2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
/* Convert a string representation of time to a time value.
Copyright ( C ) 1996 , 1997 , 1998 , 1999 , 2000 Free Software Foundation , Inc .
This file is part of the GNU C Library .
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper < drepper @ cygnus . com > , 1996.
The GNU C Library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
2007-07-10 04:04:46 +00:00
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
2007-07-10 01:52:05 +00:00
published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 3 of the
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
2007-07-10 04:04:46 +00:00
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
2007-07-10 03:17:46 +00:00
License along with the GNU C Library ; see the file COPYING . LIB . If not ,
see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
/* XXX This version of the implementation is not really complete.
Some of the fields cannot add information alone . But if seeing
some of them in the same format ( such as year , week and weekday )
this is enough information for determining the date . */
# include "replace.h"
# include "system/locale.h"
# include "system/time.h"
# ifndef __P
# if defined (__GNUC__) || (defined (__STDC__) && __STDC__)
# define __P(args) args
# else
# define __P(args) ()
# endif /* GCC. */
# endif /* Not __P. */
# if ! HAVE_LOCALTIME_R && ! defined localtime_r
# ifdef _LIBC
# define localtime_r __localtime_r
# else
/* Approximate localtime_r as best we can in its absence. */
# define localtime_r my_localtime_r
static struct tm * localtime_r __P ( ( const time_t * , struct tm * ) ) ;
static struct tm *
localtime_r ( t , tp )
const time_t * t ;
struct tm * tp ;
struct tm * l = localtime ( t ) ;
if ( ! l )
return 0 ;
* tp = * l ;
return tp ;
# endif /* ! _LIBC */
# endif /* ! HAVE_LOCALTIME_R && ! defined (localtime_r) */
# define match_char(ch1, ch2) if (ch1 != ch2) return NULL
# if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
# define match_string(cs1, s2) \
( { size_t len = strlen ( cs1 ) ; \
int result = strncasecmp ( ( cs1 ) , ( s2 ) , len ) = = 0 ; \
if ( result ) ( s2 ) + = len ; \
result ; } )
# else
/* Oh come on. Get a reasonable compiler. */
# define match_string(cs1, s2) \
( strncasecmp ( ( cs1 ) , ( s2 ) , strlen ( cs1 ) ) ? 0 : ( ( s2 ) + = strlen ( cs1 ) , 1 ) )
# endif
/* We intentionally do not use isdigit() for testing because this will
lead to problems with the wide character version . */
# define get_number(from, to, n) \
do { \
int __n = n ; \
val = 0 ; \
while ( * rp = = ' ' ) \
+ + rp ; \
if ( * rp < ' 0 ' | | * rp > ' 9 ' ) \
return NULL ; \
do { \
val * = 10 ; \
val + = * rp + + - ' 0 ' ; \
} while ( - - __n > 0 & & val * 10 < = to & & * rp > = ' 0 ' & & * rp < = ' 9 ' ) ; \
if ( val < from | | val > to ) \
return NULL ; \
} while ( 0 )
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
# define get_alt_number(from, to, n) \
( { \
__label__ do_normal ; \
if ( * decided ! = raw ) \
{ \
const char * alts = _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , ALT_DIGITS ) ; \
int __n = n ; \
int any = 0 ; \
while ( * rp = = ' ' ) \
+ + rp ; \
val = 0 ; \
do { \
val * = 10 ; \
while ( * alts ! = ' \0 ' ) \
{ \
size_t len = strlen ( alts ) ; \
if ( strncasecmp ( alts , rp , len ) = = 0 ) \
break ; \
alts + = len + 1 ; \
+ + val ; \
} \
if ( * alts = = ' \0 ' ) \
{ \
if ( * decided = = not & & ! any ) \
goto do_normal ; \
/* If we haven't read anything it's an error. */ \
if ( ! any ) \
return NULL ; \
/* Correct the premature multiplication. */ \
val / = 10 ; \
break ; \
} \
else \
* decided = loc ; \
} while ( - - __n > 0 & & val * 10 < = to ) ; \
if ( val < from | | val > to ) \
return NULL ; \
} \
else \
{ \
do_normal : \
get_number ( from , to , n ) ; \
} \
0 ; \
} )
# else
# define get_alt_number(from, to, n) \
/* We don't have the alternate representation. */ \
get_number ( from , to , n )
# endif
# define recursive(new_fmt) \
( * ( new_fmt ) ! = ' \0 ' \
& & ( rp = strptime_internal ( rp , ( new_fmt ) , tm , decided , era_cnt ) ) ! = NULL )
# ifdef _LIBC
/* This is defined in locale/C-time.c in the GNU libc. */
extern const struct locale_data _nl_C_LC_TIME ;
extern const unsigned short int __mon_yday [ 2 ] [ 13 ] ;
# define weekday_name (&_nl_C_LC_TIME.values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (DAY_1)].string)
# define ab_weekday_name \
( & _nl_C_LC_TIME . values [ _NL_ITEM_INDEX ( ABDAY_1 ) ] . string )
# define month_name (&_nl_C_LC_TIME.values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (MON_1)].string)
# define ab_month_name (&_nl_C_LC_TIME.values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (ABMON_1)].string)
# define HERE_D_T_FMT (_nl_C_LC_TIME.values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (D_T_FMT)].string)
# define HERE_D_FMT (_nl_C_LC_TIME.values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (D_FMT)].string)
# define HERE_AM_STR (_nl_C_LC_TIME.values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (AM_STR)].string)
# define HERE_PM_STR (_nl_C_LC_TIME.values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (PM_STR)].string)
# define HERE_T_FMT_AMPM \
( _nl_C_LC_TIME . values [ _NL_ITEM_INDEX ( T_FMT_AMPM ) ] . string )
# define HERE_T_FMT (_nl_C_LC_TIME.values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (T_FMT)].string)
# define strncasecmp(s1, s2, n) __strncasecmp (s1, s2, n)
# else
static char const weekday_name [ ] [ 10 ] =
" Sunday " , " Monday " , " Tuesday " , " Wednesday " ,
" Thursday " , " Friday " , " Saturday "
} ;
static char const ab_weekday_name [ ] [ 4 ] =
" Sun " , " Mon " , " Tue " , " Wed " , " Thu " , " Fri " , " Sat "
} ;
static char const month_name [ ] [ 10 ] =
" January " , " February " , " March " , " April " , " May " , " June " ,
" July " , " August " , " September " , " October " , " November " , " December "
} ;
static char const ab_month_name [ ] [ 4 ] =
" Jan " , " Feb " , " Mar " , " Apr " , " May " , " Jun " ,
" Jul " , " Aug " , " Sep " , " Oct " , " Nov " , " Dec "
} ;
# define HERE_D_T_FMT "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y"
# define HERE_D_FMT "%m / %d / %y"
# define HERE_AM_STR "AM"
# define HERE_PM_STR "PM"
# define HERE_T_FMT_AMPM "%I:%M:%S %p"
# define HERE_T_FMT "%H:%M:%S"
static const unsigned short int __mon_yday [ 2 ] [ 13 ] =
/* Normal years. */
{ 0 , 31 , 59 , 90 , 120 , 151 , 181 , 212 , 243 , 273 , 304 , 334 , 365 } ,
/* Leap years. */
{ 0 , 31 , 60 , 91 , 121 , 152 , 182 , 213 , 244 , 274 , 305 , 335 , 366 }
} ;
# endif
/* Status of lookup: do we use the locale data or the raw data? */
enum locale_status { not , loc , raw } ;
# ifndef __isleap
/* Nonzero if YEAR is a leap year (every 4 years,
except every 100 th isn ' t , and every 400 th is ) . */
# define __isleap(year) \
( ( year ) % 4 = = 0 & & ( ( year ) % 100 ! = 0 | | ( year ) % 400 = = 0 ) )
# endif
/* Compute the day of the week. */
static void
day_of_the_week ( struct tm * tm )
/* We know that January 1st 1970 was a Thursday (= 4). Compute the
the difference between this data in the one on TM and so determine
the weekday . */
int corr_year = 1900 + tm - > tm_year - ( tm - > tm_mon < 2 ) ;
int wday = ( - 473
+ ( 365 * ( tm - > tm_year - 70 ) )
+ ( corr_year / 4 )
- ( ( corr_year / 4 ) / 25 ) + ( ( corr_year / 4 ) % 25 < 0 )
+ ( ( ( corr_year / 4 ) / 25 ) / 4 )
+ __mon_yday [ 0 ] [ tm - > tm_mon ]
+ tm - > tm_mday - 1 ) ;
tm - > tm_wday = ( ( wday % 7 ) + 7 ) % 7 ;
/* Compute the day of the year. */
static void
day_of_the_year ( struct tm * tm )
tm - > tm_yday = ( __mon_yday [ __isleap ( 1900 + tm - > tm_year ) ] [ tm - > tm_mon ]
+ ( tm - > tm_mday - 1 ) ) ;
static char *
# ifdef _LIBC
# endif
strptime_internal __P ( ( const char * rp , const char * fmt , struct tm * tm ,
enum locale_status * decided , int era_cnt ) ) ;
static char *
# ifdef _LIBC
# endif
strptime_internal ( rp , fmt , tm , decided , era_cnt )
const char * rp ;
const char * fmt ;
struct tm * tm ;
enum locale_status * decided ;
int era_cnt ;
int cnt ;
size_t val ;
int have_I , is_pm ;
int century , want_century ;
int want_era ;
int have_wday , want_xday ;
int have_yday ;
int have_mon , have_mday ;
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
2012-06-13 22:02:53 +02:00
const char * rp_backup ;
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
size_t num_eras ;
2012-06-13 21:55:42 +02:00
struct era_entry * era ;
2012-06-13 18:55:56 +02:00
2012-06-13 22:02:53 +02:00
era = NULL ;
# endif
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
have_I = is_pm = 0 ;
century = - 1 ;
want_century = 0 ;
want_era = 0 ;
have_wday = want_xday = have_yday = have_mon = have_mday = 0 ;
while ( * fmt ! = ' \0 ' )
/* A white space in the format string matches 0 more or white
space in the input string . */
if ( isspace ( * fmt ) )
while ( isspace ( * rp ) )
+ + rp ;
+ + fmt ;
continue ;
/* Any character but `%' must be matched by the same character
in the iput string . */
if ( * fmt ! = ' % ' )
match_char ( * fmt + + , * rp + + ) ;
continue ;
+ + fmt ;
# ifndef _NL_CURRENT
/* We need this for handling the `E' modifier. */
start_over :
2012-06-13 21:55:42 +02:00
# endif
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
2012-06-13 22:02:53 +02:00
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
/* Make back up of current processing pointer. */
rp_backup = rp ;
2012-06-13 22:02:53 +02:00
# endif
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
switch ( * fmt + + )
case ' % ' :
/* Match the `%' character itself. */
match_char ( ' % ' , * rp + + ) ;
break ;
case ' a ' :
case ' A ' :
/* Match day of week. */
for ( cnt = 0 ; cnt < 7 ; + + cnt )
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
if ( * decided ! = raw )
if ( match_string ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , DAY_1 + cnt ) , rp ) )
if ( * decided = = not
& & strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , DAY_1 + cnt ) ,
weekday_name [ cnt ] ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
if ( match_string ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , ABDAY_1 + cnt ) , rp ) )
if ( * decided = = not
& & strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , ABDAY_1 + cnt ) ,
ab_weekday_name [ cnt ] ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
# endif
if ( * decided ! = loc
& & ( match_string ( weekday_name [ cnt ] , rp )
| | match_string ( ab_weekday_name [ cnt ] , rp ) ) )
* decided = raw ;
break ;
if ( cnt = = 7 )
/* Does not match a weekday name. */
return NULL ;
tm - > tm_wday = cnt ;
have_wday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' b ' :
case ' B ' :
case ' h ' :
/* Match month name. */
for ( cnt = 0 ; cnt < 12 ; + + cnt )
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
if ( * decided ! = raw )
if ( match_string ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , MON_1 + cnt ) , rp ) )
if ( * decided = = not
& & strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , MON_1 + cnt ) ,
month_name [ cnt ] ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
if ( match_string ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , ABMON_1 + cnt ) , rp ) )
if ( * decided = = not
& & strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , ABMON_1 + cnt ) ,
ab_month_name [ cnt ] ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
# endif
if ( match_string ( month_name [ cnt ] , rp )
| | match_string ( ab_month_name [ cnt ] , rp ) )
* decided = raw ;
break ;
if ( cnt = = 12 )
/* Does not match a month name. */
return NULL ;
tm - > tm_mon = cnt ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' c ' :
/* Match locale's date and time format. */
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
if ( * decided ! = raw )
if ( ! recursive ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , D_T_FMT ) ) )
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
rp = rp_backup ;
if ( * decided = = not & &
strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , D_T_FMT ) , HERE_D_T_FMT ) )
* decided = loc ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
# endif
if ( ! recursive ( HERE_D_T_FMT ) )
return NULL ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' C ' :
/* Match century number. */
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
match_century :
# endif
get_number ( 0 , 99 , 2 ) ;
century = val ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' d ' :
case ' e ' :
/* Match day of month. */
get_number ( 1 , 31 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_mday = val ;
have_mday = 1 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' F ' :
if ( ! recursive ( " %Y-%m-%d " ) )
return NULL ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' x ' :
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
if ( * decided ! = raw )
if ( ! recursive ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , D_FMT ) ) )
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
rp = rp_backup ;
if ( * decided = = not
& & strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , D_FMT ) , HERE_D_FMT ) )
* decided = loc ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
# endif
2017-07-26 18:25:46 +02:00
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
case ' D ' :
/* Match standard day format. */
if ( ! recursive ( HERE_D_FMT ) )
return NULL ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' k ' :
case ' H ' :
/* Match hour in 24-hour clock. */
get_number ( 0 , 23 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_hour = val ;
have_I = 0 ;
break ;
case ' I ' :
/* Match hour in 12-hour clock. */
get_number ( 1 , 12 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_hour = val % 12 ;
have_I = 1 ;
break ;
case ' j ' :
/* Match day number of year. */
get_number ( 1 , 366 , 3 ) ;
tm - > tm_yday = val - 1 ;
have_yday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' m ' :
/* Match number of month. */
get_number ( 1 , 12 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_mon = val - 1 ;
have_mon = 1 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' M ' :
/* Match minute. */
get_number ( 0 , 59 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_min = val ;
break ;
case ' n ' :
case ' t ' :
/* Match any white space. */
while ( isspace ( * rp ) )
+ + rp ;
break ;
case ' p ' :
/* Match locale's equivalent of AM/PM. */
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
if ( * decided ! = raw )
if ( match_string ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , AM_STR ) , rp ) )
if ( strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , AM_STR ) , HERE_AM_STR ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
if ( match_string ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , PM_STR ) , rp ) )
if ( strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , PM_STR ) , HERE_PM_STR ) )
* decided = loc ;
is_pm = 1 ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
# endif
if ( ! match_string ( HERE_AM_STR , rp ) ) {
if ( match_string ( HERE_PM_STR , rp ) ) {
is_pm = 1 ;
} else {
return NULL ;
break ;
case ' r ' :
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
if ( * decided ! = raw )
if ( ! recursive ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , T_FMT_AMPM ) ) )
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
rp = rp_backup ;
if ( * decided = = not & &
strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , T_FMT_AMPM ) ,
* decided = loc ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
# endif
if ( ! recursive ( HERE_T_FMT_AMPM ) )
return NULL ;
break ;
case ' R ' :
if ( ! recursive ( " %H:%M " ) )
return NULL ;
break ;
case ' s ' :
/* The number of seconds may be very high so we cannot use
the ` get_number ' macro . Instead read the number
character for character and construct the result while
doing this . */
time_t secs = 0 ;
if ( * rp < ' 0 ' | | * rp > ' 9 ' )
/* We need at least one digit. */
return NULL ;
secs * = 10 ;
secs + = * rp + + - ' 0 ' ;
while ( * rp > = ' 0 ' & & * rp < = ' 9 ' ) ;
if ( localtime_r ( & secs , tm ) = = NULL )
/* Error in function. */
return NULL ;
break ;
case ' S ' :
get_number ( 0 , 61 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_sec = val ;
break ;
case ' X ' :
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
if ( * decided ! = raw )
if ( ! recursive ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , T_FMT ) ) )
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
rp = rp_backup ;
if ( strcmp ( _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , T_FMT ) , HERE_T_FMT ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
# endif
2017-07-26 18:25:46 +02:00
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
case ' T ' :
if ( ! recursive ( HERE_T_FMT ) )
return NULL ;
break ;
case ' u ' :
get_number ( 1 , 7 , 1 ) ;
tm - > tm_wday = val % 7 ;
have_wday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' g ' :
get_number ( 0 , 99 , 2 ) ;
/* XXX This cannot determine any field in TM. */
break ;
case ' G ' :
if ( * rp < ' 0 ' | | * rp > ' 9 ' )
return NULL ;
/* XXX Ignore the number since we would need some more
information to compute a real date . */
+ + rp ;
while ( * rp > = ' 0 ' & & * rp < = ' 9 ' ) ;
break ;
case ' U ' :
case ' V ' :
case ' W ' :
get_number ( 0 , 53 , 2 ) ;
/* XXX This cannot determine any field in TM without some
information . */
break ;
case ' w ' :
/* Match number of weekday. */
get_number ( 0 , 6 , 1 ) ;
tm - > tm_wday = val ;
have_wday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' y ' :
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
match_year_in_century :
# endif
/* Match year within century. */
get_number ( 0 , 99 , 2 ) ;
/* The "Year 2000: The Millennium Rollover" paper suggests that
values in the range 69 - 99 refer to the twentieth century . */
tm - > tm_year = val > = 69 ? val : val + 100 ;
/* Indicate that we want to use the century, if specified. */
want_century = 1 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' Y ' :
/* Match year including century number. */
get_number ( 0 , 9999 , 4 ) ;
tm - > tm_year = val - 1900 ;
want_century = 0 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' Z ' :
/* XXX How to handle this? */
break ;
case ' E ' :
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
switch ( * fmt + + )
case ' c ' :
/* Match locale's alternate date and time format. */
if ( * decided ! = raw )
const char * fmt = _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , ERA_D_T_FMT ) ;
if ( * fmt = = ' \0 ' )
fmt = _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , D_T_FMT ) ;
if ( ! recursive ( fmt ) )
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
rp = rp_backup ;
if ( strcmp ( fmt , HERE_D_T_FMT ) )
* decided = loc ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
/* The C locale has no era information, so use the
normal representation . */
if ( ! recursive ( HERE_D_T_FMT ) )
return NULL ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' C ' :
if ( * decided ! = raw )
if ( era_cnt > = 0 )
era = _nl_select_era_entry ( era_cnt ) ;
if ( match_string ( era - > era_name , rp ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
return NULL ;
num_eras = _NL_CURRENT_WORD ( LC_TIME ,
for ( era_cnt = 0 ; era_cnt < ( int ) num_eras ;
+ + era_cnt , rp = rp_backup )
era = _nl_select_era_entry ( era_cnt ) ;
if ( match_string ( era - > era_name , rp ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
if ( era_cnt = = ( int ) num_eras )
era_cnt = - 1 ;
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
/* The C locale has no era information, so use the
normal representation . */
goto match_century ;
case ' y ' :
if ( * decided = = raw )
goto match_year_in_century ;
get_number ( 0 , 9999 , 4 ) ;
tm - > tm_year = val ;
want_era = 1 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' Y ' :
if ( * decided ! = raw )
num_eras = _NL_CURRENT_WORD ( LC_TIME ,
for ( era_cnt = 0 ; era_cnt < ( int ) num_eras ;
+ + era_cnt , rp = rp_backup )
era = _nl_select_era_entry ( era_cnt ) ;
if ( recursive ( era - > era_format ) )
break ;
if ( era_cnt = = ( int ) num_eras )
era_cnt = - 1 ;
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
rp = rp_backup ;
* decided = loc ;
era_cnt = - 1 ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
get_number ( 0 , 9999 , 4 ) ;
tm - > tm_year = val - 1900 ;
want_century = 0 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' x ' :
if ( * decided ! = raw )
const char * fmt = _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , ERA_D_FMT ) ;
if ( * fmt = = ' \0 ' )
fmt = _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , D_FMT ) ;
if ( ! recursive ( fmt ) )
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
rp = rp_backup ;
if ( strcmp ( fmt , HERE_D_FMT ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
if ( ! recursive ( HERE_D_FMT ) )
return NULL ;
break ;
case ' X ' :
if ( * decided ! = raw )
const char * fmt = _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , ERA_T_FMT ) ;
if ( * fmt = = ' \0 ' )
fmt = _NL_CURRENT ( LC_TIME , T_FMT ) ;
if ( ! recursive ( fmt ) )
if ( * decided = = loc )
return NULL ;
rp = rp_backup ;
if ( strcmp ( fmt , HERE_T_FMT ) )
* decided = loc ;
break ;
* decided = raw ;
if ( ! recursive ( HERE_T_FMT ) )
return NULL ;
break ;
default :
return NULL ;
break ;
# else
/* We have no information about the era format. Just use
the normal format . */
if ( * fmt ! = ' c ' & & * fmt ! = ' C ' & & * fmt ! = ' y ' & & * fmt ! = ' Y '
& & * fmt ! = ' x ' & & * fmt ! = ' X ' )
/* This is an illegal format. */
return NULL ;
goto start_over ;
# endif
case ' O ' :
switch ( * fmt + + )
case ' d ' :
case ' e ' :
/* Match day of month using alternate numeric symbols. */
get_alt_number ( 1 , 31 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_mday = val ;
have_mday = 1 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' H ' :
/* Match hour in 24-hour clock using alternate numeric
symbols . */
get_alt_number ( 0 , 23 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_hour = val ;
have_I = 0 ;
break ;
case ' I ' :
/* Match hour in 12-hour clock using alternate numeric
symbols . */
get_alt_number ( 1 , 12 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_hour = val - 1 ;
have_I = 1 ;
break ;
case ' m ' :
/* Match month using alternate numeric symbols. */
get_alt_number ( 1 , 12 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_mon = val - 1 ;
have_mon = 1 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' M ' :
/* Match minutes using alternate numeric symbols. */
get_alt_number ( 0 , 59 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_min = val ;
break ;
case ' S ' :
/* Match seconds using alternate numeric symbols. */
get_alt_number ( 0 , 61 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_sec = val ;
break ;
case ' U ' :
case ' V ' :
case ' W ' :
get_alt_number ( 0 , 53 , 2 ) ;
/* XXX This cannot determine any field in TM without
further information . */
break ;
case ' w ' :
/* Match number of weekday using alternate numeric symbols. */
get_alt_number ( 0 , 6 , 1 ) ;
tm - > tm_wday = val ;
have_wday = 1 ;
break ;
case ' y ' :
/* Match year within century using alternate numeric symbols. */
get_alt_number ( 0 , 99 , 2 ) ;
tm - > tm_year = val > = 69 ? val : val + 100 ;
want_xday = 1 ;
break ;
default :
return NULL ;
break ;
default :
return NULL ;
if ( have_I & & is_pm )
tm - > tm_hour + = 12 ;
if ( century ! = - 1 )
if ( want_century )
tm - > tm_year = tm - > tm_year % 100 + ( century - 19 ) * 100 ;
/* Only the century, but not the year. Strange, but so be it. */
tm - > tm_year = ( century - 19 ) * 100 ;
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
if ( era_cnt ! = - 1 )
era = _nl_select_era_entry ( era_cnt ) ;
if ( want_era )
tm - > tm_year = ( era - > start_date [ 0 ]
+ ( ( tm - > tm_year - era - > offset )
* era - > absolute_direction ) ) ;
/* Era start year assumed. */
tm - > tm_year = era - > start_date [ 0 ] ;
# endif
if ( want_era )
return NULL ;
if ( want_xday & & ! have_wday )
if ( ! ( have_mon & & have_mday ) & & have_yday )
/* We don't have tm_mon and/or tm_mday, compute them. */
int t_mon = 0 ;
while ( __mon_yday [ __isleap ( 1900 + tm - > tm_year ) ] [ t_mon ] < = tm - > tm_yday )
t_mon + + ;
if ( ! have_mon )
tm - > tm_mon = t_mon - 1 ;
if ( ! have_mday )
tm - > tm_mday =
( tm - > tm_yday
- __mon_yday [ __isleap ( 1900 + tm - > tm_year ) ] [ t_mon - 1 ] + 1 ) ;
day_of_the_week ( tm ) ;
if ( want_xday & & ! have_yday )
day_of_the_year ( tm ) ;
2007-04-15 21:13:48 +00:00
return discard_const_p ( char , rp ) ;
2007-04-15 20:12:09 +00:00
char * rep_strptime ( const char * buf , const char * format , struct tm * tm )
enum locale_status decided ;
# ifdef _NL_CURRENT
decided = not ;
# else
decided = raw ;
# endif
return strptime_internal ( buf , format , tm , & decided , - 1 ) ;