Cole Robinson 1d0b4a0a9e connect: Handle \ in username
We need to quote URL values in the username, that's what libvirt expects.
Unquote the values before caching them in the URI object, so console
connections continue to work
2017-06-01 14:26:46 -04:00

235 lines
7.8 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import logging
import re
import urllib
from .cli import parse_optstr_tuples
def sanitize_xml_for_test_define(xml):
import difflib
orig = xml
xml = re.sub("arch=\".*\"", "arch=\"i686\"", xml)
xml = re.sub("domain type=\".*\"", "domain type=\"test\"", xml)
xml = re.sub("machine type=\".*\"", "", xml)
xml = re.sub(">exe<", ">hvm<", xml)
xml = re.sub(">linux<", ">xen<", xml)
diff = "\n".join(difflib.unified_diff(orig.split("\n"),
if diff:
logging.debug("virtinst test sanitizing diff\n:%s", diff)
return xml
class URI(object):
Parse an arbitrary URI into its individual parts
def __init__(self, uri):
self.uri = uri
unquoted_uri = urllib.unquote(uri)
(self.scheme, self.username, self.hostname,
self.path, self.query, self.fragment) = self._split(unquoted_uri)
self.transport = ''
if "+" in self.scheme:
self.scheme, self.transport = self.scheme.rsplit("+", 1)
self.port = ''
self.is_ipv6 = False
if self.hostname.startswith("[") and "]" in self.hostname:
if "]:" in self.hostname:
self.hostname, self.port = self.hostname.rsplit(":", 1)
self.hostname = "".join(self.hostname[1:].split("]", 1))
self.is_ipv6 = True
elif ":" in self.hostname:
self.hostname, self.port = self.hostname.split(":", 1)
self.host_is_ipv4_string = bool(re.match("^[0-9.]+$", self.hostname))
# Private helpers #
def _split(self, uri):
def splitnetloc(url, start=0):
for c in '/?#': # the order is important!
delim = url.find(c, start)
if delim >= 0:
delim = len(url)
return url[start:delim], url[delim:]
scheme = username = netloc = query = fragment = ''
i = uri.find(":")
if i > 0:
scheme, uri = uri[:i].lower(), uri[i + 1:]
if uri[:2] == '//':
netloc, uri = splitnetloc(uri, 2)
offset = netloc.find("@")
if offset > 0:
username = netloc[0:offset]
netloc = netloc[offset + 1:]
if '#' in uri:
uri, fragment = uri.split('#', 1)
if '?' in uri:
uri, query = uri.split('?', 1)
return scheme, username, netloc, uri, query, fragment
class MagicURI(object):
Handle magic virtinst URIs we use for the test suite and UI testing.
This allows a special URI to override various features like capabilities
XML, reported connection and libvirt versions, that enable testing
different code paths.
A magic URI has 3 parts:
1) Magic prefix __virtinst_test__
2) Actual openable URI, usually a test:/// URI
3) Comma separated options
The available options are:
* 'predictable': Generate predictable UUIDs, MAC addresses, and
temporary file names.
* 'remote': Have the code consider this as a remote URI
* 'session': Have the code consider this as a session URI
* 'connver=%d': Override the connection (hv) version
* 'libver=%d': Override the libvirt version
* 'caps=%s': Points to a file with capabilities XML, that will
be returned in conn.getCapabilities. Ex.
files in test/capabilities-xml/
* 'domcaps=%s': Points to a file with domain capabilities XML, that
will be returned in conn.getDomainCapabilities
* qemu, xen, lxc or vz: Fake the specified hypervisor
See tests/ for example URLs
VIRTINST_URI_MAGIC_PREFIX = "__virtinst_test__"
def uri_is_magic(uri):
return uri.startswith(MagicURI.VIRTINST_URI_MAGIC_PREFIX)
def __init__(self, uri):
if not self.uri_is_magic(uri):
raise RuntimeError("uri=%s is not virtinst magic URI" % uri)
uri = uri.replace(self.VIRTINST_URI_MAGIC_PREFIX, "")
ret = uri.split(",", 1)
self.open_uri = ret[0]
opts = dict(parse_optstr_tuples(len(ret) > 1 and ret[1] or ""))
def pop_bool(field):
ret = field in opts
opts.pop(field, None)
return ret
self.predictable = pop_bool("predictable")
self.remote = pop_bool("remote")
self.session = pop_bool("session")
self.capsfile = opts.pop("caps", None)
self.domcapsfile = opts.pop("domcaps", None)
self.hv = None
if pop_bool("qemu"):
self.hv = "qemu"
if pop_bool("lxc"):
self.hv = "lxc"
if pop_bool("xen"):
self.hv = "xen"
if pop_bool("vz"):
self.hv = "vz"
self.conn_version = opts.pop("connver", None)
if self.conn_version:
self.conn_version = int(self.conn_version)
elif self.hv:
self.conn_version = 10000000000
self.libvirt_version = opts.pop("libver", None)
if self.libvirt_version:
self.libvirt_version = int(self.libvirt_version)
if opts:
raise RuntimeError("Unhandled virtinst test uri options %s" % opts)
# Public API #
def make_fake_uri(self):
If self.hv is set, we need to make a fake URI so that Connection
URI handling bits have something to work with.
if self.hv:
return self.hv + "+abc:///system"
return self.open_uri
def overwrite_conn_functions(self, conn):
After the connection is open, we need to stub out various functions
depending on what magic bits the user specified in the URI
# Fake capabilities
if self.capsfile:
capsxml = open(self.capsfile).read()
conn.getCapabilities = lambda: capsxml
# Fake domcapabilities. This is insufficient since output should
# vary per type/arch/emulator combo, but it can be expanded later
# if needed
if self.domcapsfile:
domcapsxml = open(self.domcapsfile).read()
def fake_domcaps(emulator, arch, machine, virttype, flags=0):
ignore = emulator
ignore = flags
ignore = machine
ignore = virttype
ret = domcapsxml
if arch:
ret = re.sub("arch>.+</arch", "arch>%s</arch" % arch, ret)
return ret
conn.getDomainCapabilities = fake_domcaps
if self.hv:
origcreate = conn.createXML
origdefine = conn.defineXML
def newcreate(xml, flags):
xml = sanitize_xml_for_test_define(xml)
return origcreate(xml, flags)
def newdefine(xml):
xml = sanitize_xml_for_test_define(xml)
return origdefine(xml)
conn.createXML = newcreate
conn.defineXML = newdefine