2020-05-06 15:54:55 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
# Copyright (C) Stefan Metzmacher 2020
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
sys . path . insert ( 0 , " bin/python " )
os . environ [ " PYTHONUNBUFFERED " ] = " 1 "
from samba . tests . krb5 . raw_testcase import RawKerberosTest
2020-12-10 16:27:17 +13:00
from samba . tests . krb5 . rfc4120_constants import (
2020-05-06 15:54:55 +02:00
import samba . tests . krb5 . rfc4120_pyasn1 as krb5_asn1
import samba . tests
global_asn1_print = False
global_hexdump = False
class XrealmKerberosTests ( RawKerberosTest ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( XrealmKerberosTests , self ) . setUp ( )
self . do_asn1_print = global_asn1_print
self . do_hexdump = global_hexdump
def test_xrealm ( self ) :
user_creds = self . get_user_creds ( )
user = user_creds . get_username ( )
realm = user_creds . get_realm ( )
cname = self . PrincipalName_create ( name_type = 1 , names = [ user ] )
sname = self . PrincipalName_create ( name_type = 2 , names = [ " krbtgt " , realm ] )
till = self . get_KerberosTime ( offset = 36000 )
kdc_options = krb5_asn1 . KDCOptions ( ' forwardable ' )
padata = None
etypes = ( 18 , 17 , 23 )
req = self . AS_REQ_create ( padata = padata ,
kdc_options = str ( kdc_options ) ,
cname = cname ,
realm = realm ,
sname = sname ,
from_time = None ,
till_time = till ,
renew_time = None ,
nonce = 0x7fffffff ,
etypes = etypes ,
addresses = None ,
EncAuthorizationData = None ,
EncAuthorizationData_key = None ,
additional_tickets = None )
rep = self . send_recv_transaction ( req )
self . assertIsNotNone ( rep )
self . assertEqual ( rep [ ' msg-type ' ] , 30 )
self . assertEqual ( rep [ ' error-code ' ] , 25 )
rep_padata = self . der_decode ( rep [ ' e-data ' ] , asn1Spec = krb5_asn1 . METHOD_DATA ( ) )
for pa in rep_padata :
if pa [ ' padata-type ' ] == 19 :
etype_info2 = pa [ ' padata-value ' ]
etype_info2 = self . der_decode ( etype_info2 , asn1Spec = krb5_asn1 . ETYPE_INFO2 ( ) )
key = self . PasswordKey_from_etype_info2 ( user_creds , etype_info2 [ 0 ] )
( patime , pausec ) = self . get_KerberosTimeWithUsec ( )
pa_ts = self . PA_ENC_TS_ENC_create ( patime , pausec )
pa_ts = self . der_encode ( pa_ts , asn1Spec = krb5_asn1 . PA_ENC_TS_ENC ( ) )
2020-12-10 16:27:17 +13:00
pa_ts = self . EncryptedData_create ( key , KU_PA_ENC_TIMESTAMP , pa_ts )
2020-05-06 15:54:55 +02:00
pa_ts = self . der_encode ( pa_ts , asn1Spec = krb5_asn1 . EncryptedData ( ) )
pa_ts = self . PA_DATA_create ( 2 , pa_ts )
kdc_options = krb5_asn1 . KDCOptions ( ' forwardable ' )
padata = [ pa_ts ]
req = self . AS_REQ_create ( padata = padata ,
kdc_options = str ( kdc_options ) ,
cname = cname ,
realm = realm ,
sname = sname ,
from_time = None ,
till_time = till ,
renew_time = None ,
nonce = 0x7fffffff ,
etypes = etypes ,
addresses = None ,
EncAuthorizationData = None ,
EncAuthorizationData_key = None ,
additional_tickets = None )
rep = self . send_recv_transaction ( req )
self . assertIsNotNone ( rep )
msg_type = rep [ ' msg-type ' ]
self . assertEqual ( msg_type , 11 )
2020-12-10 16:27:17 +13:00
enc_part2 = key . decrypt ( KU_AS_REP_ENC_PART , rep [ ' enc-part ' ] [ ' cipher ' ] )
2020-05-06 15:54:55 +02:00
# MIT KDC encodes both EncASRepPart and EncTGSRepPart with application tag 26
try :
enc_part2 = self . der_decode ( enc_part2 , asn1Spec = krb5_asn1 . EncASRepPart ( ) )
except Exception :
enc_part2 = self . der_decode ( enc_part2 , asn1Spec = krb5_asn1 . EncTGSRepPart ( ) )
# TGS Request (for cross-realm TGT)
trust_realm = samba . tests . env_get_var_value ( ' TRUST_REALM ' )
sname = self . PrincipalName_create ( name_type = 2 , names = [ " krbtgt " , trust_realm ] )
kdc_options = krb5_asn1 . KDCOptions ( ' forwardable ' )
till = self . get_KerberosTime ( offset = 36000 )
ticket = rep [ ' ticket ' ]
ticket_session_key = self . EncryptionKey_import ( enc_part2 [ ' key ' ] )
padata = [ ]
subkey = self . RandomKey ( ticket_session_key . etype )
( ctime , cusec ) = self . get_KerberosTimeWithUsec ( )
req = self . TGS_REQ_create ( padata = padata ,
cusec = cusec ,
ctime = ctime ,
ticket = ticket ,
kdc_options = str ( kdc_options ) ,
cname = cname ,
realm = realm ,
sname = sname ,
from_time = None ,
till_time = till ,
renew_time = None ,
nonce = 0x7ffffffe ,
etypes = etypes ,
addresses = None ,
EncAuthorizationData = None ,
EncAuthorizationData_key = None ,
additional_tickets = None ,
ticket_session_key = ticket_session_key ,
authenticator_subkey = subkey )
rep = self . send_recv_transaction ( req )
self . assertIsNotNone ( rep )
msg_type = rep [ ' msg-type ' ]
self . assertEqual ( msg_type , 13 )
2020-12-10 16:27:17 +13:00
enc_part2 = subkey . decrypt (
KU_TGS_REP_ENC_PART_SUB_KEY , rep [ ' enc-part ' ] [ ' cipher ' ] )
2020-05-06 15:54:55 +02:00
enc_part2 = self . der_decode ( enc_part2 , asn1Spec = krb5_asn1 . EncTGSRepPart ( ) )
# Check the forwardable flag
fwd_pos = len ( tuple ( krb5_asn1 . TicketFlags ( ' forwardable ' ) ) ) - 1
assert ( krb5_asn1 . TicketFlags ( enc_part2 [ ' flags ' ] ) [ fwd_pos ] )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
global_asn1_print = True
global_hexdump = True
import unittest
unittest . main ( )