2021-09-08 07:45:56 -06:00
# gp_chromium_ext samba gpo policy
# Copyright (C) David Mulder <dmulder@suse.com> 2021
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2021-09-08 07:46:26 -06:00
import os
import json
2021-09-08 07:45:56 -06:00
from samba . gpclass import gp_pol_ext
2021-09-08 07:46:26 -06:00
from samba . dcerpc import misc
from samba . common import get_string
def parse_entry_data ( name , e ) :
dict_entries = [ ' VirtualKeyboardFeatures ' ,
' DeviceArcDataSnapshotHours ' ,
' RequiredClientCertificateForDevice ' ,
' RequiredClientCertificateForUser ' ,
' RegisteredProtocolHandlers ' ,
' WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls ' ,
' DeviceAutoUpdateTimeRestrictions ' ,
' DeviceUpdateStagingSchedule ' ,
' DeviceMinimumVersion ' ,
' DeviceDisplayResolution ' ,
' ExtensionSettings ' ,
' KerberosAccounts ' ,
' NetworkFileSharesPreconfiguredShares ' ,
' NetworkThrottlingEnabled ' ,
' TPMFirmwareUpdateSettings ' ,
' DeviceOffHours ' ,
' ParentAccessCodeConfig ' ,
' PerAppTimeLimits ' ,
' PerAppTimeLimitsWhitelist ' ,
' PerAppTimeLimitsAllowlist ' ,
' UsageTimeLimit ' ,
' PluginVmImage ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenPowerManagement ' ,
' PowerManagementIdleSettings ' ,
' ScreenLockDelays ' ,
' ScreenBrightnessPercent ' ,
' DevicePowerPeakShiftDayConfig ' ,
' DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeDayConfig ' ,
' PrintingPaperSizeDefault ' ,
' AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins ' ,
' BrowsingDataLifetime ' ,
' DataLeakPreventionRulesList ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenWebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls ' ,
' DeviceScheduledUpdateCheck ' ,
' KeyPermissions ' ,
' ManagedBookmarks ' ,
' ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin ' ,
' ProxySettings ' ,
' SystemProxySettings ' ,
' WebAppInstallForceList ' ]
bools = [ ' ShowAccessibilityOptionsInSystemTrayMenu ' ,
' LargeCursorEnabled ' ,
' SpokenFeedbackEnabled ' ,
' HighContrastEnabled ' ,
' VirtualKeyboardEnabled ' ,
' StickyKeysEnabled ' ,
' KeyboardDefaultToFunctionKeys ' ,
' DictationEnabled ' ,
' SelectToSpeakEnabled ' ,
' KeyboardFocusHighlightEnabled ' ,
' CursorHighlightEnabled ' ,
' CaretHighlightEnabled ' ,
' MonoAudioEnabled ' ,
' AccessibilityShortcutsEnabled ' ,
' AutoclickEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenDefaultLargeCursorEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenDefaultSpokenFeedbackEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenDefaultHighContrastEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenDefaultVirtualKeyboardEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenLargeCursorEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenSpokenFeedbackEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenHighContrastEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenVirtualKeyboardEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenDictationEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenSelectToSpeakEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenCursorHighlightEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenCaretHighlightEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenMonoAudioEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenAutoclickEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenStickyKeysEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenKeyboardFocusHighlightEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenShowOptionsInSystemTrayMenu ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenAccessibilityShortcutsEnabled ' ,
' FloatingAccessibilityMenuEnabled ' ,
' ArcEnabled ' ,
' UnaffiliatedArcAllowed ' ,
' AppRecommendationZeroStateEnabled ' ,
' DeviceBorealisAllowed ' ,
' UserBorealisAllowed ' ,
' SystemUse24HourClock ' ,
' DefaultSearchProviderEnabled ' ,
' ChromeOsReleaseChannelDelegated ' ,
' DeviceAutoUpdateDisabled ' ,
' DeviceAutoUpdateP2PEnabled ' ,
' DeviceUpdateHttpDownloadsEnabled ' ,
' RebootAfterUpdate ' ,
' BlockExternalExtensions ' ,
' VoiceInteractionContextEnabled ' ,
' VoiceInteractionHotwordEnabled ' ,
' EnableMediaRouter ' ,
' ShowCastIconInToolbar ' ,
' DriveDisabled ' ,
' DriveDisabledOverCellular ' ,
' DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup ' ,
' EnableAuthNegotiatePort ' ,
' BasicAuthOverHttpEnabled ' ,
' AuthNegotiateDelegateByKdcPolicy ' ,
' AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt ' ,
' NtlmV2Enabled ' ,
' IntegratedWebAuthenticationAllowed ' ,
' BrowserSwitcherEnabled ' ,
' BrowserSwitcherKeepLastChromeTab ' ,
' BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist ' ,
' VirtualMachinesAllowed ' ,
' CrostiniAllowed ' ,
' DeviceUnaffiliatedCrostiniAllowed ' ,
' CrostiniExportImportUIAllowed ' ,
' CrostiniPortForwardingAllowed ' ,
' NativeMessagingUserLevelHosts ' ,
' NetworkFileSharesAllowed ' ,
' NetBiosShareDiscoveryEnabled ' ,
' NTLMShareAuthenticationEnabled ' ,
' DeviceDataRoamingEnabled ' ,
' DeviceWiFiFastTransitionEnabled ' ,
' DeviceWiFiAllowed ' ,
' DeviceAllowBluetooth ' ,
' DeviceAllowRedeemChromeOsRegistrationOffers ' ,
' DeviceQuirksDownloadEnabled ' ,
' SuggestedContentEnabled ' ,
' DeviceShowLowDiskSpaceNotification ' ,
' PasswordManagerEnabled ' ,
' PasswordLeakDetectionEnabled ' ,
' PluginVmAllowed ' ,
' PluginVmDataCollectionAllowed ' ,
' UserPluginVmAllowed ' ,
' DeviceRebootOnShutdown ' ,
' PowerManagementUsesAudioActivity ' ,
' PowerManagementUsesVideoActivity ' ,
' AllowWakeLocks ' ,
' AllowScreenWakeLocks ' ,
' WaitForInitialUserActivity ' ,
' PowerSmartDimEnabled ' ,
' DevicePowerPeakShiftEnabled ' ,
' DeviceBootOnAcEnabled ' ,
' DeviceAdvancedBatteryChargeModeEnabled ' ,
' DeviceUsbPowerShareEnabled ' ,
' PrintingEnabled ' ,
' CloudPrintProxyEnabled ' ,
' PrintingSendUsernameAndFilenameEnabled ' ,
' CloudPrintSubmitEnabled ' ,
' DisablePrintPreview ' ,
' PrintHeaderFooter ' ,
' PrintPreviewUseSystemDefaultPrinter ' ,
' UserNativePrintersAllowed ' ,
' UserPrintersAllowed ' ,
' DeletePrintJobHistoryAllowed ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenPrivacyScreenEnabled ' ,
' PrivacyScreenEnabled ' ,
' PinUnlockWeakPinsAllowed ' ,
' PinUnlockAutosubmitEnabled ' ,
' RemoteAccessHostFirewallTraversal ' ,
' RemoteAccessHostRequireCurtain ' ,
' RemoteAccessHostAllowClientPairing ' ,
' RemoteAccessHostAllowRelayedConnection ' ,
' RemoteAccessHostAllowUiAccessForRemoteAssistance ' ,
' RemoteAccessHostAllowFileTransfer ' ,
' RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteAccessConnections ' ,
' AttestationEnabledForUser ' ,
' SafeBrowsingEnabled ' ,
' SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingEnabled ' ,
' DeviceGuestModeEnabled ' ,
' DeviceAllowNewUsers ' ,
' DeviceShowUserNamesOnSignin ' ,
' DeviceEphemeralUsersEnabled ' ,
' DeviceShowNumericKeyboardForPassword ' ,
' DeviceFamilyLinkAccountsAllowed ' ,
' ShowHomeButton ' ,
' HomepageIsNewTabPage ' ,
' DeviceMetricsReportingEnabled ' ,
' DeviceWilcoDtcAllowed ' ,
' AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce ' ,
' AccessibilityImageLabelsEnabled ' ,
' AdditionalDnsQueryTypesEnabled ' ,
' AdvancedProtectionAllowed ' ,
' AllowDeletingBrowserHistory ' ,
' AllowDinosaurEasterEgg ' ,
' AllowFileSelectionDialogs ' ,
' AllowScreenLock ' ,
' AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal ' ,
' AlternateErrorPagesEnabled ' ,
' AlwaysOpenPdfExternally ' ,
' AppCacheForceEnabled ' ,
' AudioCaptureAllowed ' ,
' AudioOutputAllowed ' ,
' AudioProcessHighPriorityEnabled ' ,
' AudioSandboxEnabled ' ,
' AutoFillEnabled ' ,
' AutofillAddressEnabled ' ,
' AutofillCreditCardEnabled ' ,
' AutoplayAllowed ' ,
' BackgroundModeEnabled ' ,
' BlockThirdPartyCookies ' ,
' BookmarkBarEnabled ' ,
' BrowserAddPersonEnabled ' ,
' BrowserGuestModeEnabled ' ,
' BrowserGuestModeEnforced ' ,
' BrowserLabsEnabled ' ,
' BrowserNetworkTimeQueriesEnabled ' ,
' BuiltInDnsClientEnabled ' ,
' CECPQ2Enabled ' ,
' CaptivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy ' ,
' ChromeCleanupEnabled ' ,
' ChromeCleanupReportingEnabled ' ,
' ChromeOsLockOnIdleSuspend ' ,
' ClickToCallEnabled ' ,
' CloudManagementEnrollmentMandatory ' ,
' CloudPolicyOverridesPlatformPolicy ' ,
' CloudUserPolicyMerge ' ,
' CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled ' ,
' ComponentUpdatesEnabled ' ,
' DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled ' ,
' DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled ' ,
' DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled ' ,
' DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed ' ,
' DeveloperToolsDisabled ' ,
' DeviceAllowMGSToStoreDisplayProperties ' ,
' DeviceDebugPacketCaptureAllowed ' ,
' DeviceLocalAccountManagedSessionEnabled ' ,
' DeviceLoginScreenPrimaryMouseButtonSwitch ' ,
' DevicePciPeripheralDataAccessEnabled ' ,
' DevicePowerwashAllowed ' ,
' DeviceSystemWideTracingEnabled ' ,
' Disable3DAPIs ' ,
' DisableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway ' ,
' DisableScreenshots ' ,
' EasyUnlockAllowed ' ,
' EditBookmarksEnabled ' ,
' EmojiSuggestionEnabled ' ,
' EnableDeprecatedPrivetPrinting ' ,
' EnableOnlineRevocationChecks ' ,
' EnableSyncConsent ' ,
' EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled ' ,
' ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox ' ,
' ExternalStorageDisabled ' ,
' ExternalStorageReadOnly ' ,
' ForceBrowserSignin ' ,
' ForceEphemeralProfiles ' ,
' ForceGoogleSafeSearch ' ,
' ForceMaximizeOnFirstRun ' ,
' ForceSafeSearch ' ,
' ForceYouTubeSafetyMode ' ,
' FullscreenAlertEnabled ' ,
' FullscreenAllowed ' ,
' GloballyScopeHTTPAuthCacheEnabled ' ,
' HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled ' ,
' HideWebStoreIcon ' ,
' ImportAutofillFormData ' ,
' ImportBookmarks ' ,
' ImportHistory ' ,
' ImportHomepage ' ,
' ImportSavedPasswords ' ,
' ImportSearchEngine ' ,
' IncognitoEnabled ' ,
' InsecureFormsWarningsEnabled ' ,
' InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed ' ,
' InstantTetheringAllowed ' ,
' IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled ' ,
' JavascriptEnabled ' ,
' LacrosAllowed ' ,
' LacrosSecondaryProfilesAllowed ' ,
' LockScreenMediaPlaybackEnabled ' ,
' LoginDisplayPasswordButtonEnabled ' ,
' ManagedGuestSessionPrivacyWarningsEnabled ' ,
' MediaRecommendationsEnabled ' ,
' MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs ' ,
' MetricsReportingEnabled ' ,
' NTPCardsVisible ' ,
' NTPCustomBackgroundEnabled ' ,
' NativeWindowOcclusionEnabled ' ,
' NearbyShareAllowed ' ,
' PaymentMethodQueryEnabled ' ,
' PdfAnnotationsEnabled ' ,
' PhoneHubAllowed ' ,
' PhoneHubNotificationsAllowed ' ,
' PhoneHubTaskContinuationAllowed ' ,
' PolicyAtomicGroupsEnabled ' ,
' PrimaryMouseButtonSwitch ' ,
' PromotionalTabsEnabled ' ,
' PromptForDownloadLocation ' ,
' QuicAllowed ' ,
' RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled ' ,
' RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors ' ,
' RoamingProfileSupportEnabled ' ,
' SSLErrorOverrideAllowed ' ,
' SafeBrowsingForTrustedSourcesEnabled ' ,
' SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled ' ,
' ScreenCaptureAllowed ' ,
' ScrollToTextFragmentEnabled ' ,
' SearchSuggestEnabled ' ,
' SecondaryGoogleAccountSigninAllowed ' ,
' SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed ' ,
' SharedClipboardEnabled ' ,
' ShowAppsShortcutInBookmarkBar ' ,
' ShowFullUrlsInAddressBar ' ,
' ShowLogoutButtonInTray ' ,
' SignedHTTPExchangeEnabled ' ,
' SigninAllowed ' ,
' SigninInterceptionEnabled ' ,
' SitePerProcess ' ,
' SmartLockSigninAllowed ' ,
' SmsMessagesAllowed ' ,
' SpellCheckServiceEnabled ' ,
' SpellcheckEnabled ' ,
' StartupBrowserWindowLaunchSuppressed ' ,
' StricterMixedContentTreatmentEnabled ' ,
' SuggestLogoutAfterClosingLastWindow ' ,
' SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeDialogs ' ,
' SuppressUnsupportedOSWarning ' ,
' SyncDisabled ' ,
' TargetBlankImpliesNoOpener ' ,
' TaskManagerEndProcessEnabled ' ,
' ThirdPartyBlockingEnabled ' ,
' TouchVirtualKeyboardEnabled ' ,
' TranslateEnabled ' ,
' TripleDESEnabled ' ,
' UnifiedDesktopEnabledByDefault ' ,
' UrlKeyedAnonymizedDataCollectionEnabled ' ,
' UserAgentClientHintsEnabled ' ,
' UserFeedbackAllowed ' ,
' VideoCaptureAllowed ' ,
' VmManagementCliAllowed ' ,
' VpnConfigAllowed ' ,
' WPADQuickCheckEnabled ' ,
' WebRtcAllowLegacyTLSProtocols ' ,
' WebRtcEventLogCollectionAllowed ' ,
' WifiSyncAndroidAllowed ' ,
' WindowOcclusionEnabled ' ]
if name in dict_entries :
return json . loads ( get_string ( e . data ) )
elif e . type == misc . REG_DWORD and name in bools :
return e . data == 1
return e . data
def assign_entry ( policies , e ) :
if e . valuename . isnumeric ( ) :
name = e . keyname . split ( ' \\ ' ) [ - 1 ]
if name not in policies :
policies [ name ] = [ ]
policies [ name ] . append ( parse_entry_data ( name , e ) )
else :
name = e . valuename
policies [ name ] = parse_entry_data ( name , e )
def convert_pol_to_json ( managed , recommended , section , entries ) :
recommended_section = ' \\ ' . join ( [ section , ' Recommended ' ] )
for e in entries :
if ' **delvals. ' in e . valuename :
if e . keyname . startswith ( recommended_section ) :
assign_entry ( recommended , e )
elif e . keyname . startswith ( section ) :
assign_entry ( managed , e )
return managed , recommended
2021-09-08 07:45:56 -06:00
class gp_chromium_ext ( gp_pol_ext ) :
2021-09-08 07:46:26 -06:00
__managed_policies_path = ' /etc/chromium/policies/managed '
__recommended_policies_path = ' /etc/chromium/policies/recommended '
def __str__ ( self ) :
return ' Google/Chromium '
def set_managed_machine_policy ( self , managed ) :
try :
managed_policies = os . path . join ( self . __managed_policies_path ,
' policies.json ' )
os . makedirs ( self . __managed_policies_path , exist_ok = True )
with open ( managed_policies , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( managed , f )
self . logger . debug ( ' Wrote Chromium preferences to %s ' % \
managed_policies )
except PermissionError :
self . logger . debug ( ' Failed to write Chromium preferences to %s ' % \
managed_policies )
def set_recommended_machine_policy ( self , recommended ) :
try :
recommended_policies = os . path . join ( self . __recommended_policies_path ,
' policies.json ' )
os . makedirs ( self . __recommended_policies_path , exist_ok = True )
with open ( recommended_policies , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( recommended , f )
self . logger . debug ( ' Wrote Chromium preferences to %s ' % \
recommended_policies )
except PermissionError :
self . logger . debug ( ' Failed to write Chromium preferences to %s ' % \
recommended_policies )
def get_managed_machine_policy ( self ) :
managed_policies = os . path . join ( self . __managed_policies_path ,
' policies.json ' )
if os . path . exists ( managed_policies ) :
with open ( managed_policies , ' r ' ) as r :
managed = json . load ( r )
self . logger . debug ( ' Read Chromium preferences from %s ' % \
managed_policies )
else :
managed = { }
return managed
def get_recommended_machine_policy ( self ) :
recommended_policies = os . path . join ( self . __recommended_policies_path ,
' policies.json ' )
if os . path . exists ( recommended_policies ) :
with open ( recommended_policies , ' r ' ) as r :
recommended = json . load ( r )
self . logger . debug ( ' Read Chromium preferences from %s ' % \
recommended_policies )
else :
recommended = { }
return recommended
2021-09-08 07:45:56 -06:00
def process_group_policy ( self , deleted_gpo_list , changed_gpo_list ,
policy_dir = None ) :
2021-09-08 07:46:26 -06:00
if policy_dir is not None :
self . __recommended_policies_path = os . path . join ( policy_dir ,
' recommended ' )
self . __managed_policies_path = os . path . join ( policy_dir , ' managed ' )
for guid , settings in deleted_gpo_list :
self . gp_db . set_guid ( guid )
if str ( self ) in settings :
for attribute , policies in settings [ str ( self ) ] . items ( ) :
if attribute == ' managed ' :
self . set_managed_machine_policy ( json . loads ( policies ) )
elif attribute == ' recommended ' :
self . set_recommended_machine_policy ( json . loads ( policies ) )
self . gp_db . delete ( str ( self ) , attribute )
self . gp_db . commit ( )
for gpo in changed_gpo_list :
if gpo . file_sys_path :
section = ' Software \\ Policies \\ Google \\ Chrome '
self . gp_db . set_guid ( gpo . name )
pol_file = ' MACHINE/Registry.pol '
path = os . path . join ( gpo . file_sys_path , pol_file )
pol_conf = self . parse ( path )
if not pol_conf :
managed = self . get_managed_machine_policy ( )
recommended = self . get_recommended_machine_policy ( )
self . gp_db . store ( str ( self ) , ' managed ' , json . dumps ( managed ) )
self . gp_db . store ( str ( self ) , ' recommended ' ,
json . dumps ( recommended ) )
managed , recommended = convert_pol_to_json ( managed ,
recommended , section ,
pol_conf . entries )
self . set_managed_machine_policy ( managed )
self . set_recommended_machine_policy ( recommended )
self . gp_db . commit ( )
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def rsop ( self , gpo ) :
output = { }
2021-09-08 07:46:26 -06:00
pol_file = ' MACHINE/Registry.pol '
section = ' Software \\ Policies \\ Google \\ Chrome '
if gpo . file_sys_path :
path = os . path . join ( gpo . file_sys_path , pol_file )
pol_conf = self . parse ( path )
if not pol_conf :
return output
for e in pol_conf . entries :
if e . keyname . startswith ( section ) :
output [ ' %s \\ %s ' % ( e . keyname , e . valuename ) ] = e . data
2021-09-08 07:45:56 -06:00
return output
class gp_chrome_ext ( gp_chromium_ext ) :
2021-09-08 07:46:26 -06:00
__managed_policies_path = ' /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed '
__recommended_policies_path = ' /etc/opt/chrome/policies/recommended '
def __str__ ( self ) :
return ' Google/Chrome '