified. See L<virt-install(1)> for valid
=head2 Full Virtualization specific options
Parameters specific only to fully virtualized guest installs.
=over 2
=item --noapic
Force disable APIC for the guest.
=item --noacpi
Force disable ACPI for the guest.
=head2 Networking Configuration
=over 2
=item -w NETWORK, --network=NETWORK
Connect the guest to the host network. See L<virt-install(1)> for details
=item -m MAC, --mac=MAC
This is deprecated in favor of C<--network ...,mac=MAC,...>
=item -b BRIDGE, --bridge=BRIDGE
This is deprecated in favor of C<--network bridge=BRIDGE>
=head2 Graphics Configuration
If no graphics option is specified, C<virt-image> will default to
'--graphics vnc' if the DISPLAY environment variable is set, otherwise
'--graphics none' is used.
=over 2
=item --graphics TYPE,opt1=arg1,opt2=arg2,...
Specifies the graphical display configuration. This does not configure any
virtual hardware, just how the guest's graphical display can be accessed.
See L<virt-install(1)> for details usage info.
=item --vnc
This option is deprecated in favor of C<--graphics vnc,...>
=item --vncport=VNCPORT
This option is deprecated in favor of C<--graphics vnc,port=PORT,...>
=item --vnclisten=VNCLISTEN
This option is deprecated in favor of C<--graphics vnc,listen=LISTEN,...>
=item -k KEYMAP, --keymap=KEYMAP
This option is deprecated in favor of C<--graphics vnc,keymap=KEYMAP,...>
=item --sdl
This option is deprecated in favor of C<--graphics sdl,...>
=item --nographics
This option is deprecated in favor of C<--graphics none>
=head2 Miscellaneous Options
=over 2
=item -p, --print
Print the libvirt XML, but do not start the guest.
=item --boot=BOOT
The zero-based index of the boot record to use. The XML descriptor can
contain multiple C</image/domain/boot> elements for use on different
hypervisors. By default, the one that is most appropriate for the current
hypervisor is selected.
=item --replace
Shutdown and remove any existing guest with the passed C<--name> before
installing from the image.
=item --noreboot
Prevent the domain automatically booting after importing the image.
=item --skip-checksum
Do not check disk images against checksums (if they are listed in the
image xml).
=item -d, --debug
Print debugging information.
Create and start a guest called C<example> with a VNC console from
# virt-image --name example --vnc image.xml
Print the libvirt XML for a guest called C<example> without graphics, but
do not create or start a virtual machine:
# virt-image --print --name example --nographics image.xml
=head1 AUTHOR
Written by David Lutterkort and Cole Robinson.
=head1 BUGS
Please see
Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Red Hat, Inc, and various contributors.
This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License C<>.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<virt-image(5)>, L<virt-install(1)>, the project website